Abyss Knight

Chapter 794

"You\'re really a madman." the undead caster saw that kukas said to kill. Although he had been prepared for it, he still shouted.

"No one is crazy, but what you are forcing is that you can\'t stand it and vent a little anger." kukas sneered and waved his hand, as if to throw away the non-existent blood on his hand.

After several shield guards were killed in succession, a terrible breath broke through the air and came directly near the portal.

"Kukas, it\'s enough. There\'s no need to fight with these little people." although the terrible smell from the sky doesn\'t appear, it still stirs the distortion of the surrounding space, and some fuzzy shadows emerge and disappear under the influence of the terrible smell.

"Fighting on the front line is also good for you." the smell of terror sent a voice to kukas alone: "where are the deep-sea giants and Danu Protoss to help you? Those who want to take your life have no ability to plot against you."

While he sent a message to kukas alone, he also sent a voice to the people near the portal: "what happened just now is just a little accident. The alliance does not need to deal with a member who has made great contributions for such a small matter. However, you are not qualified to happen, so I hope you can understand."

"Did they move in it?" kukas tilted his head and said his doubts.

"Yes, if it were not for the deep-sea giant and the Danu Protoss, your battlefield would be located in a death plane. Where, every time you die, a part of your soul will be forcibly erased. And the erased part is the original power of the plane, and there is no way to help you recover."

"Where is the plane of death?" kukas said, "a very vulgar name."

"There\'s no way. Almost all of the knights in that order are like you. They are easily angry, crazy and extremely powerful, so they are called the Golden Lion knights. If you don\'t want to, I can send you to the wild rose knights. Where knights are much softer than ordinary knights." the red robed bald wizard said, trying to open the paper roll, Re write: "but most of those people\'s psychology has been distorted. Well, they are more distorted than you. Maybe you can save them in the past."

"I think I\'d better go to the Golden Lion knights." kukas quickly shook his head. Although he was called a madman and a psychological distorting person by many people, he never thought his psychology was distorted. So he doesn\'t want to go among a bunch of crazy people.

"Very wise choice. I think you will be satisfied with your decision." the red robed bald wizard rewound the paper roll and threw it to kukas.

"My men control the nine Knights: Golden Lion, wild rose, rock, thunder, tear, blood, darkness, death and thorns. Among the nine knights, the Golden Lion knights are the most normal. I think you will be satisfied with the Knights I choose for you in the future."

"Satisfied? Satisfied fart!" when kukas saw his fellow knights, he roared and cursed loudly.

It turned out that since he left the conference room of the red robed bald wizard, he was led by the magic puppet to the residence of the Golden Lion Knights: a huge metal lattice space.

There are only more than a thousand knights in the grid space of tens of thousands of feet. These knights, like him, were all big and rough. One by one, their words were arrogant. When they were slightly wrong, they took the guys and began to fight.

When he first came to this grid space, three pairs of knights fought with heavy hammers and long guns. After the past five breathing times, nine pairs of knights began to fight. The reason for their struggle is also extremely ridiculous, just because the other party\'s voice is louder than them when eating, and they see other people fighting, and their hands itch to fight. That\'s it.

"Hey! Newcomer? Are you dissatisfied with here? God, how wonderful it is here! There are women, food and war. Besides here, you can find a better place there?" a big man carried two maces and shouted fiercely: "let\'s welcome new companions!"

While talking, he waved a heavy mace and hit kukas on the head.

"Damn it, only I can do the task of welcoming new companions." a one armed Knight stopped the mace with a shield.

"Shut up," one eyed man jumped out at the same time. He waved his knight\'s long gun and pierced kukas\'s heart.

"Get out of my way," kukas growled, but he was annoyed by these people\'s words. Step on the void with your feet, cross your hands, and then form an oblique cross to catch the other knight\'s long gun.

He grabbed the long gun with his big hand, made ten fingers hard, and snapped the other party\'s Knight\'s long gun with a click. The body shook, and the huge body hit the knight\'s chest hard. Instantly hit the knight and flew dozens of feet away.

"Damn it, my baby was killed. Ah! Did you see? My baby was killed. Who killed my baby, you? Yes, it must be you, otherwise you wouldn\'t be so happy."

The knight who was bumped and flew out by kukas burst his skin, sprayed blood, and dyed him into a blood man in an instant. The next moment, he jumped on the nearest knight and thought he had destroyed his weapon. So come forward and punish him.

"Is this just simple irritability? It\'s just a madman without any reason." kukas wanted to go forward and kill the knight, but when he saw his next behavior, he immediately gave up the cruel idea.

What he didn\'t find was that after he gave up the idea of killing the knight, the knight breathed a sigh of relief.

"Come on, kill my baby boy. I want you to know how the glory of the great yimondon is forged." the knight shouted loudly. He didn\'t even urge him to fight. He just fought with another knight with his flesh and body strength.

Of course, his result was very tragic. In just a few breaths, he was interrupted by the knight, and then dragged by the spectators into a metal lattice.

"The glory of yimondon is forged in this way." when he was dragged away, the knight was still shouting some shameful words.

"Interesting place. Damn it, this is the knights?" looking at the crazy Knights around, kukas felt that he came to the gathering place of abnormal people, not a knights.

"Yes, this order has been very normal. The other knights have become more and more crazy." an extremely conspicuous Knight came out of the corner and said in a deep voice. He is conspicuous because the knight is too short. Among the knights who are almost more than a foot tall, his height is only a little more than three cubits, that is, a little more than one meter. "Like the wild rose knights, all the people in them are engaged in foundation, which can be said to be the foundation group. One is more narcissistic and one is more and more changeable."

"The four knights, rock and thunder, tear and thorn, were tossed by hundreds of churches and became crazy believers. They shouted the names of one God after another, but they didn\'t know which God they believed in."

"The three Knights of blood, darkness and death are all undead creatures. They are all living dead. What they like is all corpses. Even food sleeps the corpses of all kinds of creatures. The kind they eat alive."

"It\'s crazy enough." kukas touched his bald head and grinned. "It seems that I should be satisfied with the Golden Lion knights?"

"Yes, at least for now. Unless you want to be a fool, a base, or a lost crazy believer, or a dead body." the short Knight fumbled for a large wine glass, then held it up and shouted to kukas, "cheers for our acquaintance."

Then he raised his glass and drank up. What made kukas feel strange was that there was no wine in his large glass, not even water.

"Cheers to your health."

"Cheers to your survival!"

The short Knight raised the empty large glass three times in succession, then threw the glass, covered his head and said that he was drunk and needed to rest, then turned and staggered into a metal lattice.

"The great supreme being, yimondon, has come to this position with honor, and the humble servants have not opened a banquet for me?" the big man who will be broken all over came out of the lattice. His injury healed in just a few breaths.

"I am the eternal king, fall to the ground! With your wailing and shouting, let me climb out of the abyss and save you from the paradise of sin." a knight wearing an ox horn helmet hit the yimondon\'s chest heavily. The sharp ox horn pierced his heart. Then he shook his head and threw him into another metal lattice: that is, a small room.

"All of them are level 9, but none of them are normal. What kind of battle makes their spirit collapse like this? Level 9! Who is not a determined person who can be promoted to level 9? But why did he become such a madman?"

Looking at the chaotic scene, kukas had more and more doubts in his heart. Finally, he shook his head, went to a corner in the distance, found an empty metal lattice, that is, a small house, and went in.

The metal lattice has good sound insulation. When the door is closed, no sound can be transmitted to the house.

Although the room is not big, the furnishings inside are extremely reasonable and rich. Bookshelves, closets, stoves, writing tables, King beds and other furniture.

It is worth mentioning that there are huge windows on the wall opposite the door. The whole window is polished with special crystal materials. A simple magic crystal ball can show all kinds of scenes on the crystal window. Even if users only need to instill a mind in it, they can evolve the scene that users want to see.

Near the head of the bed, there is a crystal wall more than one person high. A lot of names were written on the crystal wall. Users can talk to the name owner through those names.

Of course, the names shown above are all people who have lived in houses for a long time.

After reading some books at random and finding that those books were just ordinary books about knights, kukas threw them aside and began to connect with people in other rooms through the crystal wall.

This thing is very wonderful. You can not only talk to one person alone, but also talk to many people together, and even project your own image to each other.

After branding his mind on it, kukas quickly understood the use of this thing according to the above operation tips.

The mind turns. According to the above tips, a mind of kukas runs through the crystal wall. The next moment, his mind condenses into a body shape, and then appears in a huge living room.

This living room is condensed through mysterious magic power. The mind and spirit turn into an adult shadow to walk here, as if the noumenon walks in the real thematic world.

In the living room outlined by the magic power, at least thousands of people gathered here. They drank unreal drinks, talked in a low voice, or rested with their eyes closed. Here, there are a large number of female Knights dancing. They shake their waist and legs. Although the movement is not so beautiful, their strong bodies dance with a different taste.

Kukas\'s appearance did not attract the attention of these people, because at some intervals, some people appeared here and others left quietly.

"Chloe Martin! Do you need it? You can relax your mental pressure." just as kukas was sitting in a high back chair just imagined, a dirty looking fat Knight appeared beside him: "with this thing, you can forget your troubles, forget the fear of the battlefield and forget all sadness. It can let your heart enter heaven from the abyss of sin."

In the fat Knight\'s hand, there is something similar to silver smoke. That thing sent out strange waves in this magical space, which stirred kukas\'s mind.

"I don\'t need these. I\'m new here. Can you talk about the situation here? I can\'t imagine what it looks like in the war fortress in the endless void." kukas touched his bald head and asked with a grin.

"Newcomer? Offend people? According to normal conditions, this is not the time for newcomers to come. If you can appear here at this time, you must offend some people." the obscene fat Knight blinked his triangular eyes and whispered a strange smile: "don\'t worry, I know your mood is depressed. Now, use this to forget your sadness!"

Then the fat Knight continued to pass the silver smoke in his hand to kukas, trying to persuade him to buy what he had in his hand: "a soul fragment, you only need a soul fragment, you can get it. Of course, if you don\'t have it now, you can owe it first, and you can return it after the next war."

"You use soul fragments as money?" kukas looked at each other in surprise. His voice was a little loud and attracted some people\'s attention.

"Well, I admit that you are a newcomer. You can\'t be a new person. You just got promoted to level 9? Well, don\'t talk about this. Yes, we use soul fragments as the equivalent of trading. And this is also an important material for the alliance to record our meritorious deeds." the fat on the fat Knight\'s face trembled and matched with his bare triangular eyes, People can\'t feel the smell of half a knight on him, but can feel the strong smell of businessmen.

"So you are more cruel than me." kukas felt very sad after hearing the fat Knight\'s words. He was not mourning for himself, nor for these knights, but for those who fell.

In his opinion, it was an extremely cruel means for him to erase the souls of those enemies, but these people broke the souls of the enemies into pieces and used them as money. This humiliation is even more cruel than obliterating the soul.

"Cruel? Where cruel? I don\'t understand what you\'re talking about. But I really want to know if you offended some people and were sent here?"

"Maybe!" kukas didn\'t know how to explain why he came here. He did not know that he had offended some people and should have been sent to a more dangerous place, but what was the matter when he finally came to this relatively safe place.

"That must be. I think you must be very depressed now. Have one? It\'s made by secret method. It\'s very enjoyable." the fat Knight continued to sell his goods.

"No, I want to know if you can explain to me about this war fortress. I don\'t have time to go to the battlefield and watch the war fortress again." kukas asked.

"War fortress? Well! Maybe you need it. I can smell it and slowly recall the things about the war fortress." the fat knight is very persistent in the idea of selling goods. Even like other knights, he has reached an extremely paranoid level to some extent.

"Are you really not going to tell me? Are you in that room? I think we should have a good talk. Huh?"

"Are you threatening me? Threatening a great knight who has experienced three fortress wars? God! Is your head broken? Are you threatening me?" the fat Knight waved his limbs exaggerated and shouted loudly.