Abyss Knight

Chapter 782

"Damn it, you haven\'t asked for precious materials? Each of these materials you write is extremely precious. It\'s an extremely precious thing that professionals need when casting their own natural vision. You also say it\'s the basic material you need? Well, do you think it\'s fun to play with a powerful legend?"

The legend turned a little ugly after watching the words written by kukas on the scroll.

Because these materials written by kukas are enough for ordinary professionals to cast more than a hundred natural visions. In the mouth of kukas, it became only enough to cast the foundation of his vision. This legend was a little unacceptable for a while.

He had seen that casting natural visions required a lot of materials, but he had never seen a material that could reach the level of kukas, or even less than half.

"This is only the most basic material for me to forge natural visions. If you can\'t meet me with these materials, what\'s the use of going there? I don\'t believe your strength. At least now." kukas shook his head and said seriously, "and I need more advanced materials than these basic materials."

"I\'m sorry, I can\'t accept it for a while. Well, now let me think about whether you lied." the legend shook his head and muttered. In fact, he had already observed kukas with secret method when he spoke. In his observation, he did not find any fluctuations in kukas\' mood, which made him subconsciously recognize his words.

"Yes, your natural vision is very special. I heard that your natural vision can easily trap the resentment and silence emitted by the empty cangmu. Can you talk about your natural vision?"

"I don\'t think it\'s necessary to talk about natural visions at all. I think what we want to talk about is whether the people behind you agree to deliver these materials to me." kukas shook his head. He didn\'t want to talk about his natural visions. Of course, he doesn\'t want to know how the other party knows the fact that he once owned the empty cangmu.

"It\'s just a hundred materials beyond ordinary people, and I\'m qualified to decide." to kukas\'s surprise, the legend agreed to his request despite the breathing time.

After agreeing to kukas\'s request, the legend lit the golden scroll given to him by kukas with special magic props, and the burning golden scroll turned into a black light and drilled into his magic props specially used in the zero order plane. Then he passed it directly to some people through the secret method, and asked them to prepare all the materials for kukas.

"I think your value far exceeds the value of those materials. Moreover, if the experiment is successful, you can ask them for more materials, so as to forge your natural vision as soon as possible."

"Yes, I think we can start now, don\'t you think?" kukas touched his bald head and grinned.

"Very good suggestion. Well, do you have any other requirements? I mean, if there is no accident, it may take hundreds of years to study there. Well, I mean, the hundreds of years spent refer to the thematic world. That is, the passage of time above the eighth level."

"Where is the experimental site?" kukas frowned at his words. At first, he thought that the experimental site was in the general high-level plane, but the other party\'s words made him feel that his previous ideas were wrong to some extent.

"A third-order plane, a fifth-order plane, then a seventh-order plane, and finally a higher-order plane." the legend quickly explained to kukas: "and the place you want to go is a third-order plane. I think it may take the longest time there."

"In those places, many experimental equipment can\'t be used!" kukas asked suspiciously.

"As long as you master the rules of the plane and carve a little Dharma array on some not very powerful magic props, you can perfectly solve the restrictions of the plane rules. Many forces have mastered this technology. Of course, if you want to carve that small Dharma array on attack magic props, it\'s just a waste of time." the legend said casually.

"The important thing is that we are safe in the low-order potential plane."

"No, maybe in the low level, we are not safe. Well! As long as the other party has enough hands, we can easily kill us." kukas shook his head, indicating that he did not recognize the other party\'s words.

"Ha ha! Young man, have you forgotten? You have mastered hundreds of millions of green skins and endless cannon fodder. With these things, will you be afraid that someone will surround you by relying on the number?"

"You\'ve made good use of my green skin?" kukas whispered with a smile. "Interesting. It seems that if I don\'t join you this time, you\'ll find a way to let me join you. Is that so?"

"No, you\'re wrong. If you don\'t want to join us, we have other options. Well, such as undead casters, puppets, and even those who control the Dragon tooth warrior. They can actually replace you. But compared with them, you are far more useful than them." the legend shook his head and denied kukas\'s guess. On some matters, he and the forces behind him did not want kukas to misunderstand anything.

"Oh!" nodded. Kukas was not dissatisfied with the other party\'s comparison with others, but felt relaxed.

"This is the coordinates and keepsake. When you go there, someone will pick you up." at this time, the legend took out a golden diamond crystal and gave it to kukas. In this rhombic crystal, there is a detailed coordinate of the potential plane and a coordinate in the potential plane. The golden diamond crystal is his keepsake.

"Keep a low profile there. Many people are very powerful, and the forces behind them are extremely powerful. Maybe you can communicate with them, become friends or allies, and finally use their strength to build your forces."

The legend finally kindly reminded kukas: "just do what you should do there. For the rest, no matter what others ask you to do, don\'t pay attention to them."

"Don\'t worry. I don\'t think anyone wants to provoke me."

"Many people don\'t know your name."

"Soon they will know."

"To tell you the truth, I feel the meaning of killing in your words."

"That\'s normal."

"Good luck."

"Thank you!" finally, after paying a courtesy to the legend, kukas locked the plane coordinates with the help of the original power, directly broke the space barrier, crossed the endless void, and came to the third-order plane with infinite power like a meteor falling.

The huge body hit the earth heavily, and the powerful shock wave was released around, instantly destroying all the creatures on the earth hundreds of miles around. This is because the plane rules are suppressed. Otherwise, the power of the shock wave alone can easily wreak havoc in an area of tens of thousands of miles.

He came out of the pit dozens of feet deep. He activated the golden diamond crystal given to him by the legend with a secret method to send a message to some people in this plane. And he himself, then identified the direction, took the crystal and began to run wildly.

His huge body runs wildly on the earth. Although he can only burst out the fighting spirit of the third-order professionals under the suppression of the ruling plane, his flesh and body strength are not suppressed by the ruling plane. Therefore, he runs extremely fast, even faster than the speed of the seventh-order professionals running with secret methods.

Running wildly, he thought about the task he might get. But soon, his attention was focused on the soul hidden in the fighting space.

It turned out that while running, his mind inadvertently found some transparent chains wrapped around his soul. Those chains appeared out of thin air around the souls in the altar, and then wrapped around the souls.

The chain trembled slightly, releasing a crystal clear light around his soul. At first, the chains of memory and words wrapped around his soul trembled, trying to wrap them around those crystal clear chains and devour them.

As his mind turned, kukas soon understood the origin of those crystal clear chains.

"So this is rule repression! I just don\'t know if I can control some rules of this plane if I swallow those chains." I thought casually, but I didn\'t have time to try. Because he wants to find the laboratory built by those people here as soon as possible, so as to carry out his own work. Of course, in that way, he can get some magic materials he should have, so as to forge his natural vision.

A large number of minds were forcibly suppressed in the fighting space, so kukas\'s mind could only detect more than ten miles. This is because his mind is extremely pure. Otherwise, according to the normal third-order professional, it is quite good to be able to detect the distance of three or five miles.

Running on the earth day and night, he passed through countless cities and villages, but he didn\'t stop, but continued to move forward. Of course, he can use the original power of the plane to transmit directly to the coordinate location. But he wanted to take advantage of his opportunity to think about some things and prepare with those people. He didn\'t want to surprise those people by appearing directly in front of them.

The next morning, he finally met those who came to meet him.

A small group of heavy armor soldiers appeared in front of him. The way these heavy armor soldiers appeared surprised kukas.

Because these heavy armored soldiers came here in a search of a huge magic airship.

Magic airship, normally only can be used in the level above the fifth level, but now it appears in a third level. However, kukas soon thought of something the legend told him, so his mood soon calmed down.

After seeing dozens of heavily armored soldiers jump to the ground along the chain on the magic airship, kukas also stopped running. Instead, he slowed down, as if he were an ordinary man, and slowly walked towards the heavy armor soldiers.

"Lord kukas, the ash knight?" when the heavily armored soldiers found the golden diamond crystal in kukas\'s hand, they asked some uncertain questions.

"Yes, I think you need to check it." he threw the crystal to these soldiers. He stood on the earth and looked up at the magic airship in the sky.

The magic airship was not very big, and in his induction, there was no attack array carved on it. There are only a few defensive arrays and floating arrays.

The magic airship is a hundred feet long and more than ten feet high. The whole airship is driven by magic crystal stone. According to the moving speed of the airship just now, kukas found that although the speed of the airship was very fast, it was only similar to the speed of some low-order airships in the fifth order plane. Under the rapid flight, it is just equivalent to the fifth level professional running with all his strength.

Of course, level 5 professionals run with all their strength. Although they are fast, their endurance is much worse. Under the action of a large number of magic spars, the magic airship does not have those shortcomings.

While kukas was observing the magic airship, the heavy armor soldiers also tested kukas\'s identity. Of course, their detection is actually the simplest detection. After arriving at the destination, some powerful casters will detect the keepsake. If anything goes wrong, the killing will begin in an instant.

After climbing onto the airship along the thick chain, kukas found that the internal structure of the airship was not simple: there was a restaurant, bedroom, study, living room and rest place.

On the airship, kukas keenly found that the whole airship served him alone. There are no other guests here except the maid and some heavily armored soldiers.

"Sir, it will take us dozens of days to reach the headquarters. I hope you can be patient here." the power owner of the magic airship is a middle-aged bald man with a thick face and a big stomach. Although it looked ferocious, he was extremely respectful in front of kukas.

"For another three days, we need to land, replenish some supplies and carry some members requested by the headquarters. Of course, it won\'t take adults too much time."

The people in charge of the magic airship are very respectful to kukas, because they get the news and look for kukas under the guidance of magic props. Through magic props, they clearly saw the movement speed of the ash knight.

In this third-order plane, they have never heard of such a moving speed. If the controller of the airship didn\'t come here from a high level, he would think, like other heavy armor soldiers, that the magic prop for detecting the target had failed, or that he had encountered a legendary demon.

However, this middle-aged bald man is the person in power who came here from a high level. His understanding of some special things will never be as superficial as the aborigines here.

"Members of the headquarters?" kukas narrowed his eyes and asked in a deep voice, "people like me?"

"No, sir! It\'s some locals. After our selection, they found that they have special cultivation talents, so they took them to our headquarters."

"Special cultivation talents? Tell me, I think I\'m interested in these." kukas nodded, motioned a maid to bring good wine, and then leaned lazily on the chair to listen.

"These people have very good cultivation talents. If they have appropriate guidance, they will make faster progress than ordinary professionals and achieve higher achievements in the future. Some people have very special physique and are suitable to become special professionals." the bald middle-aged man quickly explained.

"Well," kukas said simply, and then stopped questioning. Wave each other out of here.

As time went by, the magic airship landed several times. Each time, a large number of luxury goods were transported to the airship for kukas to use. At the same time, some children were transported up.

Kukas secretly watched the children. The oldest was only five or six years old, and the youngest was even in infant form.

Fortunately, there are many maids on the magic airship, and they also wear maids who take care of children. Therefore, there is no sign of casualties for the children who leave their mother. On the contrary, under the cultivation of some special drugs, the children\'s bodies became stronger and stronger.

Kukas didn\'t waste much time on the magic airship. He spent most of his time mastering the knowledge imprinted on his soul and mind. But sometimes he would go out of his room and find a corner to watch the children play.

Watching the children play, kukas thought a lot, most of which were experienced when he was young in his previous life.

The number of such memories made him depressed a lot. Fortunately, he found that his state was not good in time, so he forced himself not to recall the previous things, but simply watched the children\'s play.

The formation of more than ten days soon ended. When the magic airship landed on the earth, kukas stepped out of the magic airship and found himself stretched out into a desert.

In this desert, I can\'t see any green. Just not far from the airship, I saw a castle more than ten feet high standing there alone.

The castle looks very shabby, as if it has not been repaired for a long time. But kukas was keenly aware that there were low-level magic defenses and prohibitions everywhere in the dilapidated castle. Those dilapidated are just a kind of appearance.

When kukas left the airship, a young man dressed as a housekeeper came out of the old castle.

Although there was no power fluctuation in the young man, kukas could feel the confidence emanating from his heart.

"Great knight, welcome to Huangsha city. Other adults are waiting for you." the young housekeeper naturally saluted kukas, and then carefully observed kukas with a pair of brown eyes.

"Are you the manager here?"

"Yes, I will be the manager of Huangsha castle for the time being." the young man nodded and seriously answered kukas\'s question: "do you have any special orders?"

"I don\'t think so. Well, lead the way." kukas didn\'t want to know anything about the young manager. He came here with his own destination, so there was no need to waste time on an ordinary person. Of course, all this is just his own opinion.

The heavily armored soldiers who escorted him here respectfully saluted the young manager, including the ruler of the magic airship.

In a few words, the young manager settled the black armor soldiers and the young children they brought. At this time, kukas had not entered this somewhat broken castle.

When he set foot in the castle, kukas found that the area of the castle was very large. Some young children were practicing on the training ground. In front of them, all kinds of professionals were guiding them.

The young housekeeper took kukas to a huge living room, where there was a secret passage to the underground space.

After opening the secret passage, the young manager\'s task is over. Even if he controls the lives of tens of thousands of people in the castle and keeps them in order, he is still not qualified to set foot in the underground secret passage.

As he set foot on the secret Road, kukas saw a trace of desire and reluctance in the eyes of the young housekeeper.

"If you want to really enter it, you must make two choices: the first is to die and completely disappear from the world; the second is to stay in the secret way forever until the day you die of old age."

"I think I\'d rather die in the hot sun than in the dark secret way." the young housekeeper was a little stunned, then nodded gratefully to kukas and said, "I know I\'m not qualified to control some things. I just think about it."

"The idea will eventually become a reality. I just hope you won\'t be so impulsive at that time." kukas nodded and jumped into the secret path and disappeared.

"Maybe when I\'m about to die of old age, I\'ll go inside and have a look. Well, damn it, maybe I\'ll leave here in a few years, just like my predecessor, to be a noble nobleman in the outside Empire and have my own territory." the young housekeeper closed the secret Road and left the empty living room muttering.

Whenever he sent people into the underground secret passage, he was tempted. There was always a voice calling him and making him step on the secret Road, but he relied on his strong will and stubbornly resisted the inexplicable call.

Of course, the young housekeeper did not expect that every time he resisted the temptation, his will would be stronger. The strong will brought him a lot of benefits, but those benefits were not obvious.

Kukas was not interested in the young housekeeper. After entering the underground secret passage, he soon came to the end.

At the end of the secret Road, a huge stone gate blocked his way.

On the stone gate, designs of fierce animals were carved. In the central area of the stone gate, a strange hole appears there.

Throw the golden diamond crystal into the hole, and the crystal is perfectly combined with the hole.

A golden light beam emerged from the fierce beast pattern on the stone gate. The light beam wound around kukas and constantly detected something. And the bald evil man did not stop, let the beam shine on himself.

After a short time, the stone door opened, and an old and empty voice sounded: "welcome the great ash Knight Lord kukas to 987 experimental base, where you have the highest authority."

With this empty voice, a lot of information was instilled into his mind. This information is what he controls the 987 experimental base.

The stone gate opened and a strong light shone on him. Although a lot of fighting spirit and mind could not be used, kukas quickly adapted to the strong light with the instinct of his body.

Across the stone gate, a busy scene emerged in front of him.

In the huge space, a large number of professionals control all kinds of equipment and are busy. Some naked, naked professionals were firmly fixed by some magic instruments, and a large amount of liquid was injected into them. Nearby, many people are watching their changes.

"Kukas, I\'m the person in charge here, which is your responsibility and obligation. All the things you want have been sent to your room. Later, you can check there." a * * * * in a scholar\'s robe found kukas at the first time and handed him a silver scroll: "If there are no other questions, I hope you can work here tomorrow."

Open the scroll at random. The content written on the scroll is very simple, that is, let him cultivate a powerful knight and squire, and write down all kinds of things encountered in his cultivation in detail. There is also a need for him to assist some researchers here, watch the changes of those experimental subjects in the experiment and record them.

The content on the scroll is very simple, but kukas felt his task and heavy at the first time. At least assisting researchers in research will waste a lot of his time.

He deliberately refused, but considering the benefits he would get after the success of this experiment, the words of refusal were forcibly suppressed by him.

"If you want to get benefits, you must pay some price first. If the experiment is successful, maybe the initial team of my force can be formed and completed."

After the thought flashed in his mind, he quickly replied, "OK, I think I can work now." he slipped the silver scroll into his arms, and kukas made his own answer.

****Nodded and gave him a small magic timer. The magic timer looked like a blooming flower and looked very exquisite.

"Every night we conduct a large-scale experiment. At that time, you must come here. During the day, it\'s time for you to adjust and teach knights and squires."

Having said this, * * * * turned around and got busy with a huge magic instrument. Among the magic instruments in front of her, dozens of naked, naked men and women were struggling in crystal slots, some died and some still insisted. 4 tiny spikes pierce into their bodies, and through magic props, they can detect all kinds of changes in their bodies in detail.

"It\'s day, I\'ll leave here first." kukas shrugged his shoulders, hung the exquisite magic timer on his body, and was ready to go back to his room.

"In this plane, there are a total of 1000 such experimental bases. Sometimes people from other experimental bases will come here for communication. At that time, it\'s best not to conflict with them." * * * * warned kukas without looking back.

"As long as they don\'t provoke me," kukas turned fiercely and stared at * * * * carefully. "If they provoke me, I\'ll let them disappear."

****Her figure is very attractive, but kukas only feels the breath of the eighth order peak on her. Obviously, it is normal for a scholar at the top of the eighth order to be weak in some aspects as the person in power of this experimental base.

"I haven\'t heard of your name, but I\'ve heard the names of some powerful people in other experimental bases, even if they are thousands of faces apart." * * * *\'s voice is not urgent or slow, and there is no fluctuation due to kukas\'s words.

"Well, I\'m just fighting in one plane," kukas said casually. In that * * * * words, he subconsciously wanted to prove his strength.

"Just spread your name in one plane? They are all strong creatures who survived in the endless void. It\'s always right to be careful in front of them." * * * * put down your work, turned to kukas and said seriously, "maybe you can become friends with them."

"Do you think that\'s possible?" looking at * * * *\'s round face and blinking big eyes, kukas felt as if he had returned to his childhood in his previous life.

The sudden memory made him immediately aware of the bad, but this time, he didn\'t forcibly suppress his memory. Instead, some are immersed in it.

"I don\'t know. I\'m not a fighter, and I don\'t like fighting with people. I don\'t know what you think." * * * * gathered the bent blond hair and whispered, "many of them are moody guys. I\'ll remind you at that time."

"Thank you! But don\'t worry. In this third level, even if they are moody and famous, I can get rid of them. Of course, if they provoke me." kukas shook his head and said indifferently.

"Well, whatever you want, I\'ve said everything I can, and the rest depends on yourself." * * * * after saying this, she continued to be busy with her work.

Kukas, led by a researcher, found a passage to his room in a corner of the huge space.

The passage is very long. There is a door every distance. Each door represents a room.

Kukas\'s room was at the bottom of the corridor. There, the researcher pointed out a door to indicate his room and told him the guests in the next room.

According to the researcher, all the people living in this channel are members with high authority in the experimental base. At the bottom of this passage, there are several people who have the highest authority.

Next to kukas is the residence of the * * * * and outside are the residences of several doctors who are very proficient in medicine.

After entering his room, kukas soon found the magic materials prepared by the experimental organization for himself.

A large number of precious magic materials were stacked in a space ring. After a detailed inspection, it was found that those materials were not lost, but exceeded his requirements in terms of quality and quantity. He is very satisfied with the result.

After confirming that there was no problem with the materials, kukas began to put these materials into his natural vision in a certain order and quantity.

As soon as a large amount of material fell into the natural vision: the bone burial place, it was immediately swallowed by the bone burial place.

When all the materials are put into the bone burial place, although the area of the whole bone burial place has not increased, it has been several times higher than before in terms of firmness.

Just thinking of withdrawing his mind from his natural vision, kukas found that there were other changes in the place where he buried his bones.

The earth roared, and a white bone pool suddenly appeared in the central area of the bone burial place. The pool rotates, frantically absorbing the endless breath of resentment and silence around, and then condensing drops of water as white as jade in the pool.

When the water drops appeared in the pool, he found that all the white bone creatures in the whole bone burial place rushed there madly. A large number of white bone creatures began to kill in order to compete for the liquid in the bone pool.

Every time a white bone creature dies, the water droplets in the bone pool increase by one point.

However, in just a few dozen breathing times, only a white bone tiger was left alive in the whole buried place near the pool.

However, when the white bone tiger swallowed the water droplets that had become the size of his fist, his solid body exploded fiercely, and the swallowed liquid returned to the white bone pool again.

The white bone pool madly extracted the resentment from the bone burial place. With the massive loss of resentment, the whole bone burial place began to shrink rapidly.

Before reaching the white bone pool, some white bone creatures rushed from a distance broke into pieces, and then turned into a breath of resentment and silence and were absorbed into the white bone pool.

In less than a magic time, the land of white bones tens of thousands of miles in size has shrunk to no more than tens of feet in size.

At the same time, countless white bones in the bone burial place turned into bone powder and were forcibly extracted into the white bone pool.

A white bone tree grew out of the middle of the pool. When the white bone tree grew out, kukas immediately understood the reason.

It turned out that the place where the white bone pool was formed was the place where the broken branches and leaves of those empty Cang trees dissipated. Now the vision of the buried bone place has improved, but it has stimulated the residual breath of the empty cangmu that dissipated here.

Under the influence of resentment and the ability of burying bones, the vanishing empty cangmu appears again in this world in another form.

The white bones condensed into the shape of empty Cang wood. Three white bone tree roots floated in the pool, and seven branches came out on the trunk. On each branch, there were nine white bone leaves. There are white bone demons on the leaves.

Those white bone demons have three heads and six arms, four heads and one body, two wings on their backs, or eight feet and one tail.

The white bone demons on each leaf are different. Although these white bone demons are just virtual shadows on the leaves, their momentum is far beyond the original white bone creatures.

In the branches formed by white bones, kukas vaguely saw Gray turbulence swimming among them, but when he looked carefully, he couldn\'t see anything.

The land of bones continued to shrink. Kukas immediately took out the burning black flag and forcibly summoned a large number of green skins through the power of the plane origin.

Hundreds of tough green skins appeared directly in his room with white light flashing, and then, at the will of kukas, went straight to the bone burial place he released.

The place where the bones were buried turned into a mass of white light with the size of tens of feet. When green skins stepped into it, they were forcibly extracted by the power in the bone pool.

The green skin that lost its life turned into a pile of white bones, and then reabsorbed a little resentment and turned into a white bone creature, but it was sucked clean by the white bone pool in an instant.

However, in this way, the shrinkage rate of the buried place was greatly reduced.

Kukas felt relieved. What he worries most is that the bone burial place shrinks and finally disappears completely. At that time, he must spend more energy to recast a vision. At that time, the recasting vision had no foundation and needed a larger amount of materials. At that time, he did not know when and when he would be able to recast a new natural vision.

The white light flickered, hundreds of green skins appeared together, and then rushed to the bone burial place at the fastest speed.

At first, the green skin was just the most common green skin, but later, kukas began to mobilize those first-order or even second-order green skins to put them into the bone burial place.

After he put hundreds of six step green skins into the bone burial place at one time, the shrinkage of the bone burial place stopped. At this time, the area where he buried his bones was reduced by more than Zhang.

A large number of strong green skins are buried in the bone place to extract the essence and spirit, and then nourish the white bone demons on the leaves.

Little by little, after a full day and night, kukas felt that the place where the bones were buried no longer forced to draw resentment.

After life is extracted from some places where green skin is buried in bones, the white bone creatures will no longer be polished into bone powder and dissipated. At this time, kukas was really relieved.