Abyss Knight

Chapter 783

After a large number of green skins died, white bones accumulated, all piled up under the bone pool, and then formed a small bone mountain, which grew very slowly.

A large number of green skins of level 5 and level 6 are filled into the bone burial place, but the resentment and silence are rare. It doesn\'t have much effect on the development of vision.

After throwing tens of thousands of strong green skins into it, kukas was too lazy to continue adding them. Because the effect is too weak.

However, the filling of a large number of green skins made the peaks under the bone pool grow up, at least from the flat to several feet tall.

After leaving the room, kukas told the * * * * who controlled the secret experimental base about his situation through magic props, and went to the surface to prepare to practice those ordinary people and strive to make them qualified knights and squires.

The internal area of Huangsha castle is not very large, but under the reasonable architectural layout, at least tens of thousands of members live here.

Of the tens of thousands of members, only 10000 are young children, while the rest are researchers or servants serving the whole experimental base.

When kukas showed up here, he soon got a small team to practice. However, he is not the main instructor of the drill, because other instructors are equipped to assist him in this experimental base.

Looking at the young children waving the knight\'s long gun and piercing again and again, he just leaned against the corner of the wall and narrowed his eyes to pass the time.

The way he spends his time is very simple, that is to think about some knowledge and deduce some killing methods.

The day passed quickly. Kukas leaned against the corner and didn\'t say a word, but some instructors like him noticed him.

As night fell, when the young children dragged their tired bodies to dinner, kukas went straight back to the underground space.

Here, * * * * as when kukas left yesterday, he still focused on some data in front of the huge magic machine.

"Tell me about the strength change of your body when you were promoted to evil knight." when kukas first came here, the * * * * asked without looking back.

And kukas didn\'t say much. He summarized the language a little and answered quickly.

Then the * * * * asked other questions about various problems encountered in Cultivation: for example, the speed of fighting Qi swimming in the body, the speed of strengthening the body, various feelings when nourishing the body, and the length of time for nourishing a certain part.

Strange questions asked kukas all night, so that he had no time to observe the underground experimental base.

Such a scene lasted a little half a year before it was a mess.

In more than half a year, kukas\'s understanding of the secret experimental base has been completely completed.

It turned out that the main experiment in his experimental base was to nourish people\'s body with some special drugs and special means, so as to break out fighting or change the body from ordinary constitution to special constitution in the shortest time.

Through the observation of this small half year, kukas found that under the guidance of * * * *, the research direction is mainly to transform the physique: let the physique of ordinary people be transformed into a special physique: for example, become a dark physique that can better cultivate dark fighting spirit or a sinking physique.

Trying to change people\'s physique leads to death every day. Dozens of people die every day when there are many, and three or five people when there are few.

Even if these people die, they will not get peace. Some doctors will use sharp knives to cut their flesh and blood, decompose their limbs and conduct more detailed research. In the end, even the souls of these people were studied.

In this series of studies, kukas can be said to be like a bystander. Since he said some changes he had mastered about the evil knight, ghost cry knight and ash knight, he can say that there is nothing else here.

However, this kind of day did not last long, because a year after he came to the experimental base, a large number of magic airships came to the desert.

A large number of low-level casters gathered here and rebuilt a new underground space next to the underground experimental base.

Of course, the main work of these low-level casters is to dig holes, and the rest install special equipment transported from other planes, and then use those equipment to build an extremely solid underground base.

However, in kukas\'s view, it is not so much an underground base as an underground prison.

After the establishment of this underground base like a honeycomb, magic airships take off and land here every day, and all kinds of professionals are transported here to be imprisoned. Then they were taken away by those doctors and became experimental materials.

All these changes were entirely caused by the young housekeeper of Huangsha castle.

When kukas came here for a year, the young housekeeper didn\'t know what method he used to hook up with a female caster who prepared experimental materials.

At the suggestion of the young housekeeper, in order to get more experimental materials, the female caster mobilized some people and began to capture professionals or ordinary people with special physique in this plane, so as to imprison them as experimental materials.

This method was controlled by another experimental base in less than half a year. To this end, thousands of experimental bases even joined hands to form a new organization: Shadow greed.

This organization specializes in searching various professionals in this plane, so as to make them serve as special experimental materials.

In the organization of shadow greed, each experimental base has sent a person as the representative of the experimental base. Originally, the task was to be put on kukas, but he refused and handed the opportunity to the young housekeeper.

Perhaps the goddess of fate played a role in it, or personal efforts have been effective.

After getting a bigger stage, the young housekeeper showed more talents.

With the efforts of the young housekeeper, a large number of experimental materials are transported here every day and then imprisoned in prison. The abundance of experimental materials has greatly promoted his power in this laboratory. But even so, he is still not qualified to set foot in the underground experimental base.

After talking with * * * *, kukas took the initiative to transfer to the prison where professionals and special physique are detained as the warden. Because he has some resistance to using living people as experimental materials.

For his behavior, * * * * didn\'t blame anything, just simply responded, and then continued to busy her work.

The young housekeeper held a long scroll and recited it carefully in a living room.

Sitting in front of him was a bald man with narrowed eyes. The wicked man sat there, taller than the young housekeeper. On the naked upper body of the evil man, there are staggered scars everywhere. On the bald head, there are also dozens of scars intertwined, which makes people look extremely terrible.

A list of dozens of different constitutions. This is the harvest of those shadow greed controlled by the young housekeeper in just one month.

"Knight, someone has noticed our arrest." after reciting the contents of the scroll, the young housekeeper lowered his voice and said softly: "I think we should stop for a while? This time we arrested a man with prophecy physique. Behind him was a huge family force. They were tracking down our tracks. When I came back, they had clashed with our organization many times."

"You don\'t have to tell me about these things. Just deal with them yourself. Well, work continues. You can\'t stay. At least you can stop after filling up the room in the underground prison." the bald evil man sitting in the chair is no one else, but the ash Knight kukas.

He served as the warden of this underground prison. His task is very simple, that is, to accept the special physique and some tough professionals transported by the young housekeeper from other places, and suppress them. Of course, he will also release the task of directing the young housekeeper to search for a specific physique.

"But Sir, we have been doing too crazy these days. If we continue, we must restrain ourselves. At that time, our harvest will be greatly reduced under the condition of wasting the same human and material resources." the young manager raised his head, looked at kukas seriously and said: "The prison is very large and can hold at least hundreds of thousands of prisoners. If you want to fill the prison, you can\'t do it for hundreds of years."

"Don\'t worry about these things. Well, go on! Continue your work. To tell you the truth, I\'m very satisfied with your work. Well, when you leave the castle this time, you can go to the library to copy a book. From now on, you can get ten iron puppets as your direct subordinates."

"Yes, my Lord." After hearing kukas\'s words, the young housekeeper trembled slightly. He was excited. He didn\'t expect that he could get such precious rewards when he came back this time, and the emergence of these rewards made his inner subconscious struggle. However, his inner struggle was soon put aside. He turned his attention to how to choose the prize In terms of reward.

Although the reward for a book is very small, it is the third time in five years that he has controlled the greed of the shadow.

The first reward he received was from his lover\'s caster. A precious magic book made him a powerful caster. With the help of that book, he became a top caster who was about to break the space in just three years. For ordinary people, it takes decades or even a lifetime to reach his level.

When he chose books for the second time, he realized that the world he lived in was just a small plane in the endless void. He also realized that the so-called fighting God and the French emperor in the world were about to break the void, and in the endless void, he was just the bottom ordinary professional.

This time, he wanted to choose a book to make himself stronger and surpass the fighting God and the French emperor in the world. Become a more powerful existence.

As for kukas\'s iron puppet, it looks more precious in his eyes.

He once led two so-called steel puppets to perform tasks outside. At that time, he saw with his own eyes that the two steel puppets killed several fighting gods and French emperors, thus destroying an extremely powerful family and bringing a large number of human beings with special physique to kukas.

This time, he can get ten iron puppets, and those iron puppets belong to him forever.

From his lover caster, he knew that these steel puppets were actually made of failed experimental materials. They will absolutely obey the control of his master. Even if they commit suicide, these iron puppets will not disobey.

Ten iron puppets, for the world, are equivalent to a combination of dozens of fighting gods and French emperors.

"Do something for us and never treat you badly." kukas waved and motioned the other party to leave. "Anyone who dares to stop you from performing your task will either be killed or transported here."

"Yes, Sir Knight." the young housekeeper thanked kukas and left quickly to collect his reward from the library.

After waiting for the young housekeeper to leave, kukas did not go to the prison to observe the guests for the first time, but communicated his fighting armor with secret methods.

Of course, the fighting armor he communicated with was not a fighting armor in the burning plane, but a fighting armor in his previous main plane world.

This fighting armor in the thematic world was sent to the thematic world not long after he participated in this experiment.

In the Lord\'s plane world, kukas\'s fighting armor is connected with the secret Church of the secret female mage, where he acts as the temple guard of the secret church.

Of course, this is just a cover up of his identity, and his real purpose there is to implement some special plans to realize his original promise.

The Rocky Mountains in the main plane world are the same as when kukas left. It is still ice and snow, with ice corpses everywhere.

There is a small secret church here. Hundreds of young people live here all year round to receive some special education.

Here, they should not only cultivate the means of killing, but also learn the knowledge of administration.

Dozens of scholars teach them. When they meet the requirements of those scholars, they will get a lot of money to leave here and disperse into the Empire of the thematic world: either become a college mentor, or become a soldier, businessman, or even an ordinary farmer.

"Jiuyou sect!"

This is the organization kukas set up for these young people. In this organization, he is the supreme leader. The secret female mage is the deputy leader. Of course, the secret female mage, the deputy leader, is just a name. She will not interfere in the operation of this organization at any other time except to arrange the identity of the people of Jiuyou sect to a certain extent. Having the status of deputy leader is just a little more convenient for her.

Inspired by the secret method, a powerful mind crossed the void and came directly to the fighting armor.

At this time, the fighting armor was rehearsing a killing method. After kukas\'s new mind came, he hurriedly ended the rehearsal, tore the void and went directly to find the secret female mage.

Tear the void, thousands of miles in an instant. When kukas covered a thick cloak and appeared again, he went to a secret residence where the secret female mage was located.

The secret residence is located in the tutor\'s accommodation building of a small noble college. Because the students enrolled in this noble college are people who do not have the ability to cultivate talents, there are not many professionals here as mentors. As for high-level professionals, there is none. Therefore, kukas tear space appears here and will not be concerned by anyone at all.

Of course, when kukas tears the space, he often forcibly limits the spatial fluctuation to the lowest range with the potential source force. Only in this way will he not attract the attention of some high-level professionals in other regions. Unless those professionals happen to come to this small noble college, they will never feel the spatial fluctuation.

Moreover, because the main plane world has just been occupied by people at the gate of heaven for only hundreds of years, not many high-level professionals have been stationed in this plane for a long time. In addition, the war is still going on, and there are not many high-level professionals patrolling here. Often, only one high-level professional will sit in several empires to facilitate the transmission of information.

Of course, despite this, kukas still dare not be too rampant. Because a few days ago, he found a void cangmu in this thematic world, which attracted the attention of a top existence. In order to prevent accidents and destroy his plan, he was extremely cautious.

The secret residence of the secret female mage is in an ordinary tutor dormitory. She is a tutor here. She uses projection to teach students here all year round.

When kukas came here, the projection of the secret female mage was soon perceived.

"What\'s the problem?" the secret female mage returned to her residence, sat cross legged on the bed, looked askance at kukas and asked, "do you just miss me?"

Looking at the confident secret female mage in front of him, kukas felt some emotion. When he met this secret sorceress, she looked so weak, but with the passage of time, the former weak woman became a cardinal who controlled a plane church.

"There\'s nothing difficult, just want to see if you have any new news to tell me." kukas tapped his head gently, and the metal gloves collided with the metal head, making a clear sound.

Fortunately, the secret female mage arranged some Dharma arrays and prohibitions here, which melted the sound made by kukas. Otherwise, those sounds alone could collapse the tutor\'s residence.

"Can you be careful? This is not a battlefield. If you can\'t stand loneliness, you can go to the battlefield. I heard that some of the top talents of the gate of heaven who you killed in the eternal plane were crying bitterly. Many people even forcibly erased their ranks when they heard of going to the eternal plane." the secret female mage pouted and said with some dissatisfaction: "There\'s no news. You know, what you asked me to inquire about is too secret. I\'ve searched so many materials and there\'s no trace at all. Maybe you should give up. After all, they may have died after all these years. The so-called place of exile is just a legend."