Abyss Knight

Chapter 777

"I want this komari misty forest to disappear forever from the world." kukas smiled grimly, turned his mind, and a pair of fighting armor emerged from his body, and then shrouded him directly.

When the fighting armor was added, the pressure on him suddenly decreased several times. At this time, the transparent flame on the gun and axe soared, helping him share more of the threat of the sky.

"I will kill you today." kukas roared, stepped on the void, and his body advanced dozens of feet again, directly appeared in front of the ancient war tree.

The ancient tree of war was surprised. He didn\'t expect kukas to step into the void and appear directly in front of him. "It\'s impossible. Under the threat of the sky, no creature can move."

"Die for me." the ancient war tree roared, opened his mouth and frantically tore into the space before he got up. Dozens of space spears shot from his roots and pierced kukas from all directions.

"Kill!" facing the killing spears in all directions, kukas didn\'t care. He just waved his gun and axe and cut down the trunk of the ancient war tree.

The space turbulence around the ancient war tree has long been broken by the power of the collapse of the sky. The gun and axe fall. The ancient war tree roars madly, and the thick tree roots break down in a burst of rapid explosion. Like a poisonous snake, it winds madly towards kukas, hoping to stop it.

The fierce ashes wound around the spear and axe mulberry and tore the poisonous snake like roots in an instant. In the next moment, he slashed the trunk of the ancient war tree and inlaid it deeply.

"No!" at the moment when the gun and axe hit the ancient war tree, the ancient war tree roared reluctantly.

The branches on the tree crown were broken, and the nine awn star Dharma array was disintegrated in an instant.

The disintegration of the nine awn star Dharma array immediately led to the pouring out of infinite secret Dharma counterattack power.

After losing the support of the nine pointed star array, the collapsed sky suddenly collapsed without any sign.

Huge fragments of the sky, like meteors, fell from the sky and hit the earth hard.

These fragments of the sky hit the earth and immediately splashed infinite magma around.

Another huge force ran through him along the crown of the ancient war tree, and then ran through kukas like the tide.

The body of the ancient war tree collapsed, and a green light beam wrapped around kukas like a tide.

"I want you to bear the counterattack of secret Dharma instead of me." the ancient tree of war roared. With the help of the moment of body explosion, he broke away from his mind and wanted to leave here. However, the gun and axe in kukas\'s hand made a crazy hiss. At the moment when the mind of the ancient war tree just separated from the body, the gun and axe trembled and swallowed up the mind.

Losing the spirit of the ancient tree of war, the power running through kukas began to weaken rapidly. But in a few moments, those forces dissipated, as if they had never appeared. However, kukas\'s fighting armor was slightly damaged, which showed that everything he had just experienced was true.

The broken sky within tens of thousands of miles has caused disasters far exceeding the destructive power of kukas, and even far exceeding the destructive power of those spell casters who are proficient in range attacks.

Countless fragments of the sky fell. Although it lasted only a short breathing time, almost all the earth within 100000 miles was attacked by these fragments.

The mountain peaks were split, tens of thousands of deep gullies appeared on the earth, and countless green skins and Warcraft were shattered or cut.

The magma was hooked, mixed with some space debris that had not yet melted, turned into a giant magma hundreds of feet tall, and walked wantonly on the broken earth.

These magma giants have just been born, but their roots are broken fragments of the sky. After their birth, under the subconscious influence of the fragments of the sky, they regarded kukas as their enemy. Therefore, some powerful magma giants first noticed this. They roared loudly, stabbed their hands into the magma, extracted the stick condensed by the magma, and surrounded kukas.

"Ignorance!" looking at the magma giant running in the distance, kukas just smiled grimly and shook his body, but left a fighting armor here, while he himself crossed the sky, turned into a streamer, forcibly tore the infinite space turbulence caused by the collapse of the sky, and continued to walk towards the depths of the komari fog forest. The fighting armor he left roared and rushed into the magma giants with his bare hands, one by one, exploding the giants\' heads.

After the heads of those magma giants were blasted, they immediately extracted a large amount of magma to their bodies and quickly recovered their blasted bodies.

The fight between fighting armor and those magma giants is actually just that kukas wants to take the opportunity to hone his means, so as to be familiar with his own power after being promoted to level 9 as soon as possible.

His noumenon, crossing the sky, turned into streamer and rushed towards the center of the forest.

As he got closer and closer to the center of the fog forest, he felt more and more powerful danger. In the end, he even felt extremely strong danger from the endless fog around him. This dangerous stimulation made him almost think that he was locked by a legend or God.

"Interesting!" he stopped fiercely, and kukas released his strong heart to probe ahead. Although his mind has increased dozens of times, at this moment, he can only detect a hundred miles in front of him. Such a short distance made him more deeply aware of those dangers.

When kukas stopped, he found that the thick fog kept coming towards him. Fortunately, behind him, there was a gold treasure rotating, emitting a golden gray light, which wiped out the fog in an instant. Otherwise, he was not sure what kind of threat the fog would bring to him.

The last fighting armor was released by him. The secret of gold treasure also emerged behind the fighting armor, and then turned into a streamer to continue to move towards the central area of the forest. His body stood quietly in place, waiting for the news brought to him by the fighting armor.

Less than a hundred breath time, the unbridled fighting armor sent back the memory message to him. When he saw those memories, he simply laughed coldly, then went on and flew towards the central area of the forest.

At the same time, the two fighting armor fighting with Warcraft and magma giant collapsed in an instant, and then hid in his body, waiting for his re call.

Breaking through the endless fog, he reached the central area of the cormary fog forest in less than a hundred breathing times.

Kukas was surprised by the scene in the central area. The environment here is beautiful. There are strange flowers and plants everywhere. Each of these flowers and plants is an extremely precious medicine. If the alchemists find out here, they will be crazy. Because many drugs here are extremely rare in the whole endless void, and even tens of thousands of planes may not be able to see a drug.

In addition to those exotic flowers and plants, there are a large number of palm sized elves with blue wings.

These elves waved their wings and flew among the strange flowers and plants. They were busy picking some things on it, and then went around to a tree about thousands of feet tall. After they were busy, they would appear again among the strange flowers and plants, busy picking some things, or playing in the flowers.

Kukas\'s attention was soon attracted by the huge tree. On the huge tree, kukas saw his fighting armor piercing his hands into the trunk, madly instilling ash fighting spirit into it, and constantly melting the branches of the big tree.

The branches of the tree trembled slightly under the melting of ash fighting spirit, and countless violent mental forces were released from the tree and wrapped around the fighting spirit armor. As soon as those minds touched the fighting armor, they were melted by the golden gray light emitted by the rotation of the gold treasure. The big tree has a strong mind, but it has no ability to hurt half of the fighting armor.

"Invaders, leave here, or you will all die when master compendium wakes up." a mind sent a message to kukas.

"Master compendium? The compendium you mentioned is actually you!" kukas sneered and whispered: "Unexpectedly, this is the center of komari fog forest. I thought it was very dangerous here, but I didn\'t expect it to be so quiet and beautiful. Well! Let me think, you released the dangerous smell in the air by secret methods? The air has infinite mental power, but it can only be used in a few simple ways. Is this a kind of sadness?"

"I think you are very strange. Normally, you can have such a strong mental power, but you should also have extremely strong magic or fighting spirit. Well, poor guy, it\'s interesting that you obviously have strong power but can\'t use it." By piercing the fighting armor on the branches of the tree, kukas had a very thorough understanding of the tall tree in front of him.

"Tell me, where is the void Cang wood?" kukas narrowed his eyes and quickly detected the surrounding situation, trying to find the precious void Cang wood.

The mind like a mountain and a sea is released from the big tree and crazily squeezing his mind power. However, one can manipulate the mind to make all kinds of secrets, while the other simply uses the mind squeezing. Although the perception between the two is great, the winner will control the mind.

The spirit power released by tearing the big tree one after another. Kukas\'s mind swept inch by inch in this area, hoping to find abnormal plants and trees, so as to get what he wants.

"No! This is my area. You are not qualified to step here. Get out of here." the huge trees roared silently, and the strong mind pressed down frantically towards kukas.

However, kukas stepped on the void, and the gold treasures behind him kept turning, releasing infinite light to polish those mental shocks.

Finally, we explored the central area for tens of miles, and kukas didn\'t get anything.

"That thing is on you. Give it to me and I can let you go." kukas took a deep breath. A trace of killing breath was released from his body uncontrollably and condensed into a rolling cloud column on his head.

"Leave it to you? Let me go?" the huge tree hesitated. For a long time, his mind sent a message to kukas: "let your servant leave my body, or I won\'t believe your words."

"Come back!" kukas\'s eyes flashed fiercely, but he opened his mouth and called the fighting armor to his side.

"I gave you the empty cangmu you said. Will you really not continue to hurt me?" the mind in the tree sounded a little uneasy, but now he seemed to have no choice, so he made such a decision.

"Yes, if you give me the empty cangmu completely, you won\'t get any harm, but you will get a lot of benefits." kukas nodded, and then said seriously: "for example, you can get the secret method of how to control your mind, the means of using your internal force, and even make you change into a man. What do you think of this transaction?"

"What you said is true? But why do I feel the fierce light in your eyes and the endless killing breath in you?" the heart of the tree sent out his doubts: "you must want to kill me after you get that thing, is that so?"

"Compendium, well, I\'ll call you compendium for the time being." kukas sneered, and he was a little impatient: "you either agree or refuse. Anyway, the empty cangmu must fall into my hand."

"Give me some secret methods to use your mind first." the big tree called compendium suddenly said, "so that I can believe your sincerity."

"No, that\'s impossible. I can tell you how to change into human form. As for the use of mind and internal power, I\'ll tell you after I get the empty cangmu. My patience is limited. Outline, I hope you can make a decision as soon as possible." kukas took a deep breath and said his requirements: "Don\'t try to procrastinate. Before long, the whole fog forest will be filled with endless green skin. No creature can save you, even if you control more Warcraft."

"I didn\'t control those Warcraft. I just injected my mind into a magic prop, and then those Warcraft and their descendants succumbed to me." at this time, the branches on the tree crown wriggled to form a huge human face. With the help of the human face, the tree began to talk to kukas.

"You\'re lying."

"Do I have to lie?" the huge face formed by the branch was silent for a long time, and then said in a deep voice, "I can take out that magic prop for you to watch, so that you will believe me."

"Take it out! I only want the empty cangmu, and I don\'t care about anything else." kukas nodded. He suddenly felt that the big tree in front of him seemed to deliberately guide his conversation, but he didn\'t care too much. The powerful power made him not pay attention to some intrigues at all.

"At present, only I can use this magic prop, and others can\'t use it at all. Moreover, I must warn you that you can\'t probe that magic prop with your heart, otherwise you will be hurt by the power of the magic prop."

"Then I won\'t look at the magic prop. This is the secret method of turning into human form. You can have a look, and then give me the void cangmu to complete the next transaction." Kukas turned his mind. When the compendium was about to take out the so-called magic prop, he suddenly felt a trace of uneasiness, so he immediately changed his attention. In his opinion, the magic prop was not so important to him. Now the most important thing was to get the empty cangmu.

"Yes, then follow the agreement!"

In the words of the compendium tree, kukas heard a trace of vague regret.

Some knowledge was condensed by kukas with a secret method, and then sealed into a memory crystal. Of course, he can also directly brand those knowledge into the heart of the tree, but considering the distrust between each other, he didn\'t do that.

After he threw the memory crystal to the compendium tree, the tree\'s mind fluctuated uncontrollably, and his mood was very excited.

After dozens of breathing time, compendium tree carefully checked the secret method in the memory crystal, and then confirmed that those things were true after deduction. However, he didn\'t want to give the empty cangmu to kukas at this time, so he delayed and said, "I must practice this secret method, and I can give it to you after success."

"Don\'t challenge my patience. I, kukas, have never deceived his creatures. A secret method of transforming human form may be very precious to you, but it has no value to me. Well, give me the empty cangmu."

Kukas smiled grimly, gathered the basic use methods of mind and power, and talked to each other: "as a powerful creature, if you have no credit, you are not qualified to live in this world. Don\'t you know?"

"I\'ve never left here, and those elves haven\'t left here. I don\'t know whether what you said is true or false. You must give me time to prove whether this secret method can be successfully practiced, or you can give me some secret methods about the use of mind power."

"My patience is limited." kukas took a deep breath, and he felt that his troubles were going to be consumed.

"Are you forcing me? I tell you, if you push me, I will tell everyone that you have the empty Cang wood, and even destroy the empty Cang wood, so that you won\'t get anything. Give it to me and give me the secret method of using mind and spirit." This strange tree, which didn\'t know how to grow to the present, roared wildly. Immeasurable mind rolled, and even crazily washed the fighting armor piercing him again.