Abyss Knight

Chapter 766

Kukas fought with the warrior Lai ah for ten days and nights. They only killed each other in the dark. In the end, they all forgot the reason why they wanted to kill each other. They just red their eyes and wanted to kill each other.

Bang! Kukas\'s fighting armor exploded the zhantian\'s thigh, but the zhantian\'s black-and-white light beam flickered and instantly recovered.

Boom! Zhantian\'s Scepter flew and smashed kukas\'s head. The golden light flickered, and the original power of the plane instantly recovered his head.

In these ten days and ten nights of fighting, kukas exhausted all his secrets, but he couldn\'t completely kill the warrior Lai ah. Similarly, the warrior Lai also exhausted all means and could not kill him.

But even so, neither of them planned to stop.

Although their fighting is fierce and crazy, in the Arctic ice sheet, even in hundreds of areas around, all professionals do not pay attention to their fighting, even if one of them is a slight fighter and the other is a fierce person who dominates a region.

In the eyes of professionals in hundreds of areas around the Arctic ice sheet, what they are most interested in is the world-class struggle between a bone dragon and a stone giant.

These two huge creatures hit the sky and the earth. Where they fought, the mountains collapsed, the earth was broken, and the sky was about to fall. The aftermath of their struggle alone spread to hundreds of thousands of miles. Professionals who set foot in this range, without special means, will be hanged in an instant by the aftermath of their struggle.

"These two creatures were buried in the earth in ancient times. Some people greedily dug them out." some professionals speculated on the origin of the two huge creatures. Because the prophets have no ability to figure out their origin.

"The bone dragon is the top existence of our abyss alliance. The stone giant is the puppet of the gate of heaven. Two top forces are fighting each other. It won\'t take long for more powerful creatures to come here. By that time, all of us will become scum."

"I heard that the giant and the bone dragon are two legendary mounts. The two legends fight in the sky, and their mounts fight on the earth."

Professionals have different opinions and argue with each other. But none of the gods and legends who fought in the sky hundreds of thousands of miles high came down to deal with the two powerful creatures, but let them fight on the earth.

For the first time, some professionals saw the struggle of powerful beings so close, so they gave up killing each other and chased the fighting between the two powerful creatures. They wanted to feel something from their fighting.

"This is a rule attack. If I had mastered this method, I would have killed the garbage at the gate of heaven."

"Roar! Yuhuang smash fist! It turns out that the power of Yuhuang smash fist is so powerful! I knew I would concentrate on cultivating this killing secret method."

"Shit! That\'s the fist of killing God and cracking the ground! It\'s our unique secret method of killing God."

"Since it\'s your boxing, why is it mastered by a stone man?"

"When our ancestors saw that the stone man was poor, They rewarded him."

"Look, there are thousands of mineral veins winding around the stone man. Damn it, there are hundreds of huge divine materials in it. Damn it, I have searched this divine hiding place for dozens of times. Why didn\'t I find the divine materials?"

"Some divine materials also belong to the gate of our kingdom of heaven. Where is your turn to search?"

"What right do you have to say that you are the gate of heaven? Don\'t forget that the strong existence of your gate of heaven was killed by the ash Knight kukas. The timid even ran to other areas."

"The ash Knight kukas is a fart? The throne priest of the eternal night church came to this area. Do you think the ash Knight kukas bothered him? For the throne priest, killing an ash knight is like crushing an ant."

"Shit, everyone knows the power of the ash knight. What\'s the shit throne priest? When he came to kukas, didn\'t he lie on the ground like a dog and beg for mercy?"

"How dare you insult the priest on the throne? I\'ll kill you."

"Come on! If you can\'t kill me today, let me kill you."

Thousands of professionals watched and quarreled around the struggle between the stone giant and the bone dragon, and finally developed into a struggle, thus forgetting the original purpose of coming here.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" the fight between kukas and the sky fighter did not stop because of the debate of those professionals, but the killing became more crazy. They killed from the Arctic ice sheet to Heishui swamp, from Heishui swamp to Kemeng mountain area, and then to Jilei wasteland. In just ten days and ten nights, the two crossed several regions and did not know how many hundreds of millions of miles.

The two killed red eyes. Even after exploding the space, in order to erase each other, they directly pulled each other and jumped into the broken space for random transmission, trying to strangle each other with the help of legends, gods and even the power of space.

However, legends and gods did not appear. The power of space alone had no ability to strangle them.

"These two madmen can really fight. When I met them, they had been fighting with each other for several magic hours." a small team of people from the gate of heaven appeared on a mountain. They stared at kukas and zhantian Lai thousands of miles away, shouting: "Their strength is also good, and they are all from the abyss alliance. We might as well inform the throne priest and let her come and kill the two madmen!"

"I don\'t think it\'s necessary for the throne priest to take action. We can go together," someone whispered.

"I\'m afraid we\'re not their opponents. When I first saw them, these two people were blown up by each other, and their bodies can recover instantly." the professional who spoke at first said with some jealousy: "maybe they all bound the resurrection scroll with their souls. Unfortunately, these two madmen used such precious things."

"I\'ll see the strength of these two madmen. If we can, we can kill them. In that way, we don\'t have to bother the throne priest."

"Yes." the others agreed with each other, but they thought that kukas and zhantian were just ordinary.

You know, now kukas and zhantian have killed out the polar ice field and turned into an area divided into Jilei wasteland.

Although the Jilei wasteland is close to the polar ice sheet, the reputation of kukas is only spread here in a small range. In this area, except for those professionals driven here by him, others don\'t know him at all.