Abyss Knight

Chapter 768

"The servants who dare to kill the priests on the throne are really lawless and should fall."

"No one who challenges the authority of the throne priest can survive."

"The authority of the throne priest does not allow anyone to dare to blaspheme."

The two knights shouted, and the divine light from the unicorn under them wrapped around their spears. These divine lights mixed their own glory and fighting spirit, emitting a surging weather trend.

"Kill!" kukas and warfighter Lai roared at the same time, one urging the power of ground seal, one waving the scepter wrapped with black-and-white light beam, and all fiercely chopped at their opponents.

"What a fart is the throne priest? I am Zhan tianzhe Lai: I am the only one in heaven and earth! Everyone must submit to me." Zhan tianzhe Lai\'s handsome face showed a red glow of excitement. His blood was boiling because of the killing; Because of the killing, he was full of war.

"All creatures must submit to my kukas reputation." the bald evil man roared ferociously, but thought he was the most powerful. As for the so-called throne priest, he had long forgotten each other\'s information. Just vaguely remember that the other party has been in trouble with the ice corpse family. That\'s it.

Two crazy murderers rushed towards the unicorn knights who shouted the glory of the Knights.

"Knight glory!"

Two Unicorn Knights roared, fighting spirit and divine light were linked together, and then wrapped around them and their mounts. Around the two knights, a thick Knight\'s long gun came out. The virtual shadow of the knight\'s long gun crossed the sky and vaguely distorted the increasingly solid space.

The two sides are staggered, without any fancy skills, but only the most primitive strength.

The ash fighting spirit was released from the cloak behind kukas. The cloak shook, cut the space crack and hanged on the virtual shadow of the knight\'s spear. On one side, the warrior Lai ah beat the scepter continuously in his hand, and groups of black-and-white light balls directly appeared in the virtual shadow of the knight\'s long gun, and then exploded.

Under the attack of the two murderers, the virtual shadow of the knight\'s long gun that could distort the space was defeated in an instant.

Then, the power of overlaid seal twisted the space around the knight in an instant. Infinite thunder and fire burst out, and instantly wiped out the infinite divine light emitted by the unicorn.

The big hand fell, grabbed and broke the other knight\'s long gun, then tore the other knight\'s magic armor, and directly grabbed the knight\'s heart and pinched it.

"Knight glory!"

The unicorn knight who was instantly caught and burst his heart roared and spewed silver blood from his chest. These blood scattered in the air and condensed into a long gun, which punctured kukas\'s chest and abdomen in an instant.

The hot fighting spirit mixed with strange forces ran through kukas. As soon as these fighting spirits tore part of his internal organs, they were wiped out by the powerful ash fighting spirit.

The big hand flew over and grabbed the unicorn Knight\'s head. With five fingers, he directly broke his head and completely wiped out his soul.

Just when kukas wiped out the soul of the unicorn knight, the warrior Lai ah also solved his opponent.

Compared with the bloody of kukas, the warrior Lai ah just smashed all the other party\'s defenses with a scepter, then pierced his forehead and hanged the other party\'s soul.

I have to mention the evil taste of Zhan tianzhe Lai here. Since he was penetrated once by kukas\'s secret method, now he often uses a scepter to penetrate each other\'s forehead and then erase the soul.


"Then keep fighting!" kukas stepped on the unicorn\'s head, urged the power of the ground seal, forcibly suppressed the unicorn under his feet, and forcibly took him as his own mount. Zhantian was no exception. He pierced the scepter into the unicorn\'s forehead, waved it with both hands, threw out endless black-and-white staggered beams, and continued to strangle kukas.

"It\'s really not difficult to kill these rubbish. Let\'s kill the so-called throne priest! If we kill him, who will live. Otherwise, if we continue to fight like this, I\'m afraid we won\'t win or lose for another thirty or fifty years." Zhan tianzhe Lai narrowed his eyes and said in a strange voice: "If you think my resurrection ability is about to disappear, continue."

"Then go on!" kukas smiled grimly, released his fighting armor and continued to fight with Zhan tianzhe: "thirty or fifty years is nothing to me. Continue to kill. I think you can\'t bear it first, or I\'m tired first. Roar! Come on! I haven\'t had such a happy fight for a long time. Roar!"

Kukas shouted excitedly. The fight with the warrior was not a simple waste of his original power, but also honed his control of his secret method.

Even in the fight, he will take advantage of the opportunity of the broken gas armor to return the gas armor to the burning plane. With the help of the time advantage there, he can feel the secret of the gold treasure and the killing means of the fighter. It can be said that the longer the fight, the more beneficial it will be to him.

He believed that when fighting with him, zhantian had absolutely no ability to practice secret arts, and had no time to understand his own killing methods.

"Then kill!" Zhan tianzhe was unwilling to be outdone. He waved his scepter and kept knocking out the black-and-white light beam, frantically strangling.

In his opinion, the length of the struggle had no effect on him. Because of his status, he can get some support from this position. There is no need to worry about the instability of fighting space and body.

The struggle between the two people was so deadlocked. During this period, a large number of professionals found their struggle. Some people wanted to fish in troubled waters, but they were jointly wiped out by them.

In the end, as long as they see professionals in their sight, they rush to kill, and even cruelly use their lives as a bet on whether they will survive.

This kind of ferocious behavior makes some professionals on the accumulation wasteland reach the limit of their anger.

Because these two madmen, even those of the abyss alliance, can\'t kill wrong, and when they kill, even the other party\'s soul is destroyed.

With such cruel means, some professionals began to unite and prepare to hang them together.

"Kill them, crazy people like them should not exist in this world." when the first person shouted such words and cast them with his own life, more creatures shouted such words.