Abyss Knight

Chapter 791

Devote yourself to the understanding of rules. In a flash, more than ten years have passed. In these ten years, kukas didn\'t step out of the cave at all. He kept working day and night to catch the fragments of the rules.

During this period, Yongye and yongxue girls soon left this position after ten years of experience. Before they left, they talked to kukas through the burning black flag and invited him back to the ISAG family again, but kukas still refused.

When they left, hundreds of young heroes gathered here and traded with him a lot of divine materials.

"Anyway, your blood is flowing in our bodies. All members of the ISAG family also flow your blood." when yongxue girl left, she suddenly said such endless words: "I hope your strength can make the ISAG family strong and even brilliant all the time."

Kukas simply nodded and didn\'t say much to them.

After waiting for yongxue girls to leave for three or five years, the legend who introduced him to the mercenary business hoped to cooperate with him again, but kukas refused without hesitation.

"In fact, you don\'t have to refuse them at all." legend persuaded kukas, hoping to change his mind.

"As long as I can increase the strength of my soul, I won\'t agree to trade anything else with me." kukas took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "or they can trade with me with the clergy."

"The clergy is more precious than the treasure that increases the strength of the soul. Do you think they will agree? It\'s just some cannon fodder. There\'s no need to trade such precious materials." after hearing kukas\'s words, legend knew that his lobbying might have failed, but he was still unwilling, so after organizing a language, Still trying to convince kukas.

"They are all big forces in the league, and some have participated in the career experiment. I think you should be more relaxed. After all, they are all members of the league. Maybe you should take care of them."

"Yes, it\'s because I\'m in an alliance that I hired green skin as cannon fodder to trade with them. You asked me to take care of them. Why don\'t you let them take care of me? I just need a little treasure that can increase the strength of my soul. That\'s all. Are their big forces and organizations too difficult?" kukas snorted coldly, But he refused to give in at all.

"OK! I\'ll talk to them again. You know, there are still many people who can provide a lot of cannon fodder in this endless void." the legend shrugged his shoulders and said reluctantly: "If you do this, you will only let them hire other people\'s cannon fodder. Although they may have to pay more materials, they will not be willing to exchange soul treasures with you. Those soul treasures are too rare and used in a large amount. They may not be enough."

"Damn it, let them find someone else. I think they\'d rather spend more materials to recruit other cannon fodder than give me a little treasure to increase the strength of my soul. Damn it, garbage like them will never think of hiring my green skin in the future." kukas growled in a low voice, but he was angry at the practices of those people.

"Kukas, in fact, you don\'t have to be so angry. If this transaction is unsuccessful, maybe you will have a chance to cooperate in the future. Well, I won\'t bother you." the legend coughed hard and then closed the magic communication.

"Next cooperation? If this cooperation fails, I\'m afraid there will be no opportunity for next cooperation." kukas snorted coldly, complained to himself for a while, and then continued to understand his own rules.

After waiting for a long time, kukas calmed down his resentment. When he sorted out his mood and was ready to continue to understand the rules of heaven and earth, the projection of the woman\'s half step legend appeared here.

"What\'s the matter?" kukas, who was interrupted again, looked at the half step legend unhappily and asked in a deep voice.

"Have you offended anyone again?" the legendary Xiumei frowned and asked hurriedly, "the senior level of the alliance just gave me an order to remove your identity as a hunter and let you go to the front battlefield."

"Really?" the news brought to him by this half step legend suddenly made him feel bad. If he remembered correctly, he just rejected the deal brought by that legend three or five days ago. However, today, three or five days later, he was appointed to the front line. Even if he was stupid, he felt some unusual places.

"Yes, you have three days to prepare." half step legend sighed: "I asked you. This time, the front line is far more dangerous than the eternal plane. Well, if you are not careful, I\'m afraid even your soul can\'t be preserved completely. There is even a risk of being completely wiped out."

"Thank you for reminding." kukas\'s body stood up fiercely, then left the cave and destroyed the cave, closing the twelve fighting armor that still continued to understand the rules of heaven and earth.

"This transfer is not unusual at all. According to the normal situation, you have joined the war of the eternal plane. After the war here is over, you can retire and leave without fighting. However, you have served as a hunter. After becoming a hunter, you should not be transferred." half step legend took a deep breath and muttered in a deep voice: "I think you must have offended someone."

Kukas thought a little, and then told the half step legend what happened three or five days ago.

"Yes, it must be those people who did it, otherwise it would never be so coincidence: just after you rejected them, the leaders of the alliance sent you to the front." half a step legend didn\'t think about it, and immediately said his own speculation.

She appreciates kukas very much and wants to have a good relationship with him so that she can get his help in some days in the future. Therefore, she doesn\'t want kukas to die on the front line, especially when she is transferred from her own hands.

Silence, kukas was silent. Although he had a view in his heart, he was not willing to accept his view. He still had some ideas and hoped that his guess was wrong.

"Nothing, you leave first! I want to be alone." kukas whispered after a long silence.

"Well, if you have something, call me in the old way, and I will appear in front of you in the shortest time." the legend of half step was a little stunned, and then said softly, "it\'s really not good. You go back to the burning plane. I heard that you control a complete plane. Where is it? No one dares to provoke you."

"I see." nodding, kukas waved his hand and said wearily, "do you think I\'m very embarrassed?"

"I\'m more embarrassed than you. What you see is just my bright side. If you know me, you know you\'re much better than me." half a step, the legendary figure began to blur and the voice became illusory. Finally, after this sentence, her image completely disappeared from kukas.

Kukas sat in the cave for two days and two nights. In the early morning of the third day, the legendary figure appeared in front of him again: "kukas, as long as you are willing to let your green skin serve as a mercenary without collecting precious soul treasures, I will have a way to prevent you from going to the front."

"Did you do it? Or did you do it?" kukas lowered his head and said in a very dull and lost tone: "do you want to force me?"

"I didn\'t do it, but someone else did it." the legend frowned slightly and whispered, "they want to hire your green skin, but they don\'t want to pay for things like soul treasures. I\'m just passing a message."

"But I suggest you cooperate with them. Although there is no thing to increase the soul treasure, there are other precious magic materials to replace it. You don\'t suffer a loss." the legend looked at kukas seriously and advised, "and after cooperating with them, you still get a lot of potential benefits. After all, their power is much greater than yours."

"I want my green skin to be a mercenary, but they pay for it. Do you think it\'s reasonable?" kukas snorted coldly: "I don\'t care whether the green skin are hired or not. Since they are not sincere, there\'s no need to force a deal with me. Why should I obey their ideas? Now they ask me, not me."

"Kukas, some things don\'t look at the surface. You know, their potential power is very huge. Let them linger on the front battlefield forever. They can do it. Even if you make a legend, you can\'t compete with them."

"That\'s just what you think."

"This is true. Unless you also have great power..."

The legendary words said that it was suddenly over because kukas turned off his magic communication props.

At the same time, his fighting armor also began to move in the experimental base of the third-order plane.

"Release all the experimental bodies, give them weapons and equipment, and give them a map of the whole experimental base." kukas\'s armor sat in a high back chair and said coldly, "inform the surrounding Empire and tell them the location of all the experimental bases in this plane."

Dozens of steel puppets left quickly after receiving kukas\' orders. They followed kukas\' will to convey his orders.

But as soon as they took some action, they suddenly changed again.

The puppet masters who made them didn\'t know where to get the news, and then controlled the steel puppets with secret methods, thus denying kukas\'s orders. Moreover, more steel puppets rushed from all directions to kukas\'s room, and they wanted to kill him here.

When the first iron puppet broke open the door and appeared in front of kukas, his face was ferocious and showed a cruel smile. The next moment, the armor collapsed, leaving a burning black flag in the original place.

The black flag burns and the endless green skin is forcibly transmitted to this plane.

After they appeared on the earth, they waved simple weapons, shouted meaningless voices, and began to kill cruelly. The target of their killing was all the creatures in this plane.

"Since you want to cultivate a new class, cultivate it in the war of blood and fire! I think it\'s much better than what you cultivated in the laboratory." kukas shouted when he disappeared.

When this plane began to appear a large number of green skins irregularly, all the kings of the Empire in the whole plane were frightened. What they say is only the power of the lower level, but they still know some secrets in the endless void. In particular, they know the news of the most crazy green skins in recent times.

"Where the green skin appears, all creatures must disappear." after receiving this information, the talented housekeeper shook his hands, took out an ancient scroll from the throne secret box under him and recited it in a low voice: "Ha ha! I thought the plan would be successful for decades, but I didn\'t expect this to happen now. Ha ha! What emperor of a country, what legendary French emperor and fighting emperor; everything will die in front of the endless green skin. I\'m not reconciled!"

"Be willing or not! Let\'s open the ancient transmission array, leave the world and go to another place." the housekeeper\'s son said in a deep voice, "the space-time businessmen I know have traded a lot of fighting emperors and French emperors for us. It can\'t be said that we can rely on them to resist or even kill the green skins and rats hidden under the ground."

"It\'s a pity that those space-time businessmen are too cunning. The transaction cost is getting higher and higher, otherwise we would have killed those underground mice." the former young housekeeper and today\'s old emperor muttered helplessly: "and if the people in the castle didn\'t keep asking us for trouble, I\'m afraid we would have accumulated enough strength."

"Everything is fate."

"Fate? I never believe in fate. Go! Take someone to open the ancient transmission array, and I\'ll have a rest here." the old emperor looked at his son carefully, then waved his hand and signaled him to leave.

Among all his descendants, only the son who came from adultery was the most important. Unfortunately, it was a pity that he realized that the son had a different heart.

"Why betray me? I should be worthy of you!" when his son left the gorgeous palace, the old emperor suddenly said: "In fact, I already know that all the fruits you planted have exchanged goods for you, and there are not many Doudi and Fahuang traded at all. Do you unite with the people of Huangsha castle to deal with me? Or do you have any difficulties? Do you need more important things for fruit trading for you to use?"

"I don\'t know what you\'re talking about."

"You know." the old emperor turned the old scroll in his hand and said in a deep voice: "When I was very young, I worked as a housekeeper in the yellow sand castle. Many people who were plundered like me killed each other in order to be the biggest servant under those mysterious people. In order to get the position of housekeeper, I experienced even more storms than becoming an emperor and queen."

"You have something to hide from me. I knew it a long time ago. But you are one of my favorite sons. I think you may not be suitable for this world. Maybe you can go to the outside world mentioned by those mysterious people. That may be better for you."

"There is a secret warehouse next to the ancient transmission array, which is all kinds of treasures I have collected over the years. Those things are extremely precious even in the outside world. Take them with you when you go."


"You never called me that before, but why do you call me that now? Don\'t mix with those space-time businessmen. They are all poor people like us. Hehe! Those mysterious people are so powerful that even if they do their best in the country, I\'m afraid they can\'t deal with them. What\'s more, there are a group of legendary green skins now. In this way, we have no choice There\'s a way to resist. "

"Let\'s go!"

The old emperor shook his head. He felt very old. If it weren\'t for his magic support, he would have died long ago and couldn\'t hold on until now. Although he felt he could still hold on, he didn\'t want to hold on any longer. "The people of Huangsha Castle won\'t let me go. They will think I brought those green people. In fact, they knew what I did for a long time, but they just ignored it. Now something like this has happened, I\'m afraid they suspected US first."

"Those legendary green skins may have been made by them."

"It\'s impossible! I have spies hiding in the yellow sand castle. I know that the green people are attacking those castles. I also know that there is a civil war among the mysterious people in the castle. They attack each other and want to drag our empires into the water. The old emperor shook his head and smiled: "I want to control the situation and see if I can take the opportunity to kill those mysterious people. Maybe I can occupy their underground base and get all their hidden secrets."

"If I succeed, I\'ll let someone find you. After all, I\'m going to die, and only you can take over here."

"My father. I actually..."

"Leave! It\'s dangerous here. I\'ve also secretly contacted the emperors of other empires. I know the power of those mysterious people. Even they may resist the legendary green skin and continue to control the world secretly. You\'ll be safer than here after you leave here. If you miss this place in the future and have enough power, maybe You can come back and try to find my body and bury me. "