Abyss Knight

Chapter 774

"Now you are already a tenth order ancient saying caster. Are you still afraid of him?" a person in power whispered to the questioner.

"At that time, he really impressed me too deeply," said the young old saying caster, who was also in power of the underground city. "Unless I surpass him too much, I can\'t get rid of it. He found us."

While they were talking to each other, kukas, who came out of the transmission room, found himself being detected by an extremely obscure magical force, but he didn\'t make any extreme reaction, just glanced a little, and then continued to move along the channel. In front of him, a servant showed him the way.

"I\'ll entertain him," whispered the old saying caster, then left the chamber of secrets and appeared in front of the house where kukas was about to arrive.

Under the guidance of his servant, kukas walked slowly in the underground city. He found that the layout and structure of the underground city here were roughly the same as those he had seen before. Obviously, they were made with the same drawing.

But the construction of houses here is very different from that of other underground cities.

In this underground city, he met many young professionals. These professionals have seven levels and one level. According to the servant, there are several colleges in the dungeon. The professionals studying here are all people with strong cultivation talents selected by the empire from all over the world. Of course, professionals with strong talents like this will also be called geniuses.

"It\'s a pity that the materials here are very scarce, and there is not much ability to train these talents quickly," said the servant with some regret.

"It may be a good thing for them not to get enough materials." kukasmo touched his bare head and thought of the talents who had no fighting experience who had been killed by him in the eternal plane.

"But for the whole empire, this is not a good thing, but an extremely bad thing." the servant subconsciously complained: "when they leave here, go out to work or travel, they are often attracted by people from other empires, because those people can provide them with a lot of materials, but the Empire can\'t do it."

"If so, the person who was recruited is not worth keeping at all." kukas said in an extremely calm tone.

Reading books for a hundred years in the aspect of knowledge has made his spirit a lot more stable. Some thoughts will not be exposed with the tone.

"Maybe! Those in power also say so, but I feel they are insincere." said here, the servant shook his head and smiled: "to tell the truth, I\'m just an ordinary person working here. Even if there\'s anything, it\'s not up to me."

"It\'s good to have your own opinion," kukas said simply. He didn\'t want to say too much. Therefore, after a reply, he was silent.

"Sir, will you stay in this position for a long time?" the servant asked in a low voice.

"Maybe! What\'s the matter?"

"I hope you can stay here for a long time, and then help my empire and fight with people from other empires."

"No matter how powerful I am, I\'m not as powerful as an empire. When the Empire has enough strength, it makes no difference to you whether there are people like me or not." kukas shook his head and said softly.

"But now our empire is extremely short of high-level professionals like you."

"For a long time, there will be everything." kukas shook his head and whispered, "one day, you will feel that there are so many high-level professionals in your empire that you can\'t support them."

"After a long time, maybe everything will disappear." the servant seemed very concerned about national affairs. But it has nothing to do with kukas.

During the conversation, kukas, led by the servant, went to a small house. Here, he saw a tenth order caster.

He simply made a courtesy to the other party, and then without waiting for the other party to say hello, he sat down in a chair to be silent. Because he knew that the ten order caster must have a lot of words to ask him.

"Cinder Knight kukas, how long are you going to stay in this position?" the tenth order caster is very young. He is the old saying genius caster who was saved by kukas.

"Maybe I\'ll leave soon, maybe I\'ll stay here forever." kukas touched his bald head and said seriously, "what\'s your suggestion?"

"This plane is controlled by the holy alliance, an ally of the gate of heaven. Here, we have been greatly suppressed. If you want to stay here for a long time, I suggest you\'d better be prepared for patience."

"Well, do you have any other suggestions?"

"To tell you the truth, I think you can\'t listen to my suggestion."

"Maybe! Maybe you can try to let me listen." kukas sat up and said seriously, "is there any secret church information in this plane?"

"Yes, the secret Church took root here hundreds of years ago, and they developed very rapidly. This development speed exceeded everyone\'s imagination. It can be said that in this position, the strength of the secret church can rank in the top ten among all organizations."

"Do you know who is in power?" kukas felt much better. If he guessed correctly, the power of the secret church is the secret female Mage: "can you help me contact their power?"

"The rulers of the secret church are very secret. I can only help you contact one of their bishops." the young old saying caster flashed in his eyes, but thought of something: "do you know the rulers of the secret church?"

"I think so. Go tell the bishop and ask him to inform their authorities and tell her that the people who survived with her under the killing scroll are coming." kukas gently knocked on the table in front of him: "I think you can find me an area where there are no people within at least tens of thousands of miles."

"You want to be promoted?" as soon as kukas finished his words, the young old saying caster shouted out: "God! You are extremely strong now. If you are promoted again, I\'m afraid no one can stop you."

"Are you sure there are no legends and gods in this plane?" kukas shook his head and said seriously, "I think you\'d better not say my name."

Although kukas did not explain the reason, the young old saying caster knew what he was worried about.

After all, in the eternal plane, he killed too many talented creatures at the gate of heaven. Here, if his name leaks out, I\'m afraid it will immediately attract the powerful pursuit of the divine alliance, an ally of the gate of heaven. You know, as an ally, the holy alliance also sent a lot of talents to the eternal plane. There are too many geniuses who died in kukas\'s hands.

If the people of the Holy Alliance know the news of his arrival, they will not abide by any rules at all. They will definitely send absolutely powerful professionals to kill him.

"Of course, I\'m not sure." the young old saying caster shook his head and whispered, "I can find someone to protect you when you get promoted."

"There\'s no need. Just give me a quiet place. I don\'t want to waste time looking for it." sitting lazily on the chair, kukas narrowed his eyes and whispered, "it\'s better to be dangerous. Well, what are the areas that ordinary eighth level workers don\'t dare to step into?"

"Komari\'s misty forest!" the young old saying caster said a name after thinking about the breathing time: "The fog forest of cormary was formed when the Holy Alliance took control of this plane. The people of the Holy Alliance cut all the royal blood of a super Empire and suppressed it. It is said that there are thousands of gods and legends buried in it alone."

"After these people died, unwilling to dissipate, they gathered resentment and floated around their graveyard, and then killed all the creatures who set foot in their graveyard."

"With the passage of time, their resentment turned into white fog. Where the white fog shrouded, the mountains collapsed and the vegetation was lush. However, in a hundred years, a million mile thick fog forest came out."

"Because the destroyed super empire is called the cormary Empire, the forest is called the cormary fog forest."

"At the edge of the forest, ordinary people can enter it. But as long as it exceeds a thousand miles, it becomes quite dangerous."

"Where there are a large number of Warcraft, there are countless Warcraft above level 8. I once walked inside, but less than ten thousand miles, I was forced out by dozens of powerful Warcraft."

"It is said that all the plane treasures and props collected by the cormary empire are buried in it, even the legendary vanity treasures."

"It\'s a ridiculous legend." kukas thought quickly. Soon he found something about the cormary empire in his memory.

In his memory, the cormary empire was a relatively powerful super empire in his thematic world, but after such a super empire was destroyed, it was impossible for the invaders to bury their treasures.

For kukas\'s complaint, the young archaic caster just shrugged his shoulders and didn\'t say much.

"Where is the location?" kukas didn\'t entangle more in this matter, but quickly asked about other things.

"Where is very dangerous, if you are promoted, accidents are more likely to happen." the young old saying caster wanted to continue to say something, but when he saw a look of impatience in kukas\'s eyes, he changed his mouth very wisely.

"Well, I think with your strength, as long as it is not too deep, there will be no danger." while talking, he told kukas the exact location of the cormary fog forest.

Without much stay, kukas directly tore the space and appeared at the edge of the komari fog forest through space transmission.

Cormary fog forest is shrouded by a layer of gray fog all year round. This is the border intersection of seven or eight empires. Due to the danger here, no Empire has set up troops here for defense, because they believe that their neighbors are absolutely unable to send a large number of soldiers through this continuous fog forest of nearly one million miles.

In the gray fog shrouded cormary forest, thick trees can be seen everywhere. In the edge area, a large number of mercenaries and adventurers come here. They either hunt some low-level Warcraft, or search for legendary treasures. More ordinary people live on the edge of the forest, where they dig up all kinds of precious drugs and materials in the forest and sell them to the Empire or some organizations.

Appearing at the edge of the fog forest of cormary, kukas\'s killing talent has sensitively felt the trace of resentment contained in those fog. These resentments are extremely weak. I\'m afraid I can\'t feel them if his killing talent is not extremely sensitive to all kinds of breath.

These grievances are mixed in the gray fog. Although they will not hurt people\'s body, if they are entangled by the fog for a long time, ordinary people\'s mood will become worse. However, according to kukas\' inference, if an ordinary person is wrapped by the gray fog here, his mood will not be affected until three or five days.

Maybe it\'s because countless treasures were buried. All kinds of precious magic materials and drugs grew in the fog forest of cormary. Although the material quality in the edge area is not very good, it is better than a large number.

According to the young old saying caster, the various materials and medicines collected by ordinary people alone are enough to meet the needs of those professionals in the dungeons. And some surplus materials will be handed over to a super empire.

The super Empire took refuge in the holy alliance. In order not to be destroyed by the super Empire, they had to do this: give two-thirds of the output of their empire to the super Empire free of charge.

After observing the komari fog forest for a moment, kukas found that the so-called komari fog forest was slowly expanding its area. Although this expansion is extremely slow, and one year is only an expansion of three or five feet, it has been a great disaster for some weak empires.

A large number of ordinary people cut down logs here, but those cut down logs will grow at an extremely crazy speed in less than a year. The expansion of the forest has made more and more ordinary people living around lose their land and have to devote themselves to dangerous picking work.

"It is said that some gods of the super Empire set up a magic prohibition inside, and then urged these trees to grow madly."

This view is widely spread in the Empire around the fog forest of cormary.

The gray fog has been enveloping the area thousands of feet high above the forest. The sun can\'t penetrate the fog at all, but the plants and creatures wrapped in the fog are the same as those living in the sun.

Such a strange place has provoked the research of some scholars.

Kukas released a mind to explore the forest. The powerful mind power ran through the fog, but after extending a thousand miles, he could no longer feel the situation inside.

This strange phenomenon did not cause kukas\'s panic and anxiety, but made him more satisfied with the environment here.

The perception of thousands of miles allows him to arrive in an instant after discovering the enemy. He also believed that if he met the enemy, the enemy\'s perceived distance would never exceed him. Because he has the strongest killing talent of killing perception, while other professionals do not necessarily have such talent.

Stepping on the void, he suddenly appeared thousands of miles inside the komari fog forest. Here, he found a large number of Warcraft. These Warcraft can be seen everywhere like the beasts in the ordinary forest. Among them, the powerful ones have about seven steps, while the weak ones also have three or five steps.

To his surprise, the Warcraft here are often gathered by race. They walk in groups in the forest and hunt weaker ones as food. This phenomenon is very similar to the habits of some monsters born from the God hiding place he saw in the eternal plane.

Stepping on the void, the body kept moving towards the depths of cormary\'s misty forest. The more he moved inside, the more powerful the Warcraft he met. When the young old saying caster arrived in the ten thousand mile area, the Warcraft here were already in groups of nine or even ten Warcraft alone.

The perception of these Warcraft is extremely powerful. They found kukas at the first time, and then roared in a low voice.

Some Warcraft released magic and even started crazy attacks. But these attacks are nothing to kukas, not even trouble.

After checking their strength, kukas found that the Warcraft here had no wisdom. They were still like low-level Warcraft, but walked on the earth with instinct.

However, due to their different environments, they are extremely fierce in fighting. Facing the attack of kukas, these Warcraft were more crazy stimulated by blood.

Bang! Bang, yes! Bang! The body shook, and when he raised his hands and feet, a powerful Warcraft was directly beaten by kukas, and then he took their bodies without delay, searched and stored some of the most precious magic materials on the bodies.

Some are fur, some are bones, some are flesh and blood and internal organs. In short, as long as it is the most precious, it is the goal of kukas\'s collection.

Although he can\'t use these things now, he knows that he will use them sooner or later. Even he would directly open the crack leading to the burning plane and swallow the Warcraft of a tribe at once, hoping to let them reproduce in the burning plane under their control.

If necessary, he can even cultivate green Warcraft through green people, just like cultivating green giants.

Of course, this is just his idea. Whether he will succeed in the end is not what he is considering now. After all, he is not a professional researcher and can not have a great understanding and understanding of some living organisms like female doctors.

Now he just wants to make those Warcraft into the burning plane less trouble in the future. Whether those Warcraft can survive in the burning plane is not what kukas considers.

He just slightly restricted the green people living in the burning plane so that their killing would not seem so crazy.

There are endless Warcraft, and more Warcraft appear at one end. When kukas steps to more than 100000 miles deep in the forest, at least thousands of Warcraft died in his hands. As for those Warcraft sent to the burning plane, there are hundreds of thousands more.

Within a short range of more than 100000 miles, there are so many powerful Warcraft, which makes kukas more interested in this cormary fog forest. He thought that there must be something strange in the deepest part of the forest, otherwise there would never be such an abnormal gathering of so many Warcraft.

When they set foot in the depths of the forest for more than 100000 miles, groups of tenth order Warcraft became the mainstream, and only a few kinds of extremely powerful ninth order Warcraft survived with them.

In this case, kukas finally felt the threat. Therefore, he directly released all the killing breath hidden in his soul to deter those Warcraft without wisdom.

The smell of killing rose into the sky and formed a black column nearly 100 feet thick into the sky. The smell of killing tore the fog shrouded all year round and distorted the sky.

The surrounding earth collapsed, and a deep pit thousands of feet in size spread out around kukas.

When the trees collapsed, the Warcraft felt the killing breath of kukas, and immediately issued bursts of mourning.

Some Warcraft turned and ran away. They were frightened and didn\'t dare to fight at all because of the killing smell of kukas.

Turning around, the four string Warcraft ran away, but they stopped strangely after a few breathing times.

They trembled, growled menacingly at kukas, and retreated to stay away from kukas.

But I don\'t know why. Although they are in extreme contradiction, they dare not escape here.

The smell of killing rose into the sky, and there were the roars of countless creatures. They roared, but they were illusory images condensed by the creatures killed by kukas.

Countless creatures roared with virtual shadows. They kept swallowing kukas\'s killing breath, and their body shape became more and more solid.

However, after a few breaths, these illusory creatures swallowed enough killing breath, and their bodies were completely solidified.

Endless illusory creatures hovered and roared over his head. As long as kukas\'s mind turned, these illusory creatures would surge out and start killing according to kukas\'s will.

"Is it under control?" kukas quickly speculated that he felt the Warcraft around him who was afraid to move forward but did not dare to leave. And he believed that his speculation must be correct, because only in this way can he explain why those Warcraft still refused to leave in fear.

And he also found that more and more Warcraft gathered over time. Among them, there are even Warcraft that exudes the smell of the eleventh order.

These Warcraft with eleven levels of power, although they are also afraid of the killing breath of kukas, dare to linger forward. Some Warcraft even spew out flames and magic and are ready to attack at any time.

"But it\'s not strong enough." kukas narrowed his eyes and felt dissatisfied after watching the strength of Warcraft around him.

Originally, he just wanted to find a remote place for promotion, but after finding such a huge Warcraft here, he had a new idea.

He wanted to take advantage of the huge number of Warcraft here and take the opportunity to cultivate the foundation of a vision.

"It seems that we have to continue to walk towards the deep." his mind turned and stepped on the void. Kukas planned to cross the sky and continue to walk towards the deep.

But he didn\'t expect that when he stepped on the void, dozens of Warcraft animals with eleven levels of breath came out fiercely, or distorted the space, or spewed out fire and poisonous smoke, interwoven into a big net in the air, and forcibly stopped him.

"Then kill!" kukas roared, and his mind turned. Countless monsters and figures circling overhead obeyed his will, made a sad roar, and then rushed to kill the Warcraft around.

A trace of ashes came out from behind his head. These ashes were intertwined and woven, but breathing time formed a group of gray buildings.

The mountains as like as two peas, and the interior shape and structure of them are exactly the same as those of the ruby masters who urged gold treasures.

Countless monsters and human figures rushed to those Warcraft to kill. These creatures condensed through the killing breath are illusory after all. Their strength is far weaker than those Warcraft, but whether it is the flesh, body attack or magic attack of Warcraft, the damage to them is very small.

Dozens of illusory creatures spend some time killing a Warcraft, and the spirit of the Warcraft will be deprived by those illusory creatures in an instant. Even the soul will be swallowed up.

The fighting sends out the killing spirit. These killing breath twines and condenses to form more monsters.

Whenever monsters and human figures were blasted by Warcraft, the broken smell of killing rolled back and directly drilled into the gray Temple behind kukas. Then the next moment, the mountains collapsed, and new monsters or figures jumped out of them and joined the battlefield.

Every time a Warcraft dies, a new illusory monster will be bred in the mutated gold treasure behind kukas.

He can even fuse several illusory monsters through the gold treasure to make the new monsters more powerful and fierce.

Suspended in the air, watching the battle below, kukas stopped. Even if those 11th level Warcraft attacked him, he just let the monsters fly out of the gold treasure behind him to resist.

"Will the people who control you send more Warcraft?" kukas\'s surrounding space is distorted, and the power of overlaid seal and gold treasure is released one after another, but it takes a lot of fighting spirit to resist the aftereffects of the battle.

After all, this is the battle of tens of thousands of tenth order creatures. Although he doesn\'t care about one or several tenth order creatures, the aftershocks caused by the struggle of tens of thousands of creatures even shattered the sky and broke the earth.

Thirteen burning black flags emerged from behind. These burning black flags linked the origin of the plane, emitting countless golden light and instilling it into the gold treasure. Then, through the characteristics of the gold treasure, it emits boundless golden light and forcibly stabilizes the space within tens of feet, so as not to let him be affected by the struggle.

The killing of Warcraft became more and more fierce, but under the monsters evolved from endless gold treasures, batch after batch of Warcraft began to die.

A large number of dead Warcraft sent out infinite resentment. Under the action of kukas\'s secret method, these smells were gathered in the air little by little, so as not to let them dissipate.

"Stranger, what do you want?" after at least thousands of Warcraft died, a tree hundreds of feet in size came slowly from a distance.

There were human faces on the trunk of the tree. A trace of fierce light and expectation looked at kukas: "I am the master of this forest. Without my permission, you are invading my territory."

The tree\'s voice was very dry, as if it hadn\'t spoken for a long time: "leave here, or say your purpose."

When the trees walk, the thick roots run through the void. Where they walk, the space is distorted and sends out strong power.

"This is your territory?" kukas narrowed his eyes and carefully observed the thick tree in front of him. In his perception of killing talent, the tree is not a real body, but a tree temporarily controlled in a strange way.

"Yes, this is my territory. This has been my territory since the day when the forest was born." the words of the trees gradually smoothed up: "do you want to explore the secrets here? Or look for something?"

"I want to be promoted here." kukas shook his head and didn\'t hide his intention at all. At the same time, he also found that since the emergence of the strange trees, the Warcraft seemed unusually tame. They gave up the fight and just circled around silently.


"Yes, do you want to stop me?" the gold treasure behind kukas rolled, and the countless golden light came out. Under the golden light, the broken space was soon calmed down.

"If you just come here for promotion, then you should be promoted! Why do you want to kill my subordinates?" the tree man continued: "in this world, there are many places without masters. Why do you choose to be here?"

"I can go wherever I want. At present, you don\'t have the ability to govern me." kukas touched his bare head and grinned grimly: "to tell the truth, your appearance made me ring some ancient war trees active in ancient times. Maybe you are their descendants?"

"Ancient war trees? I haven\'t heard of them. There is no record of ancient war trees in the inheritance of trees over the years." the tree man\'s eyes twinkled with strange light. It was obvious that he was intrigued by kukas\'s words.

"Haven\'t you heard of ancient war trees? Has your inheritance been cut off? Poor little fellow, maybe you haven\'t seen humans yet!" kukas tilted his head and laughed strangely. Of course, his words were uttered in disorder. He didn\'t believe that the tree man in front of him had never seen human beings. After all, the strength of the other party is very strong. The separation of the tree man alone shows the power of ten orders. If it is noumenon, I\'m afraid the power is more powerful.

And such a powerful force is enough for him to understand everything within millions or even tens of millions of miles.

"Then you can promote here! You can\'t continue to move forward, because the front is my core territory. If you step on it, you will either die or become my slave." the tree man said this and turned to the deep forest, while kukas narrowed his eyes, stared at the tree man\'s back and thought about something.

"As a tree man, I don\'t know the ancient war trees that are very active in ancient times. Should I say you\'re cheating me? Or do you really don\'t know?" kukas flicked his finger and muttered in a low voice.

The voice was low and light, but the tree man still heard it clearly.

"I don\'t know, I just don\'t know. There\'s no need to hide anything from you." the tree man\'s voice seemed dissatisfied, obviously, because he was suspected: "I hope you don\'t destroy this forest. It\'s my home."

"Do you know that hundreds of years ago, there were some top professionals fighting here? Some of them belonged to the Holy Alliance and some belonged to a super Empire called cormary. Finally, all the top beings of the cormary super empire fell down and finally formed this forest. I think you might guide me to the places where the top beings fell down Take a look at the place. "Kukas took a deep breath and said in a deep voice," I want to know something through the fall of those top beings. "

"There is no so-called struggle among the top beings here. Since I took control of the forest, I haven\'t found any wreckage of the top beings." the steps of the tree man suddenly stopped, its branches shook, and the narrow leaves collided with each other, making a jingling sound, as if two different metals collided with each other.

"I think if you are really curious, I don\'t mind letting you leave here." the tree man continued, "I haven\'t seen what you said since I came here, so I hope you can know something."

"I want to go deep into the forest. I believe there must be some traces left there. Well, you don\'t have to explain to me. No one can stop me where kukas wants to go."

"You\'re against me." the face on the tree man\'s branches twisted, his huge mouth opened and closed, and metal teeth appeared. Those metal teeth are an important symbol of ancient war trees.

Thinking of the ancient trees of war, kukas thought of the strength of this race.

In some ancient legends, adult war trees can fight adult bloody giants. Every adult war tree has the strength of legend and the peak of gods.

Some powerful ancient war trees, killing legends and gods are as easy as adults killing babies.

In some more ancient legends, ancient war trees grow on the ruling plane. For every mature ancient war tree, one plane disappears from the endless void.

It is precisely because of the strength of the ancient trees of war that some ancient races and professionals try their best to control them and let them serve as their own guards. There is even a strong existence, which directly takes the ancient war tree as the pillar of its own temples, supporting the temples to float slowly in the endless void.

Of course, the ancient war tree is not the most important reason to attract kukas. What attracts him most is a kind of tree that gave birth to the ancient war tree: empty Cang wood.

In some books, it is recorded that this kind of tree: void cangmu is a kind of tree bred by endless void at the beginning of its birth.

The seeds of this tree float in the endless void until they absorb enough power before they fall into place and grow.

If there is another empty cangmu in a plane, this plane will certainly become an existence beyond the 13th order plane.

The creatures born in this seat will become more powerful because of the emergence of empty cangmu.

It is also said that the fruit of the void Cang wood is a God, the leaves are a priest, the branches are the altar of the legends, and the resin is the origin of the plane. The ancient war tree born from the empty Cang wood is just the bark of the Cang wood.

"Do you want to stop me?" kukas narrowed his eyes and released a trace of fierce light. His killing intention had risen in his heart, especially when he thought that there might be such an anti heaven treasure as void cangmu here.

"This is my territory. It\'s the greatest gift for you to be promoted here." the ancient war tree roared, and the metal teeth collided with each other, making a strange creak.

"Then let me kill you!" kukas growled in a low voice, stepped on the void and rushed directly to the location of the ancient war tree.

Dozens of Warcraft beasts with eleven levels of power roared and stopped. The gold treasure flashed behind kukas, and countless fierce beasts jumped out of them and killed those Warcraft beasts with open teeth and claws.

The killing started again, but this time there was an ancient war tree. No, there were dozens of ancient war trees.

These ancient war trees are not yet adults, but their strength has reached the peak of the tenth order.

The branches waved, and the power wrapped around them directly cut the space. Countless leaves scattered like raindrops, distorted the space and shrouded it towards kukas.

The thick roots shook, pierced under the earth, and then directly ejected from the void, but suddenly appeared around kukas\'s body.

The monster with the breath of killing was broken in an instant under the attack of those branches. Even after some monsters are directly swallowed up by ancient war trees, even the secret method of gold treasure can\'t revive them.