Abyss Knight

Chapter 781

"Kill the core members of the hand of glory? Do you have the courage? Now there are dozens of core members of the hand of glory in the alliance. One of the heaven fighters has had a huge conflict with this kukas. Dare you kill that heaven fighter?" someone mocked, but listened speechless.

"It\'s just a warrior. One day, I will kill him." someone muttered reluctantly after a long silence.

"I\'m afraid he will step into the realm of demigod or even God in a few days. At that time, you won\'t have the ability and courage."

"The mouth gun is useless. If you have this time, it\'s better to take advantage of the opportunity to heal here and practice some secret methods with the power of the plane origin." someone suggested softly.

"There\'s no time to stay, but it\'s time to go."

"If you can survive, it\'s not too late to discuss other things."

"Yes, it\'s not too late to endure until the end of the all-out war. Besides, it\'s not too late for other things."

A group of legends and gods held their bags for a while, and finally the whole plane\'s original space returned to calm again: leave immediately after healing the injury and practice the secret method with the help of the original power. There was no more quarrel.

Just as the legend whispered with the gods, kukas, who returned to the center of the source, calmly sat in the center of the source and began to study his natural vision: the change of the place where the bones were buried.

Although he had just talked to those legends and gods for a short time, he got a lot of useful information. Those information made him have a deeper understanding of some things.

But now, the first thing he needs to deal with is the change of his bone burial place.

In a short time, most of the dead branches and leaves of the empty Cang involved in the bone burying land turned into resentment and filled the vision, but in the end, the thickest one was left. Take a hollow Cang trunk and it did not dissipate. Although the void cangmu that had not dissipated was handed over to the abyss alliance, kukas\'s natural vision still produced many strange changes because of the void cangmu.

The first change is that the area of the bone burial place has expanded hundreds of times. Now the area of his bone burial place is tens of thousands of miles.

With the increase of area, the number of white bones in the bone burial place decreased significantly. Although white bone villages were born, there were no white bone creatures to compete.

Secondly, there is a broken rule in the place of burying bones. This rule is condensed little by little after the branches and leaves of the empty cangmu turn into resentment.

Although the rule of cohesion is broken and he has no ability to control it, it should be his greatest gain for kukas.

You know, for every professional with natural vision, if their natural vision wants to be strong, in addition to investing a lot of precious materials such as magic materials, they also need to condense some rules into it.

The rules condensed by ordinary professionals are often just the projection of rules, not the ontology of rules. Of course, it\'s not that those professionals don\'t want to integrate the rule ontology into their natural vision, but they don\'t have that ability. Even legends and gods, few people can do this.

The broken rules branded in kukas\'s bone burial place are an extremely precious rule noumenon.

With this rule, the noumenon sits in the natural vision, and his vision power will be several times higher than other visions.

Moreover, he can also realize the rules with the help of this broken rule ontology in the natural vision. This perception is several times easier than the rule information obtained directly through the perception plane.

In addition, under the erosion of the resentment of the empty cangmu, a black sun was born in his buried place.

The black sun was suspended in the center of the vision, emitting a layer of gray light in the buried bone. All kinds of skeletons and creatures in the bone burial place appear energetic and full of fighting desire under the light of the black sun.

With the expansion of the area of the natural vision, some information is transmitted by the natural vision to kukas\'s mind. This information includes the rules, materials required by this natural vision, and the attribute information after its complete growth. This information can make kukas not too confused when casting natural visions.

According to the information mentioned in the natural vision, kukas found a lot of materials. A large number of magic materials appeared in his hands, and then randomly threw them into the bone burial place.

These materials are extremely precious to ordinary professionals above level 8, but they are only the lowest part of the materials needed by kukas\'s natural vision.

After these materials are put into the bone burial place, they will be swallowed by the vision, and then strengthened to the vision itself a little bit, making the natural vision more powerful.

There are a lot of magic materials in the body, but compared with the whole natural vision, those materials are a drop in the bucket. It seems that they are useless for the power improvement of the whole vision. During this period, he put almost all kinds of materials he had into it, and even precious divine materials were put in a large part by him.

However, kukas knew that as long as he had enough time, he could really grow this natural vision, but it would take an extremely long time.

After the amount of magic materials on his body was reduced to the limit, kukas stopped casting natural visions.

After staying in the source of the throne for a long time, he decisively left his three fighting armor here to understand all kinds of knowledge obtained after being promoted to level 9, and even tried to understand the rules of heaven and earth. His noumenon left here and went outside the source space.

Appearing on the burning plane, kukas kept thinking about some things. According to his idea, he wants to obtain a large number of magic materials with the help of the void cangmu he handed over to the alliance, so as to improve his natural vision power. But after walking in the boundless plane for some time, some of his ideas changed.

In his opinion, with the benefits of the void cangmu, he can get a lot of magic materials from the abyss alliance, but if he really does that, he can only get a lot of relatively low-level materials. The alliance will only give him a small part of those high-level magic materials at most.

And those little more precious magic materials are extremely weak to help the natural vision.

What\'s more, during the war, due to the lack of various magic materials, the benefits of turning in the empty cangmu have shrunk a lot. Rather than this, it\'s better to wait, waiting for the benefits brought to him by using the empty Cang wood in the special bald head. At that time, it may save his life and even let him get more benefits.

Stepping on the void and walking under the sky of the burning plane, he tried to understand the rules of this plane like the blonde general in those years, but his powerful mind pierced into the void, but he could not perceive any rule fluctuations.

He also tried to enter the endless void for perception, but when he entered the void, there was nothing to gain.

Trying to understand the rules of heaven and earth made him spend more than 100 years in the burning plane. Over the past hundred years, he has gained nothing except that his fighting spirit has increased and he has a better understanding of the knowledge and information obtained during his promotion.

Walking under the burning plane sky, kukas found that his burning plane was no longer so monotonous.

In the present plane, there are not only endless green skins and hulks, but also some ferocious monsters began to multiply in this plane.

Most of these monsters were captured by him in the misty forest. Those non intelligent Warcraft were transformed. After swallowing a large amount of green skin, those Warcraft slowly changed.

Their power to control magic has disappeared, but they have a greater improvement in meat and fighting. Some powerful monsters even have special talents and abilities like fenlia warriors.

However, kukas regretted that although these monsters were extremely powerful, they were still not controlled by him even after they swallowed a lot of green skin. And this result makes kukas very depressed. He wanted to combine these monsters with his Hulk or green skins to form a stronger combat effectiveness.

Although the monsters were not controlled by him, he took a little effort to get a new mount out.

This horse has the blood of a dragon and a lion. Its largest height is tens of feet. It has three heads. The middle is a golden lion head, and on both sides are two dragon heads. The body is very similar to the body of a lion, but there is not much hair on it. Instead, it is replaced by a large number of dark golden scales.

The scales were so hard that they could resist kukas\'s random blow.

"Golden lion!" this is the name kukas gave himself. In order to control the unintelligent mount, kukas cut his soul again, and then injected the soul into the head in the middle of the golden lion to control it.

Using this monster as a mount is also a helpless choice for kukas. After all, in order to resist his cruel control, which black dragon has been trained for many years has been transformed into a huge bone dragon by secret method, hovering in the eternal plane.

The bone dragon was very strong. When kukas left the eternal plane, the bone dragon was still fighting with the giant evolving from the God hiding place. Moreover, with the passage of time, the strength of bone dragon has been continuously improved.

Because of some thoughts in his heart, kukas did not forcibly urge the chain prohibition branded in the black dragon\'s soul to try to accept it. So now he uses this monster with lion and dragon blood as a mount.

After accepting the mount, he used the secret method to continuously refine its body, and even spent some plane original power to instill it into the mount, so that it has a strong enough body to bear the impact force generated when he cast the knight\'s secret method.

The hard work was not in vain. With the practice of the origin of the throne and the secret method, the constitution of the Golden Lion became extremely strong. At least he used the eighth order Knight secret method continuously, and the golden lion could still bear it.

Originally, according to kukas\'s plan, he wanted to continue to stay in this burning plane, so as to master all kinds of knowledge and secrets as soon as possible. But with the order of the abyss alliance, his plan was disrupted.

"As an instructor?"

Kukas frowned slightly and looked at the creature passing the information in front of him in doubt. It was a legend who sent him a message. It was through special magic props that the legend found his position in the burning plane and sent him a message.

"Yes, the alliance hopes to use your experience to participate in this special task." the legend nodded and said in a very serious tone: "this time may take a little longer, so I hope you can have a good psychological preparation."

"Being an instructor? It\'s a special task?" kukas shook his head and muttered in confusion. "I may kill, but I won\'t teach people how to kill. I think those professional instructors are far more powerful than me in teaching future generations."

"Your professional experience is very special. You have experienced three special classes: sin knight, ghost cry knight and ash knight. In the infinite plane, there are very few creatures with your experience. Your main responsibility is not to teach those people how to practice, but to share your experience with them. Even with your experience, you can carry out some special experiments."

"May I know the content of the experiment?" kukas touched his bald head. He felt that the most important news brought to him by the legend in front of him was the last one.

"Unless you agree to join." legend shook his head and said in a deep voice, "I don\'t want to clean your memory. It\'s very troublesome."

"Use me to do the experiment?" kukas shook his head and smiled deeply. "Does anyone want to take the opportunity to kill me? The dragon family? Or those who want to get green control?"

"Ha ha! No one wants to kill you. The dragons are nothing but rubbish. They just dare to think about it in their hearts. As for those who want to get the green skin, they have given up that stupid idea. And don\'t forget that you have this burning plane. Who can kill you unless the alliance decides to destroy it?" the legend shook his head and smiled: "Well, I see agreement in your expression. Is that so?"

"What good is it?" kukas shook his thick neck and made a strange noise.

"The most basic magic materials needed for your natural vision are completely provided by the alliance. Moreover, you have every right to enjoy the results of the experiment. Well, it can be said that as long as the experiment is successful, you can get benefits comparable to the millions of people in power who support the experiment."

"An experiment needs the support of millions of people in power? That is, millions of forces and organizations are undertaking various materials for this experiment?"

"Yes, a little surprised? Hehe! Compared with the abyss alliance, millions of forces and organizations are only a small part."

"OK! As long as you don\'t use me as experimental material, I\'ll promise." kukas shrugged his shoulders to show his position. If there is no great danger, he wants to take the opportunity to communicate with those forces. He can even cultivate some subordinates for himself by acting as an instructor.

He wanted to build his own power, because he found that his power was still very weak relying on the green people alone. He needed other power to join his power.

In response, the legend smiled easily: "cultivate a new type of career."

"The ancient times have passed. The extremely powerful occupations in those ancient times are not worthy of the name because of changes in rules or restrictions on promotion conditions. In order to increase their own strength, new types of occupations need to be born, so as to cultivate on a large scale and achieve strong strength."

"Only the participants can control the cultivation methods of newly cultivated professionals?"

"Yes, you can think about it. Maybe you also need to build your power. After all, no matter how powerful an individual is, it can\'t be compared with a powerful power."

"Don\'t think about it, I promise." kukas smiled in a low voice: "how many people like me?"

"Not too many, only a few thousand people. But they are as powerful as you in some fields. Even among the forces involved, no one can compare with them. Well, you are the same."

"Deal! When will we start?" kukas nodded. He was completely convinced by the legend in front of him.

Although the plan was disrupted, there were three fighting armor to continue his plan. Although it would waste some time, compared with the cultivation method of controlling a special profession, the waste of time was nothing to him. Moreover, he would get some materials for the casting vision: the place where bones are buried.

He can get some materials, which will greatly reduce his pressure in the future.

"As long as you like, we can start at any time. Well, let\'s tell them the common materials you need when casting visions. I\'ll send them a message and let them prepare for you in advance." the legend shrugged his shoulders and his words seemed very relaxed. As a lobbyist, he felt that his task was very easy to complete.

At least you don\'t have to waste a lot of time and words to persuade someone like others. You know, most of the ideas of people like them are solved by force. When force cannot be used, they have to convince each other with clumsy words.

Of course, this does not mean that their minds are not flexible enough, but in their eyes, what can be solved by force does not need to be solved by words.

The former will cause some small troubles, but it will save time. Then it needs to waste a lot of time and energy, which is an extremely shameful thing for their existence.

"My vision needs a lot of materials." kukas took out a blank scroll and wrote the materials he needs on it: "of course, what I write is only the most basic materials, and I won\'t ask you for precious materials."