Abyss Knight

Chapter 764

Zhan tianzhe pressed kukas on the earth, held the scepter tightly, and madly instilled black-and-white power into his body: "die! Heaven and earth are exclusive! No one can challenge my authority."

"Roar!" kukas roared, grabbed the zhantian\'s head with one hand, and then hit his head hard: "it\'s you, not me."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Their heads were like hammers in the hands of soldiers, without any fancy continuous collision.

The dull collision sound sounded one after another. The blood on the two people\'s heads was crisscrossed with gold and silver, and even subtle cracks appeared in their skulls.

"Let\'s die together!" kukas screamed, and recombined a new fighting armor with a secret method. The fighting armor has a fierce light and has seven tenths of the power of his body. The whole body was full of ashes, and the last one was wrapped around his fist, trying to blow the brains of zhantian and kukas at the same time.

But at this time, the underground space was broken again, and the fire Cloud Figure condensed by Zhan Tian\'s secret method was thrown down like a meteor.

Maybe it\'s a coincidence, or maybe it\'s the original intention. The falling fire Cloud Figure hit the fighting armor heavily and flew it out in an instant. And the shadow of the fire cloud fell to the ground. Its body, which was originally very solid, now seems a little illusory.

"Damn it, it\'s all your fault. If it weren\'t for you, the monster wouldn\'t appear." Zhan tianzhe instantly sensed what huoyun human figure met outside through the secret method, so he roared excitedly: "get away from me, I want to leave here."

During the roar, he opened his mouth and bit kukas\'s throat, breaking his throat.

"Roar!" the severe pain didn\'t make kukas lose his sense of war. On the contrary, it made him more willing to kill the warrior.

With five fingers, he crumpled Zhan Tian\'s neck with a click. At the same time, the palm penetrating the Zhan Tian\'s body also scratched downward, forcibly opening his belly.

The black-and-white light burst out in the eyes of the sky fighter. The light hit kukas\'s head heavily and made a violent explosion. And the man who fought in heaven immediately flew out with the help of the rebound force of the explosion, fell heavily on the ground and gasped.

Endless fighting spirit and magic rushed into his body from all directions, but in a few moments, the wound on his body recovered as before. There was a series of slight explosions in his body, but it wiped out kukas\'s ashes.

The sky fighter slowly floated in the sky. He glanced at the fighting armor and fire cloud figure, frowned slightly, and then his sight fell on the place where kukas couldn\'t stand.

Where, a pit of tens of feet in size appeared. In the pit, black-and-white fighting spirit and magic intertwined and collided, sending out a series of explosions. On the solid earth, the black-and-white light beams flowing around tore out dozens of Zhang deep gullies.

"Ashen Knight! Just a person who has just been promoted to ashen knight, he can fight with me for such a long time. If he has his own mount, or even becomes level 9, and has mastered more Knight secrets, I\'m afraid his strength will be stronger! At that time, I\'m afraid my current means will have no effect." A series of thoughts came to Zhan tianzhe\'s mind. He shook his head and muttered in a low voice: "if you don\'t use it for me, you must erase it."

The thought rose in his heart. Zhan Tian stepped on the void with his feet. He carried the scepter emitting black and white light in his hand and killed kukas in the pit.

The scepter fell and directly broke the sky, carrying endless thunder and power, like a collapsed mountain, and fell on kukas.

Kukas, who was lying on the ground, shook his head hard. The attack in the eyes of the fighter hit his head just now. Indeed, it almost broke his head. If his ashes were not strong enough to resist, the whole person would not have been killed long ago.

Before he fully woke up from the collision, his killing talent felt an extremely powerful dangerous breath sweeping towards him.

"Do you want to kill me? Even if I don\'t use the power of the plane origin, you don\'t have the ability to do that." kukas smiled grimly and reached out his hand to shake the sky fighter.

The fist was empty, and the space hundreds of feet in front of him was violently twisted and collapsed. Black resentment came out of the collapsed and distorted space, and then wrapped around his fist madly.

The earth roared, and mysterious forces came out of the ore veins and instilled them into kukas.

These forces instilled into his body from the earth constantly bless his body. Marks similar to the forbidden Dharma array in mineral veins emerge on his skin out of thin air. Countless marks swim on his skin like poisonous snakes. The last twisted virtual shadow wriggles on his back, and the endless resentment wrapped around his arm condenses itself, Then he turned into a skeleton crying in a low voice.

"Seven sins!"

The twisted virtual shadow on his back expanded violently, wrapped kukas up and shrunk into a beam no thicker than his thumb.

The light beam was completely connected by crying skeletons. The light beam passed through the sky and made a sobbing sound. It instantly penetrated the warrior\'s scepter, tore all his defenses and directly penetrated his forehead.

The scepter was broken, and the infinite power and endless power it carried suddenly lost control and immediately vented out.

The powerful magic and fighting spirit hit the wall and burst out deep pits of different sizes in the underground space formed by the vein.

After kukas\'s beam passed through the forehead of the warrior, the trend did not decrease, and it also penetrated the forehead of the fire cloud figure. Finally, it fell to the ground and burst, revealing the figure of CASS flowing blood.

"Seven sins smoke and dust kill!" this secret law was deduced by kukas through the secret law of sin knight, ghost cry knight and ash knight. Originally, this method can only be used as a one shot kill method when there is a mount, but now he has to use it alone.

The power of smoke and dust killing of seven sins is really too powerful. Even though his deduction has just completed less than one tenth, he still brings heavy damage to his body when he uses this killing secret method alone.

The skin was broken inch by inch, and the bones comparable to the magic shield were broken. The strong heart could not bear the pressure and exploded directly.