Abyss Knight

Chapter 796

"Step on the bones and make a legend," kukas whispered. "When we reach their level, I\'m afraid we\'ll know why they want to do this."

The white light at the front of the team flickered, and a knight appeared every dozens of miles. In front of kukas, there was a knight in white, with a shawl and black hair. A knight\'s spear was carried on his back. The blood lines on the spear were all over, and there was a simple smell.

"If you step on the bones, you will become a legend. This battlefield is the most important way to temper people\'s will. If you can persist here all the time, it will be as easy as a palm.

The voice of the White Knight crossed thousands of feet and directly appeared in the mind of kukas and the knight behind him.

The sound sounded in his mind. The first time I heard it was just plain, but the sound kept winding in their mind. The sound echoed and constantly stirred their mind. To kukas\'s surprise, his mind was continuously purified under the sound. In a short breathing time, the mind power was purified by about one thousandth.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A sound like the roar of thunder echoed in the void space isolated by the secret method.

The void was turbulent, and waves visible to the naked eye passed out from the front, and then quickly crossed the people\'s bodies. When the wave crossed the body, kukas felt as if he had been detected by others. But after careful understanding, he didn\'t find anything. It seemed that the wave was just a wave made by a simple sound.

A bright light emerged from the front. At first, the light was only one finger wide, but in a short breathing time, the light that was only one finger wide expanded rapidly to thousands of feet.

The light expands, and the violent magic power and fighting power rush into the void space isolated by the secret method.

Magic surged and fighting spirit surged; magic and fighting spirit were intertwined and mixed. In a violent explosion, these forces condensed into a python swallowing the sky, rushed from the light curtain, and swept over the assembled knights with the infinite power of mountain collapse and earth collapse.

The white knight in front snorted, his black hair rose into the sky, released an infinite smell of terror from his body, and pressed on the sky swallowing python.

There was an immeasurable smell of terror, and the other was the residual power of the mixture of fighting spirit and magic coming in from the outside. The two collided, and in the deafening explosion, there was a shock wave venting around.

The oblique cross branded on the chest sent out a hot impact, and the hot power was like fire, like someone burning his soul with fire.

"Roar!" there were bursts of roars in the knight crowd. More and more Knights couldn\'t bear the pain of burning their souls and roared loudly to vent their soul pain.

"Charge, for the glory of knights!" the Knights of the twelfth order in the front row suddenly opened their mouths and shouted at the same time. Their voices gathered together and spread all over the endless void in an instant.

Sit down and the monster roars. All kinds of forces such as magic fire, thunder, frost, hurricane and quicksand burst out in this moment.

All kinds of forces gathered together under the hook of the black cross on the knights, forming a black cloud hundreds of thousands of miles above the heads of the people.

The dark clouds rolled, and countless killing images loomed in them. There were golden goblins and iron horses galloping, long guns and short axes rowing across the sky; the shouts of killing, war drums and roars burst out, overwhelming the sky and carrying infinite power to sweep outside the light curtain.

"Glory is my life!"

"Glory is my life!"

Kukas followed the crowd and shouted loudly. Although he didn\'t care about the glory of knights, let alone the eight virtues, at this moment, in the cries of countless knights, he also shouted with blood boiling.

The fierce ashes burst out, changed through the black cross branded on their bodies, gathered together with the forces erupted by other knights, and then formed hundreds of thousands of vertical crosses on their heads.

These crosses stand in the air, and there is a huge one in every 1000 crosses. On those huge crosses, chains spread out and wound around the ends of other crosses to form a chain defense network.

The fighting spirit of the Knights went up those chains, instilled into the cross, and then inspired a large number of words and runes from the cross to form a defensive prohibition.

"Charge! Charge! Charge!"

In front of the White Knight sent out the terrible smell, which forcibly wiped out the magic and fighting mixture rushed in, the knights in the front row shouted loudly.

Charge, in this environment, kukas subconsciously urged the mount to start charging.

Sitting down, the Golden Lion shook his head and tail, stepped on the void, and made a dull roar in his throat.

The thirteen awn star Dharma array flashed at the feet of the twelve order knights in front. The Dharma array turned, and a roar of fierce beasts sounded from it.

At one time, nine dragons, centaurs, exploding bears, evil wolves and other fierce beasts emerged from them. Each of these ferocious beasts is hundreds of feet in size. Their scales and armor emit boundless brilliance, and their breath is surging, stirring the void around them. Each mount emits a breath beyond the level 10 or even level 11 professionals.

Charging, millions of knights started charging at the same time in the endless void isolated by the secret method. Like those low-level knights, they opened a distance from each other, leveled their Knights\' long guns, carried heavy shields, and began to charge at a certain speed.

The roar of millions of knights charged and the endless void of shock became turbulent. The light curtain in front seemed to feel the Knights charging, and the expansion speed was faster.

A light curtain nearly ten thousand miles wide was finally fixed in front of millions of knights. Under the leadership of the knights in front who exuded endless terror, the charging speed of the huge Knights composed of millions of knights became faster and faster.

Fighting spirit is intertwined. Under the knight\'s secret method, a part of fighting spirit forms a conical light curtain on people. This light curtain has three special effects: Armor breaking, penetration and tearing. Although the number of effects is small, driven by the power and knowledge of the ninth order knights, these three different power effects play a huge power.

In the end, the light curtains of all knights were combined, and then the white knights in front were used as the top to form a larger conical light curtain.

Millions of knights charged, with thousands of white knights as the top, forming thousands of huge light cones to move. The cone of light tore through the void and rushed to the world outside the light curtain.

At the same time, a crack appeared beside the white knights in front, and a fierce beast climbed out of it.

Beside the white knight in front of kukas, a three headed dragon thousands of feet in size came out.

The three dragons have three different colors of heads: gold, silver and black. On their heads, there are no horns, but only huge vertical holes.

The White Knight stood on the golden faucet in the center. Although he was small, his breath was comparable to the arrival of gods.

The White Knight held a long gun and the gun head shook, which led the conical light curtain of countless knights to shake, tore the void in front, and rushed out of the light curtain gate with infinite momentum.

With a shield in one hand and a knight\'s long gun in the other, kukas followed the twelve level professionals in front and charged quickly according to a special rhythm.

When the white knights rushed out of the curtain of light, but in an instant, kukas followed. When he rushed outside, the whole person was stunned by the scene in front of him.

I saw the endless void ahead, filled with endless magic power and fighting power. The overwhelming flame burns the void, the burning void collapses, the burning void distorts, and burns out pieces of void space.

I don\'t know how many miles ahead, there are huge round meat balls. From those spheres, countless magic and fighting spirit flew in the direction of kukas and them.

Those fighting spirit and magic beams were thousands of feet thick and thin. Where they went, countless professionals with black cross marks were evaporated in an instant.

Fortunately, they are still far away from those huge meat balls, at least hundreds of thousands of miles. Those beams can not cross the void of hundreds of thousands of miles and directly instill them into kukas.

Countless huge creatures wrapped in armor flew out of those meat balls. These creatures charged frantically like a tide.

Kukas had time to look behind him before the team charged and really arrived on the battlefield.

Looking behind him, he saw that behind him were all knights and ferocious mounts with black cross marks.

Looking back, I found that behind it was also a huge ball suspended in the void.

The ball is huge, at least tens of thousands of miles in size.

In front of the ball, there was a curtain of light. Every moment, countless knights rushed out of the curtain of light and charged behind him.

Similarly, there are thick barrels on the ball, and thousands of barrels pierce the sky like a rolled hedgehog.

These barrels ejected thousands of feet of fighting or magic beams. Some of those beams hit the armor man released from the opposite ball, and some attacked the opposite meat ball.

Every moment, countless professionals with black crosses disappear. Similarly, every moment, countless armor men disappear.

Telepathy, however, spread hundreds of thousands of miles and was destroyed by the turbulence caused by the collision of magic and fighting spirit. There is no way to feel how big the battlefield is in this endless void. I don\'t know how many war fortresses there are in this battlefield, nor how many enemies there are.

"Golden Lion knights, charge!"

A golden flag tore through the void and appeared directly in the central area of kukas\'s knights.

The war flag fluttered, and countless golden lights scattered down, so that kukas and them were bathed in the golden light. Under the golden light, kukas felt that his fighting spirit recovery speed had suddenly increased by about 1%, and his defense had also been improved to a certain extent. What surprised him even more was that in the moment when the golden curtain shone on him, countless killing methods came out of thin air in his mind. These killing methods are all aimed at the armored people and the meat balls opposite. At the same time, there are voices constantly reminding him that it is necessary for him to protect the safety of the golden flag suspended in the void in the center of the team.

Under the leadership of thousands of white knights beyond the 12th level, the Golden Lion Knights charged towards a huge meat ball hundreds of thousands of miles away with thousands of fighting awls like a python.

Millions of knights charged, black clouds rolled overhead, and the fighting spirit of all Knights broke out to the limit. Some Knights began to urge their natural abilities or natural visions completed by cultivation, and then shrouded a certain range of companions around them through the black cross on their body to make their strength stronger.

Millions of knights charged, and the loud horn sounded from the war fortress behind them. Thousands of professionals in front of them frantically fled around. Some professionals did not have time to avoid and were directly crushed into nothingness by the charging knights.

Kukas clearly saw that dozens of soldiers carrying the black cross quickly sank down after hearing the loud horn. Although they had separated from the charging route of the knights for thousands of miles, the huge awl condensed by the Knights\' secret method distorted the void when the Knights charged, The soldiers were forcibly shattered into nothingness, and even the soul was not preserved in the end.

Some professionals glittered with black light, but they were transported away in an instant through the black cross logo on their bodies, and returned to their war fortress, waiting for the coming of the next war.

With the white knights as gun heads, kukas\'s team hit the sea of people composed of countless armor people.

Those armor men rushed to more than a hundred miles in front of the Knights before they were shattered by the distorted space. However, after their death, their armor broke, leaving pieces of meat of different sizes scattered in the void.

For every armor man who died, a golden light came out of their bodies and flew towards the meat ball behind them.

The cross hovering over kukas\'s head shrieked and forcibly absorbed the golden light closer to them. The golden light in the distance escaped the absorption of the cross and returned to the meat ball behind them in an instant.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The fighting awl formed by the Knights because of the charge was forcibly broken by the armor men.

To this end, the armor man pays all the same kind on the tens of thousands of miles. In the short time when the fighting awl was broken, all the armor people on the tens of thousands of miles were crushed into pieces.

At the moment when the fighting awl was broken, kukas\'s initial ease disappeared. The overwhelming smell of killing swept towards him from all directions.

The murderous spirit soared to the sky, only shaking his mind, and there was a heavy illusion of death in front of him. Fortunately, he was determined, but he recovered in an instant.

The front white knight\'s long gun was empty in the air, and the armor man within tens of miles in front of him burst instantly. The golden light was forcibly absorbed by the cross suspended above his head.

The 12th order Knights also shouted at the same time. They gathered together to urge the knight\'s secret method to charge again. With the white knight as the gun head, they once again formed a fighting awl to pierce the armored people. This time, however, they charged thousands of miles away and were forcibly stopped by endless armor men.

Charge! Charge! Charge!

Kukas their charging speed reached the limit, ten thousand miles away, but they crossed the past in their breath.

An armored man who escaped the killing of the 12th order Knights waved a huge axe and killed kukas. Kukas did not escape, but protected half of his body with a shield, and then waved a long gun to pierce the armored man\'s head.


The armor man\'s axe tore the fighting defense formed between him and the mount, and slashed heavily on his shield.

But in an instant, the shield was broken and the Tomahawk fell, which was hard inlaid on his arm.

The strange force tore his skin and forcibly broke his arm bone that had been tempered by countless secret methods.

At the same time, kukas\'s long gun also pierced the armored man\'s head. The violent and violent ashes surged out and poured into his head.


The head of the armored creature burst, and a mass of yellow meat sauce burst out of the broken helmet, emitting a fishy smell. But even so, the armored man was still alive. He shook his axe and wanted to chop kukas again.

The golden lion roared, and its huge claws grabbed the armor man\'s waist and abdomen. If you put it on ordinary professionals, if you catch the golden lion, even if the other party has nine levels of magic or fighting defense, it can tear it apart and destroy the creatures behind it.

But when it was put on the armored man, it overturned kukas\'s understanding.

The claws of the Golden Lion only tore a third of the chest and abdomen of the armor man, and there was no way to cut him off.

He wanted to kill each other, but the mount charged too fast. He staggered with the armor man who flew obliquely, but he didn\'t have a chance to shoot again.

The strange power of the armor man still stayed in kukas, and it was dispelled by his ashes for more than ten moments.

"What a strange force, what a strong defense." kukas thought in his heart, but he changed his weapons in time, and took out a heavy siege hammer. "If you don\'t die by breaking your head, I\'ll see if you will die by breaking your body."

When I was thinking about how to kill these armor men, I heard the screams of the Knights behind me.