Abyss Knight

Chapter 775

"I gave you a chance, but you didn\'t pay attention to me, so it\'s not my fault to let you die." more than a dozen ancient war trees opened their mouths at the same time, and their sharp metal teeth collided with each other, making a strange creak. Their huge mouths opened and closed, and even tore down huge spaces.

The space debris was bitten by these ancient war trees, swallowed up, and then turned into small short knives, sprayed from the branches and shrouded in kukas.

"Roar!" a low roar sounded from kukas\'s mouth, and the power of stepping on the void and covering the ground came out one after another. The space is twisted, and the endless thunder and fire burst out, strangling those space debris into nothingness.

The two sides fought frantically, only the sky was broken, the earth cracked, and infinite magma drilled out of the cracks in the earth and flowed wantonly on the earth.

Infinite Warcraft gathered from all directions. They released all kinds of attacks and attacked kukas.

Behind him, the gold treasure shook, emitting layers of gray ashes, fighting spirit and immeasurable golden light. Fighting spirit and the original golden light of the plane crisscross, forcibly suppressing the broken space around.

However, with the increase of the number of Warcraft, especially the emergence of a large number of eleventh order Warcraft, it is more and more difficult for kukas to resist.

More than 100 breathing times, there are as many as 100000 of the eleven level Warcraft gathered around. A large number of Warcraft gathered here, and the space within tens of thousands of miles collapsed. Infinite space turbulence and void turbulence are drilled out of it.

These turbulent currents agitate wantonly and strangle everything they can wrap around.

Although the brilliance emitted from the gold treasure can suppress these turbulence, the number of turbulence is too much. After a short time of suppression, kukas felt that he could not resist.

"In that case, let me promote here! It\'s a good choice for such a large number of creatures to be the cornerstone of my promotion." kukas quickly made a decision.

When the idea of promotion rose, he began to prepare for his promotion.

In fact, promotion above level 8 is very different from promotion below level 8. For promotion below the eighth level, professionals need to outline the Dharma array in their own fighting space or magic space. However, after reaching the eighth level, the promotion of professionals does not need to outline the Dharma array in the body, but simply accept the baptism and test of this position with their own strength.

Of course, if you want to take the opportunity to transfer, you need a special altar and magic items to do it. If you accept the test and baptism of position alone, you can\'t complete the transfer.

This time, kukas was only promoted and would not be transferred at all. Therefore, there was no need to search for special altar and magic materials for assistance.

The way to accept the test and baptism of the plane is actually extremely simple.

Kukas began to release his ashes little by little. These ashes were based on the gold treasure, and then instilled into the gold treasure in his back little by little.

Of course, the secret method of this gold treasure is not pure gold treasure, but a secret method deduced by kukas by mixing the secret methods of ghost crying knight and evil knight with the secret methods of gold treasure.

Of course, because kukas was too lazy to name it, he still called this new secret method gold treasure. Because the appearance of this secret method at least retains the shape of the gold treasure.

A large number of ashes instill fighting spirit into the gold treasure. Every time a little fighting spirit is instilled into it, strange runes emerge on the mountains of the gold treasure. Among these runes, there are ordinary magic characters, ancient Knight characters, some characters in the memory of the supreme beings who were killed in those years, and even the forbidden brand marks in some plane treasures and plane props.

When the mountains that served as the foundation were covered with all kinds of strange runes, with the indoctrination of ash fighting spirit, some runes began to appear on those temples and pavilions.

With the emergence of those runes, the gray gold treasure began to emerge a light curtain of gray and gold. These curtains of light rose into the sky and spread around.

After the light curtain spreads to a certain extent, it is intertwined with each other, and then woven into light beams of endless thickness.

These beams of light twined with kukas\'s mind and pierced directly into the void, creeping slowly.

The powerful mind followed the light beam and spread into the void. When these minds penetrated into the void, he only felt the mind tremble slightly, and the next moment, he felt a nothingness. In that nothingness, there are strange fluctuations wandering, which wash on his mind and constantly melt his mind.

More and more fighting spirit was instilled into the gold treasure behind him by kukas. When all fighting spirit in the body was instilled into the gold treasure, kukas jumped to a mountain in the treasure, and then called three fighting armor to appear next to him.

Each of the three fighting armor contains a lot of fighting power. Now these fighting armor obey the will of the noumenon, all integrate into his body, and then release the fighting power they cultivate.

The powerful fighting spirit was constantly instilled into the gold treasure, which sent out bursts of strange sounds.

When the strange sound sounded, kukas roared, grabbed thirteen burning black flags with his backhand and broke into the most central area of the gold treasure.

Thirteen burning black flags are all powerful plane props. Although these props can only exert one percent of their power in kukas\'s hands, at this time, they run through the gold treasure, but they urge their own strength and characteristics.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" sounds like the collapse of mountains, the collapse of the earth and the turbulence of the sky. These sounds roared unceasingly. With this roar, thick beams of light penetrated through the void and madly instilled into the gold treasure.

With the support of those beams, the gold treasure rapidly expanded its area, but in a short breathing time, the gold treasure within a few feet evolved into a light mass seven or eight feet in size.

The light group wriggled, and the runes branded on the mountains and temples and pavilions began to rise in the air. These runes were intertwined and intertwined with each other. In an instant, they were cast into an arm thick chain and penetrated into the void.

After the chain ran through the void, kukas felt a trace of inexplicable pressure coming to the earth out of thin air.

It was extremely powerful. As soon as it emerged, it crushed the monster figure condensed by kukas\'s killing breath in an instant. However, in an instant, tens of thousands of Warcraft, including dozens of ancient war trees, were suppressed to the earth by the inexplicable threat.

This sudden coercion is too powerful. It suppresses not the strength in the body of professionals, but from the heart and spirit. Those who are not determined can not bear the continuous and endless pressure.

When the pressure came, even though kukas had an extremely strong will, he felt a little unbearable at this moment.

"Although I don\'t have extraordinary talent, although I\'m not the favorite of heaven and earth, no one can stop me from embarking on the journey and making a legend." kukas issued a silent roar, his bent body slowly stood up straight, and the war intention hidden in his body rose to the sky, stubbornly competing with the faint threat released by this face.

The pressure from that face seemed to be an invisible grinding plate, and began to polish kukas\'s will.

Endless visions began to appear in his mind. Some of them evolved into previous lives and some into the past of this world.

There was illusion temptation and illusion awe. In a short moment, countless illusions were instilled into his soul, almost bursting his soul.

After tens of millions of visions lasted for dozens of breathing time, they began to collapse slowly. The collapse of these visions represents that the test of this man\'s will to face him is coming to an end.

However, after discovering it, kukas did not want this test to end. Instead, he immediately urged the secret method, deified it into paper and feather pen for writing, then tore a little soul, rolled this soul fragment into powder and used it as ink, and began to write some ancient Knight characters in the fighting space.

These ancient Knight words fell on the paper cast by the mind and sent out a huge waste.

These consumptions penetrate the fighting space and shine on the thousands of illusions wrapped in the depths of the soul.

Under the light of these milli rays, the illusions that should have dissipated suddenly solidified several times, and then they quickly merged and formed a small world.

These small worlds wrapped his soul layer by layer, and his soul fell into a small world condensed by thousands of illusions and erased all his memories.

In the first small world, he seems to have returned to his previous life, where there are all-weather killings and prisons, and where there are endless killings. His soul instinctively killed all enemies and finally set foot on the top of the world.

When he set foot on the top of the world, the first small world was broken, and his soul began again in the second small world.

These small worlds are bigger and bigger, and the enemies are stronger and stronger. In those small worlds, if he falls once, his soul will be reborn again and return to the first small world to start another experience.

The big and small worlds are intertwined, with a total of 101 small worlds. When his soul passes through a small world, a strange force is directly injected into his soul.

After this strange power was instilled into his soul, strange words were engraved on his soul.

One thousand and one small world set foot in the past, and one thousand and one green words like tadpoles were engraved on his soul.

These green tadpole characters were intertwined with each other after he stepped out of the last small world, forming a green chain around his soul in an instant.

At this time, his soul also woke up.

One thousand and one small world, his soul reincarnated hundreds of thousands of times before coming out. And hundreds of thousands of reincarnations represent hundreds of thousands of lives.

At the moment when his soul woke up, the memory of hundreds of thousands of lives experienced by his soul burst out.

Hundreds of thousands of life memories burst out in an instant, countless pictures and words were released from the origin of his soul, and then quickly washed away his soul. Hundreds of thousands of different memories are displayed at the same time, colliding with each other in his soul.

With the collision of these memories, kukas\'s soul trembled violently with a touch of golden light from time to time. The collision of memories made his soul painful. The pain was even several times stronger than tearing his soul.

Countless memory conflicts almost completely broke kukas\'s spirit.

The soul can\'t bear the collision and conflict of hundreds of thousands of memories, and cracks begin to appear one after another. But at this time, the remaining mind in kukas perceived the danger, rushed to the soul, and then continued to fill the cracks in the soul.

However, although the remaining mind can repair the soul cracks, the speed of those cracks is too fast. After the residual mind is completely consumed, kukas\'s soul will be destroyed. At that time, all his consciousness will turn into nothingness in endless memory conflicts. Even after resurrection through the plane origin, he will still fall into the conflict of endless memory, so as to become a real madman who has forgotten himself.

The broken soul made kukas\'s consciousness aware of the crisis. At this time, the efficacy of the secret law continued to rotate, and the broken small world power was instilled into his soul origin, and then awakened his ID consciousness.

"I kukas is the only one, all of you are just my illusion." the figure of the bald evil man emerged in the source of the soul. When he found that hundreds of thousands of the same bald evil men were besieging the source of the soul around you, he shouted loudly: "I am the only one, you are all just nothingness."

While talking, kukas, who has ontological memory, roared, stepped out of the source and smashed the head of a bald evil man.

Bang! The head was broken, and the body of the bald evil man dissipated, and then turned into a little golden light into his body. With this golden light, the bald evil man with ontological memory felt that the power in his body had increased.

Without any hesitation, he continued to kill the figure of the next bald evil man.

"I am as like as two peas." you are all illusions. "The bald headed man also shouted loudly, and began to kill the same figures as himself.

"I am the first, I am the eternal, I am the only."

"You rubbish, you dare to run wild in front of me when you see that you are not prostrate on the ground? Die for me."

Hundreds of thousands of baldheaded evil men shouted. They all thought they were the only real existence, and others were just their own illusions. So with a roar, they waved their fists and began to kill each other with their own strength.

These bald villains are the top beings in the small world. Their experience in the small world has already developed their momentum of contempt for the world. One by one, they think they are invincible in the world, enough to run across the world.

At this point, as like as two peas, I am crazy to start killing myself.

"Kill all of you, I\'m the only one."

Killing, under the light of the origin of the soul, hundreds of thousands of bald evil men were unable to use the power they obtained in their own world, but started the most primitive killing with the power of their bodies.

If you break my arm, I\'ll bite your throat. Every time they kill a same kind, a golden light flies out of the broken body of the same kind. The golden light exploded in the air and was evenly distributed to the remaining bald men.

With each more golden light, the strength of the remaining people will be stronger, so that the killing will be more ferocious.

I don\'t know how long this most primitive flesh and body fight lasted. Finally, under the light of the source of the soul, there are only the memory of kukas\'s noumenon and the memory of a bald evil man who came out of the last small world.


Although the memories of two people have no similarities, they are all memories generated by the experience of one soul. There are too many similarities in their characters.

Killing: fist collision, flesh and blood flying, bones broken. Both memories have red eyes, only the body is incomplete and the blood is scattered.

Finally, kukas\'s ontological memory was slightly better. At the last moment, he smashed the head of the last memory killed in the small world by means of head collision.

"I am the only one, I am kukas, the ash Knight kukas." the noumenon memory roared loudly. The next moment, the original power of the soul swallowed his memory.

A golden chain emerges on the soul that has recovered the memory. This golden chain is made of hundreds of thousands of memories killed in the small world.

The golden memory chain and the green character chain are intertwined to form an oblique cross around kukas\'s soul.

The memories contained in the soul are killed one by one. When each memory is killed, a large number of hearts and spirits are released from the source of the soul. After hundreds of thousands of memories were completely killed, kukas increased his mental power seven or eight times out of thin air. Moreover, these mental powers are extremely pure. They are so pure that they are not qualified to continue to refine these pure mental powers.

After killing hundreds of thousands of memories, kukas got not only a seven or eight times increase in mental power, but also a third increase in the origin of his soul.

Although the one-third of the sudden increase in the source of the soul seems very rare, don\'t forget that the source of the soul of every creature has been fixed after his birth. Unless it is after promotion, or there are anti heaven methods or drugs, the source of the soul will never increase. Instead, they will only disappear slowly over time. Until the source of the soul disappears completely, the life of a creature comes to an end.

The origin of the soul may not be of any use to ordinary creatures, but for professionals, especially high-level professionals, the origin of the soul is extremely precious.

The origin of a person\'s soul is related to the growth of his soul. The speed of soul growth is related to the efficiency of understanding the rules of heaven and earth, and even the cultivation of some special secrets.

This sudden increase of one-third of the soul origin of kukas not only made up for the original strength he consumed in order to resist the special means of ruby Sutra a few years ago, but also greatly improved a lot.

The greatly increased original power is about ten times that of his original power when he was promoted from level 7 to level 8. Such a huge source of power is completely worth his promotion to complete this secret adventure.

In addition to the harvest of the original power, there is the golden and green chain wrapped around the soul.

These two kinds of chains are only mentioned a little in the secret method, but what effect they have is not described in the secret method. In which secret Dharma, it is said that among tens of thousands of creatures who use this secret Dharma and succeed, only one or two souls will have these two kinds of chains. As for their efficacy, kukas needs to explore it alone.

With a clear soul, kukas immediately manipulated a large number of mind power just increased out of thin air to instill into the gold treasure, and then transported these mind into the void through the beam of light that pierced the gold treasure into the void.

After he handled the matter, he opened his eyes and found that tens of thousands of 11th order Warcraft surrounded by him had lost their lives, leaving only a pile of silvery bones stacked on the ground. As for the dozens of ancient war trees, I don\'t know where they have gone.

"Thousands of years in the dream, but only one year in the reality. Interesting." the remaining mind turned and felt the increasing pressure on the face. Kukas not only didn\'t panic, but whispered a strange smile.

These increasing threats make no living creatures exist within tens of thousands of miles. Some creatures accidentally step into the scope covered by threats and are deprived of their lives in an instant. These threats have no effect on kukas now. The current coercion is just to protect his safety and promotion in a disguised form. And this is also a reward for him to survive the tyrannical disaster. Of course, this kind of reward will be encountered by every professional. Now it doesn\'t seem special to show on him.

After kukas\'s soul woke up, the second wave of test facing him came again.

But this time the test is no longer aimed at his soul and will, but at his own strength.

Violent lightning appeared out of thin air, which hit the gold treasure heavily. Although the lightning was no more than the thickness of the thumb, it still shook the gold treasure when it hit it.

Where lightning struck directly, mountains collapsed and temples were destroyed. However, under kukas\' indoctrination, countless runes flew out of the collapsed mountains and temples, and then intertwined in the air, forming new mountains and temples in an instant.

Lightning is like raindrops, crazy chopping into the gold treasure that is only tens of feet in size. The powerful force was released and came out, and the surrounding space collapsed in an instant.

Thunder and lightning cut the breathing time, and flames wound around it.

These flames fell into the gold treasure and burned wildly. The Fuwen civilization entangled in the temples and mountains cannot be destroyed, but it has no ability to extinguish those flames at all.

It\'s another breathing time. There are hurricanes wrapped around lightning. The hurricane wreaked havoc in the gold treasure and destroyed most of the buildings in an instant.

After another breath, cold ice wrapped around lightning and staggered with flame hurricane, madly raging kukas\'s power based on gold treasure.

Then, after each breath time, there are different forces to bless the lightning: poisonous smoke, resentment, bloody breath, curse, Jinge and turbulence.

When the different forces of the ninth middle school are intertwined with lightning at the same time, no new forces will join them.

Thunder and lightning with nine different forces cut into the gold treasure, and each time, it exploded a pit several feet in size. Although kukas madly urged himself to fight and constantly repair those loopholes, the gold treasure looks broken.

Boom! Another thumb thick lightning struck the gold treasure, which almost completely broke the gold treasure.

The broken gold treasure may collapse at any time. There are only a few mountains and temples connected with each other.

"It\'s time." kukas turned his mind, jumped down from the broken gold treasure and fell under the gold treasure.

Here, the remaining lightning carried nine different forces, twined around him and began to grind his body crazily.

His hands pierced into the broken gold treasure and forcibly gathered the broken treasure together again.

Some thunder and lightning entangled nine different forces, swam on him through his hands, and made a strange crackling sound.

Every time those thunder and lightning swam around him, strange patterns like divine materials appeared on him.

These patterns were formed after he practiced the secret method of quenching his body in the plane of knowledge.

These patterns are all kinds of shields and defensive prohibitions. They constantly devour thunder and lightning, and then transform and instill them into kukas, washing his flesh and bones again and again.

Under the impact of these thunder and lightning, the blood in his body gradually turned golden, and golden threads appeared on his bones.

The biggest change was not his flesh and bones, but his hands pierced into the gold treasure.

His hands have been tempered countless times with secret methods, and have been integrated into the siege hammer, golden shackles and the heads of tens of thousands of enemies.

Originally, these hands are extremely valuable, comparable to defensive plane treasures, but at this time, they run through the gold treasure to accept those lightning, so that these solid hands are forcibly crushed to pieces by infinite power.

The blood of gold and silver scattered in the gold treasure, and then burst into those mountains and temples through infinite lightning.

Broken bones constantly devour those lightning, and then use lightning to cast new hand bones to regenerate the palm.

Half of the lightning instilled into kukas\'s body was absorbed by his hands. Absorb so many thunder and lightning, and start to recast your hands under the action of the secret method.

His hands were forged by lightning and became golden hand bones, showing the runes cut by lightning.

These runes are very strange. Each rune is composed of nine different runes. These runes were branded on his hands and spread to the bones of his body.

After having these runes, his attacks with both hands will be entangled with the forces of hurricane, poisonous smoke, fire, cold ice, curse, resentment, blood, turbulence and Jinge.

More and more thunder and lightning chopped down from the void. The powerful thunder and lightning force constantly quenched his body. However, after several breathing times, his body was vaguely unable to support, so he hurriedly continued the next secret method.

A series of ancient Knight words sounded from kukas\'s mouth. These Knight words mixed with the blood of gold and silver scattered on him, and soon formed a character array.

The character Dharma array rotates and blends into the gold treasure in an instant.

Integrated into the character array, the recovery speed of gold treasures has been rapidly improved. But under the attack of more and more thunder and fire, the speed of the fusion of gold and treasure slowed down again.


He opened his mouth and drank. A mass of black light came out of his air. The black light turned and melted into the gold treasure like a meteor.

As soon as the black light was integrated into the gold treasure, it was immediately suppressed by a mountain. After the mountain suppressed the black light, a trace of ash flowed down from the top of the mountain and filled the broken gold treasure, making up for the broken gold treasure more quickly.

Then kukas opened his mouth and spewed out a black light, which was also suppressed by another mountain. The mountain roared, and then released ashes to fight.

The two continuous black lights are the root of kukas\'s evil fighting spirit and ghost crying fighting spirit.

These two kinds of fighting spirit did not disappear with his promotion to ashes, but were deeply hidden in his fighting space.

The hidden fighting spirit is now released by kukas and suppressed into the gold treasure. Under the secret method of the gold treasure, the two fighting spirits operate by themselves, and then directly generate ashes through secret method transformation.

After spitting out the root of ghost crying and evil fighting, kukas still refused to stop.

He opened his mouth and roared, and a mass of blood essence was forcibly sprayed out by him. The blood essence rolled and carried his ashes. The fighting spirit basically fell in the central area of the gold treasure.

Where, the essence of blood turns into a crystal clear pool, and the essence of ash fighting spirit turns into pool water. Some mountains cracked and the temple shook. Golden chains were released from the mountains and the temple, and then wrapped around the pool turned into ashes, firmly locking the pool in the gold treasure.

As soon as the pool appeared in the central area of the gold treasure, all the lightning burst into the pool.

The thunder and lightning burst, and the liquid in the instant fried pool rolled and transpiration. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the ashes released by evil fighting spirit and ghost crying fighting spirit quickly filled the broken gold treasure and quickly repaired the whole gold treasure.

Fixed the complete gold treasure trembling and ringing. Countless golden runes fell into the pool, which was turned into ash fighting Qi, and constantly strengthened the power of the pool, so that it could resist one after another lightning chop.

As the foundation of kukas, the pool made of ash fighting spirit is much stronger than the gold treasure by dozens or even hundreds of times. But even so, under the continuous thunder and lightning, the pool turned from ashes into gas can\'t bear it.

Under normal circumstances, when promoted, professionals will not take out their fighting spirit and put it into a secret law as the cornerstone to accept the baptism test of the rules of heaven and earth, because in that way, if they fail, they will hurt the foundation and lose their qualification to become professionals.

But similarly, if you use the secret method to integrate the fighting spirit for cultivation into the cornerstone of the secret method, and successfully pass the test of the rules of heaven and earth, there will be many more mysterious places in the fighting spirit.

Moreover, fighting spirit is basically integrated into the cornerstone of the secret method, which will reduce his consumption in the future battle, and he doesn\'t even have to worry about the bearing capacity of fighting spirit space.

All the thunder and lightning chopped from the void are concentrated on the pool where the fighting spirit is turned into. Lightning one after another, even with the support of the whole gold treasure, the pool that turned into fighting spirit couldn\'t resist it.

Cracks appeared in the pool, and the liquid in the pool flowed out along the cracks. These gray liquids invaded the mountain temples, which made them more solid, but fundamentally damaged the fighting spirit.

Baby fist sized skulls were taken out of kukas\'s hands. These skulls flew out of his hands and landed over the pool where the fighting spirit turned into reality.

A bolt of lightning struck the head and instantly cut it into powder. Scattered skull powder falls into the pool and quickly fills the cracks in the pool.

Skulls were thrown out by kukas. After he lost thousands of skulls of different sizes, the lightning chopped down from the void slowly weakened. But there was still lightning. And the power of these lightning is several times stronger than before.

As more and more heads turned into powder and scattered into the pool that was turned into fighting spirit, some bone lines began to appear on the crystal clear pool.

These bone lines are connected and intertwined to form a strange pattern.

The pool water rolled and a strange white bone flower came out from the central area. Strange flowers bloom, releasing endless resentment.

Although the breath of resentment is extremely rare, it can forcibly resist the chop of lightning.

Hundreds of thunder and lightning struck the resentment, which dissipated the resentment contained in the white bone strange flowers.

The lightning with nine different forces chopped for dozens of breathing time before it stopped chopping.

The golden torrent composed of countless ancient Knight words poured out of the void, and these pouring golden torrents were instilled into the pool where kukas\'s fighting spirit was turned into. Suddenly, infinite knowledge and information are branded into the pool.

Some strange fluctuations accompanied by these golden torrents washed away his fighting spirit. At this moment, kukas didn\'t care what knowledge he got, but tried to concentrate on feeling the strange fluctuations scouring the pool.

If he guessed correctly, the fundamental strange fluctuation of scouring and fighting spirit is actually some embodiment of the plane rules of this plane.

The regular fluctuation of the plane, which he sees is more precious than anything. He came to this plane, that is, the plane of his birth, in order to understand these plane fluctuations. Of course, if he is promoted in other positions, although he will also encounter regular fluctuations in the position, that fluctuation is definitely not as strong as the fluctuation he is now experiencing. At that time, I\'m afraid it\'s definitely not as easy as it is now to realize the fluctuation of rules.

Under the scouring of the regular fluctuation of the plane, kukas\'s fighting spirit turned into a pool rapidly. The white bone flowers in the central area of the pool swayed constantly, and white fruits the size of pearls appeared on it.

There are totally one thousand and one of these fruits. On each fruit, there is a strange word. Words flow on the fruit, emitting a lot of light.

Shining brightly, the pool water is churning, but it is constantly quenching those liquefied fighting Qi.

Of course, the effect of these fruits is not pure purification and fighting spirit, and the more powerful effect is to absorb the rules of heaven and earth, and then condense into the fruits.

When the fluctuation of the rules of heaven and earth contained in a fruit reaches the limit, it will fall into the pool and be directly mastered by kukas.

Of course, these fruits can also be picked in advance, but in that way, the rules contained in them fluctuate too little, and the value is of little use to kukas.

The strange white bones and strange flowers are the greatest harvest for kukas to pass the test of the rules of heaven and earth. These harvests are even countless times more precious than those knowledge.

Most of the knowledge given to him by the rules of heaven and earth is about the secrets of the ash knight, and a few are the cultivation methods of some secrets and strange means.

Under the fluctuation of the rules of heaven and earth, his three fighting spirits are completely integrated with the gold treasure, just as there are three different fighting spirits in the gold treasure.

A lot of fighting spirit was released and then instilled into the mountains and temples. It constantly fills the power in mountains and temples. Although this speed is extremely slow, it is very good for kukas.

After all, his future secret methods are based on the gold treasure. As long as the gold treasure is strong enough, the power of his future killing secret methods will be improved accordingly.

Even in the end, the secret of his gold treasure is fundamental and is likely to be transformed into a real existence. Of course, he needs to pay a huge price to make it a real existence. Among them, all kinds of precious materials, plane props and even empty treasures can not be lacked.

The pouring of the golden torrent lasted three or five breathing times. In this short three or five breathing time, kukas quickly prepared for the next wave of test.

At this time, the pressure released from the plane is strengthened. These pressures far exceed those of ordinary professionals when they are promoted. All this was caused by kukas\'s secret method of urging when he was promoted one after another.

The pressure was strong, but kukas resisted it. At this time, the scope of the threat has expanded to nearly 100000 miles.

After a few breaths of the golden torrent, a large black cloud suddenly appeared in the sky.

The dark clouds rolled and stretched out countless strands of fog, which pierced kukas. The movement of these fog filaments is not blocked by fighting spirit and other secret methods at all. They can only passively wait for them to be instilled into the body.

The first fog thread pierced into his body and twined around the killing talent in kukas.

The fog melted and constantly infected his killing talent. Before that, kukas had already dispersed his deduction talent. Now there is only the talent of killing.

Fog silk invades the killing talent. There is no pain and abnormality, but it constantly melts kukas\'s talent ability.

When the mind turns, the mind that remains in the body begins to make a brand in the killing talent in a specific order.

The killing talent structure contained in the fighting space began to rotate wildly, constantly absorbing those brands, so as to resist the invasion of black fog.

Drops of golden liquid poured out from the altar. These golden liquids are the foundation of the talent Dharma array. With the accumulation of kukas for hundreds of years, although the amount of those golden liquids still can not improve the first level of killing talent, it is enough to repair the infected ninth level killing talent array.

There is no earthshaking roar, no deafening explosion, just slow erosion, only the loss of time. This test is actually the most relaxed test for professionals, and it is also the last test.

When the time comes, even if this test fails, professionals will be promoted successfully. However, during this period of time, there is no way to move the noumenon of professionals. Therefore, this time is the most dangerous time for professionals when they are promoted. Kukas killed those professionals who were about to be promoted before, all on this last test.

This last test lasted a very long time. According to kukas\'s previous observations and records in books, this test lasted at least half a quarter of magic time, and the longest could even reach half a magic time. The length of time is closely related to the talent level and quantity of professionals and the golden liquid of repairing talent array.

After hundreds of breathing time, the killing talent\'s Dharma array began to produce wonderful changes under the erosion of black smoke.

Some broken patterns began to float from the complex array structure, and these patterns began to absorb fog filaments. Each time some fog filaments were absorbed, those patterns became clearer.

The patterns that become clear will return to the Dharma array structure of killing talent, where they integrate with each other to form larger patterns or new patterns.