Abyss Knight

Chapter 772

After killing a professional who was called a top genius, kukas found the nearest city under the jurisdiction of the abyss alliance.

Here, he curled up his huge body and stayed in a tavern. The gangsters spent several days stiff.

"You are so decadent." the ring in your hand trembled. The image of the old woman emerged from the magic ring: "if you go on like this, you will be killed one day."

"What you call genius, in my opinion, is no different from those ordinary professionals." kukas lazily picked up a glass of liquor and drank it. Diagonally opposite him, a female baby faced priest was blinking at him, and he gave him a strange smile back.

"That\'s because you\'re too powerful. In less than a hundred years, those geniuses have changed from an ordinary person to level 8. Although they are extremely powerful, they have not experienced much killing after all. If they are given time to grow, even ten years, they will quickly survive here with their talents." the image of the old woman whispered: "None of the geniuses you killed has lived enough for ten years, but I believe that even so, some of them definitely surprised you, didn\'t they?"

"No, although their means were strong and they arranged a lot of things to kill me, they all failed. I just knew that I broke their heads with my fist, but I forgot how they arranged to kill me." kukas laughed strangely. His words were not perfunctory to the old woman, but his real feeling.

"Some of them almost killed you." the old woman was surprised. She was surprised at kukas\'s nerve, or indifferent state of mind.

"Really? Forget, but now I\'m still alive, isn\'t it?" kukas drank a glass of liquor again, and the baby faced priest opposite him blinked and sat opposite kukas with a delicate scepter.

"It seems that you are really unfit to continue to stay in the eternal plane." the old woman sighed, solidified the illusory projection a little, and then said softly, "have you felt anything abnormal these days? I mean, your perception of the eternal plane."

"Abnormal? I just feel a slight turbulence in this plane. In addition, I don\'t feel anything else."

"Really?" the old woman\'s image fluctuated slightly. It was obvious that kukas\'s words made her mood fluctuate uncontrollably: "that\'s good, that\'s good. It seems that you are still suitable to stay in this position."


"No why, just want you to continue to be strong. Some people want to see where the limits of the ash Knight are."

"Cinder knight?"

"Yes, you are the ash knight. Why? Forget? Maybe you should go to a sutra or a scholar specializing in psychology. I found that there is a little problem with your psychology."

"No, I don\'t have any problem. At least I feel a little lonely. I\'m an ash knight. I can\'t take the initiative to cultivate. I can only rely on the passage of time to improve my strength." kukas drank the last glass of liquor, then nodded to the priest on the other side, and asked for a lot of liquor from the attendants.

"When will the war end?" kukas drank another glass of liquor. The image of the old woman was a little unreal.

"It will be over soon. What are you going to do then?"

"It will be over soon? What did you say we got after the war? If someone asks me in the future, \'kukas! What did you get after killing so many people on the battlefield? Why did you kill?\' how should I answer them at that time?"

"Maybe you don\'t have to answer them, just tell them that the plane still exists and they are still alive, which is enough." the old woman\'s image fluctuated a little, and then whispered. Her words were heard by many people in the tavern.

"I didn\'t feel that my killing would bring such benefits." kukas shook his head and didn\'t recognize the old woman\'s words.

"Your killing alone can\'t reflect too many things, but there are many people like you, which is enough to reflect your value. I think you must know that some planes we control have fallen. If you have the opportunity, go and see the living conditions of the creatures in those fallen planes, and then you will know what your killing has brought." The figure of the old woman became more illusory.

"My thematic world has fallen. I think you should know that."

"I\'m sorry, I don\'t know that." the old woman shrugged her shoulders and continued to ask, "what are you going to do after the war? What are you pursuing?"

"Step on the peak and become a legend." kukas found the old woman\'s shadow more blurred and knew that the other party was about to end the conversation: "will my reward be effective after the war?"

"Of course it works. Unless the abyss alliance collapses, the reward you deserve must be yours. No one can deprive it, and no one dares to stop it." the old woman sighed softly: "many people want to set foot on the highest peak and achieve legends or gods, but few can do it."

"Really?" kukas fumbled for a small and white head and played with it in his hand. He got the head by beheading a female caster. He didn\'t know the name of the female caster, and forgot her appearance. He just vaguely remembered that the other party exploded half of his body with his own strength.

Of course, even if only half of her body was left, kukas still killed her. Since that time, he has never used his killing spear and position origin in the subsequent killing. Everything is based on their own various killing secrets to fight.

"If I can kill those gifted creatures, I will be able to set foot on the peak and become a legend."

"What if you can\'t? What would you do if you made a half step legend but couldn\'t take the last step?" the old woman\'s image almost completely disappeared, but her voice was still not urgent, not slow, not high or low.

"Kill all the people who have the ability to set foot on the peak. Damn it, you won\'t even kill me!" said kukas. He reacted fiercely, looked at the old woman in front of him with a strange face and growled in a low voice: "I think if you really want to kill me, wait until I take half a step in the legend!"

"Ha ha! It seems that you really have a psychological problem. Well, if you need it, I can introduce you to a psychological scholar. Many legends and gods who don\'t want to live are untied by his words, and then continue to live in this colorful and endless void." the old woman shook her head, and more ugly melts appeared on her ugly face: "I sent you the materials you want. He will bring them to you in a moment. I\'m leaving. I hope you can fulfill your dream."

"I want to leave the eternal plane."

"This plane is becoming more and more lively. Why do you want to leave? I think you won\'t be alone soon."

"But I think I will continue to be lonely."

"Is it because there is no opponent?" the old woman\'s virtual shadow was broken, as if it had never appeared here. There was no breath or trace of her.

"Maybe!" kukas was silent for a long time, muttered in a low voice, then took a glass of wine and took a big SIP: "just because there is no opponent? Maybe!"

Murmured, and kukas continued to drink.

The professionals in the tavern began to talk in a low voice. They talked about the empty shadow words between kukas and the old woman just now. In these words, they heard a lot of information. But what shocked them most was not about the end of the war, but kukas\'s name.

"So he is the ash Knight kukas!"

"I didn\'t expect the legendary ash knight to appear here."

"He won\'t kill here!"

"He only kills people at the gate of heaven."

"You\'re pathetic. Don\'t you know that the ash Knight killed everyone more than 200 years ago? As long as he was a powerful creature, he was the target of killing. It is said that in a place called the Arctic ice sheet, no professional could be promoted there during his stay."

"Crazy existence."

The professionals talked, and kukas didn\'t seem to hear it. He still drank the liquor without delay.

"Are you really kukas?" the child faced priest opposite sat curiously in front of kukas. Her companions tried to stop her, but they didn\'t have time. Especially when she sat in front of kukas, all her companions were afraid to come forward.

"I think so." kukas touched his bald head and grinned. "Are you interested in hanging out with me?"

"I\'m sorry, I have a team." the baby faced priest shook his head and smiled softly, "how long have you been in this eternal plane?"

"Two hundred years? Three hundred years? Forget." kukas drank another glass of liquor, and then carefully observed the baby faced priest in front of him. He found that each other\'s face was very familiar, but he couldn\'t remember seeing it there.

"My mother is a scholar." the baby faced priestess seemed to be aware of kukas\'s doubts, so she whispered, "she mentioned you to me and said you were a good man."

"Good man? HMM! To tell you the truth, I didn\'t expect anyone to evaluate me like this." kukas was a little stunned. The words of the other party reminded him of the girl scholar who had been pestering him and said to give him a Book: "where\'s your mother?"

"Dead." the baby faced priestess blinked her big eyes, very similar to her mother\'s habit: "ha ha, lie to you. She works as a tutor in a college in her hometown."

"Oh!" kukas nodded. He didn\'t ask the other party where he was. He didn\'t want to find her. Because he met the girl scholar with a childlike face and huge breasts by chance, and he didn\'t even have a physical relationship.

"My mother misses you very much."

"Your father will be unhappy."

"She has a bad relationship with my father."


"Will you protect me in this plane?"



"I don\'t know you."

"But you know my mother."

"It was just a post transaction cooperation."

"You killed a lot of people?"

"I think your mother must have told you."

"You are a good man," said the baby faced priestess with a wink.

"Oh! I really didn\'t expect anyone to say I was a good man."

"It is because of your help that my mother has made a major breakthrough in her research. Now she is said to be one of the top scholars in her school who studies micro organisms."


"It\'s really depressing to talk to you. Of course, that\'s what my mother said. By the way, what about the crystal stone following you? It\'s the Sutra of the ruby family."

"I was swept away by the vortex of space, and I don\'t know where I went." kukas turned his glass. There were only half of the spirits in the crystal cup, and he was suddenly tired of drinking.

The baby faced priestess opened her mouth and kept saying some words, while kukas just stared at the wine cup in her hand, saying one sentence at a time, subconsciously responding.

"My mother gave it to me. She said I would meet you. Let me give it to you." the blinking baby faced priest took out a stone book and put it on kukas\'s table. "She said you would like it."

Kukas looked familiar with the book thrown on the table. Finally, he remembered that it was the book used by the young woman scholar to record ISAG\'s deeds.

"I\'m not a scholar." kukas shook his head. After drinking the last glass of liquor, he straightened his cloak and suddenly said, "go to bed with me."

"This is what my mother gave you. Don\'t you want it?" the baby faced priest blushed, stretched out his hand and pointed to kukasjiao and shouted, "you must have slept with my mother and still want to sleep with me now? Your mind is too dirty."

"I take it with me. I can\'t say I\'ll lose it there."

"Then throw it away. You must take this thing anyway."

"To tell you the truth, I\'m not interested in little girls like you." kukas finally put away the Stone Book: "now the gate of heaven and the genius of the abyss alliance are hunting each other. If you don\'t want to be a target, leave here as soon as possible."

"This is the training ground for us. We must live here for ten years before we can leave." said the baby faced priestess in a low mood, "so my mother hopes you can protect me."

"If I protect you, you won\'t get the test you deserve." kukas shook his head. He remembered the words projected by the old woman just now: "keep these things, maybe you will need them."

While talking, he handed the magic ring for storing killing props to the baby faced priestess, which was regarded as a kind of care for the offspring of acquaintances: "don\'t use it until the moment of life and death. Otherwise, you won\'t achieve the purpose of trying here."

"I don\'t want to try here." the baby faced priestess quickly took the magic ring handed by kukas and put it on her hand, because when she came here, her mother had told her not to refuse any gift from kukas.

Of course, the dangerous experience in previous years also made her extremely afraid of death, so she tried every means to survive in this damn place.

After walking away, he drank the baby face and the Baijiu priest\'s light water like wine, and without hesitation pushed the door open and left the pub.

The baby faced priest wanted to catch up, but when he thought of his mother\'s words, he just sighed and sat still.

She knows that if she catches up, she will provoke the other party\'s disgust.

"Is this your testing ground? We are just your foil?" after kukas left, Anne, a professional, tried to go to the baby faced priestess and ask, but was stopped by some professionals who followed the priestess.

"I don\'t know, those in power say so." the baby faced priestess looked innocently at the angry professional. She doesn\'t know why the other party is so angry, but she knows that she can\'t show a wild expression at this time.

"Damn it."

Some people swear that they are old people who have lived for hundreds or even thousands of years, which is very different from those talented professionals. With their own experience, they can speculate a lot in a few words.

Therefore, although the baby faced priestess did not admit it, they guessed something: "we should leave this damn place, not serve as green leaves for them here, nor come here to dig veins and serve as miners."

"Kill this so-called trainer."

"Yes, it should be killed."

"Think about the horror of kukas! If you want to die, kill the trainer. If you don\'t want to die, find a way to leave this damn plane."

Professionals, debaters, baby faced female scholars and her followers stood nervously aside, waiting for the final result.

Kukas didn\'t know what happened here. When he left the tavern and walked in the deserted city, a necromancer sent him a magic ring.

"Someone asked me to give it to you. She said you would pay me." the dead caster was wrapped in black smoke, and a foul smell came out of him.

"A piece of divine material? There should have been killing props, Dan master. I gave it to others." kukas took the magic ring and put it on his hand. Then he took out the forbidden seal divine material the size of a washbasin and gave it to the dead caster in front of him: "in fact, you should ask the old woman for compensation."

"I\'d rather ask you than ask her."

"The old woman is still very talkative."

"That\'s just for you."



The horseless Knight passed the ghost caster wrapped in black smoke in the cold street. This is their first meeting, maybe the last.