Abyss Knight

Chapter 765

"It\'s unscientific!" a trace of ash came out of zhantian\'s forehead. These ashes were intertwined and evolved some of his memories.

"What are you talking about?" kukas narrowed his eyes, and a fierce light came out of his eyes.

"As a fighter, I shouldn\'t die like this. I don\'t accept it." the fighter roared and his head burst.

However, to kukas\' surprise, the broken flesh and blood of the warrior did not dissipate, but condensed with each other to form a new body.

This new body is as like as two peas, but no clothing is covered.

The resurrected warrior pierced his hand into the void without delay, and then pulled out a few gorgeous clothes to wear.

"I have thirteen magic defense props on me. Why didn\'t I resist your attack?" put on a gorgeous robe, and the warrior looked down at the broken Scepter: "the scepter you broke is a special level prop. It once killed legends and is the scepter of the Supreme God King. In fact, it shouldn\'t be broken by you."

Kukas was extremely puzzled by the resurrection of the warrior. Because under his seven sins, he killed not only the other party\'s body, but also his soul.

However, what kukas didn\'t expect was that the warrior who had been wiped out his soul was resurrected so easily.

"You shouldn\'t be resurrected." kukas narrowed his eyes and dozens of killing spears directly appeared in his hands: "but it doesn\'t matter. Even if you resurrect again, I can make you die."

While talking, he waved his killing spear and stabbed the zhantian mercilessly. At the same time, the fighting armor made a strange scream, and then took kukas\'s special gun and axe to kill the zhantian like a strong wind.

The spear and axe crossed the sky and fell down. The spear and axe tore the sky, a trace of ash leaked out, fell on the earth, and tore out bottomless gullies.

"I am the warrior of heaven, and I must step on the supreme existence." the warrior of heaven roared. He stretched out his hand and held the broken Scepter falsely: "recover."

The fragments of the scepter scattered on the ground made a soft and crisp sound, and there was a boundless divine light. These divine lights intertwined with each other, and then pulled the fragments together quickly.

"Get out!" the warrior Lai roared. The restored Scepter crossed a strange arc in the air and beat on the killing spears in an instant.

With each stroke, a black-and-white light beam was released from the scepter, which directly wiped out the killing spear, and did not let the killing spear play its due power at all.

"Interesting." kukas found that the power had a strange change after the other party\'s Scepter was resurrected like the master. He felt a little curious for a short time. But at this moment, his main goal is to kill the warrior, not to explore the strange changes of the scepter.

"Ha ha! Kukas, you didn\'t expect it! You destroyed My scepter, but also broke part of its seal. Now I\'ll show you the power of this Scepter that can show two tenths of its power!" Zhan Tianlai ha ha smiled strangely.

The scepter in his hand flew, and a black-and-white beam of strange words flew out of it. At the same time, infinite powers are released, filling the whole underground space.

The spear and axe of fighting armor collided with the scepter of the fighter, making a series of explosions.

The black-and-white light beam is raging, and the fighting spirit is vertical and horizontal; Kukas also stepped on the void, fought with the fighting armor at the same time, and exercised the power of covering the earth to fight with the fighter.

The sky is dark, the sky is broken, and the earth is broken. The solid underground space is fragmented by them and may collapse at any time.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

After they fought for hundreds of breaths, a huge roar came to them from the outside. There is also a strong threat to directly shatter the underground space, so that they appear again under the sky of continuous war.

"What is this?" when kukas appeared under the sky, he found a bone dragon tens of thousands of feet in the sky not far away.

The bone dragon has ten heads, three pairs of wings and twelve tails. Its tail moved and immediately crushed the sky; The swaying wings caused a hurricane; Ten heads spewed out black dragon breath in turn, destroying mountain peaks. The huge claws shake at will and directly grab out space vortices in the sky.

"This is the taboo secret method made by your black dragon mount, ha ha! But it will belong to me and the great warrior." warrior Lai ah shouted excitedly. He pointed to the bone dragon who exuded the Dragon Spirit and shouted loudly, "only it is worthy to be my mount."

"Madman." kukas sneered, stepped on the void and fought with the warrior again.

While they were fighting, the tens of thousands of bone dragons roared, and the dragon breath in their mouth wildly sprayed on a mountain not far away.

The mountain shook. Every time it shook, a huge sound sounded in the world.

A stone giant with a height of more than ten thousand feet walks on the earth. The shaking mountain peak is just a small piece of debris on the giant\'s chest.

The stone giant walked and crushed the earth. It leaned down and stabbed into the earth, tore out countless veins from below, rubbed and rubbed them in its hands, and then formed a huge mace.

When the mace is waved, it hits the bone dragon one after another. Every time it hits, the bone dragon shakes and the white bone is broken.

But the skull dragon didn\'t care about his injury at all, because the broken bone recovered again in an instant. Once again, the restored keel became harder than before, and the strength contained in it was more powerful.

The struggle between the stone giant and the Dragon seems to move slowly on the earth, but each time it moves, it directly crosses tens of thousands of miles.

And the aftermath of each collision destroys hundreds of thousands of mountain creatures.

The battle between kukas and the battler also moved away because of the battle between the stone giant and the white bone dragon. Both of them had red eyes and would not have given up their killing because there was an unprecedented struggle in front of them.

"Damn it, I\'ll kill you and enslave your soul forever." the warrior Lai roared. The scepter in his hand hooked from the broken space, and the infinite spatial turbulence was mixed in the black-and-white light beam.

"Zhantian, that\'s all." kukas\'s fist exploded zhantian Lai\'s shoulder. Looking at the other party\'s shoulder, he smiled coldly: "I want to use your head to forge my supreme throne."

