Abyss Knight

Chapter 790

Kukas\'s proposal made the eternal night girl feel something. Just at this time, yongxue girl called her again and let them have dinner, so she didn\'t continue to entangle in such things.

Even in this dangerous environment, these young gentlemen prepare food with plenty of food: dozens of different kinds of drinks, such as aperitif, wine, Baijiu, wine, sweet wine, Mead, etc.

Some cakes and sweets treasured by girls are also generously taken out by them at this time to celebrate the joy of getting a face treasure at a very low price.

During the banquet, the eternal night girl seemed to have endless questions and kept asking kukas to get some detailed information about the eternal plane from him. In this regard, kukas did not hide anything and said everything he knew.

Although these young heroes have different thoughts, they still hold great gratitude for the information that kukas said. Because they know that this information may not be much to kukas, but it is extremely precious to them. Even this information can make the descendants of their family come here less trouble and more danger.

"If you want to get enough divine materials, the best way is not to find someone to trade with you, but to find miners." at the end of the banquet, the eternal night girl rarely gracefully wiped the stains on the corners of her mouth with a soft cloth and whispered, "catch the people at the gate of heaven and let them dig divine materials for you. In order to live, they will work hard."

"Yes, you can use the prohibition to control them, and then agree on a fixed number of years. If you want to get rid of your prohibition, they can either wait until the fixed number of years disappears, or exchange the fixed number of years with you with divine materials." yongxue girl, who has been silent all the time, suddenly opened her mouth. When she opened her mouth, her words supplemented what her sister didn\'t understand.

"Are you taking revenge? Revenge on those people at the gate of heaven?" kukas shook his head. If he put it before, he would use this method to obtain divine materials without even reminding the two girls. But now, he doesn\'t want to do that.

After a long time of reading and recuperation, his irritable and impulsive temperament was greatly suppressed.

"If you don\'t fight and kill, you don\'t have to fight and kill. I have some face treasures. These things may be very precious to you, but for me, these face treasures are not as precious as enough divine materials." kukas shook his head and rejected the suggestions of the two girls.

Kukas\'s words stunned these young heroes a little, and then they continued to be busy with their own affairs, as if they hadn\'t heard kukas\'s words just now.

"I\'m leaving here, you should be careful." kukas kissed the forehead of Yongye and yongxue girl, as if he were leaving.

"Don\'t you really intend to return to the ISAG family? With the support of a family, you can finish some things you want to do in the shortest time." the eternal night girl hurriedly came forward and took kukas\'s arm, Jiao didi said: "maybe you can use the power of the family to make your development broader."

"A person is used to freedom and has no mind to toss about the family. But don\'t worry, as long as something happens to the ISAG family, I will go and help."

Having said this, kukas nodded to the other young heroes, then stepped on the void and walked towards his destination.

Along the way, he put all the divine materials he had just traded into the natural vision: the land of buried bones.

Those divine materials fall into the place of burying bones and are embedded into the earth and sky in an instant. Or turned into veins, or evolved into stars.

The addition of these divine materials still did not expand the area of the natural vision, but made the vision more solid. Although the increased firmness is low, it is at least due to progress.

The veins and the stars in the sky set off each other, hooked the whole buried bone, and all kinds of breath began to flow.

A large number of breath of silence and resentment are transmitted to the stars in the sky through the mineral vein, and then purified through the power of the stars, turned into starlight and scattered on the earth. So repeatedly, although the speed of purifying those breath is extremely slow, but this is at least a method, isn\'t it?

The sudden departure of kukas not only did not cause any loss to these proud children, but also made them secretly relieved.

"Finally left. If such a strong man really stays here, I\'m afraid I really can\'t bear it." a girl whispered with a long sigh of relief: "every time he looks at me, I feel like I\'ve been killed."

"I\'m afraid even the existence of level 9 or even level 10 can\'t get along with him for a long time! It\'s extremely important news that we can survive in the hands of the murderer kukas. Maybe we are the first batch of such people." some professionals were terrified of kukas after they learned his previous name through the narration of their peers.

"Well, what we are talking about now is not these, but how to excavate divine materials on a large scale to trade with the murderer kukas." the blonde patted his hands and attracted the attention of others.

"I don\'t want to be a miner. If I have time, I might as well kill the garbage at the gate of heaven. The divine materials they have can serve us." the proud young man snorted coldly and refuted the suggestion of the blonde youth: "Even we can completely copy Yongye and yongxue\'s suggestions and set up our miner\'s army. Let others collect divine materials for us."

"Damn it, the existing God hiding places in the eternal plane are all old things. They have been excavated by former professionals for many times. I\'m afraid we can\'t do it alone in a short time if we want to dig enough God materials for trading. Therefore, I also agree to set up our mining group and let others help us search for God materials, OK Let us be strong. "

"Yes, you know, we can accumulate so many divine materials in just one year, not because we dig enough veins, but because we kill enough creatures. They have what we want, and even some unexpected gains."

"Yes, it\'s right to kill those people at the gate of heaven and get benefits from them." the Yongye girl fiercely stood up, waved the newly obtained face treasure staff and shouted: "It\'s hard to say that we can still find some good things like plane treasures from them. It\'s really a very good suggestion to blackmail all their treasures and let them dig divine materials for us."

In this way, dozens of young heroes, under the intentional control of yongxue and Yongye, quickly decided their goals in the next few years.

By the time these people made their decision, kukas had gone hundreds of thousands of miles away.

A ferocious giant hundreds of feet tall waved a wolf tooth stick condensed by a mineral vein to walk on the earth. It has no wisdom. Since it was born in the land of God, it has walked and wandered on the earth. Its goal is to devour living creatures to satisfy its stomach.

The ferocious giant has been walking on the earth for a long time. He is hungry because the monsters and giants around him are avoiding him. With his little wisdom, he doesn\'t know where to search for food.

When he couldn\'t help swallowing some plants because of hunger, he found kukas from a distance.

"A little bit, but at least meat, can weaken the smell of plants and trees in his mouth." the ferocious giant thought in his mind, and then he took a huge mace and greeted kukas.

"Eat you." the ferocious giant roared in his words, and listening to kukaser, he just felt that the giant was shouting provocatively.

"Crazy creatures." kukas snorted coldly. His killing breath was not revealed. He stepped directly into the void, crossed thousands of miles and appeared on the head of the ferocious giant.

As soon as his feet stepped on the giant\'s head, a mass of black smoke came out of the giant\'s body. The smoke spread and shrouded thousands of feet around. Within this range, kukas felt as if he was trapped in thick mud and had great difficulty walking.

The ferocious giant waved a huge mace and smashed it on his head to kill kukas. Even if it was smashed into meat sauce, it didn\'t care. "Meat sauce is also meat. Eating it can always change the taste."

The huge mace roared down in the air, twisted the void, and hit kukas like a mountain collapse.

"Bang!" the big hand waved, and the palm of his hand hit the tens of feet thick mace. The next moment, the big mace broke and countless metal fragments scattered on the ground. Kukas just shook his body a little.

The five fingers, like a knife, pierced the head of the ferocious giant. The fierce ash fighting spirit instantly tore the giant\'s head and evaporated its brain. The next moment, nine negative forces were instilled into the ferocious giant with the ash fighting spirit, wantonly destroying its physical function.

The ferocious giant moaned, his eyes burst, his huge head dried up and fell off, revealing a huge white skull.

The mind turned and the natural vision of the place where the bones were buried appeared, and then turned into a white cold light around the body of the ferocious giant. The next moment, it was rolled in by the powerful body.

As soon as the body of the ferocious giant landed in the bone burial place, the blood and flesh were forcibly melted. However, in just a few breaths, a huge white bone appeared in the bone burial place of kukas.

The white skeleton contains the soul of the giant. Although the body has been destroyed, the soul of the ferocious giant has not died.

The soul roared reluctantly, and the thick white bones exploded one by one. These white bones were scattered on the ground, or swallowed up by the place where they were buried, or directly turned into bone powder and blown away by the Yin wind.

When more than half of the giant\'s skeleton was broken, its soul took control of the body again. Green flames burst out from the huge skeleton. This is the change of the ferocious giant\'s soul in the bone burial place of kukas, thus becoming a skeleton giant.

"Kill!" roared the soul of the skeleton giant. It manipulated the huge corpse and wanted to struggle to stand up, then break the damn space, return to the earth and return to its normal life.

However, kukas did not give it a chance at all. After discovering that the soul of the ferocious giant was not melted in the place where the bones were buried for the first time, but stimulated its variation, kukas did not hesitate to integrate the real body into the place where the bones were buried.

Stepping on the void, in the vision of the bone buried place, although the natural vision is not yet fully mature, here, he can walk freely as if in a burning plane.

The fierce ash fighting spirit was wrapped around his hand, and nine different negative forces were wrapped around the burning ash fighting spirit. These negative forces were formed when he was promoted to the Ninth level by forcibly integrating part of the power of heaven and earth into his hands through secret methods.

The big hand falls, and the vision space is distorted and turbulent by his power. Countless white bones burst from the earth. These white bones were put together in the air to form a white bone, and the creatures roared silently.

The huge palm slapped heavily on the head of the giant\'s skeleton, slapped it down, and smashed the huge head that was crazy absorbing the breath of resentment.

The soul hidden in the head turned into a green flame under the bedroom of resentment and silence.

Lost his hiding place, the giant\'s soul flew through the air and wanted to escape here. But under the influence of the buried place, the giant\'s soul was blown by the Yin wind and soon lost its only reason.

The irrational soul, under the rules contained in the natural vision, slowly collapsed and turned into thousands of soul fragments falling to the ground.

One part was swallowed by the white bone empty Cang wood, while the other part was integrated into the earth, and then attached to the bones under the ground to form white bone creatures.

With a faint hum, kukas dodged and came out of his natural vision. Along the way, he killed dozens of such giants. It is no stranger to the occurrence of this situation.

Recover the vision of the buried bone, and kukas continues on his way. But before that, he gathered up the broken mace fragments of the giant.

The wolf tooth stick was formed by the giant after the birth of the God hidden land, and the mineral veins were condensed by the power of the plane rules. It contains many precious magic metals, some of which may even be helpful to the casting of his natural vision. Of course, those fragments need him to check and separate a little before he can find what he wants.

He was getting closer to the place where the legend kept his supplies, and he met more and more monsters and giants along the way.

Walking thousands of miles, it can be said that every step is killing the past. Stepping on the void, every time, there must be giants and giants falling, and then turned into materials for his natural vision to increase his power.

Some top talents also linger in the areas where these giants and giants move. They hone their strength by fighting with these vicious creatures.

In the face of these people, kukas has no desire to kill. As long as those people don\'t provoke him, he won\'t take the initiative to provoke them. Sometimes he takes the initiative to avoid those people.

After walking all the way, tens of thousands of giants drilled out of the God\'s hiding place were buried in his bone burial place. As for monsters and giants, countless were killed.

A permanent fortress appeared in front of kukas. The fortress was bigger than the ice and snow city controlled by kukas. Countless thick gun barrels were scattered on the huge fortress. Those gun barrels are all killing weapons made by some special races. Each barrel, under the urging of enough magic crystals, can frantically pour out 11th order range attack magic or single attack magic.

This permanent fortress is also the first fortress kukas saw after walking for dozens of days.

Kukas appeared outside the fortress. His figure was still blurred. He saw dozens of magic crystal cannon tubes with a thickness of tens of feet creaking and aiming at his body. At the same time, a strange force locked him in.

The scroll given to him by the woman\'s half step legend was taken out by kukas, opened the scroll, and sent out the breath of his identity from above.

Soon, he locked his magic crystal barrel and soon changed direction. "Are you the cinder Knight kukas? The legendary evil man? The cursed creature?"

"Yes, I want to go to the city." kukas found that the fortress looked very cold. He stood outside for dozens of breathing time and didn\'t see a professional come in and out here.

However, in his perception of natural vision, he found that there were strong fluctuations of magic and fighting spirit in the fortress. Through his judgment, he knew that someone was fighting inside. And the scale of the battle is very large.

"You don\'t have to come in. We know what you\'re going to do here. We\'ve prepared your supplies for you." a voice sounded from the fortress. Soon, a magic ring flew out of the fortress and floated straight towards kukas: "take this thing and leave here immediately, otherwise you\'ll get involved in a big trouble."

"What do you as like as two peas", "and you have no warning to me." when he took the magic ring, he did not notice anything unusual. After he had counted the materials, he found that what he had just said was just like the legend.

"It\'s not a warning, it\'s just a simple reminder, that\'s all." the strange voice sounded again, and one of the magic crystal barrels sounded with the sound, aiming at kukas.

"You\'re threatening me. HMM! Interesting. Do you want to kill me? I don\'t think you have that ability yet." kukas snorted. After taking out the materials from the magic ring and putting them into his ring, he threw the first magic ring into the gun barrel aimed at him on the wall of the fortress.

Having said this, kukas stood quietly in place, waiting for the reaction of those in the fortress.

After dozens of breathing time, there was no sound from the fortress, only more and more strong magic fluctuations and fighting collision.

"If you don\'t have the courage to provoke me, don\'t be crazy in words. Your behavior is extremely cowardly." with a grimace smile, kukas turned and walked away. In the fortress, there was still no sound transmitted to kukas\'s ears outside.

Just after kukas\'s figure disappeared from the gun barrel locking range of the fortress, two professionals in the fortress were hideously hiding in a hidden soldier cave. Where they controlled hundreds of thick magic crystal guns through crystal balls.

One of the professionals cursed in a low voice: "the boy was too rampant just now. We should have killed him. Even if he was level 10, he could not jump off the attack of hundreds of magic crystal cannons."

"Then why don\'t you attack? Don\'t you know his name is kukas? The ash Knight kukas, a vicious professional, is more bloody than any creature you know." another professional snorted coldly and said with disdain on his face: "What\'s more, don\'t you know that the murderer can\'t be killed? It\'s said that he escaped under the attack of legends and gods. Do you think we can kill such a person with hundreds of magic crystal cannons?"

"If we can\'t kill him, unless we hide here forever in the future, we will definitely get the most crazy revenge from him."

"He\'s just a ninth level professional." another professional was silent for a while, and then whispered, "don\'t you see his rampant appearance just now? Facing the lock of magic crystal gun, he\'s still provoking us. Provoking us, humiliating us and saying we\'re cowards, can you bear this tone?" When saying this, the professional\'s mood seemed unusually restless.

"Bear it. If I can\'t bear it, I\'ll start attacking him. Can\'t you bear it? Why don\'t you fight? What\'s the point of chirping here now? I think he hasn\'t gone far. You can catch up with him and kill him. Dare you go?"

Another professional\'s words deeply stimulated his companions, but his companions didn\'t go out to search for the trace of kukas because of impulse. Because he didn\'t dare to attack kukas with the power of the fortress just now, and now let him go alone to kill each other. He didn\'t dare to do it even if he was also a ninth level professional and a well-known expert So do hunters.

After walking hundreds of thousands of miles, kukas, who left the permanent fortress, found a mountain and threw the materials left by the legend into the bone burial place.

These materials are very rich, hundreds of times more than he gets from those top talents.

A large number of materials were filled into the bone burial place, which slightly increased the area of the bone burial place. Although the increased area is not large, it is enough for kukas.

It\'s just a pity for him that it takes him a long time to collect materials to really use this natural vision to fight.

After dealing with those materials, kukas did not leave. Instead, he found a cave around, and then plunged into it. He began to adjust his state and prepare to feel the rule fluctuation of this level. He wanted to feel the rules with the help of this level change, so as to make his strength stronger.

As the days passed, kukas sat in the cave and constantly realized. However, his harvest was very poor. In recent 100 days, he only caught the tail of a regular projection by accident. That time, the knowledge he got from the regular projection was also some low-level knowledge, which was of no use to him now.

The harvest is so rare that even if he is mentally prepared, he will inevitably get a little anxious, because he doesn\'t know when the change in this position will end, and whether he has enough time to seize this opportunity.

After thinking for some time, he mobilized his fighting armor from the level of knowledge.

"Help me find something to increase the strength of my soul." kukas arranged two fighting armor to understand the rules of heaven and earth, but his noumenon was connected with the legend.

"There\'s no such thing at all now. I\'m already helping you find it. Those people would rather not hire your green skin than give you something to increase your soul power." the legend shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "I\'m sorry, I can\'t help you. But I\'ve collected a secret method for cultivating the soul. This secret method was traded to me by a prophet. It\'s very effective in increasing the soul. I can provide it to you."

Kukas did not speak, but just looked at the legend quietly. After a long time, he shook his head and said, "I don\'t need that thing. By the way, do you know the news about how long the change of the rules of the eternal plane lasts?"

"I\'m sorry, I\'m not able to answer this question. But according to previous experience, every level change will take an extremely long time. Well, the rules fluctuate, and even last for tens of thousands of years. If you want to feel the fluctuations of level rules, I suggest you go to the burning level you control. That level is under your control, You should be able to easily feel the rules. "

"On the contrary, I can\'t feel any rules because I am completely in control of that plane. Even if the rules of that plane fluctuate violently, I can\'t feel the breath of any rules." kukas shook his head, and his mood became worse because of the news brought to him by the legend.

"Well, good luck. Sometimes if you\'re lucky, you can feel a complete rule at one time. If you\'re not lucky, you may not feel any rules in thirty or fifty years." the legend blinked and disappeared from the communication of magic props.

"Do you really want to extract the souls of those people with secret methods to increase your strength?" the idea appeared in his mind for a moment, but then he threw it behind him.

"Then practice slowly! The plane fluctuation may last for ten thousand years, and in these times, I may be able to make my soul stronger."

After thinking for a moment, he soon made a new decision.

All the fighting armor was sent to the burning plane by him, and the armor of the warden in the third-order plane was also sent to the burning plane by him.

Where, his fighting armor no longer tried to understand the rules or study all kinds of knowledge, but tried their best to urge the secret method of gold treasure and began to cultivate the power of soul.

The soul cultivation secret method of gold treasure is not too complicated, but this cultivation method, like other soul cultivation methods, is extremely boring. It is precisely because of the boring soul cultivation that more and more professionals begin to use all kinds of external forces to increase their soul strength instead of relying on their own strength Yes.

The mountains are continuous and the temples overlap; after the power of the gold treasure is displayed, the image of the gold treasure appears behind his three fighting armor.

Three gold treasures were suspended in the air in a triangle. Under the urging of the secret method, a golden light suddenly came out from the mountains in one gold treasure. The golden light hit other mountains and temples, and then exploded to form tens of millions of silk threads to puncture the earth and those mountains.

At the same time, thirteen burning black flags emerged from each gold treasure. These black flags fluttered without wind, and black flames fell on the ground, burning the mountains and temples.

Under the burning of those black flames, the golden light splashed from the mountains and temples continued to increase. With each additional golden light, the silk thread solidified.

The more solid golden silk threads intertwined in the air, and finally formed a strange thirteen awn star over each gold treasure.

The thirteen awn star rotates and distorts the void around. Every time, some milky light appears in the Dharma array.

When the Milky light appeared, the three fighting armor opened their mouths, inhaled fiercely, and swallowed the white light.

Every time he swallowed a little white light, the soul power contained in the fighting armor was stronger. Although the increased soul power was negligible, kukas still clenched his teeth and insisted.

He wants to greatly increase his soul power, and then forge more fighting armor, so as to better understand the rules of heaven and earth.

When the three fighting armor began to swallow the soul power bred by the Dharma array, the three gold treasures broke away from their bodies and ran in the air by themselves.

When the gold treasure runs, golden light bands spray out of the pit in their central area. These golden light bands interweave and change in the air to form a small altar suspended in the air.

Although the altar is small, its power is incomparably powerful after it is formed. When the altar is formed alone, a powerful breath is released, which directly shatters the void and exposes the gray void space.

On the altar, there are all kinds of birds, animals, ancient creatures and fantasy creatures. These things are vivid, as if they were born to live in the altar.

The altar began to rotate, which led the three gold treasures to rotate. The gold treasures rotated and kept approaching the altar. The last three gold treasures were all integrated into the golden altar.

A drop of milky liquid dropped from the altar and fell into one of the breath armor mouths. Every dozens of breathing time, such a drop of milky liquid drops down.

And every drop of such liquid swallowed by them is far more soul power than the light they just swallowed a magic.

This change was not expected by kukas, and the reason for all these changes was the chain formed by tadpole words wrapped around his soul.

It turned out that when the three gold treasures were running separately, the green chain wrapped around kukas\'s soul suddenly crossed the void, directly wrapped around the soul fragments in the three fighting armor, and then manipulated the three soul fragments, emitting a strange fluctuating smell.

Under the traction of those fluctuating breath, the three gold treasures produced this strange change, which evolved into a gold altar, which greatly increased the strength and increase speed of his soul.

Twenty years have passed since the burning plane, the three fighting armor have been constantly running the secret method in the gold treasure, thus accumulating a lot of soul power.

When those souls were strong enough for him to gather a fighting armor again, kukas immediately gathered the new fighting armor in the shortest time.

With the addition of new fighting armor, the golden altar rotates a little faster. In this way, the soul power generated can be faster.

However, over the past ten years, new fighting armor has been produced.

If this continued, calculated by the time in the main plane, kukas got ten new fighting armor in three or five years. These fighting armor combined with his fighting armor, there are as many as 13.

Among the thirteen fighting armor, except one returned to the experimental base of the third-order plane as the warden, all the others entered the eternal plane and began to understand the rules of heaven and earth together with kukas\'s noumenon.

Of course, it\'s not that kukas doesn\'t want to make more fighting armor, but that he doesn\'t have the ability to continue casting fighting armor. Because the secret method he mastered has been practiced to the limit by him. If he wants to continue to cultivate this special fighting armor, he must figure out a new secret method by himself.

With the addition of twelve fighting armor that can understand the rules of heaven and earth, coupled with kukas\'s noumenon, the efficiency of his understanding of the rules of heaven and earth has been improved dozens of times. But even so, his harvest was still so rare that he almost thought that the regular fluctuations of the eternal plane would disappear.

However, this time, he had no other secret method to increase the speed of understanding rules, so he had to be patient and capture those rule projections bit by bit. Sometimes, he almost caught some fragments of rule ontology.