Abyss Knight

Chapter 785

These so-called fighting gods and French emperors who had just been caught gradually collapsed in the words of some old people. In the end, some people even collapsed, like an ordinary person, paralyzed on the ground and looked at the others in the cell. They had no desire to live at all.

"How long have you been here?" someone whispered to the man who had broken the void.

"Maybe three or five years, maybe three or five hundred years. Anyway, I forgot the time. By the way, you should know how long I stayed here. After all, you\'ve heard of me breaking the void." the old man said in a dull voice.

"When I heard that you broke the void and came here, it was only a little more than a year." someone whispered back to the old man.

"More than a year? Ha ha! Life is like a year. It turns out that those ancestors didn\'t deceive us." the old man was a little stunned, and then smiled in a low voice: "in fact, time is nothing here. Living, he forgot everything and just wanted to live. That\'s all."

"Very cruel."

"But it\'s very normal. Ha ha! Well, cheer up and practice well! Strive to become the fighting emperor and leave this damn place."

"Who is that man? I mean the bald man who sent us in."

The old man was a little stunned, then pondered for a long time and said, "I heard his name is the ash Knight kukas. To be honest, I\'ve heard of the profession of knight for the first time. But I\'ve never seen his mount." after thinking about it for a long time, the old man muttered indefinitely: "By the way, did you hear any strange news before you were arrested?"

"I\'ve heard that some powerful fighting gods and the French emperor suddenly disappeared out of thin air. Now I know that I\'m afraid all those who disappeared have been caught here." a fighting God said with a bitter smile: "But when we were caught, such a thing still didn\'t attract much attention. It was just that some small empires had doubts about it, and they began to send people to trace it. Regardless of what I think, I\'m afraid they can\'t trace it here in a short time."

"Yes, I\'m afraid it will take an extremely long time to trace it here. During this time, I hope everyone can stick to it. One day, we will completely destroy this evil grotto."

"Completely destroy this demon cave? I\'m afraid no one can do it. Look! Special materials that can easily resist the full blow of the fighting God, and steel puppets that can easily kill more than ten fighting gods, all of which are beyond the ability of three or five empires." The old man muttered a few words in a low voice, and then stopped talking. Instead, he waved his two handed sword again and again to cultivate his strength, so as to achieve the fight emperor as quickly as possible and leave the place he hated.

Kukas didn\'t know what these people were talking about. He imprisoned the so-called fighting gods and empresses of the law, so he turned and returned to his residence. Here, while feeling the message sent to him by the three fighting armor, he deduced various secret methods, so as to strengthen his.

Time passed day by day. Unconsciously, the huge prison room was filled with experimental materials, but the people led by * * * still didn\'t make much progress in their experiments.

However, even so, under the leadership of * * * *, the work enthusiasm in the whole experimental base is still extremely strong.

At intervals, materials from other experimental bases will be transported here, and the materials from this experimental base will also be transported to other places. According to the original agreement, kukas did not participate in such a transaction.

In the whole experimental base, he was like a forgotten creature, silently controlling the whole underground prison.

In the long years, there have been many riots and movements in the underground prison, but these riots and movements have been brutally suppressed by him. During this period, outsiders broke in here, but as the power holder here, kukas has no reason to let them leave. Even if there are so-called fighting emperors and Dharma Saints among them, they are no exception.

The desert on the experimental base has disappeared, and a large number of strange trees are planted here. Under the action of magic and some materials, the trees grow rapidly, and soon turn the whole desert into a forest tens of thousands of miles in size.

Evil castle has become another name of Huangsha castle. It is surrounded by dozens of empires, and countless adventurers want to break in every year. Because the young housekeeper spread rumors in these empires that there are the legendary dragon and the legendary emperor\'s treasure.

As long as you get the treasure, you can not only become the legendary dragon warrior, but also get the inheritance of Doudi and become a supreme Doudi in the future.

In addition to these rumors, there are some rumors about the last treasure of the ancient empire. It is said that if someone gets the treasure, he can become the king of an empire and even the overlord of the continent.

There is also a rumor that the legendary artifact is hidden here. As long as you master the artifact, you can break the void and become the Legendary God.

All kinds of rumors spread out in the hands of the young housekeeper. Stimulated by these rumors, more and more adventurers entered an area to look for the legendary evil castle, so as to obtain power, wealth and power.

Some people succeeded, but what they got was not the treasure in the evil castle, but the wealth left by the adventurers who died at first. Some people failed. They didn\'t even see the evil castle and were swallowed up by monsters entrenched in the forest.

The monsters in the forest are the creatures formed by the defective products in the experimental base. At first, they have human wisdom and body shape, but in cruel experiments, they have become monsters without wisdom.

****Cursed these monsters, let them hover in the forest forever, until the moment of death, they will lift the curse, let them awaken their memory, and then die.

The young housekeeper kept putting forward new suggestions. Under his suggestions, the whole forest became more and more prosperous. Some relatively precious magic materials and drugs in this plane grow in the forest on a large scale, thus attracting more people to come here.

The young housekeeper is no longer young, but he is still alive under his lover\'s Secret Law. And continue to serve the experimental base until he is tired or abandoned by the base.

Over the years, the young housekeeper spent most of his time in a small Empire near the forest. Under the strength of the experimental base, he became the king of the Empire in a coup.

After becoming a king and queen, he constantly led his people to wage war. In just a few decades, he annexed seven or eight empires, thus becoming a rare super empire in this position.

With the increase of power, his desire increased again and again. He wanted to completely control the mysterious underground base with his power many times, but he had to give up temporarily after trying several times secretly.

Every year, a large number of human beings with special physique are forcibly sent to kukas\'s underground prison by him. Although this makes the former young housekeeper very unwilling, he has no ability to resist.

However, since the birth of his 135th great grandson, he saw the hope of resisting the control of the secret underground base.

The 135th great grandson of the young housekeeper was not his great grandson, but the offspring of his granddaughter-in-law.

This nominally xuansun has shown extremely strong talent since childhood. He not only has extremely strong business talent and manufacturing talent, but also has cultivation talent. But in his teens, he became a fighting God who could break the void at any time.

For this gifted son, the young housekeeper searched for gifted children from all over the world. All of them first selected one side and delivered it to their son, so that they could follow him and assist him.

The child with strong talent, under the arrangement of his nominal grandfather, experienced many hardships and setbacks, but still grew up strongly.

And he also accidentally found an extremely ancient relic and got all the treasures in the relic.

Supported by the treasures in the ruins, his power became stronger and stronger. In the end, he could even rely on the treasures in the ruins to affect the development of hundreds of empires.

"Time merchant!"

The young genius spoke out his bottom line when talking to his real father, the young housekeeper.

"As long as we provide some special materials to businessmen in another time and space, he can provide us with powerful and loyal soldiers and all kinds of materials we lack. Even the legendary gods can provide us."

"What do we need to offer them to exchange everything you say?" the young housekeeper was very pleased to see his son, because his son\'s achievements were beyond the ability of any other son.

"Fruit, this fruit called charomon." the young genius carefully took a box out of his arms. Open the box, there is a fruit with strange runes and thousands of seeds the size of rice.

"I\'ve never heard of such fruit." the young housekeeper frowned slightly. He felt that the development of things was not as good as he thought.

"The merchant gave me the seeds of this plant. If we can plant them successfully on this continent, we can use these fruits to trade with the time-space merchant."

"This fruit is difficult to grow?"

"Yes, according to the merchant, it is almost impossible to plant this fruit on many time and space continents. Every time and space merchant who can plant this fruit is the richest person in the whole time and space. They can get everything and become the overlord of their continent." the young genius said excitedly: "I have tried to plant it in private and succeeded."

"If you don\'t use this fruit and trade with that space-time merchant with other materials, what is the price?" The young housekeeper sat on the gorgeous throne. Behind him, there were three or five beautiful and pure places and women dressed in gauze. The sensitive parts of these girls were looming, but they could not attract the attention of young talents. This result satisfied the once very young housekeeper. You know, these pure places and women behind him, They all have charm physique. Ordinary people will be fascinated by them when they look at them alone.

"If we use the purest magic crystal stone to trade with that space-time merchant, the magic crystal stone of ten carriages can trade from that space-time merchant to a lowest level fighter. If we use this fruit to trade, one fruit can trade a fighting God in peak state." the young genius said excitedly: "Those fighting gods are extremely loyal. Even if they kill themselves, they will do it without hesitation."

"As long as we have enough fruits, we can have endless fighting gods as an army. At that time, we will be able to destroy the yellow sand castle and control the mysterious underground base." the young genius explained in a low voice.

"Huangsha city storm? Underground base? It\'s difficult. Where is the power? It\'s too powerful. Over the past hundred years, I\'ve tried everything to get rid of the control of where, but I can\'t. their power is too powerful."

"Have you seen the power of those iron puppets? There are countless iron puppets like that. There are even rumors that there is something more powerful than this iron puppet."

"If we don\'t try, how do we know we won\'t succeed?"

"After the failure, we don\'t have any chance to turn over."

"Father, you are really old. Now you are not as decisive as you used to be."

"At that time, I had the support of that mysterious base and had nothing in my hands. In order to meet my desires, I didn\'t care about anything, let alone be timid. Because I knew that even if I failed, I wouldn\'t lose anything. But now it\'s different. I controlled an Empire with more than billions of people and had a large number of descendants. If I failed, everything would be lost Everything will be taken back by the mysterious underground base. "The old young housekeeper roared with a ferocious face:" what you have is deprived. No one can afford it. "

"This empire still doesn\'t belong to you."

"It belongs to me, and now it\'s mine. It\'s just that I need to provide some supplies for the damn secret base." the housekeeper shook his head hard, and he felt his head confused.

"You don\'t have your own freedom, my father." the young genius reminded the old housekeeper, hoping to make his spirit clearer.

"How long will it take us to plant the fruits you said?" the young housekeeper took a deep breath in the past. He just couldn\'t accept it for a while. Now his mood has been adjusted: "will planting that kind of fruit make our land barren?"

"No, planting this fruit will not make the land barren, but will slowly nourish the land and make them more fertile."

"What you said is true?"

"Father, I don\'t think I need to deceive you. We just try to plant a little area of fruit, but choose inferior plots. If it works, it\'s good to promote it on a large scale."

"Very good suggestion. I think you should be able to complete this task alone, isn\'t it?" the former young housekeeper believed in his son of blood very much, because he was very relieved by the talent shown by the other party in the past.

"Yes, it\'s just finishing the planting task alone. I think I\'ll finish him perfectly."

"How long will it take us to gather enough fighting gods? If necessary, I think we need to trade some fighting emperors with the space-time merchant." the young housekeeper said in a low voice, "even more powerful."

"There is a stronger existence than Dou di?" the young genius looked at his father in surprise: "what kind of existence should it be!"

"I don\'t know. I used to look through some books in their library. In those books, I vaguely recorded the description of a more powerful existence than Dou di. Unfortunately, those descriptions are too simple." The young housekeeper sighed. In fact, he didn\'t think that * * * * and kukas had just temporarily written some books and stacked them in the library. Those books were just a measure to reward the natives.

When the father and son, who were very different in age, talked to each other, a good news came from the secret underground laboratory.

"We have developed a new constitution. At present, this constitution is extremely in line with their practice secret method." * * * * after calling kukas to the underground laboratory, pointing to the figures in the dozens of transparent cans in front of him, we said excitedly: "kukas, from today on, you will be their instructor, so that they can become knights in the shortest time."

"What type of constitution?" Kukas looked at the glass jars, which were specially made by doctors. They were filled with a large number of precious drugs. After the human body was soaked in them, they grew up rapidly at an extremely abnormal speed. According to the persuasion of * * * *, a baby can grow to the size of an adult in one year. Of course, this rapidly growing human being is extremely intelligent At the bottom of it. Someone needs to teach them something.

There are more than 50 handsome men and women in the jar. Although these men and women have adult sized bodies, they are still childlike thoughts. What kukas has to do is to let these people mature as soon as possible.

"Nightmare waze!" * * * * said her spell. Under the effect of the spell, dozens of men and women in the glass jar soon woke up. They were suspended in a daze in the liquid in the jar, curious to observe everything around them.

"If this new constitution is successful, we can end this experiment. To be honest, I\'m tired of here. There\'s no way to use some powerful magic instruments here. HMM! I don\'t know what those people think and why they have to carry out such a huge experiment in this low-level plane." * * * * patted his face gently, With a tired face.

"It\'s safe here. At least it won\'t be damaged by those people at the gate of heaven." kukas shook his head and said seriously. "In such a low level, even if there are enemies, they won\'t be too powerful enemies. They don\'t have the ability to rely on a few people or a small number of people to destroy the whole experimental base. In this way, we will have a lot of less trouble."

"Maybe! Well, teach them well and let them grow up as soon as possible."

"I think they still need some tutors to teach them knowledge. After all, they are still a child now." kukas nodded, and then thought of something, so he asked in a low voice, "is it expensive to cultivate this Constitution?"

"No, just some women, they can reproduce quickly. But all this still needs time to verify." * * * * glanced at kukas in surprise. I don\'t know why he asked this kind of thing: "What you need to care about is whether this constitution has the potential to become a knight. As for others, I don\'t think it needs your conduct! Or are you also an investor in this experiment?"

"Ha ha! I don\'t invest anything here. I just want to know some characteristics of this constitution. After all, you let me train them." kukas shook his head and said seriously, "only by understanding their characteristics can I better train them."

"Yes, too." * * * * blinked and finally smiled in a low voice: "I\'ll ask someone to prepare information for you later. But what I want to tell you is that these information are all our assumptions and are not really correct."

"It doesn\'t matter. Just have a reference."

While talking to * * * *, someone took these people out of the glass jar, dressed them and led them to the castle on the surface.

Where, kukas will teach them as soon as possible to see if they can become a knight.

Kukas felt extremely envious of the talents of these rapidly cultivated creatures.

When he practiced these experimental bodies in his own way, but in just three or five days, some people broke out the most pure fighting spirit. The reason why they broke out fighting spirit was not that they practiced the fighting spirit method, but simply relying on the strength of flesh and body.

You know, it\'s nothing to be able to cultivate fighting Qi when cultivating the method. As long as you have perseverance and a little talent, you can definitely cultivate fighting Qi. But it\'s extremely difficult to generate fighting Qi with the help of physical exercise without cultivating the method.

Those who burst out fighting spirit with simple flesh and body either have extremely high talent or have strong will and effort. In addition, ordinary people can\'t do this at all.

These experimental bodies can complete the outbreak of fighting spirit in just two or three days, which is enough to show that their talents are extremely powerful, even no less than the top talents kukas met in the eternal plane.

The news that dozens of experimental subjects broke out and spread all over the experimental base at the first time. Everyone cheered loudly because in their perception, they thought that the experiment was about to succeed.

If the experiment is successful, they will get a lot of reward, and even take advantage of this opportunity to complete their dreams.

"I hope their intelligence is not so bad." when * * * * got the news, she said such words at the first time. Her words also calmed the excited people all at once.

Several scholars put down their work and began to cooperate with kukas to explain all kinds of knowledge to the experimental subjects and test the wisdom of the experimental subjects. In just a few days, exciting results were placed in front of all researchers again.

"Their intelligence is the same as that of normal people, and even surpasses that of normal people. Moreover, they have high talent in cultivation. The ash Knight kukas can prove this." someone recited their test report loudly: "maybe we can finish the task ahead of schedule."

"Wait a minute, wait for the final result." * * * * repressed his excitement and gently comforted those excited members: "continue to observe here for three years. If there is no accident in the three years, we will carry out the process of breeding offspring. Then, we can get the reward we deserve and leave this place."

"Yes, the experiment here is too limited. How I miss those high-order planes!"

While these people discussed with each other, kukas sat in a living room with dozens of experimental subjects and listened to a scholar.

The scholar is teaching these subjects words and language, as well as other knowledge: logic, philosophy, fantasy, psychology, magic, common sense and other disciplines that are helpful to professionals. The subjects sat there quietly listening.

Kukas did not listen to the scholar\'s words, but carefully observed the expressions and breath fluctuations of the subjects.

In his perception, the breath of these experimental subjects fluctuated with the narration of scholars. When scholars talk about a certain aspect, some people\'s breath seems excited, while others seem dull.

During the rest period, these subjects also talk to each other, and even compete with each other for the sake of a heterosexual, just like ordinary people.

Through kukas\'s observation, he found that these experimental subjects had an understanding of their ID, and their thoughts became mature in an extremely short time. Of course, although they do not know their identity as experimental subjects, some people begin to think about their origin during their rest.

They were very resistant to the researchers with green eyes. Some tried to resist, but they were forcibly suppressed.

"They\'re hard to control!" kukas observed the experimental subjects and found * * * * beside him.

"Maybe we should tell them the truth instead of continuing to hide it like this." pointing to the backs of the experimental subjects in front, kukas whispered his suggestions to the * * * * beside him.

"It\'s impossible. Tell them the truth? Tell them, \'you are all experimental subjects we have cultivated. Are you a kind of material?\' I think if it\'s true, they will definitely be unable to withstand this blow and fall into madness. In that way, we won\'t be able to carry out the next experiment."

"Now this is very good. They are just orphans. In a war, they were captured by the enemy and erased their memory with magic. Later, we saved them. In order to prevent them from leaving secret wounds, we check them from time to time. Isn\'t that good?"

"After telling them the truth, they will not be able to bear it."

****After saying so much at one breath, he finally shook his head and smiled softly: "in fact, I think it\'s time for them to reproduce."

"They just woke up for half a year." kukas shook his head and didn\'t agree with * * * *\'s words.

"That\'s enough. We let them breed and test their bodies at the same time. We can\'t really wait for years to let them breed. That\'s a waste of time."

"It\'s up to you." after turning around and seeing the persistence in * * * *\'s eyes, kukas just shrugged his shoulders and didn\'t say anything: "in fact, you should make a good study to see if you can directly brand a set of false memories on them, which will save us a lot of time."

"Brand false memories?"

"Yes, in that way, I don\'t think we will waste a lot of time." kukas touched his bare head and whispered with a smile: "every three or five years, we will be three or five years earlier than success."

"The cost of inculcating memory is huge, which is not what our experimental base can do at all." * * * * shook his head and whispered, "if this experimental base is cancelled, where will you go?"

"I don\'t know. Someone has arranged my position. What? Do you have any suggestions?" kukas looked at the experimental subjects in front. He found that some experimental subjects had begun to chase their favorite opposite sex. They continue their pursuit even when scholars give lectures.

"Normally, if this experiment is over, we will be dismissed. But I still want to continue this experiment, so I\'ll see if I can continue to stay in this experimental project with you." * * * * after hearing kukas\'s words, I feel better immediately. For her dream, she quickly expressed her thoughts: "a few days ago, I learned from my friends that the experimental project is extremely huge. If I can stick to it all the time, the harvest in the future will be extremely rich."

"You are the first person in charge of the experimental base, aren\'t you the core personnel of the whole experimental project?" kukas narrowed his eyes and asked in doubt.

"Those people just hired me and gave me some research projects. Let me control here because I am most proficient in those projects that need to be studied. That\'s all." * * * * chuckled: "Since you came here, I knew you had something to do with the overall experimental project. I wanted to leave after the experiment. Unfortunately, the news my friend just sent me changed my attention."

"No wonder you always have no confidence in speaking and don\'t dare to fight against people in other experimental bases." kukas said with a strange smile: "OK, if you really want to continue this experiment, I\'ll find a way to let you join the future experiment. But to tell the truth, I don\'t know what the future experiment is."

"From the time you came here, I knew you didn\'t know these things. To tell you the truth, you joined this experimental base. You\'re a superfluous person. You just don\'t know why they want you to join." * * * * very confused. Because in these years of experiments, kukas, like an ordinary professional, carried out the simplest tasks, but had no opinions on all kinds of experiments.

"Ha ha! Used by some people. Oh! Damn it." * * * * made kukas look a little worse. Because over the years, he has mobilized a large number of green skins to be stationed in each plane as cannon fodder more than once.

Since he first mobilized the green skin to protect an experimental base in the plane, he realized that the words of the legend were all a cover. The real reason was to let him become a bodyguard and part-time thug.

"Shit dragon tooth warrior, fuck you, mom, infinite puppets, garbage undead skeletons. Finally, I want my green skin to be cannon fodder." a series of vicious curses flashed in his heart, but he didn\'t say it.

"Being used?" * * * * looked at kukas\'s bad expression and wanted to say something, but finally restrained and didn\'t ask too much.

"Well, let\'s talk about other things. Well, do everything according to your idea! I\'m not interested in experiments."

With a wave, kukas got up and left here and returned to his room.

After returning to his room, he took out a special magic ring and opened it with a secret method to connect it with a legend in the depths of the endless void.

"The materials you want have been stacked in the eternal plane. Because of the huge quantity of materials, you need to get them yourself." the legend is the person who contacted kukas at the beginning. He looked a little embarrassed when he saw kukas passing him the message.

"If you let me do it again next time, the supplies must be doubled. Otherwise, I will never do it." kukas touched his bare head and said coldly.

"Don\'t worry, they will agree to your terms. But the commission you give me must be doubled." the legend coughed softly and said solemnly, "if it weren\'t for me, you wouldn\'t be able to earn so much materials!"

"Forget it! The Commission will be increased by one third. Of course, if you can contact other businesses, I will give you the same Commission." kukas was amused when he remembered the words that the legend had advised him. The legend, in fact, had already expected it when he promised to join the experimental project.

"The business scope can\'t be increased any more. If you continue to rent green skins to other forces, the number of green skins of the alliance will be greatly reduced. I think the alliance will not trouble you, but it will certainly trouble me. It\'s not too late to find the next target when we deal with this business." legend coughed hard and said in a deep voice: "In fact, you should ask the Alliance for some materials, and they will pay you."

"Let them owe first." kukas shook his head and rejected the legendary proposal.

With the progress of the war, he has provided the abyss alliance with the green skin of the main plane world for nearly a thousand years, and in the past thousand years, countless green skins have been consumed by the alliance as cannon fodder.

For those consumed green skins, the alliance only gave him a small amount of compensation. However, kukas did not refuse to provide green skins because of the small compensation. What he wanted was to make some of the leaders in the alliance owe themselves through the green skins. In this way, he would do something special in the future, and some leaders in the alliance would secretly protect him from falling into trouble Into an extremely dangerous situation.

"To tell you the truth, if you ask the Alliance for some supplies, they will certainly provide you. In that way, you can complete the casting of your natural vision in the shortest time." the legend shook his head and sighed softly. It seems that he feels extremely sorry for kukas\'s behavior.

"Maybe!" kukas answered simply, but did not speak.

In fact, he knew that even if he used the credit of providing green skin to ask the Alliance for materials to cast natural visions, the materials provided by the alliance could not reach enough weight.

Of course, this does not mean that the alliance will provide him with little material, but because his natural vision needs too much material. Kukas sometimes feels desperate when he thinks about it.

According to the information fed back from the natural vision, the materials needed for the completion of casting in the place where he buried his bones are becoming more and more precious. It is the materials needed for the third casting alone, including the plane origin. However, kukas needs five stages to completely cast his natural vision. The more he goes to the later, the more precious the materials he needs. Even a lot He hasn\'t heard of any materials.

Now he is casting in the second stage. At this stage, he needs a large number of divine materials as the basic materials. Other materials include: void stone, star sand, Styx root, plane props and other messy things.

These things are extremely precious to those legends and gods. It is for these reasons that the legend contacted him again and again in order to get more benefits from it.

Fortunately, although there are many kinds of materials needed in the second stage of casting, the quantity of other materials is very rare except divine materials. This also gave him a possibility to prepare materials alone.