Abyss Knight

Chapter 771

"In that case, let me kill him!" kukas heard that there was no book of eternal ashes for him to watch, so his killing intention soared in his heart and was ready to kill Zhan tianzhe Lai.

"If you fight with each other again, I will suppress you for ten thousand years." as a half step legend, the old woman snorted, "others worry that you will find trouble with them in the future, but I don\'t care. The orders of the alliance must be obeyed, otherwise they will be like you, and there is no need for the alliance to exist."

"But every time you kill a top genius at the gate of heaven, you can get a year to read in the aspect of knowledge."


"When did the words of the alliance deceive you?"

"It\'s just concealing some facts, isn\'t it?" Zhan tianzhe Lai smiled softly: "I\'m here to be the king of eternity, not your thugs. Since I can\'t accommodate me here, I\'ll leave."

"Kukas, one day, I will personally cut off your head and let you know that the dignity of my fighter is inviolable."

While talking, the warrior Lai ah waved his scepter, and the black-and-white light beam emerged from his feet. In an instant, he outlined a thirteen awn star array.

The Dharma array rotates and instantly tears the space into it.

"Want to go? Even if you are the core member of the hand of glory, I want you to leave something for me." the old woman\'s eyes shine. She fiercely pokes out her dry palm and pierces it into the newly healed space crack. The next moment, she pulls out her palm from it.

But at this time, there was a head on her palm. The head of the warrior Lai.

"You\'d better not let me see you next time, otherwise I will erase you." the old woman sneered, her fingers closed slightly, and there was no outbreak of breath, let alone any entanglement of fighting spirit. Just for a moment, the head of the warrior Lai was pinched and exploded, turned into fly ash and scattered in the air.

"Old man, how dare you kill me?" the soul of Zhan tianzhe Lai emerged from the ashes. He did not escape, because he knew that his soul alone had no ability to escape from this terrible half step legend.

"I don\'t dare to kill you, but going will leave you some reward. It\'s the price of my hand!" Lao Tao sneered and stretched out his hand to play on the soul of zhantian Lai.

The withered fingers are like a killing weapon made of divine materials, which easily tears the soul of the warrior.

After the soul of the warrior was torn apart, the golden liquid fell from the broken edge area. The golden liquid is not in the soul of kukas and most professionals.

"Go! Tell your Laozi that I did all this. If he wants to trouble me, come! I\'m waiting for him at any time." the old woman grinned, her wrinkled face twisted, looking like a withered chrysanthemum that has been kneaded countless times.

While talking, the old woman flicked and fiddled her fingers, sending half of the soul of the warrior into the space crack. Another soul was rubbed and rubbed in her hand.

The dry hands rubbed and rubbed the ignorant soul, making a strange creak. A trace of golden smoke came out of her hands. As soon as the smoke broke away from her soul, it dissipated quickly. The old woman felt very sorry for the smoke that had dissipated. But she had no means to collect the golden smoke.

After the old woman breathed for several times, half of the soul of Zhan tianzhe Lai ah formed a white jade pill and rolled slowly in her hand.

"Are you going to leave here or stay here to hunt the top experts of the gate of heaven alone, not our own?" the old woman narrowed her eyes and gently turned the pill turned by her soul.

Just now, she didn\'t leak any breath. It seemed that she was no different from those ordinary old women, but kukas was still shocked by her just means.

You know, in more than ten days of endless struggle, he killed Zhan Tian at least hundreds of times, but the other party rose in an instant. During this period, he had no ability to find the soul of the warrior. But the old woman did not show the landscape and easily caught each other\'s soul, which had to be admired by him.

Perhaps because of Lucas\'s envy, the old woman shook her head and said softly, "when you have the strength I have now, you will know that this is just a small hand. There is nothing to envy."

"Why did the League train so many ash knights?" kukas said. His words surprised the old woman a little, but it didn\'t hinder her answer.

"I don\'t know. Maybe they wanted to get more ashen Knights out when they saw that you are such a powerful ashen knight. Or maybe they found that the occupations in ancient times had declined and should be allowed to reappear. So they got some." the old woman shrugged her shoulders and said with a meaningless face: "I can\'t say they want to try a new class with the ash knights. I\'m not the core figure and don\'t know those things."

"Well, that\'s interesting." kukas nodded, then did not continue to ask. Instead, he changed the topic and asked, "did you appoint someone for me to kill? Or?"

"We appoint someone. OK! If you like, I\'ll give you information directly in the future." the old woman saw the fierce light in kukas\'s eyes and was immediately interested: "maybe the person I chose will make you interesting."

"I\'m afraid you\'re better than me." kukas touched his bald head and smiled grimly: "why should I do it again? I\'m afraid you\'ve found a lot of people like me!"

"Let\'s do it ourselves? Now if there are ten ranks of professionals killing in this position, countless legends and gods will come and wipe him out."


"There are always restrictions, otherwise someone wants to kill. Will there be so many professionals in this endless void between the two?" "interesting."

"Everything becomes interesting when it comes to you."


"When will you start working?"

"It\'s up to you. Well, what else do you need? I\'ll see if I can help you find it." the old woman gathered her white hair on her forehead and said in a low voice, "each of the top talents at the gate of heaven is not much weaker than those who fight heaven. They are even stronger."

"Do you have any divine materials? I need to make some killing weapons." kukas asked back, touching his bald head.

"No, the league is extremely short of divine materials. I can find some books for you to watch."

"I\'m practicing other secrets. I don\'t have time to watch those books in a short time." kukas shook his head and said in a deep voice, "by the way, are there any props that can let me walk quickly? I can\'t tear space transmission. Killing a person takes too much time."

"The alchemists have just made a small transmission altar, which can reach hundreds of millions of miles at a time." the old woman nodded and smiled: "I\'ll prepare some for you."

"How many killers like me did you choose in this face? I think there are such characters at the gate of heaven!" kukas didn\'t ask the other party why he let him kill hostile top talents, because he felt that the question was very boring.

"I don\'t know how many. I\'ve just been in charge of this matter, and maybe I\'ll know it in a few days. OK! You\'re the first, but definitely not the last. As for whether the gate of heaven has done this, I think they will do it in a few days, even if they don\'t do it now." the old woman sighed, and she looked a little tired.

"Give me the target! Well, there\'s the transmitter," kukas said in a deep voice, touching his bare head. He didn\'t know why the old woman looked tired, and he didn\'t want to know. He just wanted to temper himself a little by challenging those top talents, so as to make himself stronger.

"It\'s all here. I\'ll send you a message through this magic ring. By the way, it\'s yours too." the old woman threw a ring to kukas, and then threw the soul pill just rubbed and rubbed out.

"I don\'t like it." kukas threw the soul pill back to the old woman.

"Hehe, I didn\'t expect you to have such a quirk. Well, some people don\'t like to integrate the origin of other people\'s souls. They think that it will make their souls no longer pure and they will no longer be themselves. Since you don\'t need it, forget it." the old woman is also an extremely simple person. When kukas refused, she immediately put away the soul pill.

"Where is the priest on the throne? I will kill her."

"She is now hiding in a secret place. As long as you don\'t leave here, she will never come out." the old woman took out a scroll and gave it to him: "look! There are many top talents as powerful as any throne priest. You can choose to hunt them first."

The scroll is made of unknown fur. There are general magic words on it. I am familiar with thousands of names. Behind the names, there is a simple position introduction. By branding the mind into one of the names, you can see more detailed information about the creature represented by the name.

"CROM Tauren race is now in the Jilei wasteland, reaching the peak of level 8. It\'s only 50 years. Yes, it\'s a genius." kukas scanned it roughly and locked the target immediately.

"If the names recorded on the scroll disappear, it means that the creature has left the eternal plane, or has completely fallen." after the old woman finally told kukas something else, her bent body suddenly broke, and then disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

"Ha ha! Interesting!" playing with the scroll in his hand, kukas whispered a strange smile.

After the old woman left, he did not kill the Tauren at the first time, but made some killing spears. Only then did he intercept the Tauren\'s breath with the help of the transmission altar, and then lock his position and transmit it.

However, the several foot size transmission altar circled on his back. The altar turned into a streamer and tore the sky. In an instant, it transmitted him to the approximate range of the Tauren.

"The killing began." the streamer dispersed, and kukas appeared on an unknown barren mountain. On this barren mountain, there are a large number of monsters and unknown creatures. They are evolved from the unwilling resentment of falling existence. Here, they devour all creatures to vent their resentment of being killed.

The evil spirit soared into the sky and distorted the whole space around the mountain. The strong and extreme killing breath spread around the mountain, causing the monsters around the barren mountain to flee in fear. Some even fell to the ground and trembled and dared not move at all.

Intercepted the breath left when writing the name on the scroll. Without much time, he locked the Tauren\'s goal.

When he found the tauren, he was fighting with several professionals of the abyss alliance.

Dozens of killing spears were lost at once. The divine power was vented, the divine light was vertical and horizontal, and the earth shaking explosion sounded. The powerful power instantly tore the professionals of the abyss alliance, but only blew the Tauren out.

"Trampled by wild cattle!"

The Tauren who suddenly suffered an unexpected attack just felt that someone had locked his position, but he didn\'t expect the attack to come so quickly.

Carelessly, he was attacked by a killing spear, which made him extremely angry. Without being aware of the enemy, he stepped on the void with his feet, trampled on the air with huge hooves, the earth cracked, the sky was broken, and he vented his anger and went out, sweeping wildly around.

In the burning plane, the fighting armor of feeling the gold treasure emerged in kukas\'s hand, and countless cyan gray lights twined on his palm.


The blue gray light flickered, and the fighting armor crossed the space and directly penetrated into the Tauren\'s forehead. The powerful ashes fought with spirit, and the blood came out in an instant, forcibly tearing the Tauren\'s head.

The Tauren who lost his head was not wiped out his soul. His body suddenly increased several times, waved a huge totem pole and smashed it on the fighting armor. It smashed the fighting armor with seven tenths of kukas\'s strength.

Stepping on the void, kukas\'s body appeared behind the tauren, his hands stood side by side like a knife, easily tore the Tauren\'s fighting defense, and then pierced into his body.

"It\'s strange that you\'re the man at the gate of heaven." kukas grinned and forced his arms, easily tearing the Tauren\'s body.

The blood of gold and silver was scattered in the sky, and the Tauren who lost his head roared reluctantly. However, he was no longer reconciled. Under the clutches of kukas, he had no chance to turn over.

After obliterating the Tauren\'s soul, kukas urged the transmission altar to leave as quickly as possible. Finally, I just left a sentence in place: "it\'s only a year."

After he had just left for a few breaths, the space next to the Tauren\'s body burst into pieces, and a black robed man emitting blood came out of it.

A faint green light emerged from his fingers, which burst and ran through the Tauren\'s body.

The scattered flesh and blood exploded again, and the blood splashed, interwoven into distorted pictures in the air. In this picture, what emerges is the scene of kukas sniping and killing Tauren.

"Cinder Knight kukas!" the black robed man roared reluctantly, then retreated to the healing broken space and disappeared. In the original place, only the broken earth and the blood of the top genius crisscrossed with scattered gold and silver are left.

Killing a top talent in an instant is nothing to kukas. Moreover, for the sake of safety, he even threw dozens of killing spears.

Killing spears run through the world. One spear can kill an eighth level professional. Now he uses dozens of spears continuously. The Tauren can escape. It can be regarded as extremely powerful.

In addition, kukas has been in the Arctic ice sheet for hundreds of years, and his killing methods have reached their peak. Later, he fought with the immortal zhantian for more than ten days and nights, which stimulated his potential. Nowadays, it\'s no big deal to sneak attack and snipe a small Tauren.

The Guanghua who transmits the altar shuttles constantly in the eternal plane. At first, it was no more than kukas, but in three or five years, the number gradually increased. Among them are not only the abyss alliance, but also the gate of heaven.

Killing, the two forces began to hunt each other\'s top talents on a large scale. On the sky hundreds of thousands of miles high, there are still endless top legends and gods killing each other. The fallen bodies evolve into God hiding places and fall on the earth. Then they are mined by countless ordinary eighth level professionals.

Some people shed blood on the veins, some got precious magic props from them, and others lost their friends.

As time passed, the days of losing the ruby master became more lonely for kukas.

After killing a target, he often gets drunk in the city of abyss alliance, and then finds a few women to hang out for a few days. But even so, still can\'t erase the kind of thick loneliness wrapped around his heart.

"So tired!" kukas felt that he couldn\'t bear it after he punched a ninth order divine archer who was about to be promoted.

The hot blood has subsided, and the fighting spirit has already weakened without the collision of strong opponents.

Although the body is full of the blood of top talents, it doesn\'t emit any evil smell. Some are just tired and lonely.

"Kill him."

The professionals guarding the ninth order divine Archer shouted loudly and killed kukas madly.

When he stepped on the void, kukas just waved his hands mechanically, and the power of covering the ground was displayed one after another. However, in a few breathing hours, more than a dozen professionals were all blasted by him, and their bodies and souls were wiped out.

Standing on the bloody earth, kukas felt very lonely. This loneliness is not only the loneliness in the heart, but also the loneliness caused by no enemy.