Abyss Knight

Chapter 795

"What about threatening you? Tell me about the war fortress, otherwise I don\'t mind showing you my strength on the battlefield." kukas smiled grimly, reached out and grabbed the fat Knight\'s neck, and said in a strange voice: "my patience is limited. I think you must know."

"You can survive the first war and say something else!" the fat Knight sneered, unreal, and disappeared into the crowd.

In order to master the situation of the war fortress, kukas asked some other knights. Unfortunately, these knights, like fat knights, are crazy, and no one seriously answers his questions. Instead, they confused their words and shifted each other\'s topics.

In the view of those knights, being able to tease new people is a wonderful way for them to vent their inner pressure.

For such a result, kukas felt a little helpless. Although he said he wanted to deal with the fat knight, he was not in the mood to deal with everyone in two or three resistance.

Angry, he withdrew from the illusory world outlined by magic power and began to practice seriously in the room.

The days passed day by day. In that small lattice space, magic puppets sent him enough rich food every day. And he can get some vague information by talking to these magic puppets.

In the conversation with those magic puppets, kukas made great progress in his understanding of the interior of the war fortress.

Moreover, he also drew patterns on the paper to describe his understanding of the war fortress.

In his design, it depicts hexagonal metal lattices connected with each other. Every six hexagonal grids form a larger grid pattern. So repeatedly, like some sealed nest * * structure, it is very regular. As for the outside situation, he didn\'t know, because those magic puppets never went out.

On this day, when kukas was talking to the magic puppet who delivered the meal, the words of the red robed bald wizard suddenly came out from the crystal wall in the room.

The voice of the red robed bald wizard was still as old-fashioned and serious as he had heard. And the content of his words made kukas\'s dull spirit turbulent.

"After waiting so many days, have you finally waited for the war? Let me see what kind of war this war in the endless void is." shaking his head, his thick neck made a strange noise.

According to the reminder of the red robed bald wizard, kukas left his room and walked along the outer passage towards a hall.

Outside, a large number of crazy Knights wore armor, took out their real killing weapons, and walked along the channel with excitement and fear.

"Kill those bastards and I will continue to live." a knight roared in his throat.

"I am the supreme existence, only I am the most powerful."

"Kill, kill that group of garbage, and let that group of annoying garbage disappear forever."

In the screams of anger or fear of these knights, kukas released his mind, constantly detected the surrounding situation, wanted to find the figure of the fat knight, and then found a chance to kill him. Unfortunately, there are too many Knights here. Each of them is extremely powerful. At this moment, the breath emanating from his body is much stronger than what he saw when he first entered here.

Everyone has a very strong smell of blood. A lot of blood is intertwined with each other, firmly blocking his mental exploration. Coupled with the strange suppression of the metal walls here, it made the process of finding the fat knight more difficult.

During this period, he saw several Knights he saw in the illusory magic space. Those Knights no longer lost the chaos and laziness in the magic space, but turned to their fierce and fierce faces. The weapons wrapped with a strong bloody smell turned in their hands, and a trace of strong murderous subconscious was released and hovered around them.

"Is it just wanton relaxation and venting? As a powerful professional, he should maintain a certain state whether on the battlefield or in daily rest. There is no need to vent through crazy behavior. Why do they do that? In their eyes, is the battle in the virtual air so dangerous?"

Kukas thought wildly, as the crowd moved forward quickly in the passage.

The channel is becoming wider and wider, which is not that their channel slowly becomes larger, but that their channel is merged into a larger channel, and then merged into a larger channel in a larger channel.

When kukas arrived at the designated place, he found that there were at least hundreds of thousands of knights gathered here.

Most of these knights are level 9, and some of them emit the breath of level 10.

In this huge space where hundreds of thousands of people gather, every distance, there is a small platform set up. All the Knights will go to these platforms and take one thing.

Kukas didn\'t know what was there, but he followed other professionals to see what was in the table.

"The identity mark of the Black Cross Border Guard Corps. With this mark, when you kill the enemy on the battlefield, you can not only identify the enemy and me, but also collect soul fragments. When you collect enough soul fragments, you can leave the Border Guard Corps." a fierce knight who once clashed with him in the magical world explained to him solemnly.

Kukas was a little stunned and nodded his thanks to the other party. The knight shook his head and said in a deep voice, "if you can survive the fortress war, it\'s not too late to thank me."

"Very dangerous?"

"Do you know the plane of death? The cruelty of the war here is more ferocious than the struggle in the legendary plane of death. Only after your death, we have the opportunity to give up and be reborn, but there is no such opportunity in those planes of death. It can be said that few people fall in the struggle in the plane of death. After all, everyone is afraid of real death."

Kukas was silent. He didn\'t know what to ask, but silently followed the people in front.

"In fact, if I had a choice, I\'d rather go to the plane of death. Where I still have a chance to become a legend or a God, but here, I don\'t have any chance."

The knight pointed out many Knights around and said, "they are all from the Golden Lion knights. At its peak, the Golden Lion knights had hundreds of such gathering places. But now, there are only more than a dozen. During this period, they just experienced three fortress wars."

"Great loss." kukas frowned slightly. He heard the cruelty of the war here in the knight\'s words. You know, alone is his gathering point here, there are hundreds of thousands of knights. Hundreds of gathering points like this have countless knights.

The huge number of knights were reduced to one tenth after just three wars, which exceeded all the wars he had experienced.

"Very big? It\'s lucky. Some people say that sometimes in a war, the whole golden lion Knights will be completely destroyed. In such a war, not only our golden lion knights, but also hundreds of other knights, as well as small legions composed of other professionals, will join the battlefield."

Silence, kukas was silent. He didn\'t know how to imagine the war in the endless void. He had heard before that after becoming a high-level professional, he would often be transferred to fight in the endless void. At that time, many people were afraid to fight in the endless void, but they didn\'t know why. Now, without the ability to resist, he has also joined such a struggle.

Soon he came to the front of the platform. On this platform, there is a thin black cross. The whole cross is made of unknown metal, and the fluctuation on it is extremely obscure. If kukas hadn\'t devoted himself to the mysterious method, he wouldn\'t think it was a magic prop that could absorb the souls of living creatures.

He took one and put the black cross on his chest. But he didn\'t put it as straight as the others, but put it obliquely, against it.

"Inverse oblique cross!"

He bowed his head and saw a large number of black oblique crosses on his chest. Kukas felt that this kind of thing was very wonderful.

Because when he branded that thing on himself, a mechanical sound was transmitted to his mind. Reminded by the voice, he soon understood some of the functions of the identity mark.

The black cross mark was originally not only used to identify. If there are enough soul fragments to urge, professionals can also use this thing to release super attacks beyond their limits. Among them, the most powerful one is comparable to the full blow of legends and gods.

More importantly, this thing can burn after extracting soul fragments, so as to strengthen its own soul, body and even its own weapons. Moreover, if a certain number of soul fragments are accumulated, the black cross can become its own exclusive magic prop, and it can evolve slowly and become a magic prop with comprehensive effects.

Now kukas\'s most intuitive understanding of the black cross is that after he branded the black cross, his fighting space was strengthened by about one thousandth. And the strength of the body has increased by almost one thousandth.

"If you die, this thing will fly back to the fortress by itself, or even explode. It won\'t be available to the enemy." the knight on the side took one and put it on himself when kukas studied the black cross. He branded the cross on his face.

"It seems that the hatred between the abyss alliance and the gate of heaven is really deep." sighing at the wonder of this thing, kukas thought of the reason he knew about the struggle between the two giants and sighed softly.

"That has nothing to do with us."

"If it wasn\'t for their hatred, how could we be involved in such a battle? Countless professionals fell into the hands of people at the gate of heaven. Such a war is to use our lives to compete for interests and vent our anger for those great forces. Is it worth it?"

"What are you talking about? My God! What are you talking about? What a poor man." the knight rolled his eyes and looked surprised.

"I mean, we fight with the people at the gate of heaven, gain benefits and vent our anger, which are all enjoyed by the senior leaders of the abyss alliance." kukas saw that the knight was strange, so he repeated his words again.

"Hehe, it seems that you really don\'t understand the situation here. Well, it seems that you really offended people and were sent here." the knight snorted softly and said in a deep voice: "our opponent is not people from the gate of heaven, but other forces. An extremely terrible creature."

"And if you live enough in this Frontier Corps, you will know that the people at the gate of heaven are allies with us to some extent, and our enemies are all terrible creatures."

"A terrible creature? Allies are people from the gate of heaven? To be honest, I think your words are really funny. It\'s strange." kukas shook his head. He couldn\'t accept the news at all.

"No, it\'s not funny at all. It\'s not strange at all. You\'ll know by then. The creatures of that race are very terrible. Have you heard of creatures such as green skin and dragon tooth warriors? That terrible race is as strong as these two creatures. No, it\'s more powerful than them."

The knight looked a little ugly when he said this. The black cross branded on his face distorted his expression.

Kukas did not ask any more questions, because a loud voice suddenly sounded in the huge gathering place.

"The members of the border guard who have received the logo will immediately go to the transmission array for transmission. The newcomers will look for it according to the tips on the logo."

"Let\'s go! We don\'t have much time. If we delay too long, this thing will explode by itself, and then you will disappear. Well, it will completely disappear, just like you have never been in this world." the knight who once clashed with kukas in the magical illusory world seemed extremely calm at this time. In him, I can\'t see the madness, ignorance and decadence at that time. There is only a sense of war, a soaring sense of War: "we will survive, won\'t we? And we should live better than anyone."

"Kill, kill earth shaking, kill a river of blood, kill a legendary road." a female Knight waved a heavy hammer and shouted loudly.

Some people\'s emotions were aroused by her words, and they also shouted: "kill, kill an earth shaking, kill a river of blood, and kill a legendary road."

One person shouts, a hundred people answer, a thousand follow, and ten thousand shout.

With more and more people shouting, even kukas began to shout uncontrollably.

"Kill, kill earth shaking, kill a river of blood, kill a legendary road."

Shouting, the mood became more and more excited. In the end, an illusion even appeared in kukas\'s mind. In his mind, he stepped on the bones of all living beings and cast the image of the supreme throne.

He followed the crowd and shouted loudly. The oblique cross on his chest sent out bursts of heat, and a lot of information was constantly instilled into his mind. In that information, he learned about his enemies.

It turned out that his enemies were really not people from the gate of heaven, but other forces. Those enemies are extremely strong, and each has more than nine levels of strength. The place where they come from is not any plane area controlled by the abyss alliance and the gate of heaven, but another plane area in the endless void, which is more powerful than any force of the abyss alliance and the gate of heaven.

In the message of the black cross, call the enemy: kenmondo. It means the servant of the star world.

The position of the transmission array is located in the central area of the whole aggregation point. The huge transmission array covers an area of thousands of feet. The Knights step into it and disappear in an instant.

"Survive." in the bloody cry, the knight suddenly turned his head and grabbed kukas\'s arm and roared loudly: "survive. If I die, go to this plane to find my descendants and give them this thing."

The knight took out a golden scroll and forced it into kukas\'s arms.

"When you do this, I feel like you will die." kukas was stunned for a moment, and then shouted, "can I not accept it?"

"I don\'t think so. Let\'s go! We won\'t be together."

While talking, the knight first set foot in the transmission array, and then disappeared from kukas\'s eyes.

And kukas followed, stepping on the transmission array in the crazy cry.

The white light flashed. When his eyesight recovered again, he found himself in a void. In this endless void, it was quiet without any sound.

Around him, there were Knights riding all kinds of monsters shrouded in armor. When he looked around, he found that there were endless Knights behind him.

"It seems that I am really a striker." kukas shook his big head and giggled.

Endless void, surrounded by a gray nothingness. Up, down, left and right, you can\'t see the end.

When his mind turned, his golden lion mount was summoned. At the same time, a huge shield appeared in his hand.

"We are waiting here all the time?" in the endless void behind us, white light flashes from time to time. For each flash of white light, a professional is transmitted here.

"What are you going to do if you don\'t wait here? It\'s unrealistic to feel the rules of heaven and earth here." a knight behind kukas sneered: "we are all dying people. If you have this time, think about your life! I can\'t say what good things you will find."

"Don\'t worry, you\'re all dead, and I won\'t die." kukas shook his head and laughed strangely. "How many wars have you participated in? To tell you the truth, I mean to ask you, where is our war fortress? There\'s no one behind. And I feel it with my heart. Why can\'t I feel the surrounding situation?"

"The newcomer? Did he offend people and be sent here? Or did he lose his memory? He became a fool? Our current position is inside the war fortress. If you want to see the situation outside, wait for the information of charge to be released before you start! Well! If you really want to understand the rules of heaven and earth, feel it. The endless void here is inlaid with secrets, The fluctuation of the rules is many times stronger than the endless void outside. Maybe you will have a good harvest before you die. "

"Can\'t you say something good and exciting? Since you\'re dying, why not be happy?" kukas sneered and whispered, "you\'re right behind me. I can\'t say I can protect you from death."

"Protect me from death? I\'m afraid you\'re not qualified to protect me from death. Wait, if I let someone protect me, it\'s the people in front of you who protect me, not you."

"In front? There are people in front of me?" kukas looked at the nothingness in front of him and blinked. As soon as he wanted to say something, he found that the white light in front of him was flashing, and human figures with a terrible smell appeared in front of him.

"Legend?" kukas cried out.

"Wrong, twelve order knights. They are the important factor whether we can survive at the first time." the man behind him snorted coldly. He felt very helpless about kukas\'s ignorance. Of course, at this time, he had already forgotten that his original performance was not much different from that of kukas now.

The twelve order Knights stepped on the void and sat down without any mounts. The smell of terror not only didn\'t make kukas feel safe, but also made him feel more dangerous.

Using the 12th order knight as the vanguard, all this fighting is enough to show that the danger of the enemy is far beyond his imagination.

With the appearance of these twelve order knights, more and more white lights flashed in front of kukas, and in the end, they almost became a curtain of light. Such a light curtain lasted for a breathing time before it slowly disappeared.

After all the white lights in front disappeared, kukas stood at least more than 100 rows of twelve order knights in front of him.

The breath from these Knights condensed and twined on their heads to form a black shield.

On them, kukas saw that some people also had the mark of black cross on their backs. But their marks are all reverse cross.

"These people are all veterans of the black cross border guard. They have been fighting here for a long time. In fact, according to their merits, they can leave the border guard long ago, but they don\'t leave. What a strange group of people." the knight behind kukas is obviously a willing speaker. At this time, no one asked, but he still muttered.