Abyss Knight

Chapter 779

"Fighting armor? No, there is no magic item as the foundation, but something condensed with pure power." kukas turned his mind and carefully observed the armor man with three heads and six arms. After careful observation, he found that the killing moves displayed by the other party, although they imitated his means, were just in vain, and the real power was not fully displayed at all.

"If you are really a top genius, how can you use even the use of heart God? You just know how to use it simply and rudely? But if you are not a top genius, why did you imitate my fighting armor to condense such armor in such a short time? And the moves are similar?"

Thinking in his heart, he used his power of covering the ground with both hands to attack the three headed and six armed armor man one after another. Behind him, the gold treasure turned, and a roar continued to ring, and then released an immeasurable light to sweep across the other party.

The overground seal power smashed the three headed and six armed armor man, but the next moment, a new armor man appeared directly in the passage of the tree.

The new armor man has added some magic materials to his body. Although it can\'t be compared with the magic materials used by kukas\'s gas fighting armor, after filling these materials as the foundation, the armor man\'s strength becomes more powerful. Moreover, the moves it uses are more proficient than the armor man just now, and even carry some strange powers.

"Interesting! You want to kill me by my means? It\'s really ignorant." kukas smiled grimly, flipped his hands and used the power of overlaying the ground one after another. However, in a few moments, he smashed the armor man with three heads and six arms again.

Another armored man emerged, and they appeared faster and faster. Often before kukas killed one of them, a new one appeared.

In order to prevent these strange men with three heads and six arms from affecting his work of digging trees in fighting armor, kukas screamed repeatedly, shook two battle axes in the, and forcibly stopped more than a dozen strange men with armor.

"Kukas! Die for me!" just as kukas shattered one armor man after another, the sound of the compendium tree suddenly sounded. The next moment, the trees that were dug out began to heal, and even a large number of strange forces emerged directly from the wall, and then mixed with infinite minds, washed towards him and his fighting armor like a tide.

The ashes rolled, and kukas intertwined with the fighting spirit of the fighting armor, and then condensed into a larger fighting spirit, shining around to resist those strange forces.

The fighting spirit of the ashes was so strong that it almost caught up with the ghost cry to some extent. Most of the power, eroded by the ashes, often dissipates. But at this moment, there are too many strange forces released from the compendium tree. And there was also a lot of mental impact, which made kukas seem a little flustered.

"Want to kill me here? It\'s a dream." kukas sneered, then dissipated the two fighting armor outside, and then released it here.

At one time, three fighting armor resisted the armor men with three heads and six arms, and he carried his gun and axe again and continued to chop down the trees. He decided to cut off the tree\'s heart.

Regardless of the surrounding situation, it\'s just cutting down trees. Every time he breathed, he advanced several feet.

However, after advancing dozens of feet, he found that the trees in front of him suddenly became very hard.

Chop off some wood chips. In the wood behind, kukas saw strange words flowing one by one. These words flow and stubbornly resist his gun and axe. Although a large number of ashes are eroding those words madly, the speed is several times slower than before.

The gun and axe were waved and chopped on these special wood, making a dull explosion. With each explosion, a lot of special wood was scattered on the ground.

These pieces of wood fell down, and the words flowing on them immediately solidified, and then formed strange patterns and branded on them. Observing at random, kukas felt the strange power from it. But at the same time, he found that the fallen sawdust began to melt slowly, and then integrated into the tree heart and disappeared.

"Do you want to recover? I\'m afraid you\'re disappointed." kukas smiled grimly. In order not to allow the compendium tree to recover, he turned his mind and immediately released the vision of the bone burial place, which has not yet grown completely.

The vision turned into a white cold light, wrapped around the broken wood chips, and quickly dragged them into the vision.

The sawdust fell into the vision and was quickly buried in the white earth. Although the area of this white skinned land is only a few feet, the resentment and killing breath contained in it is extremely powerful. It is the land among them, which is also composed of dead black soil and white bones.

The tree core debris falling in the bone burial place took root and sprouted, and then formed trees one by one. As soon as these trees emerged, they were immediately entangled by all kinds of breath in the vision and bedroom. Some white bones combined into a small Warcraft roared up to the sky, then rushed to the trees and forcibly broke them.

But in an instant, all the trees turned into fly ash and scattered in the vision of the buried place. There was no other change.

At the same time, after the trees made of sawdust were wiped out, patterns appeared on some white bones in the bone burial place. These patterns are intertwined and very similar to those on sawdust. However, kukas regretted that the vision of the place where he buried his bones did not expand.

"Kukas, stop now." when kukas\'s gun and axe cut down several Zhang tree hearts and swallowed up those broken tree hearts with natural visions, the angry voice of compendium tree rang again: "you are going crazy. If you don\'t stop, I will completely destroy the empty cangmu, so that you will never get this thing."

"Then destroy it! I found that your body is also good, which is just used to suppress my natural vision. Gaga! The void cangmu is good, but it will be clicked by others in the end. But I will never be missed by others when I use your body." kukas growled in a low voice, and the gun and axe in his hand didn\'t stay for half a minute, but further accelerated the speed, Chop up the heart of the big tree.

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll only empty your tree heart and won\'t break your roots. After a few days, your tree heart will grow well, and I\'ll come and take them again." kukas giggled, and the whole person was completely angry because the other party\'s continuous promises were broken.

"If you lose the tree heart, I will die. At that time, you won\'t get any tree heart."

"I have the secrets of ancient times. I believe those secrets can maintain a strange tree and still live without the heart of the tree."

"No! Get out of my body right away. Damn it, I\'ll give you the empty Cang wood. As long as you come out, I\'ll give you the empty Cang wood." the compendium tree roared, and a large number of strange forces gathered more armor people and strength. The tide washed towards kukas and his fighting armor lovers. I hope to kill these evil invaders and predators.

"Give me the empty cangmu, or I will never leave here." kukas smiled grimly, still kept his gun and axe in his hand, and continued to chop the heart of the tree: "I find your tree heart very interesting. Well, it\'s as mysterious as divine materials. Ha ha! Don\'t worry. You won\'t use the power of your tree heart, but I\'ll study them. Then your power will reappear. Gaga!"

"No! Kukas! You\'ll kill us like this. The empty Cang wood is hidden in my body. If you take it out, it will be felt by all people on the continent. At that time, you won\'t get it at all, but you may be killed. Believe me, we need to talk about it." compendium tree said coldly: "Maybe we must find a safe place before we can take out the empty cangmu and give it to you."

"Hand over the empty Cang wood, and you don\'t have to pay attention to the rest." kukas narrowed his eyes and said with a cold smile: "unless the empty Cang wood comes into my hand, there will be no good conversation between us."

"Damn it. You\'ll kill me too."

"No, they will only look for people who have the trees of emptiness. Young man, give me the things, or even if I can\'t get the things, I will kill you. No, I won\'t kill you, I will seal you into my natural vision until eternity." kukas continued with a cold hum: "Maybe you\'ll like being sealed. When the time comes, you don\'t even need your body."

"Damn it, we can have a good talk." compendium Dashu\'s mind is very excited. It is obvious that his heart is struggling. The final judgment will disappear after the violent fluctuation of his mind.

"Have a good talk? It\'s impossible." kukas shook his head and urged, "make a decision! I think our time is precious and there\'s no need to waste it."

"Then imprison me! But I doubt whether you have the ability to imprison me." the heart of compendium tree stopped violently. The next moment, a strange wave fell into the huge tree hole dug by kukas.

Shrouded in strange waves, the space cracked a fine crack, and then a tree no more than feet high, like a tree made of purple crystal, emerged from the crack.

It\'s like a tree made of crystal. There are seven branches on each branch, and there are nine crystal clear leaves. On each leaf, there is a fuzzy figure standing or sitting; and those strange smells are formed by the intertwined breath of the fuzzy figures on the leaves.

The tree has three roots. The roots are no thicker than baby\'s fingers. Countless chains as thin as hair appear on them. The chains creep slowly and make a strange sound.

Among the branches of the trees, there was a vague streamer, which immediately attracted kukas\'s mind to the past.

When seeing those streamers, kukas felt as if he had fallen into another space. There, he saw powerful creatures fighting against the sky and the earth, walking in the void and fighting endlessly. The power emitted by each powerful creature there was stronger than the gods and legends he saw, and even the breath of the creatures fluctuated, better than the armor man who broke the power of the killing scroll The smell is stronger.

Some creatures walk in the void, where they walk, the void collapses, and a seat surface is shattered and turned into nothingness in the sound of their footsteps.

Strange treasures emerged, some of which he knew and some did not. These treasures fought with each other under the control of their masters, some broken and some incomplete.

The illusion in his eyes soon disappeared. When he was unwilling to look at the empty cangmu again, he found that a man with three heads and six arms grabbed the tree with both hands, and then broke the tree.

"No, the empty cangmu has completely disappeared from the world." the armor man with three heads and six arms spoke for the first time, and his voice was the voice of the compendium tree just now: "I\'m sorry, you can\'t imprison me, because my body has left here. Ha ha! Regret it! If you want to forcibly seize my thing, I\'ll destroy it so that you can\'t get it. Ha ha! Do you want empty cangmu? Then turn back time and beg me!"

"Damn it, if you want my things, you should beg me instead of forcing me. Now you often feel pain and unwilling!"

The crazy compendium tree broke the branches of the empty cangmu in his hand.

Purple liquid flows from the broken empty Cang wood. Every drop of liquid emits a wave force thousands of times higher than the divine material.

Alone, the fluctuating force washed his body, and kukas felt that his body strength increased by about 1% in an instant.

The dripping purple liquid fell on the armor of three heads and six arms and evaporated in an instant, as if it had never appeared.

"You will regret what you have done today. Unbeliever!" kukas took a deep breath and looked at the void cangmu broken in the hands of the three head and six Arm Armor man nervously. "The void cangmu is a treasure in the endless void and will not be easily destroyed by you. You are deceiving me, aren\'t you?"

Although he said so, he knew from the bottom of his heart that the broken thing was the real void Cang wood. Because only the void Cang wood would emit such a powerful and strange wave power. He believed that the wave power would not only spread all over the plane, but even penetrate the plane and spread in the endless void.

The light hidden in the trunk flows out of the fracture and forms pictures. These pictures only exist in the air for a moment, and then disappear.

Although the time was very short, kukas saw some scenes he had just seen in those pictures.

"You must die." kukas lost his gun and axe, and the three fighting armor turned back to his body. The virtual shadow of thirteen burning black flags appeared on his back, and the endless ashes rose up in the air, forming a fire cloud on his head and spreading around.

"The void Cang wood belongs to you. You should abide by our agreement, shouldn\'t you? Ha ha! All the strong people in this continent know that you have this kind of anti heaven treasure. I believe it won\'t be long before those strong people will come to you for trouble. I just hope you can survive by that time. Oh! Forget to say, thank you very much for the strange materials you provided. If it weren\'t for the power in those strange materials, I wouldn\'t be able to get rid of this damn tree, and I wouldn\'t have the chance to get the secret about the gods in the legend. Ha ha! Goodbye! "The laughter of compendium tree became more and more rampant.

Accompanied by the rampant laughter of the compendium tree, armor men with three heads and six arms began to explode. The powerful explosive force was rampant, but they were unable to hurt kukas himself.

When the armor men burst in the tree cave, a colorful streamer rose from the crown of the tree, which shrank to more than a hundred feet, and disappeared in this area in an instant.

"Kukas! One day, I will let you taste the humiliation you have given me today." The outline tree made a poisonous oath under the colorful light and decided to revenge kukas. What he relied on was not his strong mind and strange power, because those things had been abandoned by him when he decided to leave the tree. What he relied on was the strange things that saved him from the tree.

After absorbing the divine materials provided by kukas, the strange object may get unexpected benefits. Therefore, it shows great power and directly separates him from the noumenon in advance.

It was for this reason that he dared to destroy the void cangmu at the last minute and then leave calmly. Of course, destroying the void cangmu made the outline tree feel extremely distressed, but in order not to let kukas get it, even if he was distressed and unwilling to give up, he would break down. Because he knew that he couldn\'t take the void cangmu with him.

Without the protection of his tree body, the fluctuation of the void cangmu is extremely powerful. Even ordinary creatures can feel the existence of this kind of thing. Of course, with the passage of time, when the creatures are used to that kind of fluctuation, they will not be so sensitive.

Kukas ignored the escape compendium and the soul of the tree, because the speed of the other party was so fast that he didn\'t even have a chance to react.

More importantly, he wants to get the empty Cang wood. Even if the empty Cang wood has broken, he also wants to get this thing.

Natural vision: the bone burial place turned into a white cold light, wrapped around the broken branches, and instantly dragged those broken branches to the central area of the bone burial place. Even so, it still can\'t isolate the strong waves emitted by the branches, or even weaken the ability of those waves.