Abyss Knight

Chapter 778

"To you? Let me give you what?" kukas sneered and whispered: "Tell others that I have empty cangmu? Then tell them to go! I think I left here before they came. Isn\'t it? I can even kill you and get what I want, but I don\'t want to waste too much time. So, for the sake of your life, you\'d better hand over the empty cangmu, or you\'ll die."

"You are threatening me, threatening a person who deals with you." compendium tree growled in a low voice.

"Threat? Aren\'t you threatening me? I\'ve told you that I will never violate our transaction content when trading with me. You don\'t have to worry about your life at all. Maybe, maybe you just want to delay time and wait for your own rescue?" Kukas shook his gun and axe, and a trace of ash was wrapped around it, releasing a breath of terror.

"The void cangmu is mine. If you want to trade with those things, it\'s not high enough. You must pay some more." the compendium tree said in a low voice: "I\'m not threatening you. I just think the deal we will talk about is unfair to me."

"Ignorant boy! There has never been justice in the world. Why do you pursue it?" Kukas slowly stroked the gun and axe in his hand, and his killing intention revealed a little. Although his killing intention was very weak, it still shocked the strange tree. If it had not been protected by a strong mind, the outline tree could not have been wiped out by the slightest breath of killing.

"Is there no justice? Then I will create justice. I believe I can get justice with my own efforts. If no one gives me justice, I will pursue it with my own strength." the voice of compendium tree is a little crazy: "I am afraid of death and injury. I have compromised countless times before, but I will never compromise this time. If you want to empty cangmu? OK, you must pay enough price and shouldn\'t deceive me. What I want is a fair deal, not an unequal deal like you."

"At first, you don\'t object to such a deal." kukas turned his gun and axe a lot slower. He narrowed his eyes, a trace of fierce light came out, looked at the compendium tree and said in a deep voice: "and you have got some knowledge I gave you. Will you give up that knowledge if you give up the deal?"

"At first, I didn\'t know the real value of this thing, but just now, I did." the compendium tree sneered: "Kill me, and before that, I will destroy the empty cangmu. Or trade in a fair way. You have only these two choices, and I have only two choices. My choice is life and death; such a choice is heavier than your choice."

"All the knowledge in the eighth level is delivered to you." kukas was silent for a long time. He felt the persistence of the outline tree, and was moved by the other party\'s words "I think this knowledge is enough to trade the empty cangmu. You know, it has no value in your hands. I think it\'s fair to trade a worthless thing for knowledge that is of great help to you."

Kukas touched his bald head, then put away the gun and Axe: "do you have any other requirements?"

"Promise me three conditions." the compendium tree was silent a little, and then said quickly: "the effect of emptiness cangmu is very powerful. Although I can\'t use it now, it won\'t be long before I can use it. And the benefits it brings to me are far beyond your knowledge."

"Three conditions, I think the conditions I put forward will not be too much. If they are too much, you can refuse." the compendium tree waved thousands of branches and said uncertainly, "it seems that after you have good things, you must not reveal them, otherwise you will be robbed by others. Ha ha!"

"You just don\'t have the ability to protect this thing. To tell you the truth, if the ancient war trees you controlled didn\'t attack me and just promoted me in the misty forest, I don\'t think you and I would meet. What\'s more, it wouldn\'t happen now." Kukas shook his head and muttered in a deep voice. The killing breath on his body was completely put away. Finally, he hid in his soul and didn\'t leak out. Except for his ferocious face, the whole person looked no different from an ordinary soldier.

"Yes! I just don\'t have the ability." compendium Dashu suddenly cackled: "interesting, you know, just now, if you really hit me, I will make you pay a huge price."

"Whatever the cost, it\'s not worth mentioning for me." kukas shook his head and said with a strange smile, "you haven\'t heard of my name, otherwise you would never think so."

"Really? I remember that more than a hundred years ago, a fellow came and wanted me to follow him to fight in the void. I paid a little price and sent him to the endless void to fight there. Until now, he hasn\'t come back to show off his achievements like me. At that time, he was stronger than you."

"Really?" kukas shook his head and didn\'t believe the words of the compendium tree at all.

"Demigod, he is a demigod. But what about the demigod? What about the villagers? If he wants me to be his slave, I will let him die. Even if I can\'t kill him, I will let him wander forever in the endless void." the compendium tree was a little excited: "No one can threaten me, because I am the compendium and the great king of the forest: the compendium is supreme."

"I thought there were few madmen, but I didn\'t expect to find another one." kukas turned his mind and motioned for his fighting armor to fly away. Here, he will not expose the fundamental relationship between his fighting armor and himself.

"Crazy? You mean I\'m crazy? You\'re crazy. Your whole family is crazy." compendium tree shouted, but kukas didn\'t bother to pay attention to him, so after a few breathing times, the tree calmed down by itself.

"Is there anything full of powerful power?" the compendium tree said in a deep voice, "the first condition I put forward is that I hope you can prepare a large amount of energy for me."

"Empty Cang wood." kukas stretched out his hand and asked the other party for the empty Cang wood.

"That thing is now embedded in my body. If I take it out for you, my strength will drop a lot. First prepare a lot of energy for me to absorb later."

"Is that enough?" kukas backhanded took out a piece of divine material that was banned and sealed and threw it in front of the compendium tree: "give me the empty cangmu! I don\'t have time to nag you useless words."

"You are too cold-blooded."

"If I were cold-blooded, I would have killed you just now and would never agree to your terms." kukas shook his head and sneered, "our transaction has been established. You have no reason to delay any more."

"OK, but you have to provide ten times more for this kind of thing." the huge tree shook its body slightly, and thousands of pieces of paper flew in the air, as if it wanted to rush over at any time and roll away the sealed divine materials.

"As you wish." as soon as kukas raised his hand, a large number of divine materials were poured to the compendium tree: "the first requirement has been completed. Give it to me, the empty cangmu."

"Here you are!"

Compendium the huge tree\'s thick trunk cracked violently, and then a small tree no more than one person flew out of it.

The tree is crystal clear and emits purple light. The tree has seven branches, and each branch has nine purple leaves like crystal.

The moment this thing appeared, kukas recognized that it was the empty cangmu he wanted.

When his mind turned and his feet stepped on the void, kukas stretched out his hand to grasp the void Cang wood. At the same time, hundreds of steel like branches suddenly popped up in the crown of the compendium tree to wrap around the divine materials.

Kukas\'s speed was very fast. In an instant, he caught the empty cangmu with strange fluctuations in his hand. However, after the empty cangmu was caught in his hand, his face changed greatly. He didn\'t want to think about it. His huge body subconsciously retreated frantically towards the back.

The next moment, a powerful and strange force came out from the empty cangmu. The strange force erupted and turned into a beam of light and rolled towards kukas. At the same time, dozens of huge Warcraft came out of the earth and the void. They red their eyes and killed kukas at the same time.

His hands were staggered, and the strong ashes wrapped around his arms, and stubbornly resisted the strange light beam. Behind him, the gold treasure turned, and countless golden gray lights came out, forcibly blocking those Warcraft that were suddenly attacked and killed.

However, although these Warcraft have no wisdom, their power is extremely powerful. Even if they forget to control their own power, at this moment, under the control of the compendium tree, these Warcraft burst out their most powerful power.

Under the impact of this powerful force, the light emitted by the gold treasure was only torn and destroyed in an instant. However, with this moment of obstruction, kukas was given a chance.

Stepping on the void, his body turned into a streamer and fiercely rushed to the huge tree. The gun and axe emerged, wrapped around the strong ash, cut the space with fighting spirit, and sent out a shrill whistling sound.

Stepping on the void, the endless thunder and fire chopped down the branches around the divine material. The thunder and fire chopped down the branches. Although some small branches were interrupted, more pieces of paper suddenly drilled out of the void, wrapped around the divine material stacked on the ground, and then wanted to drag it to hide in the void.

"These things are mine." compendium tree shouted madly: "want the empty cangmu? Ha ha! Even if I destroy it, I won\'t give it to you."

Thousands of branches suddenly grew from his branches and beat them down at kukas from all directions.

"Kill!" kukas roared, stepping on the void, waving his gun and axe, cutting those branches as easily as a butcher cutting tofu.

The spear and axe turned into a curtain of light and frantically cut all the branches beating at him. The branches cut by guns and axes withered rapidly, and even the withered places spread towards the body of the compendium tree.

"Ah! I\'ll kill you." thousands of feet of trees roared loudly. With his roar, the earth cracked, and dozens of ancient war trees drilled out of it. The power emitted by these ancient war trees is incomparably powerful, even stronger than the noumenon power of the compendium tree.

An ancient war tree had just emerged from the earth, and several thick roots had not yet penetrated the void to attack. The next moment, it was forcibly blasted by a green gray light.

The blue gray light dispersed, revealing a fighting armor.

Some branches tore the forbidden defense on the divine material, and then frantically extracted the infinite power emitted from the divine material.

The branches were strange, and a large number of leaves appeared on them, firmly wrapped in different sizes of divine materials, and even the divine light of the divine materials was forcibly absorbed.

Every time the energy of some divine materials is absorbed, the body of the compendium tree trembles violently, and then shrinks by tens of feet. And every time his noumenon shrinks, the strange waves emanating from his body become stronger.

Seeing that the compendium tree used divine materials to expand itself, kukas just sneered. In his understanding, the power contained in the divine material is extremely powerful, but this powerful power can not be absorbed by ordinary creatures at all. It can even be said that no creatures can absorb the power in the divine material.

Because the power contained in the divine material is extremely huge, and there is a lot of resentment in it. Even half step legends and half gods dare not absorb the power of them. They can only make them into all kinds of props. If you absorb it rashly, most of them will be wiped out by the resentment in the divine material, and then occupy the body and become a new killing creature without any wisdom. A few will be directly torn by the powerful power contained therein.

Although he knew that the compendium tree might die because of the power and resentment in the divine material, kukas still waved a gun and axe to chop it up, trying to get out the empty cangmu hidden in his body before the other party was destroyed or lost his mind.

The blue elves around burst out when they fought. These elves sent out shrill shouts, which condensed into sound waves, and then gathered together to form a dragon virtual shadow to kill kukas.

The precious drugs on the earth withered in an instant. All the special forces contained in them were forcibly extracted by the compendium tree, and then a spear, golden dagger and war knife were born on the branches. Then he whipped at kukas.

"Kill!" his mind turned, and another fighting armor jumped out of kukas. The fighting armor stepped on the void, smashed the dragon\'s virtual shadow with his backhand, and then killed the lovely Smurfs.

Those Smurfs just mastered some means under the urging of the secret method. At this time, they had no means to resist the fighting armor with seven tenths of the power of kukas. However, in just a few moments, thousands of Smurfs were killed by fighting armor.

"Seven sins smoke and dust kill!" a light drink, the gray and black fighting spirit rolled, and the gold treasure turned into a streamer, which ruthlessly penetrated into the trunk of the compendium tree.


The trunk of the compendium tree is incredibly hard. The killing secret that can instantly penetrate dozens of ancient war trees is just a hole tens of feet deep in the trunk of the compendium tree.

Waving the gun and axe in his hand, the gold treasure rotates, releasing endless ashes, fighting spirit and eroding the trunk crazily.

Strong strange waves were generated inside the trunk, and infinite strange forces squeezed down towards kukas from all directions like the tide.

These forces were simply squeezing towards his body, but kukas keenly found that the squeezed forces produced a wonderful change every moment. These changes have made the same power much stronger.

"By fighting with others and finding solutions in the shortest time, could it be that this strange tree is also a top genius?" thinking in his heart, kukas refused to stop with a gun and axe in his hand and chopped frantically towards the heart of the tree.

The ashes burst into flames through the gold treasure, burning the trunk madly.

With kukas\'s chop, he felt that a force of mind was forcibly absorbed by the gun and axe. Every time you absorb a mental force, a strange rune or pattern appears on the gun and axe.

"Kill!" just after kukas\'s Tomahawk cut down another tree trunk, a cold voice sounded behind him. Before he looked back, he felt a powerful and strange force hitting the gold treasure behind him.

Boom! A loud noise sounded inside the trunk, the gold treasure trembled, the mountains collapsed and the temple tilted. Cracks appeared, and then they were healed by the powerful ashes.

"Go away." kukas\'s unexpected obstruction and repeated the outline tree one after another, making his anger burn at once: "those who dare to stop me will die."

The mind turned, and the last fighting armor came out of his body. The fighting armor appeared. Instead of him, he carried a gun and axe and continued to chop down the trees, ready to go to the heart of the tree to search for the trace of the empty cangmu. And his body turned and killed the sudden enemy.

However, when his noumenon saw the sudden emergence of the enemy, he was stunned. Because the enemy in front of him is not a powerful creature or a professional, but an armor man condensed by strange forces, which is very similar to his fighting armor.

The armor man is only more than Zhang. He has a head on three sides and six arms. Each arm has different weapons: saber, axe, siege hammer, spear, shield and chain.

The power emitted by the armor man is the same as that emitted by the compendium tree. The killing methods used by the other party are very similar to the killing methods just used by kukas.