Abyss Knight

Chapter 787

Just as kukas looked at the young girl full of youth, the sudden arrival of young men and women were also looking at him.

"Murderer!" a handsome man narrowed his eyes and whispered, "I feel endless killing and blood on him. I\'m afraid there are countless people who died in his hands."

"Such a murderous man must be killed, which is also an object of our experience here." a young man stepped on the void, his long hair was windless, and a breath of arrogance was released, condensed into essence, and rolled around him.

"His body is the breath of the abyss alliance, but it\'s not appropriate to kill his own people." at first, the handsome man had long blond hair and gorgeous clothes. When he looked carefully, he saw that there were golden runes wandering on his long hair. Although the breath was not strong, his words came out, but the boy who was arrogant in the world stopped talking.

"This friend, you may have seen a woman like her? If you hear from her, we will pay you enough."

The blonde man stepped forward and asked in a deep voice in front of kukas.

"Never seen it." kukas shook his head and looked at the black girl carefully.

Kukas\'s behavior seemed unreasonable, but only a few of the young people showed anger, while others just frowned and didn\'t show an angry expression. The black long straight girl with silver red eyes still raised her mouth slightly and didn\'t speak. However, her eyes subconsciously fell on kukas and observed carefully.

"She once stayed here, just yesterday." at this time, a teenager wearing a high pointed hat came out of the crowd. The boy touched a golden crystal ball with both hands. In the crystal ball, a large number of pictures and golden lights flickered. A prophet\'s costume, wrapped in countless strange words, makes him look very mysterious.

"When I came, there was no one here." kukas shook his head. After perceiving the black straight girl for some time, he finally remembered each other\'s origin. After thinking of each other\'s origin, his mood suddenly became complicated.

There are surprises, chagrins, uneasiness and excitement. For a moment, he didn\'t know whether he should be happy or angry.

"Damn it." cursing to himself, kukas remembered the first person in power in the ice city.

"Do you know me? Why do I feel familiar with your breath?" at this time, the black long straight girl stepped forward, blinked and asked kukas playfully: "did I see you when I was a child? Or did you see me? But why can\'t I remember your name?"

"Before that, I didn\'t know you. But now I know you." kukas shook his head and stood up from the ground.

At this time, the prophet began to look at the past with a secret method. In his crystal ball, a girl with silver red eyes and black long straight came out. The girl\'s face and dress are very similar to the one in front of kukas, but the girl in the image looks very quiet, but the one in front of him looks so playful.

The black straight girl in the crystal ball stayed in the position of kukas for a little time, and then turned and left. However, it was only a few magic hours that kukas appeared here.

However, as soon as the figure of Lucas appeared in the crystal ball, his figure suddenly looked up at the sky.

This glance seemed to span space and time and fell directly into the eyes of the prophet with a pointed hat. The violent breath gushed out of kukas\'s eyes in the image. These breath rushed into the sky, ran through the crystal ball and collided with the prophet\'s breath.

Under this impact, the Golden Crystal Ball trembled fiercely, and then the newly formed figure collapsed in an instant.

At the moment when the figure in the crystal ball collapsed, kukas\'s eyes collided with his own virtual shadow\'s eyes in the crystal ball. Their eyes met, and some inexplicable information was transmitted between them.

"What a powerful breath." the prophet held the crystal ball in his hands, and his body trembled with fear and excitement: "who are you? Can you directly break my prophecy across time?"

"Well, I didn\'t know I had such behavior." kukas narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "what you see is my past?"

"Yes, your past. But that\'s yesterday\'s you, not now." the prophet trembled his hands and subconsciously answered kukas\'s words: "it is said that legends and gods can sense the detection from the future. Or people with special secrets can sense it."

"Who are you?" just then, the girl with silver red eyes blinked, stared curiously at kukas and said, "can you help us find my sister?"

"Your sister?"

"Yes, the girl on the picture just now is my twin sister. I think she is in danger, but our strength is not strong enough. I hope you can help us." heichangzhi girl whispered, "don\'t worry, I will pay you."

"Yongye, we can do it. There\'s no need to find someone with unknown origin to join our team." a young man who despises the world stepped forward, glared at kukas, then turned his head to heichangzhi and whispered, "what if he was sent by those people?"

"Yes, we are united. Who can resist in this plane? There is no need to add others."

"Murderous people are not qualified to be in our team."

"If it weren\'t for time, I would kill him."

"Such a ferocious man is totally unqualified to live in this world."

In a few words, these young people calmed kukas, who was a little excited and frightened.

He put on his bald head, giggled a few times, and then stepped forward, only a foot away from the black, long and straight girl.

"Tell me your full name." a trace of expectation flashed in kukas\'s eyes. Now he hopes that the other party is his descendant and that the other party is not. The contradictory mood made him not know what to say for a time.

"Yongye, Yongye issag!" black long straight tilted his head and continued, "my sister is yongxue issag!"

"What\'s your name?" Yongye and ISAG asked softly, "I feel a familiar breath in you, but there is no image of you in my mind. Maybe I saw you when I was a child?"

"Kukas, cinder Knight kukas." the bald man shook his head and said softly with a rare face, "I think you must have heard of this name."

"I\'m sorry! I haven\'t heard of this name." Yongye tilted his head and shook his head and smiled. "But I feel your breath is really familiar. Maybe I forgot it! You should know that some memories of childhood are easy to be forgotten."

"Damn it." kukas listened to the words of Yongye and ISAG, slapped his bald head with an angry face: "I didn\'t expect that I fell into nothingness."

"Damn it, let\'s go. He\'s a murderer: kukas, bloody devil, notorious murderer, cursed creature." after hearing kukas\'s name, the prophet shouted, "he\'ll kill us."

While talking, the prophet took the crystal ball and wanted to leave. But the next moment, he suddenly stopped, then trembled, and dared not move for half a minute.

Because at this moment, there was a powerful breath, like a python swallowing the sky, emanating from kukas, and then winding around him.

"Who dares to go?" kukas smiled grimly, stretched out his hand and pointed to the prophet. "Do you dare to go?"

"No!" the prophet was extremely unwilling. He wanted to resist, but he subconsciously said such words under the endless killing breath of kukas.

"Do you dare to go?" kukas stretched out his hand and pointed to the boy who despised the world.

The boy was suppressed by the breath of kukas, his bones were jumping and making a strange noise, and his long hair was windless and automatic, piercing the void like a sharp spear. He clenched his teeth and growled, "dare!"

"Then walk around and see!" kukas said with a quack smile. "If you can leave here, I\'ll cut off my head and give it to you myself. If you can\'t leave here, leave your head to me so that I can forge my natural vision."

"You use the rank to suppress me, but I\'m not convinced." the young man roared. His muscles soared three or five times. He got angry and tore his robe, revealing his white jade upper body: "get away from me, roar!"

A dull low roar sounded from the boy\'s throat. The next moment, the boy stretched out his hand and entangled himself with endless fighting spirit, trying to catch kukas.

"Ignorance. Even if I don\'t need rank to suppress you, you can\'t help me." kukas sneered, and his eyes showed a trace of killing breath: "I haven\'t practiced for 30 or 50 years, and I haven\'t experienced much killing. How can I compete with me?"

While talking, the bald evil man stepped on the void, only a foot away from the arrogant young man. The young man held his hands into claws, but he couldn\'t catch kukas. Instead, he was forcibly suppressed by his powerful killing breath, and even made him feel that he couldn\'t breathe.

"I don\'t agree!" the young man roared again, and his fighting spirit soared several times. His fighting spirit soared into the air and turned into a round flame, which vaguely distorted the void, but he still couldn\'t tear kukas\'s breath.

"You are not satisfied." kukas snorted coldly, turned his head fiercely and looked at other young geniuses: "who dares to go?"

"My friend, I think there must be some misunderstanding between us." the blonde man took a hard step forward under kukas\'s breath and said in a deep voice: "there is actually no conflict between us, isn\'t it?"

"You\'ve reached the Ninth level, and bullying a person who has just been promoted to the eighth level has a great sense of achievement?" black Changzhi on one side said: Yongye and ISAG are the only people who are not suppressed by kukas\'s breath. Although she doesn\'t understand the reason, it doesn\'t prevent her from making some judgments and conjectures.

"It\'s just breath suppression. These smells are just my pure killing breath. There\'s no mind power." kukas shook his head. For these young talents, it may be difficult for others to deal with, but for him, blasting a top genius is just as easy as turning his hands.

"You\'ve killed a lot! I don\'t know how many people you\'ve killed to gather so much breath." Yongye, ISAG blinked, came forward to take kukas\'s arm and asked softly, "can you kill less in the future? I heard from my grandmother that if you kill too much, it will pose an extremely powerful threat to future generations."

"Never heard of it." kukas frowned slightly when he heard it. He had never heard of it. At least for now.

"My grandmother had only one child, my father. My father died when he was very young. When he was promoted to the eighth grade, he suddenly died. It was said that he was only thirty at that time."

"I have three brothers. They all died in their thirties. Only we women survived. Well, fortunately, they had left offspring before they died."

"And I heard from my grandmother that in our whole issag family, starting from the first generation of old grandmother, all men don\'t live to be 40 years old. All this is because the first man of issag family killed too much."

"I once asked my old grandmother. She said that my old grandfather had already died and died in the endless void. Everything in the family was caused by his killing."

The words of the eternal night girl suddenly made kukas feel worse. His bad mood is not because of the death of male members of his descendants, but because he is worried about whether this cursed creature will affect his future legend. Of course, the direct death of the first person in power in the ice and snow city was also an important reason for his bad mood.

"People always die, but it\'s just the difference between dying earlier and later." kukas shook his head. He didn\'t care about the death of those descendants at all.

"But they are too young. According to my old grandmother\'s words, the men of the ISAG family have the ability to set foot in legends and gods. Unfortunately, they have no chance to grow up." the Yongye girl was a little depressed: "can you let them go? My brothers died very early. I have always regarded them as my brothers. Can you let them go?"

"As you wish." facing the request of the eternal night girl, kukas agreed without hesitation. He can refuse others, but in the face of his descendants, he has no reason to refuse. After all, the other party\'s request is too simple.

Kukas took back his killing breath, while the arrogant boy roared and tried to kill him. But he was stopped by the blonde youth on one side.

"Thank you!"

Kukas nodded. He didn\'t keep pestering about these things, and he didn\'t see them.

"Who has your sister offended? She has never been with you?" kukas asked the eternal night girl in a low voice.

"I don\'t know. A few days ago, she said she was going to collect some divine materials, so she separated from us. But later, I found that the contact with her was suddenly interrupted, so I knew that she had an accident." Yongye girl didn\'t hide anything, because she felt that there was nothing to hide in front of this bald evil man. The bald evil man in front of her gave her a feeling of extreme security.

"Give me her breath." kukas looked at the eternal night girl next to him, and then smiled softly, "I\'ll help you find her."

"Thank you!" the Yongye girl jumped up excitedly when she heard the speech. She said she felt that the man in front of her would help her, but when it came to the end, she couldn\'t help being excited: "I will repay you well."

"Eternal night, he is the killing devil and the ash Knight kukas. Don\'t you know his fierce name? Didn\'t your family tell you that there is a man named kukas among the people who can\'t provoke in this eternal plane?" the woman muttered. The girl has a very good relationship with Yongye, so she should remind her friends even if it is dangerous.

"We ISAG family have never been afraid of anyone. Although the people in the eternal plane are powerful, no one can make us fear." the eternal night girl raised her head slightly and said proudly, "the old grandmother of our family used to be a ruler here. There is nothing here that we fear."

"Oh!" the girl on one side could not help crying. She did not expect that her companion\'s family would educate future generations in this way. She knew that the ISAG family was just a small family, and there was not even a legend in the whole family. But the words spoken were far stronger than those families with a large number of legends and gods. This made her wonder whether to lament the ignorance of the family or their fearlessness.

"Yes, the ISAG family is in this eternal position. Don\'t be afraid of anyone. If someone dares to trouble you, I\'ll kill them completely." kukas smiled grimly and released the smell of killing again: "Whoever dares to catch the ISAG family, I\'ll let them disappear completely."

"How arrogant!" although the arrogant young man was stopped by the blonde, he was still unconvinced and angry at kukas\'s behavior.

"Arrogance? I have that capital, do you? When I kill in the eternal plane, everyone will see me fall to the ground and beg my forgiveness. Can you do that?"