Abyss Knight

Chapter 786

"Give me a place and I\'ll ask for it now." kukas was not in the mood to continue talking with the legend, because he knew that no matter how much he talked with the legend, the other party would not say anything he was interested in. So he doesn\'t have to waste too much time on each other.

"Well. By the way, I heard that someone from the deep sea giants was looking for you a few days ago, but then there was no news. Maybe they wanted to ask you for something like green skin." the legend gave kukas a brand, which not only represents the location of storing materials, but also the identity of asking for materials.

"Deep sea giant?" kukas frowned slightly. In a plane war, he had an intersection with a young creature of the deep sea giant. Later, there was no intersection. Unexpectedly, he suddenly had to contact himself, which made him unacceptable for a time.

"Well, they didn\'t make much effort to ask for your news, otherwise they would have found you." the legend shrugged his shoulders, and then his shadow disappeared in front of kukas.

After kukas handled the things in the underground prison a little, he tore the plane barrier, crossed the infinite void and directly came to the eternal plane with the help of the power of the plane origin.

He has been in that third plane for more than a hundred years, but for this thematic world, it has only been five or six years.

The space was broken, and kukas fell to the ground. His huge body hit the earth completely formed by the land of God\'s hiding. He was stunned to hit a hole several feet deep on the hard earth.

"Damn it, the plane barrier seems to be dozens of times stronger. If there were not endless plane sources as backing, I\'m afraid I would never have a chance to step on this eternal plane." kukas lay on the ground and thought to himself. In his plane transmission just now, he clearly felt that the rejection of the eternal plane to him was extremely strong. According to this repulsion intensity, he has no ability to tear the plane barrier at all.

Pierce the void with both hands, trying to tear out a space crack. But I didn\'t expect that after piercing into the void, those big hands, relying on his real strength alone, just tore a foot long crack out. And according to the perception of the mind, the torn space crack has come to an end just a million miles away.

"Is the plane evolving rapidly?" at this moment, kukas\'s mind moved, but he had a new idea: "maybe I take the opportunity to understand the rules of heaven and earth here, which is also a good choice."

Feeling something, I immediately released a trace of my mind and tried to understand the rules of heaven and earth with a secret method.

The method of understanding the rules of heaven and earth is actually very simple, but it is to build a Dharma array with your heart, and then rely on the rotation of the Dharma array to try to capture some rules or rule projection from the void.

Kukas\'s mind is extremely strong, and his powerful mind power outlines a huge enlightenment array. The Dharma array slowly melted into the void above his head, trying to catch the movement of this plane.

The effect of the attempt made kukas extremely excited, because just when he tried to integrate the perception Dharma array into the void, the virtual shadow of a fuzzy rule chain flashed past his perception Dharma array.

A large number of fluctuations like the tide constantly impact his perception Dharma array, and then contact with his noumenon with the help of the perception Dharma array, constantly scouring his mental power.

The fluctuation caused by the virtual shadow of rules washed kukas\'s mind and brought him a lot of knowledge at the same time. Although he knew most of this knowledge, he was still excited. Because he saw his hope of understanding the rules.

Without any hesitation, he immediately mobilized a armor of the knowledge plane to sit in the experimental base of the third-order plane with the help of the original power of the plane, and his noumenon decided to stay in this eternal plane.

After finishing these, he did not continue to capture those rules with the enlightenment Dharma array, but after identifying the direction, he was ready to go to the place given to him by the legend to ask for some materials of his own.

He turned into a streamer, like a flash of lightning, and hurried thousands of miles to his destination in an instant.

However, after walking for a while, he suddenly stopped and landed on a Shantou.

Take out the magic props, and kukas is connected with the legend again.

"Well! I\'m fighting with people. What\'s the matter? You can easily distract me. If I die, you\'ll lose the thing you want to get additional materials." after a long time, kukas saw the legendary image through the magic props.

"You\'re dead, some people cooperate with me." kukas sneered. He was quite dissatisfied with the legendary words. But he didn\'t show it too obvious. Of course, if it had been put before, he would have shouted to kill each other.

"OK! It seems that you are dissatisfied with me. But we don\'t need to entangle too much about this little thing. Is there anything?" the legend seems to be unaware of kukas\'s dissatisfaction, and still talks to kukas in calm words as before.

"From now on, all the materials used for trading with me will be replaced with things that can increase the strength of the soul." kukas touched his bald head and said seriously: "don\'t say how precious the materials that increase the strength of the soul are, I just want those things now."

"Something that increases the strength of the soul? HMM! You should know that there are some secret methods that can extract the soul of the dead, and then extract some liquid. After taking it, it can greatly increase the strength of your soul. Such a secret method is much better than you choose to use drugs." the legend frowned slightly, He couldn\'t think of what kukas wanted to do with those things that increased the strength of the soul: "you know, those things that can increase the strength of the soul, each of which is several times more precious than the materials you need now."

"I\'m not one of those undead casters. I won\'t use the soul of the dead to increase my soul power." kukas shook his head and said seriously, "the place of transaction in the future will still be in this eternal plane! I\'ll stay here for some time."

"Haha, do you want to continue to do your old business here? Kill those hostile talented professionals? HMM! It\'s just a wrong step. There are many good things for those talented professionals. Maybe where you get more than anywhere else." the legend whispered, Then it shows that the transaction will be carried out according to kukas\'s requirements. After all, everyone has everyone\'s plan. He is not qualified to force others to obey his will.

After the conversation with legend, kukas embarked on the journey again. During this period, he also asked the legend about the reasons for the changes in the eternal plane, and the legend did not hide anything from those things, so he told him about the reasons for the changes in the plane.

It turns out that with the fall of a large number of legends and gods, the rules of this plane become more and more powerful. Moreover, for some unknown reason, the plane continues to evolve, even exceeding the general 13th order plane.

And according to the legend, in this short period of five or six years, at least thousands of main material planes have been integrated into this eternal plane. It is precisely because of the integration of those powerful main material planes that make this eternal plane more powerful.

As for why so many main material planes were integrated by that force, the legend actually doesn\'t know.

According to the legend, although some legends and gods look powerful, they are just ordinary people relative to the whole endless void.

Shaking his head, he drove the legendary words away from his head, and kukas embarked on the journey again.

Because he could not tear the space, he wanted to reach the material storage and resistance that the legend told him. At least he needed to fly day and night for dozens of days to get there.

In the past, kukas might be angry, but now, he wants to stay in this eternal plane for a long time, so he doesn\'t pay attention to this time.

Flying all the way, I met many strange monsters and some professionals. Kukas didn\'t bother to pay attention to these creatures, but just walked forward.

Some creatures and professionals wanted to stop him, but they were not as fast as him, so in essence, there was no conflict in any form.

As night fell, kukas killed a monster several feet in size as food. He cleaned up the monster\'s flesh and blood, then lit a fire and began baking in a valley.

Big drops of grease fall into the fire and make a crackling sound, making the flame burn more vigorously.

Sitting by the fire, kukas rarely relaxed. He didn\'t think or do anything. He just looked at the fire quietly in a daze.


The flames of the fire changed violently to green, and then burst.

Scattered flames intertwined in the air, forming an image of a young woman.

"Kukas, why don\'t you tell me when you come here?" the image of the young woman stood in the fire, tilted her head and asked with a smile.

"I\'d better come here to do something." glancing at the figure formed by the flame, kukas tore off the roasted meat and tore it up: "I\'ll leave here in a few days."

"Ha ha! How long are you going to stay here? Are you interested in continuing to act as a hunter?" the figure of the woman smiled softly: "you know, if you stay here for another day, you will kill people. Don\'t you want to take the opportunity to get some other gains?"

"Well, what will you give me this time?" several mouthfuls ate up the meat in his hand, and he prepared some more to continue baking. The figure of the woman walked aside from the fire. Although the body composed of flame was burning violently, it did not burn every plant and tree around.

"You\'re such a slick. What do you want?" the woman was no one else, just the half step legend that made kukas join the hunter before. At first, she contacted kukas as an old woman, but later she became a girl.

"Something that can enhance the strength of the soul." kukas didn\'t want to think about it, and immediately said his plan.

"I\'m afraid I can\'t. I don\'t have the authority to give you something to enhance the strength of your soul. Well, let\'s do it! Maybe other materials that can cast natural visions can also be used?" half step legend tilted his head, blinked his eyes and observed carefully. Kukas smiled: "you\'re stronger than before, and there\'s a lot less bloody smell on your body. To be honest, it\'s not bad for you."

"Why?" kukas slowly turned his barbecue fork. That fork is a treasure. If you put it in other professionals, it is a rare material, but it is just an ordinary thing in kukas. Although he can\'t get as many as he wants, it\'s not difficult for him to take out three or five thousand pieces. You know, he controls a plane.

"As a professional, you should always fight. A long time of comfort will make you lazy."

"You\'re deceiving me." kukas said coldly without raising his head. "I spent a long time in knowledge and read some books. What\'s recorded in it is very different from what you said."

"It\'s just a little difference, not as big as you said." the legend wrinkled his nose and said carelessly, "fighting makes you grow faster."

"Of course, it may die faster."

"Well, we won\'t talk about this. Are you interested?"

"This is the material I need. If you can prepare it for me, I will promise to join it." kukas took out a scroll and quickly wrote some materials on it. And those materials were used to cast his natural vision.

"These things are too precious. There will be no reward for such precious materials here." banbu legend shook his head and said with some regret: "I suggest you change the time to go to the knowledge level. What do you think? As before, we can\'t kill our own people. Every time you kill a person at the gate of heaven, you will get the right to enter the knowledge level for one year."

"Then do as you say! I think if I don\'t join, you\'ll find a way to get me away!" kukas glanced at me with his head tilted.

"Yes, I don\'t want you to kill our own people. You know, although those top talents are not worth money to some extent, they shouldn\'t die in their own hands, don\'t you think?" the half step legend incarnated as a girl giggled with her little mouth covered: "You have been away from here for almost six years. Although the time is very short, most of the people in this position have forgotten you. Don\'t you want to use blood and bones to make them remember you again?"

"They will eventually forget me." kukas shook his head and suddenly felt that what he did was too ignorant: "there is no name that can be recited for a long time."

"That\'s just because your name is not loud enough." banbu legend smiled softly: "if you were more powerful, you wouldn\'t let the creatures in this plane forget you in such a short time."

"How about being more aggressive? They will eventually forget." kukas shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Look at ancient and modern legends and gods, which one is not strong enough? But with the loss of years, how many people\'s names can be hung in the mouth for a long time? I believe that most of the top legends and gods that fell tens of thousands of years ago have been forgotten."

"But after all, some people\'s names have been handed down to the present."

"That\'s just a few people."

"Don\'t you have the confidence to be one of the few? Kill! Kill a bad name, so that they and their descendants will always tremble and fear when they hear your name.

Half step legend seduced kukas, but her temptation did not move him. However, kukas decided to agree to her request: to become a hunter, and the reward was the time to enter the knowledge level.

After telling kukas something, the image of the half step legend dissipated. After she left, kukas lay on the ground and silently looked at the dark sky.

Dawn was coming, and layers of cold dew fell on him, making him look a little embarrassed.

There were streamers in the sky, but some top talents were walking in the air or fighting with each other. Although they noticed kukas, no one took the initiative to provoke him.

Dozens of streamers rushed from the horizon. Those streamers burst and broke in the air, revealing the faces of dozens of men and women.

These men and women, one by one, are handsome, natural and unrestrained, resolute, or weak. Everyone has extraordinary momentum and exudes strong self-confidence.

The wave they sent out was the breath of the abyss alliance, so kukas ignored them when they landed.

However, when he habitually explored the breath of those people, his heart trembled, because he felt a strange breath among these heroic men and women.

A young girl came into his sight. The girl, with melon seed face, silver red eyes and long black hair, made her look very attractive. Her slender body was covered by a gorgeous robe, and a palm wide gorgeous belt was tied around her waist. The robe fluttered, revealing a pair of white, tender and small feet.

Her silver red eyes blinked, her small mouth tilted slightly, showing a naughty smile.

However, it was not the other party\'s graceful body or beautiful face that made kukas pay attention to her, but the breath and some familiar faces from her.