Abyss Knight

Chapter 789

"Since I became a high-level professional, I have known that the world is very dangerous. It is very dangerous whether in the eternal plane or in any plane of the endless void." yongxue and ISAG turn over and play with their magic bracelets, trying to find a new dress to replace.

"Where is issag family? Give me a place." kukas wanted to know where first person in power established her family. If necessary, where can he go to recuperate, so as to secretly protect the family.

"Forget it! In my grandmother\'s books, I noticed that she didn\'t want you to disturb her. So I won\'t tell you." yongxue and ISAG smiled softly. She turned out a silver gray robe in the magic bracelet. The patterns on the robe were outlined one by one with some magic metal silk threads. Those patterns were completely built with some ancient magic words.

Although kukas knew little about magic words, he still felt that the power of those magic words was very weak. Obviously, the knowledge accumulation of ISAG family in magic is very weak.

"But you can ask others that although our ISAG family is not strong enough, it is still very prominent in some aspects, so they know us."

Yongxue and ISAG took off their clothes and began to change new clothes.

White as jade skin, slender waist, slender legs, tall and towering * * and a black triangle. With the seriousness and calmness of her face, people not only feel no desire, but also feel a strange holiness.

"Well, you\'re trying to make me make a mistake." kukas slapped his bald head hard. He suddenly found that his descendants were very strange: "maybe your grandmother shouldn\'t have asked me to continue her blood."

"Do you mean that my behavior is strange? And this strange behavior is formed because of the blending of your blood and my grandmother?" yongxue and ISAG gracefully wear their clothes, but like her sister, she doesn\'t wear boots, but floats in the void with bare feet: "I don\'t think I have anything to hide in front of you. Besides, you are hundreds or even thousands of years old. Are you still impulsive at a large age?"

"If there were no impulse, there would be no current issag family." kukas rolled his eyes and said helplessly, "by the way, how long will you leave here?"

"Nine years, in another nine years, we can leave. What? Do you want to protect us here?" yongxue and ISAG tidy up their clothes, then pull up the scattered black hair, insert a gold foot and shake it.

"If you want to protect us, I don\'t think it\'s necessary at all. We\'re here for experience, not for vacation."

Kukas could not refute the words of his descendants. Because he knew that high-level professionals would never really grow up without going through fierce struggle. Only after going through the bloody rain and honing their will and strength can they be qualified to step into legend or gods.

"Your weapon is a little rough." kukas\'s realization swept the staff in yongxue girl\'s hand, and then looked at her carefully. He found that there were no other magic ornaments on the other party except the magic bracelet and rough staff.

"Although you need to hone yourself, there are many strong characters here, and you still need some magic props to defend yourself." kukas thought for a moment, and forcibly extracted hundreds of plane treasures from the burning plane origin through the burning black flag.

The plane treasure is placed in front of yongxue girl.

"What do you mean?" young girl yongxue\'s face changed slightly when she saw that kukas took out so many plane treasures. When she was with other top talents, she saw that they had a large number of magic props and even plane treasures. There were a lot of magic props, but plane treasures were very rare.

Kukas selected dozens of Dharma sticks from those plane treasures and placed them one by one in front of yongxue girl. "Pick one, your Dharma stick must be replaced."

"Do you want to pack and support me? Let me be your lover?"

"My blood is flowing in your body. You are my descendant." kukas rolled his eyes. He didn\'t understand how the first person in power taught the descendant. He didn\'t understand why the two descendants he saw had strange thoughts.

"The father marries his daughter and the son marries his mother. There are too many relationships between brother and sister, brother and sister, which is very normal." yongxue girl shook her head: "I can\'t want these things you give."

"You must, or I\'ll be angry." kukas didn\'t refute yongxue girl, but insisted on pushing those staff down in front of each other and asking her to choose carefully: "maybe a staff is related to your future life and death. I give you these things just to make you safer. You know, your opponents have powerful props."

"If you want to fight with them and show all your powers in front of them, you can\'t lack some treasures and props. Otherwise, you won\'t be reconciled if you are defeated. It\'s easy to get your mood into a bad state." seeing that yongxue girl still doesn\'t choose a staff, he chose a staff and gave it to the girl.

"You can put it up first. If you meet a powerful person, it\'s not too late to use it again."

The staff stuffed to yongxue girl is very exquisite. The whole body is polished by silver gray crystal with the thickness of the baby\'s arm. Some ancient magic patterns flow in the crystal staff. Although these magic patterns can not be expressed in words, they rely on circulation and collision, and their power is no less than those ancient magic words.

At the top of the staff, there is a pebble sized gem. The gem is also silver gray. It is embedded on the top of the staff and emits strange light.

At the end of the staff is a triangular awl. That awl is extremely sharp. Can penetrate any defense force below level 9 except the master.

After giving yongxue a staff, kukas chose a foot ring from the hundreds of magic props and forced it on her little foot.

There are brooches, headwear, belts, gloves and other surface treasures, but among these things, yongxue girl accepted a brooch inlaid with a silver elephant, and all the other things were rejected by her.

"These things are enough. Look! The staff can help me attack them, the foot ring can make me walk faster, and the brooch can protect me from injury. These are enough. Other things, no matter how much, will only hinder my cultivation." yongxue girl let kukas fasten the brooch to her and explained softly.

"Good things are never too few. Some things you don\'t intend to use, but you can never lack. Under special circumstances, those things can save your name." kukas pinned yongxue girl a brooch and looked carefully, then nodded with satisfaction.

The rest of the plane treasures were all stuffed into the magic ring by him, then put on a necklace and put on the slender neck of yongxue girl: "if there are any dangerous things, they may help you."

"To tell you the truth, I find that you treat me better than my mother." yongxue girl\'s mood suddenly seemed to drop. She touched the pendant on her neck and said with a bitter smile: "When I left home, my mother didn\'t prepare anything for me. She didn\'t even send me and my sister to the transmission array like others. She just told me a few words, that\'s all."

"Not many words, but that doesn\'t mean she doesn\'t care about you. Maybe it\'s because of family difficulties, or because she wants to experience you. Everything is not as simple as you think." Kukas shook his head. He didn\'t take yongxue\'s complaint to heart. In his opinion, as a parent, giving anything to their children is extremely precious, even if it\'s just a simple word.

"Maybe! My mother has always disliked my father. After my father died, she behaved more clearly. Ha ha! The ISAG family, perhaps really like some people say, is a cursed family." yongxue girl muttered softly, then shook her head and said seriously, "you have always been in this position?"

"I just came here a few days ago. I came here to collect some supplies. Unfortunately, a little accident happened and someone persuaded me to be a hunter here." kukas smiled innocently, "do you know why those people are after you?"

"They want me to be the undercover of the gate of heaven, so as to control the whole issag family and let the issag family join the gate of heaven." yongxue sighed: "it\'s a pity that the issag family has a strong brand of abyss alliance. I\'m afraid even if I become the controller of the family, I can\'t lead the family to the gate of heaven. Ha ha!"

"Do you want to join the gate of heaven?" kukas fell to the ground, lay lazily on a big stone and looked at the girl in the sky. "If you really want to do that, I think your grandmother will refuse."

"She no longer controls the ISAG family. Now she sleeps all day, saying that she is practicing a strange secret method. HMM! Do you know what secret method is practiced through sleeping?" young girl yongxue looked puzzled when she said this: "According to some books of our family, our grandmother, well, your lover, fell into a deep sleep after her son died, and then didn\'t wake up. I doubt whether she was hurt or killed. The family is just hiding us."

"Impossible, if she died, I would feel it." kukas frowned slightly, and a lot of knowledge flashed in his mind. He searched for things about sleeping cultivation.

"In the endless void, there are endless kinds of secrets. I don\'t know many secrets. But don\'t worry, she will definitely be fine. Well, this is my sign. If something happens to the ISAG family and your grandmother doesn\'t wake up, use a sign to call me. Or use it to call green skin. I think you know the life of green skin Spiritual, isn\'t it? "

"I didn\'t expect you to give me this kind of thing." she took the virtual shadow of the burning black flag handed over by kukas, and yongxue girl rarely showed a trace of excitement.

"I\'ve heard of green skin. I\'ve heard that green skin is endless. I\'ve heard that green skin can kill hundreds of millions of creatures and destroy one plane after another."

"With this thing, you can summon endless green skins?"

"Yes, it can be summoned without limit," kukas whispered. "It can protect you."

The two talked in such a low voice. In the conversation, kukas said some of his previous cultivation experience. Although he intends to teach yongxue girl some knowledge about magic, his reserves in this field are too small. I can only put aside my previous experience in fighting with those spell casters, and then let yongxue girl know what to pay attention to when fighting with melee professionals.

When they talked for three or five magic hours, dozens of professional breath rushed over in the distance. Feel at will and find that it\'s Yongye and ISAG coming with her companions.

"As like as two peas," my sister came. "Yong Xue girl shook her head with regret. She thought her conversation with Kukas was coming to an end:" my sister and I are twins.

"We met."

"Oh!" yongxue girl simply answered, and did not ask when they met. Of course, she did not ask why kukas appeared so coincidentally to save her.

"My sister is very naughty. If anything unpleasant happens, I hope you can tolerate her."

"Maybe you should be a sister, not her."

"Hehe, in fact, no one knows which of us is the sister and which is the sister. Even our mother doesn\'t know." yongxue\'s voice suddenly became low: "she never cared about us. When we were young, others took care of us, and she never took care of us."

"She may have some difficulties."

"Difficulties? She was only interested in making love with a priest at the gate of heaven, and she didn\'t care about us. At that time, her father was still alive, but she couldn\'t rule over her."

"Interesting." kukas shook his head. The words of yongxue girl made him very disappointed in the performance of his descendants.

"If it were you, how would you deal with such a thing?"

"The best result is to let them fall into the eternal abyss." kukas said casually without thinking about it. "When you were young, you didn\'t have impulse or violence. How could you be young?"

"You\'re crazy."

"Is this crazy? I feel very normal." kukas shook his head and said with a smile: "if I put it before, I would kill all the family members of that man and let the creatures in his hometown bury him for his stupidity."

"Devil, you are a devil. It seems that the title given to you by some people is very consistent with your behavior. Well, to tell the truth, my father doesn\'t like my mother and even hates her very much. If it\'s not for the continuation of blood, they may even become enemies. On the contrary, the priest is very good to my mother and even to us." Yongxue girl whispered.

Dozens of streamers cross the sky, but a few breathing times appear here. The light dissipated, revealing many professionals. These professionals are very different from when kukas separated from them.

They looked very embarrassed. Some people were stained with blood, and others had only half of their body, which was slowly recovering.

"What are you talking about? I knew you could save my sister." as soon as Yongye and ISAG landed, they rushed to kukas, then threw themselves on him and rubbed their heads for a few times: "say it! What reward do you want? Can you ask less? I\'m very poor."

"Yongye, don\'t talk to him like this. I\'ll pay for what he wants." the proud young man drank softly, stepped forward and stared condescending into kukas\'s eyes: "what do you want?"

"The plane origin, all the plane origins of a hundred high-order planes." kukas narrowed his eyes and pushed away the eternal night and ISAG glued to him: "this is my reward. Can you pay?"

"Damn it, you\'re blackmail. Plane origin? High-level plane origin? Do you think that thing is everywhere like divine material? It\'s divine material, and it\'s also an extremely precious thing in this eternal plane. Damn it, if you have a little plane origin, I can find many people to kill you. A high-level magic defense prop. How about it?" The proud young man roared angrily: "a magic prop is enough for your reward. You know, inviting a level 12 professional to do it is just a face treasure."

"If you don\'t have that strength, don\'t make up here. It\'s boring." kukas snorted coldly, stretched out his finger and shook it for a few times. "If you serve as my slave, it\'s a reward."

The arrogant boy wanted to say something, but he was blocked by the eternal night and ISAG pushed away by kukas.

"You are the founder of our family. Do you still want the reward from my younger generation? You will make people feel very sad." the Yongye girl said, with tears in her eyes: "if my grandmother knew, she would scold you."

"Ha ha! Your companions are really funny. Well, go, I\'ll give you something." kukas got up and motioned the eternal night girl to go away with him. As for the young heroes, he didn\'t seem to see them. His behavior also made a few of them angry, but more of them did not dare to complain. Because they know that it is their greatest gain to be alive after seeing the legendary ash Knight kukas.

"Is it for my baby? Like those things on my sister?" the eternal night girl pointed yongxue and ISAG asked excitedly: "Facet treasures? You should give us more. There are too many powerful people in this facet. We met an ice corpse knight on the way here just now. That thing is so powerful that it almost killed all our team."

"Ice corpse knight? Is his body still there?" kukas asked, "didn\'t you tell him my name?"

"Forget, but is your name very powerful among the ice corpses?" the Yongye girl stuck out her tongue and said plainly: "can you kill the ice corpses too? I heard that those ice corpses are extremely powerful. In this position, they are not afraid of any power."

"Next time you should try, and then you\'ll know whether my name works among those ice corpses." kukas glanced at yongxue and ISAG, who were quiet, and also motioned her to remember his words.

"Give it to me here! They are all my friends." Yongye girl said this, and yongxue frowned slightly. She subconsciously touched the necklace on her neck and the magic wand in her hand, sighed secretly, but said nothing.

"As you wish." kukas nodded and took out a magic wand, mage robe, crown, foot ring, bracelet, earrings and Phoenix hairpin, which were video like treasures, and gave them to the eternal night girl.

The light of several plane treasures shines on the eternal night girl, which not only makes her look more beautiful, but also red the eyes of some young heroes.

These young heroes, although they all have plane treasures, some of which are even more than those taken out by kukas, at this moment, their inner shock is much greater than when they get plane treasures from their families.

"It\'s beautiful. I like this and this." the eternal night girl screamed, reached out and grabbed the small object handed to her by kukas, and then quickly dressed herself: "Is there anything else? I\'ve seen other people covered with facial treasures before, but I didn\'t expect that I have today. Are there facial props? I heard that facial props are more precious than these facial treasures. No wonder my old grandmother once mentioned in books that if we meet someone, we will get a lot of good things. I think she must be talking about you. But my old grandmother won\'t let us know We ask for things from you, but what does it matter? She can\'t control here now. This is the eternal plane. She can\'t come here. Ha ha! "

The eternal night girl shouted loudly, "from now on, I can also kill those who dare to provoke me with plane treasures. How wonderful! Now I can imagine how easy the battle will be in the future."

"Treasures are just auxiliary props. What you really need to rely on is your own strength. Don\'t be confused by these things." kukas frowned slightly and persuaded: "I was almost lost. That feeling was very wonderful for me at that time, but with the passage of time, it brought me only uneasiness and confusion. You should know that as a professional, what we pursue is not precious props and treasures, but the strength of our own strength."

"Of course, it is extremely normal to properly use some magic props to improve their strength. In terms of their own strength and the use of props, it is OK to cooperate with each other." kukas glanced at the yongxue girl, and then continued: "as long as you know how to control, you can."

While talking, he took some facial treasures and stuffed them into the eternal night girl. The facial treasures he took out made the eyes of the young heroes around him even hotter.

"I don\'t know how many proud children you killed to get so many things." the proud young man glared at kukas, as if those plane treasures were stained with not endless consumption, but endless blood.

"Don\'t worry, they have never been used, not even named. You can name them. With your thoughts, let their names pass down forever in the infinite void." kukas saw the doubts of yongxue girl and the indifference of Yongye girl, but he explained.

"If you want, I can trade with you. What do you think of using divine materials to trade these plane treasures with me? It\'s very cost-effective." kukas took out another plane treasure and threw it gently in his hand.

"Seriously?" the blonde stepped forward and asked in a deep voice, "only God materials?"

"I\'m always serious when I talk to kukas. Yes, I only need divine materials." the bald evil man touched his head and said with a strange grin, "I want all the divine materials you have. Don\'t worry. Even if each of you exchanges 100 pieces of plane treasures with me, I can afford it."

Kukas\'s words made a ray of light in the eyes of all the proud children present. In their view, divine materials are just things used to make magic treasures and props. Compared with plane treasures, they know how to choose.

"Agree to exchange."

"Yes, we must trade. Only in this way can our strength be improved." a girl envied the facial treasures of Mu yongxue and Yongye sisters, so she hurriedly said: "can we choose the efficacy of facial treasures?"

"There\'s no problem." kukas was happy when he saw that more than 30 favored children came to trade with him and knew that he was a little shorter from the success of the second stage of casting natural vision. Open your mouth and promise.

Through a simple conversation, the two sides quickly finalized the method and quantity of the transaction. However, in just a few breathing times, kukas stacked a large number of divine materials in front of him.

Fortunately, there are prohibition seals on these divine materials. Otherwise, the divine light emitted by such a large number of divine materials is enough to hook all creatures around hundreds of millions of miles to check.

The deal soon ended and kukas got a lot of talent, but he was still not satisfied. And those young heroes are also dissatisfied after they have got one or several faceted treasures.

It was for this reason that kukas made a covenant with them. It is agreed that they can trade with themselves at any time as long as they have enough divine materials. He even said that some strange metals and drugs could be traded. Of course, all the things he put forward were what he needed to forge his natural vision.

It was through the transactions with these people that kukas had new ideas in his heart. "I have to find some miners. Well, let them help me collect some things and let them work with me with materials."

A vague decision grew in his mind, but it was not convenient for him to try now.

Among all the deals, only the arrogant boy didn\'t make any deal with kukas. For this situation, kukas did not care. Other top talents also know his temper, so they don\'t feel anything inappropriate.

"I will never trade with my enemies, because that will make my enemies strong, but it will be of no use to me." the arrogant boy muttered softly, "I will break everything in front of me with my fist."

"I hope you can do it one day." kukas pinched and exploded a plane treasure, allowing the fragments of the treasure to scatter on the ground along his fingers, and then dispersed by the strong wind caused by the people\'s breath.

This ability is powerful in the eyes of these young heroes, but it is not so shocking. They just feel that a plane treasure has dissipated so much, but it is a little regrettable.

After the transaction, these young heroes did not leave, but began to prepare food on the top of the mountain.

Some people jointly hunted and killed a giant beast, while some women carved tables, chairs and benches out of stones.

Yongxue girl is as busy as others. She is in the celebration held to celebrate that everyone has traded face treasures. The eternal night girl, like a kitten, curled up beside kukas and refused to leave.

"What are you going to do here? Do you want one to be a hunter? I heard that the hunters at the gate of heaven are very powerful. They even killed our hunters many times."

"I want to collect some materials to cast my natural vision."

"Oh! What method would you use to transmit? If I remember correctly, in this plane, only professionals above level 12 can tear the space for transmission. By the way, you really don\'t ask me for compensation?" the eternal night girl chattered like a bird.

Kukas did not feel disgusted, but listened with interest.

"I have some plane sources that can be transmitted through the power of plane sources." kukas smiled softly. "As for the reward, when did I ask for it? It\'s just your wishful thinking that I will ask for it."

"Ha ha! That\'s good. I\'ll always want to repay you. By the way, when I leave, come back to the issag family with me!" the girl\'s eyes turned and some words were automatically filtered by her. Because she thinks that she may not know some things. And even if you know, you shouldn\'t spread it. And she thinks that what she should not know is about the origin of the plane.

Of course, the eternal night girl didn\'t know. In fact, the information she thought about the origin of the plane, whether at the gate of heaven or the abyss alliance, had long been known by many people in power.

"ISAG family? That\'s not my family, that\'s just your family." kukas patted the girl\'s head gently. The crown on her head got in the way, but it didn\'t prevent kukas from expressing some of his meaning: "but don\'t worry, you can contact me as long as anything special happens to the ISAG family. I\'ll help you deal with it."

"This sentence makes me feel very familiar! Did you say the same thing to my sister?" the girl winked and said curiously, "is that so? You won\'t deceive me, will you?"

"That\'s right. I once said such words to her." kukas gathered a burning black flag and gave it to her: "you can call me with it. As long as I\'m still alive, wherever I am, I\'ll pass at the first time."

"If you have descendants, your descendants can also use it," kukas thought for a moment and finally added, "even if you establish a new family."

"None of the women of the ISAG family will establish a new family, and no descendants will be born." the eternal night girl smiled softly, "but if you want to establish a new family with me, I can\'t say I will promise."

"Is there any reason? I\'m talking about the descendant problem." kukas frowned slightly and didn\'t understand what the eternal night girl\'s words meant.

"When the ISAG family was founded, a legendary prophet made such a prophecy:" unless the ISAG declined, all members will forget their family name. At that time, women will have descendants. And there will only be one. The descendant of that woman will give birth to a boy, and his name will be called ISAG. The ISAG family will be in The boy rose again. \'"

"It\'s a strange prophecy. Many people in our family don\'t believe it. Some of my elders have tried, but they can\'t have offspring at all, even if it is prompted by the secret method." the eternal night girl hesitated a little and said some secrets of the ISAG family: "later, no one will try."

"The family has not yet prospered, but it has been predicted that it will decline. It\'s strange. And why must a descendant named ISAG be born until the family has not fallen behind? It is said that my father has a brother who was named ISAG when he was young. But he died within three days after he got the name. During this period, all those named ISAG died Dead. No one can live enough for a year. "

"The name of ISAG is not something that ordinary people can bear." the words of the eternal night girl reminded kukas of the things about ISAG said by the scholar with childlike face and huge breasts. "Maybe those things are true. But he already exists in the past. Will he appear in the future? Why not now?"

"What are you talking about?" the eternal night girl heard kukas\'s self-talk and felt a vague idea emerge in her mind, but the next moment, the idea disappeared. As if she had never noticed the idea, she asked, "do you mean that in the past, there was a man named ISAG? He was a powerful professional?"

"Yes." kukas thought a little, and finally took out the stone book and gave it to the eternal night girl.

And the eternal night girl reached out to explore those strange words, and after listening to kukas explain the meaning of those words to him, she was happy and said, "ISAG is a male, and his descendants are very powerful."

To kukas\' surprise, just after her words were finished, a strange line of words appeared on the stone book. The text is as like as two peas on the first page.

"ISAG has a hundred lovers." when the eternal night girl saw the changes in the stone books, she continued, "all his descendants are powerful knights."

However, when he said these words, there was no response in the stone book. But the girl of eternal night was unwilling, and said another word, but there was no change.

"If you are a prophet, you may be able to predict his future." kukas casually took the stone book and handed it to the eternal night girl. "This book was given to me by a scholar. She originally intended to give it to her students, but finally gave it to me. But I want to give it to you. Because you make more words on it."

"Then I\'ll specialize in prophecy. I suddenly found that I have a strong curiosity about ISAG." after listening to kukas about ISAG, the expression of the eternal night girl seemed extremely excited: "such a mysterious person, his experience must be very rich. If I can write it down, I\'m afraid my name will be handed down forever."

"Maybe! But I think it will be very difficult. Well, I mean about describing ISAG." kukas nodded hard. Looking at the book loved by the eternal night girl, he felt a lot easier all of a sudden.

Although he has never paid attention to this book, it is like a stone, pressing heavily on his heart.

While they were talking, the busy yongxue girl came over. They have cooked broth and other food and are preparing for dinner.

When Yongye saw yongxue, he waved the book to show off.

"I have decided that I will not be an ordinary caster. I will become a powerful prophet to predict everything about ISAG."

"There is no prophecy at all. We can speculate first about what clothes he wears, what food he likes, and what occupation he does. In short, we can speculate about some of his simple characteristics without much energy."

"Yes, yes, I didn\'t think of such a simple thing. Ha ha, those people in the past didn\'t think of it. Well, let\'s speculate about the occupation of the descendant of ISAG first! There are no knights in his descendant, that is, soldiers, spell casters or others. One by one, there will always be right." after hearing her sister\'s words, Yongye girl, Seemed extremely excited: "I didn\'t expect that the owner of this book in the past would be so stupid?"

"Former masters, they care about what ISAG has done, not his clothes, diet and career." kukas rolled his eyes and whispered, "go to dinner first. If you want to experiment, you have time, a little experiment. Maybe you can really finish this narrative work."