Abyss Knight

Chapter 792

Some people love and hate to leave, and neither kukas nor those in the secret laboratory care. But although they don\'t care, it doesn\'t mean that the behavior of those little people poses no threat to people like kukas and them.

After the old emperor learned that his favorite son had left the world through the ancient transmission array, he also dismissed all the soldiers guarding the palace and let them return to their hometown to spend the last period of their life.

After the soldiers left, the old emperor went to a secret room behind the palace, where he opened the ancient mechanism and entered an underground space through a long passage.

Everything here was not built by him, but the secret room discovered by chance after he became an emperor. At the same time, there is the ancient transmission array that can lead to another world.

The underground space where the old emperor is located is not very large. There are no other furnishings except dozens of staggered chains intertwined in the air. However, a large number of patterns are depicted on the walls of this underground space.

Those patterns depict all the images of a giant fighting with some professionals. At first, many professionals surrounded the giant, but later, only dozens of professionals surrounded him.

Finally, the professionals disappeared, leaving only a portrait of a giant wrapped in dozens of chains on the wall.

"Do you want to rule this plane? Then let me completely destroy this plane world! Ha ha! The existence of ancient times! What will you repay me if I release you?" the old emperor looked at the staggered chains in the sky and leaned wearily against the wall.

"Destroy this plane as you think." a message directly appeared in the mind of the old emperor.

"Can I see this plane jump out?"


"Then I\'ll release you." the old emperor whispered a strange smile. He trembled his arm, reached out and groped for a gorgeous short knife inlaid with gemstones. It turned in his hand and could pierce his heart at any time.

"If you release me in advance, your life will disappear. I mean eternal disappearance. In this endless void, whether in the past, present or future, there will be no trace of you." a message appeared in the mind of the old emperor: "In millions of years, the seal here will dissipate by itself. At that time, I will come out by myself. You don\'t have to be so anxious."

"Millions of years? It\'s too long."

"Is it long? I have been suppressed for thousands of times. From the future to the past, and then to the present, I don\'t feel how long. If I\'m tired, I can sleep for a while." the inexplicable information brought deep helplessness and envy to the old emperor.

"Millions of years? Now there are legendary green skins in this world. They will kill me. And even if they don\'t kill me, I can\'t continue to live. I\'m too old." when the emperor said this, he coughed violently. With his cough, a large mass of blood sprayed out and scattered on the floor in front of him.

"Green skin? Ha ha! I didn\'t expect those green skins to exist in this era. What an accident. HMM! Is kukas, the abyss knight who runs through the void, also here?"

"I\'ve only heard of the ash Knight kukas, but I haven\'t heard of the abyss Knight kukas."

"Yes, it\'s just a name."

"Well, I hope you can keep your promise."

"Maybe you can wait millions of years." strange information appeared in the old emperor\'s mind again: "in fact, sleeping here quietly is also a good choice. Why do I have strange feelings now? I feel that if I were released by you, nothing good would happen."

"A world will be destroyed by you. How can it be regarded as a good thing?" the old emperor showed a touch of light in his muddy eyes, and then he pierced his chest with a short knife.

The magic in the body surges, condenses all the forces in the body, and constantly urges the blood to gather towards the heart.

With his blood condensing towards the heart, the old emperor began to dry up quickly.

And in his heart, strange changes began to occur.

Some strange patterns appeared on the heart, and the patterns spread, turning the heart into golden yellow under the action of the secret method.

The golden heart beat and made a loud noise. Finally, he tore his chest directly and flew towards the staggered chain in the air with the gorgeous short knife pierced into the heart.

The heart flew through the air, and the heartbeat was like the roar of war drums in this not very large underground space. The old emperor\'s body began to collapse, and his limbs turned into ashes and scattered on the ground.

Finally, when his head dissipated, his soul flew out and integrated into the heart.

"Remember your promise." the soul of the old emperor made a final roar when swallowed by his heart.

"No, I regret it. Damn it, don\'t let me out." a voice suddenly sounded in the underground space.

With a shrill scream, a chain shook very slightly. Although the amplitude of the chain shaking was extremely weak, it still exuded a power that was not weak.

This power crossed the space, hit the beating golden heart, and forcibly broke the heart in half.

The other half of the heart shifted slightly under the impact of inexplicable force. Finally, the heart did not fall on the interlocking chains, but hit one of them.

The lines imprinted on the heart began to spread on the chain like a poisonous snake. With the spread of those lines, the chain began to be illusory.

When the half heart disappeared completely, the chain disappeared out of thin air.

As the chain disappeared, there was a roar of panic. The next moment, the underground space suddenly trembled, and then a fist sized vortex appeared.

When the vortex rotates, the breathing room expands to hundreds of feet, completely crushing the whole underground space, and even the space is forcibly crushed.

In this broken space, dozens of chains are still wound in the air, and their ends are still intertwined in an unknown place in the void.

A black pillar hundreds of feet thick and thin appeared from the center of the vortex. As soon as the pillar emerged, it sent out an extremely terrible smell.

The breath of terror rose into the sky and destroyed all the shields above the underground space in an instant. After these breath broke through the underground space and appeared on the surface, it spread to more than half of the plane almost instantaneously.

Under the pressure of that terrible breath, the houses collapsed, and some creatures were directly shocked to death by this powerful breath.

Kukas\'s fighting armor, which was condensed again, sensed this terrible smell at the first time.

The breath was so terrible that even kukas felt his soul tremble with fear.

"Could it be that there is the legendary supreme existence of latent cultivation here? Then he was awakened because of the green skins?" when his mind turned, kukas immediately stopped the idea of transmitting the green skins to this plane, and put away his burning black flag at the fastest speed.

However, although he was aware of the danger here, he still didn\'t leave. Instead, he manipulated his fighting armor and got up and walked outside. He wanted to see what kind of terror could release such a powerful breath.

As soon as he got up, he felt that the smell of terror from all directions had doubled and more.

At this time, in the underground space of the old emperor\'s palace that year, another thick and long black column rose into the sky, penetrating the earth and straight into the sky.

In the following time, thick and long columns rose into the sky. In the end, not only the whole Imperial Palace was torn by these black columns, but also the whole imperial capital was penetrated by those columns.

All living creatures living in the imperial capital die out, whether fighting God or Dharma God, Yang or some powerful Warcraft. At this moment, under the pressure of that terrible breath, they were all crushed, and the whole person exploded at once.

When countless black pillars pierced out from the ground, a mass of scarlet breath was released between those pillars.

The bloody breath diffused all around, covering tens of millions of miles in an instant.

When these bloody smells appeared in kukas\'s position, he immediately understood what caused all this.

"Bloody giant. Unexpectedly, there was a bloody giant in this plane. I just don\'t know whether he came here by accident or slept here and was awakened." his face was a little ugly. Looking at the bloody smell around, kukas knew that this plane was over.

At that time, he and the blonde general released some bloody giants in a top rank. The appearance of those bloody giants not only made the top plane disappear from the endless void, but also made thousands of planes around them become the victims of those bloody giants.

"I wanted to see if I could choose some creatures with special talents through the war. It seems that everything is coming to an end. Well, let those people regret it! Ha ha! I just don\'t know whether those people will blame me for the emergence of this bloody giant. Well, no, the bloody giant has a cooperative relationship with the abyss alliance. Those people know, they can\'t say They\'ll be happy. It\'s just a low-level plane or thousands of high-level planes. They won\'t care about one bloody giant or several bloody giants. "Kukas thought wildly and soon changed his previous idea.

However, he did not leave, but decided to stay here and watch the power of the bloody giant closely.

When his mind turned, the burning black flag forcibly tore the space, and then sent him to the place with the strongest blood smell.

When kukas came out of the space crack, he saw a head tens of thousands of feet in the air.

The head was tens of thousands of feet in size, and the long hair dozens of feet thick and thin shook and tore the sky like black pillars in the air.

Under this huge head, dozens of relatively small chains wound around his neck, and the end of the chain pierced the void of the broken sky. Above the huge head, there is a red cloud tens of thousands of miles in size.

The clouds rolled, there was a cry of killing, the golden goblins and iron horses ran, and endless creatures shouted and roared. Drops of blood fell on the ground and melted into bottomless holes of tens or even hundreds of feet in the ground.

The appearance of kukas seems to have attracted the attention of this huge head.

The huge head opened his eyes fiercely, and two beams of light hundreds of feet thick swept towards him.

The light beam swept over and covered the sky and earth. Where it went, the sky was torn, and endless void turbulence was wrapped around it, hanging at him like two Python swallowing the sky.

There is no ability to resist, not even the idea of resistance. But in an instant, kukas\'s fighting armor body was exploded by the eyes of the huge head. Even the soul fragments contained in it have been forcibly erased.

The most thrilling thing is that after the power contained in the red light has wiped out his soul fragments, he wants to cross the void, follow the connection between his soul fragments and the soul noumenon, and directly kill his noumenon and the burning plane origin.

Fortunately, kukas made a quick decision. Seeing the situation crisis, he urged the infinite plane origin to come out without thinking, and forcibly erased the connection between the soul fragment, the soul noumenon and the plane origin.

However, even so, there are still a large number of plane sources that have been permanently erased by the red light in order to strive for the time to erase the connection.

"Damn it." he forcibly erased his relationship with the soul fragments, which made kukas\'s soul noumenon suffer a heavy blow. Fortunately, it was instilled with the original power that stabilized his soul noumenon in time, and nothing worse happened.

Some soul fragments were lost, and because the connection between the soul fragment and the plane origin was also actively cut off by him, the obliterated soul fragment could not be reborn through the plane origin power at all. Such a loss made kukas feel very distressed.

"The familiar smell, could it be kukas? HMM! It\'s interesting. It turned out that he was killed in advance by me at this time. Ha ha! Interesting." the huge head looked at kukas\'s broken place, thought a little, and soon figured out something: "Damn it, I know something bad has happened. I didn\'t expect it to happen to kukas. There\'s nothing worse than this."

While the huge head muttered, the bloody cloud on his head was twined by a glass like light band that appeared out of thin air.

The light band of the colored glaze suit twined and rolled the bloody cloud, which dissipated in an instant. However, in a few moments, the bloody cloud in the sky dissipated.

The next moment, the glass like light band fell and wound the huge head.

"Roar!" the huge head suddenly roared.

With his roar, the earth broke and the sky broke. If someone passes through the endless void at this time, he will see the plane where he is suddenly trembling. Then a large number of cracks appear on the barrier of the plane.

The source power that contained the deepest part of the ruling plane was suddenly broken in the roar of the giant. A large number of golden source power broke through the space and drilled into the mouth of the huge head. Some of the remaining source power entangled some plane treasures and several plane props, followed the plane barrier with a large number of cracks and disappeared into the void.

Without the original power of the plane, the plane has no ability to repair the damaged plane barrier and the earth by itself. Therefore, it can only collapse slowly and disappear into the endless void.

A large area of plane body barrier falls off from the main body. Every time a little barrier falls off, part of the earth and sky in the face world collapses.

Those falling off plane fragments float disorderly in the endless void, or disappear permanently with the passage of time, or evolve into void treasures and continue to exist in the endless void in another way.

The plane collapsed, and countless creatures did not even have the ability to resist. Under the terror of the bloody giant, some of the remaining creatures just suddenly found that the sky split, and then there were endless void forces sweeping the earth, melting mountains and oceans, destroying countless hidden places and all shelters.

The plane jumped out, and the head of the bloody giant was directly suspended in the endless void. Without the suppression of the plane, the head of the bloody giant soared to several million feet in an instant.

But even so, in the face of the twining glass light belt, he also looked alarmed.

"No! I haven\'t got out of the cage and can\'t punish me." the bloody giant roared loudly. The huge voice spread all over the void, some planes in the distance were affected, and cracks appeared on a large number of planes. Fortunately, the original forces of those planes still exist, so they didn\'t break directly.

However, despite the roar of the bloody giant, the light band of the colored glass didn\'t stay.

I saw the glass like light band falling, winding around the head of the bloody giant, and then spread.

The head of the bloody giant gradually blurred in the light band of colored glass. Countless glazed chains wound around his head, and then branded strange runes on it.

"Roar! I\'m not reconciled." the bloody giant roared, opened his mouth and spewed out endless fireworks, trying to burn and tear the glazed light band. However, as soon as the fireworks appeared, they dissipated in an instant. There\'s no way to hurt that light band.

"Kill!" the giant\'s head shook, and countless long hair, like killing spears one by one, released limitless power, stirred the void into a grinding plate of different sizes, and polished it towards those glazed light bands.