Abyss Knight

Chapter 797

He didn\'t turn around to see what the knights were shouting behind him, because at this moment, he saw a hundred thousand feet thick light beams coming towards them from the meat ball in the distance.

Some beams of light were stopped on the way. It was the war fortress behind kukas that stopped them.

But there are still some beams that escape the light of the war fortress behind them, distort the void, evaporate all the objects in front of them, and move rapidly.

A beam of light pierced the team where kukas was. The white knight in front of the charge roared, and the three dragons roared at his feet, shattering the void within a radius of tens of miles.

Three different beams of light came out of the eyes on the head of the three dragons, and then staggered with each other, blocking the beam coming out of the meat ball. At the same time, the White Knight stepped on the void, his black hair stood up, and countless ancient Knight words were released from him and wrapped around the long gun in his hand.

"Broken!" the White Knight whispered, but it was a crisp woman\'s voice. The next moment, she threw out the long gun in her hand, carrying infinite silver fighting spirit, and hit the light beam hard.

The great sense of danger constantly stimulated kukas\'s soul. Almost at the moment when the White Knight shot, he did not hesitate to urge his fighting spirit.

After death, the fighting spirit is intertwined, and the patterns of gold treasures emerge. In the gold treasure, the mountains are towering and the temples are continuous. The fountain of fighting spirit, which is entrenched in the center of the gold treasure, sprays boundless fighting spirit and rushes straight into the void. Countless surface treasures branded in them restrained the emergence of a brain, forming a shield like defense on his head.

Hundreds of 12th order knights in front of him also roared at the same time. They beat out ancient Knight words in the void in front of him with weapons. Those words are fused and intertwined to form a semicircular crystal defense shrouded in the front.

The golden war flag suspended in the center of the Golden Lion regiment made a shrill whistling sound, and a golden beam of light wound around the beam like raindrops.


The dull voice sounded, and the White Knight\'s spear burst into a sharp white light at the place where it collided with the light beam.

When the white light shone, it crossed the endless void in an instant and directly blinded kukas\'s eyes.

Blood and tears flowed, the skin on the body was constantly broken, and a series of recovery secrets were operated by kukas. Broken skin heals and then breaks again. In just a few moments, his body was destroyed and recovered dozens of times.

Under a series of obstacles from the Golden Lion knights, the light beam from the meat ball broke.

Broken beams of light twisted wantonly in the void, and these broken beams instantly tore the crystal defense wall combined by hundreds of 12th order knights.

A broken light band flew hundreds of miles below kukas, and the strong waves sent out forcibly shattered most of his gold treasure and half of his body. If his gold treasure did not contain the marks of thousands of plane treasures, at a critical juncture, the power emitted by those marks resisted some fluctuations, and his whole person would be turned into nothingness by the wave of the broken beam.

A series of dull explosions sounded, and hundreds of light beams exploded between two huge spherical fortresses. Countless broken light bands twisted wantonly, and the void within hundreds of thousands of miles was almost filled with these broken light bands.

The light band didn\'t know how long it had been raging. Kukas stood in the Chi pool in the center of the gold treasure and tried his best to urge the chi to form all kinds of defense to resist the power emitted by the light band.

The secret method works. The exposed white bones are covered by flesh and blood in an instant, then torn again, and then continue to be repaired. In just a few moments, he felt as if dozens of magic hours had passed, and there was a feeling of being completely erased at any time in his heart.

The raging light bands dissipated in a few moments, and after these light bands dissipated, kukas found that the Knights behind him had disappeared in a large area. At least in the range of dozens of miles behind him, only seven or eight knights with embarrassed faces stood in place. The other knights disappeared without a trace, not even a piece of flesh and blood and fragments of armor.

Looking up, I found that the black crosses scattered all over the void were sparse, and at least four fifths of the crosses disappeared.

The battle flag, which radiated a golden light, looked a little damaged at this time, and it shrank from thousands of feet to more than a hundred feet. The golden milli light emitted also looks dim.

"Rush! Rush! Rush to the front, or none of you will survive the next attack." there was a yell from the 12th order knight in front. But even if he didn\'t remind them, kukas and they reacted.

Because they all know that they are now in the middle of two huge fortresses, where the beams of light collide with each other. If they stay here for a long time, no, even if they stay for one more breathing time, they may die at any time.

Charge! Charge! Charge!

The remaining Knights forcibly repaired their body wounds with secret methods. At this moment, they didn\'t care about the consumption of the source of life, but just burst out all their strength to urge the mount to charge madly.

"Kill! Kill a corpse blood path, kill a supreme prestige." the Knights roared, and a loud horn sounded in the war fortress behind them. Driven by the horn, kukas felt the blood boiling, the fighting spirit flowing in his body, rotating wildly, breaking out, forming a fighting flame around and burning.

The knight was charging, and the gun barrel on the huge meat ball in front was silent, but some strange lines on it were revived.

The lines lit up, emitting a dazzling light, shining on the void tens of thousands of miles.

A grain suddenly dimmed. The next moment, a fire cloud appeared on kukas\'s head out of thin air. The fire cloud burst and countless magma and burning meteorites poured out of it.

Magma drips and emptiness burns; The meteorite fell and the void was torn apart.

A knight was wrapped by a drop of magma. He didn\'t even scream. In an instant, he was transpiration into nothingness.

Another grain faded, and a large thunder light suddenly appeared in the void in front. When the thunder light swam away, some remaining armor men were chopped into ashes in an instant.

"Broken!" the White Knight roared and waved his long gun, which crossed the void and time and space and directly appeared in the thunder enveloping tens of thousands of miles of void.

The spear pierced into the void. The tail of the spear trembled and tore the thunder light in an instant. The broken thunder was rampant, but it was forcibly wiped out by hundreds of 12th order Knights behind.

The lines on the huge meat ball continue to be bright and dim. For each dim line, a legendary magic will be released. Just hundreds of thousands of miles of emptiness has become the death place of the Golden Lion knights.

One knight after another was wiped out by the continuous legendary magic. In kukas\'s view, the charge of just hundreds of thousands of miles seems to have passed only a few years.

The White Knight turned into a streamer, tore through the void, and instantly destroyed all the armor people within tens of miles in front of him. Then hit the huge meat ball heavily.

In a violent explosion, the White Knight blew a hole hundreds of feet in the huge meat ball and fell into the inside of the meat ball.

Hundreds of Knights of the 12th order used their own secret arts to continuously expand the passage left by the white knight. Kukas and his team, following the expansion channels of these powerful knights, charged frantically towards the inside of the meat ball.

"Destroy the meatball! Kill all the armor in the meatball." this message was transmitted to kukas\'s mind through the black cross on his body.

The meat ball wriggled. When kukas rushed to the meat ball for only a few tens of feet, he found that the thick hole blown out by the white knight was healing quickly. In a short breathing time, the hundred Zhang thick and thin hole has become tens of Zhang in size.

"Ground cover seal!" urged by the secret method, wrapped around the huge siege hammer, and then hit the edge of the hole.

With a hammer, the power of overlaying the ground burst out completely. The twisted space was wrapped around the huge siege hammer and touched the thick meat ball. Only a dull explosion sounded, and the flesh and blood hole was hit by kukas.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and a large amount of flesh and blood sprayed out from the gap. Before it was scattered on kukas, it was polished into nothingness by the empty fighting spirit.

Rushing into the passage smashed out by the white knight, kukas found that the passage was hundreds of feet long, and there were all creeping flesh and blood around the passage. Flesh and blood wriggled, and the huge hole recovered quickly.

Some armor men came straight out of the flesh and blood channel. They waved all kinds of weapons and attacked kukas crazily.

"Kill!" kukas roared. The hammer flew in his hand, and the power covered with the ground seal was completely blessed on it, and hit a man in armor.

As soon as the hammer went down, the armor man waved his sword to resist. Although he did not completely resist his attack, he just flew backwards and hit the meat wall not far away; Under kukas\'s full attack, the armor man was bloody, his armor was broken, and most of his body was smashed. But the moment the body flying upside down touched the big wall, several damaged armor healed instantly, and the flesh and blood recovered. Then he shouted unknown slogans and rushed up to kukas again.

"Roar!" kukas roared, and the hammer flew in his hand. This time, in order to kill the armor man in one fell swoop, he forcibly mobilized his fighting spirit again and urged the power of ground cover seal with his limit ability. Hit the armor man who rushed up again.

The Warhammer roared, twisted the void and collided with the other party\'s sword again.

The power of the Warhammer was inspired by the endless fighting spirit of ashes. Seven or eight different lights flickered and swam on the hammer head, and a series of characteristics such as armor breaking, heavy hitting, tearing and penetration burst out.

Bang! Accompanied by a dull explosion, the huge hammer smashed the opponent\'s knife, and then fell on the armor man\'s chest, forcibly smashing his upper body into meat sauce.

A golden light came out of the broken armor and wanted to escape, but at this time, the oblique cross on kukas\'s chest sent out a dark light. The light turned and swallowed the golden light drilled out of the armor.

After the black cross swallowed the golden light drilled out of the armor, kukas instantly understood that the golden light was the soul of the armor man. After being absorbed by the black cross, the soul of the armor man was forcibly divided into dozens of pieces by secret method, becoming soul fragments of the same size.

Some messy messages emerged from the soul fragments, but these messages were not branded in kukas\'s mind, but on the black cross.

At this time, if you look at the reverse oblique cross in front of kukas\'s chest, you will find that a incomplete golden grain appears on it.

After a hammer smashed the armor man, kukas felt that the power of the siege hammer was not satisfactory, so he took the siege hammer and was ready to kill with both hands.

His hands have been tempered by countless secret methods. His power is incomparable. He can easily grasp and tear those plane treasures. Therefore, he believed that his hands could easily tear the bodies of those armored people.

And after several breathing time adaptation, he has mastered the countless killing methods passed to him by the golden flag. According to the message of the golden flag, the best way to kill these armor men is to break their bodies. If you simply break their heads and hearts, you won\'t let these armored people die at all.

More importantly, the armor on these armor people is very strange. Their defense against fighting spirit and magic is very powerful. Often, fighting spirit and magic hit those armor, but at most one-third of the power can reach the interior of the armor.

Just when kukas was a little distracted, the body of the armor man began to melt into a smelly yellow smoke and melt into the surrounding walls.

At this time, three or five armor men came out of the meat wall and rushed at him with open teeth and claws.

"Roar!" with a low roar, my mind turned, and the gold treasure behind me turned wildly. The overlapping mountains and continuous palaces fall under the golden lion, and then release an infinite gray and cyan fighting spirit, which is wrapped around the mount and kukas to form a layer of fighting defense.

This layer of fighting defense can not only increase his defense strength, but also speed up his fighting recovery and injury recovery. Even under the new secret method, you can greatly enhance your attack power.

An armored man swooped down, the golden lion roared, his huge claws beat in the gold treasure under him, and a mountain Yue flew up and collided with the armored man. At the same time, kukas turned his hands up and clawed into the armor man\'s chest.

His hands pierced through the armor man\'s chest, and forced him left and right to chop the armor man alive.

Another armor man also attacked at this time, and kukas didn\'t dodge. He just flashed his big bald head and collided with the armor man\'s head. Then his hands crossed and hugged each other. Then he forced his arms to strangle the armor man with the support of strong ash fighting spirit.

The two golden lights were absorbed by the reverse oblique cross almost at the same time, and then transformed into soul fragments for storage. At the same time, the incomplete pattern on the reverse oblique cross is a little complete.

The bodies of the two armor men melted, but this time kukas was unwilling to let each other go. Instead, he released his natural vision that had not yet been fully cast.

White\'s cold light turned, rolled up two melting bodies, dragged them into the natural vision, and turned them into nourishment to nourish the growth and power of the vision.

Kill three armor men in a row. It\'s only breathing time. At this time, other knights rushed in from behind.

"Charge, charge, keep up with the white knight in front, or we\'ll all die here." a knight who rushed up had experienced such a war, so he reminded loudly.

"Destroy the meat wall and don\'t let it heal, otherwise all of us can\'t escape."

"Kill, kill these bastards and achieve the supreme prestige of knights." many Knights shouted.

For a time, all kinds of fighting spirit hit the surrounding meat wall like raindrops, and forcibly expanded the dozens of feet wide meat wall channel to more than a hundred feet.

Some armor men who jumped from the meat wall were torn to pieces by endless fighting spirit before they rushed to the public.

Kukas rushed to the front. When the armored man broke through those angry attacks, he urged the power of overlaying the ground to rush up, or forcibly tore them into pieces or patted them into meat sauce.

But no matter how he killed them, he would use his natural vision to take away the bodies of these armored people, prevent them from melting and feed the whole meat ball fortress.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

More and more armor men jumped down from the wall, and even some armor men came out directly from the feet of the charging knights.

The attacks from all directions made the Knights unable to really charge. But even so, hundreds of knights with kukas as the arrow charged and showed extremely powerful power.

With the blessing of Knight\'s secret method, the knights in charge reach their own limit every attack. Fighting raged, guns and axes were waved, and a large number of armor men were trampled into meat sauce by Knights\' charging mounts. Some armor men were even hanged into meat sauce by the fighting awl formed by the knight\'s charge.

Before bathing in blood, at least three or five armor men were chopped alive by kukas every breathing time. These armor men can rush past the fighting spirit and charge power attack and rush to kukas, which is enough to represent their strength. But in front of kukas\'s hands, he had no ability to resist, and was split alive in an instant.