Abyss Knight

Chapter 788

"You are a demon." a young genius said in fear, "a demon who kills."

"What are demons? They still kneel down in front of me kukas." the bald evil man smiled grimly and disdained: "I was a level eight and killed countless creatures at the top of level nine. Who can do it?"

"They can do it too, but they just can\'t show their power when they meet you, a more abnormal person." the Yongye girl felt uncomfortable when she saw her partner\'s expression of embarrassment and fear, so she whispered, "when shall we start looking for my sister? I\'m worried about her accident."

"I let you infer where your sister is." kukas nodded, but he noticed the girl\'s mind, but he didn\'t point it out.

Open the magic props and quickly contact the half step legend who turned into a girl.

"What\'s the matter with me? Eh! How did these little guys mix with you?" a half step legendary projection appeared in front of kukas, and then noticed Yongye, ISAG and dozens of top talented teenagers.

"Ha ha! It\'s interesting. I didn\'t expect you to meet your descendants in this place? Well! Let me see. Well, your descendants will surpass you. Don\'t you know to continue to work hard?" the projection of half a step legend came back and forth on kukas and the eternal night girl, and finally whispered: "It\'s really interesting. Well, I thought you were alone all the time!"

"What are you talking about? You say I\'m his descendant?" the Yongye girl saw a figure appear in front of them out of thin air. When she was surprised, she heard half a step of legendary words, which made her stunned. And the dozens of talented teenagers were stunned, because they didn\'t expect that the legendary killing devil in front of them was the elder of their companions.

"Don\'t you know? Oh, kukas, is it the descendant left by you when you were disorderly and romantic? Interesting, ha ha!" half a step legend realized that her small mouth giggled, and she only smiled. She was full of charm, which only attracted a few teenagers whose mind was not too firm.

"Look where the owner of this breath is." kukas snorted and reached out to hand over the breath of yongxue and ISAG to banbu legend. He hoped that the other party could help him find his goal in the shortest time.

"Hmm! It\'s really interesting, don\'t you think so? The master of this breath is also your descendant, don\'t you have any explanation? I didn\'t expect that your cultivation talent is so low, but the cultivation talent of your descendants is so high. Let me guess, your other half should not be a legend!"

"Damn it, it\'s not a legend." kukas whispered, "help me find the location of the owner of this breath. It\'s best to send us directly."

"Well, it\'s easy to help you find the master of this breath, but it\'s impossible for me to send you all. The space barrier is extremely strong now. I can only force myself to transmit, but I can\'t transmit others." the legend shrugged his shoulders and said innocently: "I think many people are happy to know who your partner is."

"Maybe! Where is the master of this breath?" kukas shook his head. He didn\'t like half step legends always talking about his descendants.

"I\'ll find someone to calculate it for you." half a step\'s legendary vision swept through those talented professionals, then shook his head and disappeared from everyone\'s sight.

"Am I really your descendant?" after the half step legend left, the eternal night girl loosened kukas\' arm, stepped back a few steps, looked at kukas strangely and said, "but why can\'t you see your name in the genealogy? And no one has mentioned it?"

"Is it your fault that too many killings have led to great disasters on the descendants? Are you the founder of our ISAG family?"

"No, your old grandmother is. She just got a little blood from me." kukas felt a little uncomfortable in the face of the eternal night girl\'s questioning. He had subconsciously forgotten what happened with the first person in power, and was not prepared to have descendants at all.

"Ha ha! You men really don\'t have many good things. She looks like this after she fell in love with my old grandmother. If she knew, she would be very sad." the Yongye girl blinked her eyes, and tears ran down her smooth cheeks: "yes, I think she would be very sad."

"Well! She pushed me down by force, not on my own initiative." kukas subconsciously explained to the girl\'s tears: "I think you should ask her, she won\'t deceive you."

"She won\'t deceive me, does it mean you will deceive me?" the tearful eyes of the eternal night girl stared at kukas tightly, trying to see something from his face.

"I won\'t deceive you."

"Did my old grandmother really push you down?" the girl blinked, and the tears in her eyes began to disappear.

"Yes," kukas said awkwardly, touching his bald head, "I don\'t have to hide it from you."

"Ha ha! Unexpectedly, kukas, who has killed countless people, was forcibly pushed down by a woman. It\'s interesting. I must pass this message to let everyone know that the devil they fear has been ruined by a woman." as soon as the girl wiped her face, the tears on her face disappeared in an instant, and then showed a smiling expression: "It\'s really dead. No wonder the woman said it was interesting just now. It seems it\'s really interesting."

"Where was she when she pushed you down?"

"Your room? Her room? Is there anyone else present?"

"What posture did you use at that time? Did you take the initiative later?"

"How many times have you done it? Will it be very comfortable?"

The eternal night girl seemed to be a little sparrow. She chattered and said one question after another.

"Is there a memory crystal? How about giving me a copy of the original picture? I\'m really curious."

"Did she mean anything after she ruined you? Did you determine the name of our family? Or did she? Or did you two determine it together?"

"After all these years, don\'t you miss her?"

"Do you want to find her? Do you hate her?"

The words of the eternal night girl shocked not only kukas, but also her companions.

"This is unscientific." some professionals subconsciously muttered: "this is not eternal night at all."

"Yes, it has always been, but she has always hidden her nature. This is the real her. ER! The goddess in my heart is broken." the blonde whispered. Other young professionals also looked at the eternal night girl with an extremely strange look and muttered.

"You look strange, but don\'t worry. I\'ll just disturb you and leave." banbu legend took a silver gray memory crystal and threw it to kukas: "this is the position of your descendant. To tell the truth, her situation looks a little bad."

Before the words of half step legend were finished, kukas crushed the memory crystal in his hand. Then a picture appeared in front of them. Half step legend took a curious look at the eternal night girl, then collapsed and disappeared.

The disappearance of the half step legend did not attract too many people\'s attention. Their attention was all focused on that picture.

In the picture, as like as two peas in the sky, the girl who is exactly the same as the girl who is still in the air is flying in the air, and 35 Knights of heaven\'s gate are hunting her down.

The gorgeous clothes were broken, revealing white and tender skin. The Knights of the gate of heaven humiliated her with words, and with the help of attack, they tore the clothes on the girl a little bit.

"Sister!" the girl of eternal night shouted loudly when she saw the girl in the picture. With her loud cry, the girl in the picture seemed to feel something. She looked up and glanced at the sky, but then she continued on her way.

"They blocked the feeling between me and my sister." the eternal night girl shouted continuously, hoping to contact her sister through the picture.

"Kukas, kill them. They\'re bullying their sister."

At this time, kukas did not pay much attention to yongxue girl, but narrowed his eyes and constantly observed the void behind the three Knights of the gate of heaven.

Where, he sensed a trace of extremely obscure breath, which blocked the spiritual connection between Yongye and yongxue.

"Are you setting a trap? Who is the target? Ha ha! Interesting. If you dare to fight my descendants, then be ready for the price of death!" his mind turned and his feet stepped on the void. Thirteen burning black flags emerged from his back.

The thirteen burning black flags appeared and immediately sent out a breath against the weather. The black flag fluttered and forcibly distorted the surrounding space, and those young talents involuntarily retreated under the pressure of the black flag.

"Go!" he stretched out his hand to guide the picture, and thirteen black flags pierced into the picture. The black flag drilled into the picture, like thirteen spears, carried infinite thunder and fire, and pierced the heads of the three knights.

In the sky tens of millions of miles away, yongxue and ISAG are running in fear. In her perception, it is not only the three knights who chase her behind, but also several casters who hide in the void and do not show their form.

And those casters had already stared at her when she set foot in the vein to collect divine materials.

As both spellcasters, yongxue and ISAG have extremely strong spiritual power. She can clearly feel the surrounding situation when she focuses her attention.

As early as the moment when the telepathy between her and her sister Yongye and ISAG was cut off, she noticed something bad. However, in the end, she had no way to resist and could only escape passively, because there were dozens of people chasing her.

After a long time of hunting, she killed dozens of pursuers with various secret methods, but her situation became worse with the emergence of those casters who could hide in the air and could only be sensed by her.

Although the casters hiding in the void did not attack him, they affected her state with all kinds of negative spells. So that her combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

It was for this reason that she had no way to clean up the last three knights or escape.

"ISAG family, don\'t try to escape. No one will come back to save you. If you cooperate with us obediently, we can unite with each other and achieve a career. However, if you plan to continue to resist, we don\'t mind sending your head to your family to let your family know that our gate of heaven is not so good A caster hiding in the void suddenly opened his mouth to persuade kukas, hoping that the other party could recognize the reality and let them complete their tasks.

Facing the threat from the people at the gate of heaven, yongxue and ISAG just snorted and ignored it at all. Since her contact with her sisters yongxue and ISAG was interrupted, she was ready to die.

"Are you threatening the members of ISAG family?" at this time, the space in front of yongxue and ISAG was fiercely broken, and golden lights seemed to burst out of it like thunder. The endless golden jet twined around the three knights from all directions.

Aware of the danger, the three Knights broke out and waved their weapons at the golden lights. However, their power is too weak. Under the golden light of the original power on the throne, they are like a baby unable to resist. They are instantly broken by the original power, weapons and hanged.

The soul flew out of the broken flesh and blood, but before it turned into streamer and flew away, a gun and axe was projected to their souls from a distance. The next moment, the guns and axes flickered, and the souls of the three knights were swept away.

"Seek death. Dare to intervene in the affairs of the gate of heaven and don\'t want to live?" a caster shouted in the void. Then he saw dozens of magic enveloping kukas.

"What\'s the gate of heaven? Get down here." a low roar shook the bare brain bag, stepped on the void, and released a trace of ashes to fight. The fighting spirit was intertwined, and in an instant, it tore apart dozens of magic attacks from the other party.

Stepping on the void, his body crossed a distance of seven or eight miles, wrapped around the ashes, fighting spirit and the original strength of the plane, his hands fiercely pierced into the void, then separated left and right, and a hard crack came out.

The crack spread forcibly and spread to a void in an instant. Then a slight explosion was heard. At the end of the crack, the void shrank violently, and then suddenly exploded.

Accompanied by the void explosion, two embarrassed spellcasters tumbled out of it.

The two spellcasters were entangled with a lot of defense magic, but kukas stepped on the void at the moment he saw them, waved his big hand and grabbed the two spellcasters\' heads.

The fall of big hands is like the collapse of mountains and the overturning of sea water; Carrying the overwhelming momentum, it was hard to cover the two casters.

The two spellcasters were already on guard when kukas appeared, but at this moment, when facing his towering ferocity, they were forcibly suppressed, and the whole human soul was frozen by the towering murderous intention.

Bang! Bang!

Dozens of layers of magic defense were in the hands of kukas, which was easily torn apart by him like paper. The huge head was forcibly broken under the huge palm.

The two souls, carried by the caster\'s flesh and blood, turned into a red light and rose into the sky, trying to escape here. However, the gun and axe not far away accompanied kukas\'s trembling heart, instantly chopped down the two souls and forcibly swallowed them.

From the appearance of kukas to the killing of these pursuers, it was just a breathing time. In order to prevent accidents, the bald evil Han Leng spent a lot of bit source, otherwise he wouldn\'t kill the five pursuers so quickly.

After killing five pursuers, Na yongxue and ISAG reacted.

"What are you as like as two peas?" Elsag, "why do I never see you?" this is exactly the same as snow, Elsag and Elsag, though their way of speaking and thinking is very different. "Are you the male founder of the Elsag family? Maybe I should call you Grandpa?"

"You can call me kukas, the ash Knight kukas." the bald evil man was a little stunned. He didn\'t expect that the girl in front of him would guess his identity in such a short moment. However, he did not ask how the other party knew his identity.

"I thought I should call you ISAG." yongxue and ISAG shrugged their shoulders and said softly while sorting out their damaged clothes. "I\'m surprised that there is no ISAG in your name and there is no ISAG in my grandmother\'s name. Why do you take ISAG in our name?"

"You should ask your grandmother. She decided everything. I didn\'t know that." kukas shook his head and said calmly, "your sister is looking for you."

"I know she is looking for me. Well, now that those two people are dead, the feeling between me and my sister has been reconnected, and she will come soon. I think your attack just now broke their secret method or props." yongxue smiled softly: "As for the name, I just asked casually. I didn\'t think I could get any explanation from you, because I know what you don\'t know. I just wanted to see if you really don\'t know."

"Oh!" kukas said simply, "if nothing happens, it\'s best to leave this plane as soon as possible. It\'s very dangerous here."