Abyss Knight

Chapter 780

After the broken branches of those empty Cang trees were rolled to the place where they were buried, they did not take root like the heart of the compendium tree. But directly suspended in the air, dropping drops of purple liquid.

These purple juices drip and evaporate as soon as they touch the earth where the bones are buried. With every drop of purple juice, kukas felt a strange change in his bone burial place. But when you feel it carefully, you can\'t feel any change.

But in the dark, he sensed that those changes were of great benefit to his natural vision: the place where he buried his bones. However, as for the benefits, he can\'t feel them now, but he believes that those benefits will be shown one by one over time.

After more than ten drops of purple juice fell on each broken branch, a purple leaf seemed to be made of crystal withered and fell.

Every time a withered leaf falls, the area of kukas\'s buried bone expands.

The leaves on a broken branch fell first. When there were no more leaves on the branch, the Purple Branch sent out an air of resentment.

The dark resentment was released from the branches and directly drilled into the white bone ridden earth.

White bones made a slight explosion, and the earth became darker. A trace of resentment kept shuttling through the earth, and then instilled into the white bones.

A large number of white bones are combined to form all kinds of creatures. Some white bones even built by themselves to form small villages.

Those white skinned creatures roamed in these villages, wandering aimlessly. Or kill each other for control of those villages.

These white bone creatures are countless times stronger than the white bone creatures evolved from the place where the bones were buried. By feeling alone, kukas can find that the hardness of those white bones is dozens of times higher than before.

The emergence of a large number of grievances has greatly shortened the time for the reassembly of broken white bones in the bone burial place by dozens of times. And as more and more branches release resentment, the recovery speed of those white bone creatures is still slowly improving.

A large number of grievances are absorbed by the creatures composed of white bones after washing and practicing one by one, so as to produce new grievances and fill the visional world. Thus forming a wonderful cycle.

There was a strong spiritual force across the sky and firmly locked him: "hand over the empty cangmu, or die."

"The void cangmu is dead. Don\'t ask me, but ask the so-called compendium. He destroyed the void cangmu." kukas sneered, gathered all the memories that had just happened with his backhand, and then threw them in place. After putting away the projection of the black flag, he immediately tore the plane space with 13 burning black flags and turned back to the burning plane.

"Stay!" the strong mind directly evolved into a big hand, and then ruthlessly penetrated into the plane crack torn by kukas, followed kukas\'s back and grabbed it.

Flash of light! Stepping on the plane crack, but in a moment, the infinite distance crosses the past. In the shuttle channel, it appears in the burning plane in an instant.

Kukas\'s body just appeared in the burning plane. The unhealed plane space behind him was forcibly shattered by a powerful force, and a crystal clear big hand patted him like a mountain peak.

"Go away!" kukas roared, and the thirteen burning black flags behind him turned into pillars of fire. The pillar of fire turned and hit the crystal clear hand condensed by the mind, and both sides made a dull explosion.

The pillars of fire scattered and burned holes thousands of feet deep on the earth. The big hand jumped out and the broken mind rolled back, trying to leave this plane. However, under the will of kukas, the face released its original power and turned into a grinding plate to grind down those broken hearts.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of explosions sounded among the broken minds behind the grinding plate turned into the origin of the plane. With each explosion, the sky was turbulent, as if it could be broken at any time.

Some green skins close to here were instantly shocked into meat sauce, and then nourished the whole earth.

"Even if you hide at the end of the void, I will find you. The void Cang wood is mine." an angry voice sounded in the broken heart: "hand over the void Cang wood, or die."

"Go away! This is my control area. If you dare to come here to grind, I will kill you." kukas turned his mind and instantly sensed the situation in the burning plane. He cried with a grim smile: "this is the area controlled by the abyss alliance. If you have the ability, you can come here to trouble me. If you don\'t have the ability, don\'t grind."

"Boy!" the broken mind wanted to say something, but the voice disappeared in an instant. The spirits wandering in the burning plane suddenly weakened their resistance to the grinding of the plane\'s origin several times. Obviously, the masters of these minds are in trouble and have no energy to control those minds.

Lose the mind controlled by the master and instinctively spread out around. These minds turned into thousands of small beams of light and instantly drilled into the green skin.

And kukas didn\'t stop it. After all, the experience of these minds is too powerful. Just grinding that mind power consumes a lot of his plane origin. And he also believed that even if those spirits succeeded in seizing the green skin, they had no ability to escape his palm. Moreover, he did not believe that the other party\'s mind could take away the thoughts of those green people.

After all, these green skins are extremely strange. If they can be controlled by people, the people of the abyss alliance would have killed him long ago. Then they took part of the green paper as the foundation and developed their own green paper cannon fodder.

Let tens of thousands of minds take away his green skin, while kukas casually grabbed a green skin that had just been taken away and began to observe.

Under his observation, he was surprised to find that although the minds who lost the green skin controlled their thoughts, they were not able to control their actions.

In other words, those who lose the green skin are actually imprisoned in a solid prison. The prison is not a space trap, nor a special plane, but a green head.

A green skin that can think intelligently, but has no ability to control limbs, it is just a living puppet.

After killing the green skin, kukas found that the mind hidden in the green skin was forcibly stuffed into another green skin under the mysterious power.

After killing tens of thousands of green skins in a row, kukas couldn\'t help laughing when he found that the mind was still forcibly imprisoned in the green skin\'s head.

"Interesting. It seems that this is the real prison. HMM! I just don\'t know if the green people will devote themselves to this interesting change when they are far apart." kukas thought about it casually, but he is not a scholar or a doctor and has no interest in research, so the question just turned around in his mind, He left it behind.

After discovering that those who lost will not cause any harm to themselves and the green skins, kukas stepped on the void and directly returned to the source of the burning plane.

In the source, there are still a large number of legends and gods coming to heal with the power of the source. Obviously, the all-round war between the abyss alliance and the gate of heaven is still not over. The end is just a war in some specific regions.

Kukas appeared here and didn\'t want to disturb the legends and gods. But when he appeared in the source, he still found that many legends and gods locked his position.

There is a natural vision behind us: the fluctuations in the buried bone land are still continuing. Even the level source has no power to stop those fluctuations. It was these strange waves sent out by the empty cangmu that made those legends and gods pay attention to him.

"Empty Cang wood?" a creature with only half a head bared his teeth and roared: "Gaga, I didn\'t expect that there was such a good thing as empty Cang wood here. Oh! It\'s mine."

"No, he\'s from the abyss alliance." someone whispered, "master, we feel your existence. I think we should talk about the void cangmu."

"The void cangmu has died, leave here!" kukas explained helplessly. He knew that in front of these people, he had no ability to resist. Unless he wants to throw away the burning plane now.

"It hasn\'t completely died yet." some legends and gods gathered together after healing their wounds, hoping that kukas could take out the empty cangmu.

"Damn it, I say it\'s dead, it\'s dead." kukas growled in a low voice.

His mind turned and he appeared directly in front of these legends and gods. The vision of the buried bone behind him shook, and a wooden stick emitting endless resentment and silence fell out of it.

As soon as the wooden stick appeared, dozens of legends and gods wanted to rush up and grab it in their hands, but the resentment and silence emanating from it was so strong that even legends and gods felt uncomfortable.

Black smoke billows and fills most of the original space almost in breathing time. Fortunately, some legends and gods quickly blocked the breath of resentment and silence in a certain area. Otherwise, these smells spread and may even erode the whole original spatial structure.

Although dozens of legends and gods took action, the breath of resentment eroded them, and the prohibition released was extremely fast. As a last resort, most legends and gods joined in.

"It seems that your natural vision is still very strange." some gods greedily looked at the white light turned from the natural vision flashed behind kukas: "can you tell me how your vision was cultivated? Or was born when you were promoted?"

"I don\'t know. After promotion, the natural vision is like this. What? Do you want to take it?" kukas glanced at the trunk of the empty Cang wood and asked in a deep voice.

"Well, it\'s not time for us to talk about these problems. It belongs to the abyss alliance with the branches of the void cangmu. You can put forward conditions." a god suddenly stepped forward and stopped the words of the creature just now: "the remnant of the void cangmu may be re cultivated by the alliance with a secret method."

"How many of my companions have been imprisoned by people at the gate of heaven to a place of exile? Well, forget, in short, it is a special prison. I hope the alliance can let them get out."

"You\'d better change a condition!" the God\'s face became a little ugly. He took a deep look at kukas, then shook his head and said: "if you want to set foot in the prison, the price paid by the alliance is far more than the branches of the empty Cang wood. Well, even if you use a complete empty Cang wood to trade with the alliance, the alliance will not agree."

"That prison is dangerous?"

"Maybe! None of them can survive. For countless years, no creature of that race can be killed from there."

"Tell me the location."

"I don\'t know. No one knows the coordinates of that place. I just heard that only a few people at the highest level of the alliance know. We\'ve never been qualified to meet at the highest level of the alliance. No one can make terms with them."

"A little helpless." kukas shook his hand. "I\'ll remember the terms of the exchange later. You can take this thing."

"In this life, people always have a lot of helplessness. If they want to open up, those helplessness is nothing." the God didn\'t expect kukas to agree so easily. But he didn\'t show an excited expression, but after talking to other legends and gods with the secret method, he gathered the secret method of the people and forcibly sealed the incomplete empty cangmu branch temporarily.

"How many people can want to open?"

"If you can\'t think about it, you should think about it, unless you can turn back time. Or, or you have strong power and don\'t allow any helplessness to happen to you."

"Damn it, you should find a goddess of destiny as your lover. Let her make your destiny better." the half headed creature muttered in a low voice.

"Can the gods who control fate affect the existence of your kind?" kukas asked:

"It\'s not easy."

The spirit put away the temporarily sealed branches and was ready to leave here. Kukas suddenly thought of the pictures that the void cangmu had transmitted to him at the beginning, so he unconsciously said, "I think of the compensation I want."

"Say it!"

"All knowledge about the long river of time." kukas took a deep breath. After saying this, he realized that his words were abnormal. But he didn\'t trace it carefully, but then he completely forgot the abnormal feeling in his heart.

"Knowledge over time?"

When kukas\'s words came out, the legends and gods were stunned.

Some legends and gods who appeared here found the abnormality here, so they asked. For a time, in this huge plane source space, all creatures knew that kukas asked about the long river of time. They all looked at him with an extremely strange look.

"Is there a problem? I want to understand the long river of time. I think it must have something to do with time. I can\'t say that I can reverse time and go back to the beginning. I can get the complete empty cangmu out." kukas shrugged his shoulders and said innocently: "Is it also a secret? Yes, I have been in the knowledge plane for a long time, but I have never found a book describing the long river of time."

"You can\'t understand the knowledge of the long river of time. Unless you become a legend or a God," a strange voice explained.

"I think someone always knows about the long river of time. He can dictate it to me."

"No one can speak about the long river of time. Unless you are as powerful as the top leaders of the alliance, even if you know the knowledge and information about the long river of time, you can\'t speak, write or even express it."

"You are deceiving me. I remember someone told me about the long river of time a long time ago. But my memory is a little vague and I forget what he said." Kukas shook his head and retorted. However, in his heart, he had a faint feeling that what these people said was true. Because they were legends and gods, there was no need to deceive him.

"No one can say, write or express the knowledge of the long river of time. What that person told you must be wrong. We can only say the word" the long river of time "about the knowledge and information of the long river of time." Some gods shook their heads in disdain. He thought kukas had been deceived. Although other creatures did not speak, they also thought he had been deceived in their hearts.

"That\'s all right." kukas weakly shook his hand, then took the certificate for special reward given to him by the God and returned to the central area of the origin of the plane. Here, he should deal with his natural vision: the place of burying bones.

After kukas set foot in the origin of the plane, the legends and gods continued their work: either recuperate from the injury, or take the opportunity to practice some special props and secrets.

But in the minds of these powerful creatures, kukas\'s words and his experience constantly emerged. Even some prophets began to predict him with secret methods.

"Damn it, don\'t look at me. I can only predict his time range in a thousand years. If it\'s longer, there\'s no way to predict." a prophet got such a result that he and other powerful creatures can\'t believe after tearing a large piece of soul as material.

"It\'s unscientific. He\'s just a knight who has just been promoted to the Ninth level." an alchemist grabbed his hair down and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Unscientific? I\'m a science, damn it. I predict his experience in a thousand years, but it\'s changeable. There\'s no way to make a detailed prediction."

"Is he the core member of the hand of glory?"

"The core member of the bullshit glorious hand. The cursed creature. He is a cursed creature, ha ha! Poor child, don\'t you know that the cursed creature can\'t be predicted to the future?" some scholars quickly read the prophet\'s prediction fragment and made such a judgment.

"I hope so, otherwise I don\'t mind killing him here."