Abyss Knight

Chapter 770

"Eight hundred years? Achieve eight levels?" the throne priest wrapped by the divine light repeated the words of the man in the gray robe with some uncertainty: "it\'s hard for him to be crazy after killing for eight hundred years."

"What is 800 years of killing? I believe one day, you will see people more crazy than him. Well, such as the killing knight in the abyss alliance."

"Killing knight?"

"It\'s an ancient profession. According to legend, they slaughtered a race, and then took a drop of the blood of the race as ink. When they accumulated enough ink, they would write their names on their secret books."

"Crazy career."

"So the killing knights are gradually eliminated by the times, because although there are hundreds of millions of planes in this endless void, if there are too many killers like the killing knights, I\'m afraid they will only be left in the whole endless void."

"Then why are there new killing Knights now?"

"Because of the war."

"Total war between the gate of heaven and the abyss alliance?"

"It\'s just an appearance, child. You don\'t understand. The war between the gate of heaven and the abyss alliance, and even the war of other powerful races, is just a means. All this is preparing for another war."

"It\'s foolish to let the strong survive by killing? And then let the strong fight another war."

"You\'re still young and you don\'t know some secrets. You think you\'re stupid now, but maybe you won\'t say that in a little time."

"Well, I won\'t talk to you about this. I\'m going to suppress the sky warrior and the ash knight. To be honest, I haven\'t seen the ash Knight yet!"

"The ash knight is also a powerful profession, but in an ancient era, all the ash knights were killed by a supreme being. Later, people lost the ability to transfer to the ash knight. But perhaps because of the war, the ash Knight reappeared." the grey robed man shook his head and said in a deep voice: "The ash knight and the battler will be taken away soon. You didn\'t have a chance to fight them in the past. When they leave, you can continue your work."

"It\'s really uncomfortable to be manipulated." the throne priest sneered, limped on the throne of divine materials and whispered, "I don\'t understand. You let me come out to experience, but you don\'t let me fight with those powerful professionals. I\'m really unwilling."

"Because you are not their opponent."

"How do you know?"

"Don\'t forget, I\'m a prophet and I can see the future." the grey robed man whispered. Of course, there was something in his heart that he didn\'t say, that is, the fighting experience of the priest on the throne in front of him was too lack. He didn\'t even have fighting experience at a low level.

"Well, you are a prophet, and your words are always right. But what I want to tell you is that one day, I will fight with those two men. At that time, I will tell you that your prophecy is wrong." the priest on the throne snorted, then sighed and remained silent.

"I hope so." the grey prophet sighed softly, and his body disappeared as if he had never appeared before the priest on the throne.

"The present war is a prerequisite preparation for the future war? What a foolish practice!" the throne priest curled up on the throne and muttered in a low voice after waiting for the prophet to leave: "Is there some agreement between the abyss alliance and the gate of heaven? There are endless legends and gods falling every day in the current war. Is this really just the prelude to a war?"

"Forget it, it has nothing to do with me. What I have to wait for now is that the two madmen disappear." the throne priest whispered, and then curled up on the throne and fell asleep gently.

Several professionals guarding around her looked at her vague figure with adoration. They only dared to look at the goddess in their hearts at this time.

"What? Let me get out of here?" the struggle between kukas and the fighter was stopped. It was a bent old woman who stopped them.

After the old woman hoarse voice said the decision of the high level of the abyss alliance, kukas and Zhan tianzhe looked at her in surprise and shouted out.

"Damn it, I want to dominate the eternal plane, and I want to control all the creatures here and become the king of eternity. Why let me leave here?" zhantian Lai waved his scepter and roared loudly, but he didn\'t dare to attack the old woman in front of him. Because he sensed the power of legend in the old woman.

Although there was only a trace of that power, it was enough to frighten him.

He dared to fight with kukas without showing weakness, but he did not dare to do anything special in front of the half step legend, because he believed that if he did too much, the other party would suppress himself.

At that time, it is still immortal, but it is absolutely possible to be imprisoned for thousands of years. He shivered at the thought of being imprisoned in a dark place.

"What? You want to stay in the eternal plane? That\'s OK. If you stay in the eternal plane, don\'t fight with each other, let alone kill the people of the abyss alliance." the old woman coughed hard, then looked up and said in a deep voice: "It\'s better not to use the space tear. Those old people in the sky don\'t have time to pay attention to you now. When they deal with some things, if you want to tear the space again, I\'m afraid it will be directly erased."

"Let\'s kill the powerful creatures at the gate of heaven?" kukas suddenly asked, "if so, I hope the alliance can give me the original book of eternal ashes. I want to read it."

"Let me ask for you." the old woman nodded, then took out a small crystal ball and instilled it into her mind. After a long time, she glanced at kukas strangely, then shook her head and said, "now at least 3000 ash knights are waiting for that book. I\'m afraid it will take some days to get here."

"Three thousand ember knights?" kukas felt strange when he heard the speech. When he was promoted to ember knights in the past, he was the only ember knight in the whole abyss alliance. Later, there were several, and now there are thousands. This strange change made him don\'t know what to say.

"Yes, three thousand ash riders watch the original edition of the eternal ash for ten years. Then let the other three thousand ash riders watch it." the old woman nodded and said seriously.