Abyss Knight

Chapter 793

The power of the bloody giant is strong and powerful, and it is easy to tear the sky and the earth and destroy the plane, but his powerful power can not show its due power in the face of the glazed light band.

I don\'t know what the glazed light band was made of. In the face of the destructive power of the bloody giant, it was wiped out in an instant. It was more powerful than any means kukas knew. However, kukas could not see all this.

When he mobilized his fighting armor to watch this plane again, the plane had disappeared, and the huge head was swept away by the glazed light. I don\'t know where he went. In place, only dozens of intertwined chains were left to gather together, and then turned into a streamer, rushed to the nearest seat and disappeared.

Standing in the void for a long time, kukas mobilized his fighting armor to return to the eternal plane and continue to understand the rules of heaven and earth. His body entered a fortress not far away.

This time he set foot in the fortress is very different from his last time. The last time he came to this fortress, someone shut him out with magic crystal cannon. There was a desolation around him, and no professionals came in and out.

This time, the magic crystal guns all over the fortress did not know where to hide, but a tall city wall stood in front of him. A large number of professionals went in and out of the fortress. They either looked serious, calm or relaxed.

Just after showing his ID in front of the magic instrument at the gate of the fortress, he easily entered the fortress.

On both sides of the broad street, there are a lot of rest places. Where you can see all kinds of creatures relax. They either drink and rest, or curl up in a corner to read books, or talk about some private things with the opposite sex. In short, in this fortress, kukas can\'t see the professionals walking in a hurry, but only a relaxed and freehand life scene.

In his opinion, so many professionals take it as the safest place to rest here. Otherwise, the pedestrians on the street are definitely in a hurry and alert to each other. Even when they are resting, they won\'t have much relaxation.

Walking slowly in the street, not many people noticed him. Because he has been out of the eternal plane for decades. These decades are enough to make his former name forgotten with the departure of some old people.

Others looked at him, but then abandoned him. In these ten years, the names of some hunters and trainers in the eternal plane are even louder than those of kukas here. In this case, not many people will really fear a murderous character more than a decade ago. After all, some people now kill more crazy than he used to.

"Ten pounds of divine material!" when kukas appeared at the portal and was ready to deliver, the man guarding the portal asked him for divine material: "these are the rules. No one can break these rules."

Guarding the portal were more than a dozen heavy armor shield guards. They carried battle axes and a man\'s high shield, wrapped in armor and said seriously.

"The abyss alliance has never made such rules." kukas took a deep breath, shook his head and said in a deep voice, "and I have a task. If you want to ask for divine materials, you can go to the top of the abyss alliance."

"How can there be no such rule? If there is no such rule, how can we guard here for more than ten years? This rule was established more than ten years ago and was not established because of your arrival. Anyone who wants to leave the eternal plane must provide ten pounds of divine material. Otherwise, no one can leave, because this is the rule." One of the heavy armor shield guards said in a deep voice.

"This is your rule! If the one who controls the portal says that I need to pay for the divine material, and takes out the alliance command scroll for me to watch, I will pay for the divine material." kukas\'s eyes slowly swept over the heavy armor guards and finally landed on several casters next to the portal.

Those casters are members who open and operate the portal, and they listen directly to the top of the alliance.

After kukas\'s eyes fell on them, these casters turned their heads slightly and did not look at him, let alone the words that the alliance has rules to ask for divine materials to leave this plane.

Seeing all this, kukas immediately understood that these people\'s actions were all carried out in private.

"We said that if you want to pay for the divine material, you must pay for the divine material. You can\'t leave here until you pay 20 pounds for the divine material. Otherwise, you will be against our divine Tibetan Vatican." the shield guard growled in a low voice, "our divine Tibetan Vatican has a million members and controls dozens of fortresses. No one can violate the rules we have set."

When the shield guard spoke, he took a fierce step forward, released his own breath and suppressed it towards kukas: "against our rules, you may never leave this eternal plane."

The breath of the shield guard was suppressed, which made kukas feel extremely disgusted. But he didn\'t jump up and kill each other, but stood silently in the open space outside the portal, closed his eyes and rested.

"Boy, do you think waiting here can soften our hearts? Even if you are an interceptor, even if you accept the task to leave here and don\'t follow the rules, we won\'t let you leave."

"Don\'t think you can delay the time to get people from the top of the league. They don\'t have time to pay attention to you. If you don\'t report, they will treat you as a dead person. As long as you are treated as a dead person by the league, we will kill you on the spot. You have three days. After three days, the League will cross your name directly 。”

These shield guards muttered and threatened kukas with all kinds of words. However, he just stood there quietly without saying a word.

As time went by, some professionals qualified to leave here delivered ten pounds of divine materials and left here. However, there are not many such people. Many professionals leave without hesitation after hearing that they ask for compensation. There are even grumpy people who want to fight them. Just because of the rules in the fortress, they didn\'t really fight.

Kukas stood in place for a day and a night. On the morning of the fourth day, the legendary projection of the woman appeared in front of him.

"The high level of the alliance asked me to urge you to leave here immediately. Go to the front line to fight." half step legend observed the surrounding situation while talking. When she found that kukas was only dozens of steps away from the plane portal, and found those heavy armor and shield guards with some signs nearby, her face became complicated.

"Hehe, it seems that you have really changed a lot." banbu legend\'s face soon calmed down: "they have forgotten your name. To tell the truth, you should follow my advice, otherwise it won\'t happen today."

"No matter how loud the name is, it will eventually be forgotten. I have been in the eternal plane for hundreds of years, and I finally let them forget in just ten years?" kukas shook his head and said seriously, "do you have a way to get them out of here?"

"The Holy See of shenzang! They are so powerful that I can\'t control them, and some leaders in the league can\'t stop them. Which of the top talents passing through here doesn\'t have a strong background? But they still don\'t buy it. Do you think I have the ability to let them leave under such circumstances?" The projection of half step legend is a little blurred. It is obvious that she wants to leave here: "I think those people who wanted to get you to the front soon took action against the Holy See. I just don\'t know if they have the ability to compromise with each other. Hehe, interesting, I didn\'t expect that you know how to stir up right and wrong, kukas. Well! No, it shouldn\'t be said to stir up right and wrong, but to do things for yourself with the help of others."

Said here, half step legend whispered and chuckled: "it\'s hard to imagine that you have changed so much in such a short time. I think some people who know you will never know you after seeing you again. Well! I say it from the perspective of character."

"Ha ha! Yes, I just want to see if those who want me to go to the battlefield have the ability to solve a small holy see." kukas grinned, and a trace of killing breath was subconsciously released by him. However, he quickly reacted, so he quickly covered the killing breath.

Although he gathered the killing breath quickly, the shield guards who blocked him still noticed the killing breath.

Although this breath is very rare, it is extremely pure. It is more pure than the killing breath of any professional they see. Only bloodthirsty creatures can have such pure killing breath.

When they thought that they had stopped a murderous professional and were still a ninth level professional, the faces of the heavy armor shield guards looked a little ugly. However, they soon put aside a little uneasiness in their hearts. Because they knew that no one dared to kill in this fortress. Of course, they believed that the holy see behind them had Powerful power, as long as we wait for time, we will find a way to get the bald evil man out of the city, and then the people gather together to kill him. But they have done too much, and it will be extremely simple to implement.

As for some forces behind them, they subconsciously ignored them. In their view, the other party wanted to send the bald evil man to the front battlefield in order to let him die.

Since a person will eventually die, it doesn\'t matter where he dies. I can\'t say that they can take the opportunity to get in touch with other forces.

With this idea in mind, the heavy armor and shield guards just looked at kukas\'s conversation with half a step legend through solid face armor.

"There will be results soon." the projection of half step legend is about to collapse.

"Don\'t you stay and see the result?" kukas said in a deep voice with his head tilted. "I think you must want to know the result of this matter."

"I want to stay, but the rules of this plane are changing more and more powerful. My projection can\'t be kept at such a long distance for a long time." banbu legend shook his head and smiled: "but no matter what kind of result, I think I have completed your goal."

"Maybe!" kukas said simply, and then stopped talking.

The figure of half a step legend disappeared, and he continued to stand in place.

Then, just a magical time, a figure appeared in the face portal.

When the figure is clear, you can clearly see a caster wrapped with the smell of death here.

"Let this man step on the portal." the spellcaster, who was wrapped in the smell of death, hoarse said in a deep voice, "don\'t let any of you stop him."

"No one is allowed to stop him? Did you take the order of the Holy See?" a heavy armor shield guard stepped forward and asked in a deep voice: "if you don\'t take it, leave here, and we won\'t accept your order. And he needs at least 30 pounds of divine material to leave here through the plane portal."

"People from the Holy See? Do you think you have the right to resist our decision?" the dead caster said in a deep voice, "get out of here now, or die. I don\'t have time to tell you this."

While talking, a large amount of death breath was released from the dead caster, and then turned into a sky swallowing Python around him, circling and swimming, making a gesture to devour the heavy armor shield guards.

These heavy armor shield guards shouted, waved their shields and took a step towards the dead caster, releasing a lot of fighting spirit light from their shields. These fighting lights are intertwined and connected with each other to form a light curtain to wrap themselves.

"Kukas, step on the portal." the undead caster didn\'t seem to see the behavior of the heavy armor guards, and turned to call kukas.

"Why should I listen to you? Well, if you want me to listen to you, you should kill these people first and then talk about others! If they don\'t die, I can\'t step on the face portal." kukas sneered and shook his head. "You know, they are from the Holy See, but they have millions of members entrenched here!"

"Will you ask me to kill all members of the Holy See of God Tibet after I kill them?" the dead caster asked kukas in a strange voice.

"Maybe! The people in the God\'s hiding place want to ask me for divine materials here, but you want me to leave here and go to the front. In fact, I don\'t think your relationship needs to be so hostile. You can let them kill me. After all, you want to kill me when you get me to the front." kukas smiled. He felt it was fun, But it\'s not fun enough.

"Yes, a very good suggestion. What do you think? There is no conflict of interest between us. Instead, you can use our hands to kill this rampant man. Don\'t worry. We will let him enjoy his death. Many rampant people like him have died in our hands."

The shield guard smiled grimly and roared in a low voice.

"This proposal is terrible. Well, I\'ll give him 50 pounds of divine materials to pass. How about it?" the necromancer was silent for a long time and finally said, "the price is very reasonable. As you said, there will be no conflict between us. I can still afford 50 pounds of divine materials."

"Let\'s make a deal!" a heavy armor shield guard hurriedly said, "we\'ll give you a face, otherwise even if he pays 100 pounds of divine material now, we won\'t let him pass."

"It seems that I want to thank you!" kukas smiled grimly, his figure blurred, and the next moment appeared directly in front of the shield guard who had just spoken.

His hands were held into claws, his fingers were wrapped around endless ashes, and he grabbed at the morale barrier of the shield guards.

The air barrier that could resist the attack of the Ninth level secret method was torn apart in an instant like transparent paper under kukas\'s hands.

Two thick palms pierced into the chest of the shield guard, with both arms forced to divide left and right.

Click! With a loud explosion, the shield guard\'s body was forcibly torn apart by kukas. As soon as the beating heart was exposed, it was entangled by the strong ash fighting spirit, and then polished into ashes.

The sudden change stunned the undead caster, several other shield guards and the casters near the portal. The first of them to recover was the undead caster. Because he knew that kukas had killed creatures when he was in the ice castle. Over the past ten years, it is too normal for him to continue killing creatures in other fortresses.

Before several other heavy armor shield guards could react, kukas stepped on the void and appeared in front of another heavy armor shield guard.

With one hand like a mountain, he slapped the heavy armor shield guard on the head. It just blew the head of the heavy armor shield guard in an instant. In an instant, his body and soul were polished into ashes by the fighting spirit of the ashes wrapped around kukas\'s hands.

"Kill someone." a heavy armor shield guard shouted. However, as soon as his voice fell, his chest was also penetrated by a big hand, and his whole body was wrapped in strong ashes and turned into fly ash in an instant.

"Close the portal, release the alarm and kill the demon." the caster who guarded the portal shouted.