Abyss Knight

Chapter 769

One professional after another fell into the hands of kukas and zhantian. In just one day and one night, at least hundreds of professionals were brutally killed and their souls were destroyed.

Such cruel means made those small teams who got the news and were ready to levy retreat.

They are not afraid of death, but they are afraid that even their souls cannot escape after death. They are not afraid of * * *, but they are afraid to exhaust all their efforts, but there is no way to eliminate * * *.

"Those two demons can\'t be defeated. The team of dozens of people can\'t hold on to ten breathing times in front of them, so they all fall."

"None of the more than ten shield guards can resist their attack."

"Some illusionists were directly killed by them. Illusionists are of no use to them."

"The empty lurks were crushed by the demon\'s bald head, and the lurks had no way to hide their bodies in front of them."

"More than a dozen Knights subordinate to the throne priest were all killed, and they were not hurt at all."

"The devil giant chaffy was broken in the head by the man with his scepter."

In just one day, the information of kukas and the fighter spread on the Jilei wasteland. Countless professionals know their names. Similarly, some professionals exchange all their merits as soon as they know their names, or leave this position full of danger and opportunities, or go to other areas.

"The throne priest will come out to save us and kill the two madmen." when those scattered professionals simply did not have the ability to resist the power of kukas and zhantian, and found that the high level of the abyss alliance ignored the two killing subordinates, those professionals had to place their hope on the throne priest.

"Their wanton killing here is completely a provocation to the dignity of the throne priest. I think it won\'t be long before the throne priest will appear and suppress them."

"It\'s best to suppress them for thousands of years and let them pay for their evil deeds."

"The throne priests have embarked on a journey and are preparing to suppress them."

For three days and nights, under the subconscious control of kukas and zhantian, their battle area has been on the fast thunder wasteland.

During this period, rumors continued to spread. Some said that the throne priest was coming to kill them, and some said that the high level of the abyss alliance was ready to suppress them.

But after three days and three nights, kukas and the fighters were still fighting, and there were still onlookers around the killers or devious creatures.

After three days and three nights, the number of professionals gathered around them became less and less. In the end, only a small number of creatures who envy and hate them still hovered around, waiting for the appearance of the legendary throne priest, so as to suppress or erase them.

However, their waiting was futile. The Royal priests did not come forward, which turned some of them from expectation to disappointment. Finally, they desperately cursed all of them, rushed to kukas and zhantian, and were hanged by the aftermath of their struggle.

"The throne priest will not appear. She is afraid of these two demons."

"The throne priest is blocked by powerful enemies. When she solves those enemies, she will come and suppress them."

Knights attached to the throne priest and some powerful creatures she accepted came to stop kukas them, but they were all killed without exception.

All kinds of rumors about the throne priest gradually disappeared, and some professionals turned their expectations of the throne priest into contempt, believing that she avoided strong enemies at a critical moment and did not dare to collide head-on.

However, the throne priest at this time did not encounter a strong enemy as everyone said, nor did he hide from walking, but was stopped by the people at the gate of heaven.

In an underground God hiding place, the people of the gate of heaven built a secret base here. The throne priest and some of her heartfelt subordinates are distressed in this base.

"You are not their opponent at all. Even if you are one of them, you are not their opponent." a gray robed man whispered, "one of them has the origin of the plane, and the other is taken care of by the plane. No matter what the reason, you can revive indefinitely. Although your strength is stronger than them, you have no ability to revive."

"If you fight for a long time, your meditation space can\'t bear it. Unless you practice the secret skills of level 10 professionals in advance, you\'re not their opponent at all."

"It\'s just relying on my own luck." the throne priest wrapped in a layer of divine light sighed faintly, but he was unwilling to stay in the secret base: "I\'ve been busy on the Jilei wasteland for so long before I have my current reputation. But because of your decision, my reputation has been completely destroyed."

"I shouldn\'t have to kill them. I can even imprison them with a secret method."

"Lucky? Let\'s not talk about the murderer kukas, but the warrior Lai!" the grey robed man\'s mood did not fluctuate at all, and he whispered: "His true identity is the core member of the hand of glory, and his parents are elders of the hand of glory. He was born noble and is no worse than you. But do you know how hard he has made to have his current strength?"

"Since he was a child, he abandoned the delicacies in royal clothes and walked alone in a dangerous area of his position. There he was besieged for more than ten years and almost died out. Only then did he get the divine king\'s scepter and have his current ability."

"And you? You haven\'t been separated from the shelter of the eternal night church since you were a child, and you haven\'t experienced it alone. You don\'t need any effort to get everything you want."

"As for the ash Knight kukas, it\'s entirely his own efforts to have the present." when the grey robed man said kukas, he paused a little, and then said seriously: "before he became a professional, he waved a Warhammer and smashed the heads of many thugs."

"When he became a professional, he broke through completely in killing. Do you know the cruel wars of ordinary empires in the plane? The war broke out actively to compete for various interests. In such a war, the degree of cruelty is no less than the current all-out war. And kukas climbed step by step from such a war to the present."

"Do you know how long it took him from ordinary people to level 8? 800 years. In 800 years, he has come to the present step by step with killing. What about you? You are only in your twenties from birth to the present, and even a little younger than the warrior. Do you still think he is lucky? You are lucky, not him."