Abyss Knight

Chapter 761

The black dragon didn\'t take the opportunity to attack them, but roared, shook his body, turned into a black light and rushed directly to kukas. Then he crushed the shield and spear in his claw, turned into thousands of divine light and power, wrapped it around it, and grabbed it directly at kukas\'s head.

"Go away!"

With a low roar, kukas released his violent fighting spirit, forcibly tore the prohibition around his body, and then opened his hand to collide with the claws of the black dragon.

The Dragon claws and palms collided and made a dull explosion. The divine light shines everywhere and the divine power is rampant. Kukas\'s fierce ash fighting spirit was instantly instilled into the black dragon\'s claws, and instantly wiped out the Dragon scales and flesh on them.

A strange dragon Qi was released from the black dragon\'s body and directly injected into kukas\'s arms along with the dragon\'s claws.

The Dragon Qi was rampant and instantly crushed the fighting armor on kukas\'s arms. The strange fighting spirit spread, twined and tore all the armor on kukas in an instant.

The huge collision force bounced kukas out, but the black dragon was no better: the Dragon claws broke, the Dragon scales fell off, and endless dragon blood scattered.


Too lazy to think about how the strange dragon Qi in the black dragon came from, kukas turned his mind and directly urged the chains branded in the black dragon.

The chain trembled, released countless golden light from above, and began to melt the blood, flesh and soul of the black dragon.

The ancient dragon language sounded, and a mouthful of dragon blood gushed out of the black dragon\'s mouth. These dragon blood were scattered and forged into ancient dragon scripts by the black dragon under the action of the secret method.

These dragon scrolls are branded in his own body, but they want to suppress the shackles and prohibitions branded by kukas in his body.

Boom! Boom! Boom! A series of heavy thunder sounded, the black dragon\'s skin swelled and burst, and a large number of golden chains and virtual shadows blew out from under the swelled skin. Under the black dragon\'s secret method, it stifles kukas\'s secret method.

Although the time for the secret method to be suppressed is only a few breathing times, it is enough for the black dragon. All he needs is a breathing time.

The black dragon roared, its mouth opened, and a black and red dragon breath was released from its mouth.

These black and red dragon breath came out and directly stirred the fire clouds entrenched in the sky.

Under the self explosion of dozens of professionals, the fire cloud condensed by Zhan tianzhe was not fragmented by the impact, but took the opportunity to expand a large area. The red cloud wriggled and swallowed the scattered divine light. Even the fighting spirit and magic of professionals were absorbed by it.

The fire cloud in the sky was hooked down by the dragon breath of the black dragon. The fire cloud entangled and integrated into the dragon breath, and even infected the black and red dragon breath into golden yellow.

Kukas was hit and flew out. He was not frightened when he found that the chains he relied on were temporarily resisted by the black dragon. However, seeing the dragon breath of the black dragon touching the fire clouds in the sky, a strong sense of danger rose in his heart.

When you step on the void, the space under your feet is broken. The broken space is like a python swallowing the sky, hitting the golden dragon breath.

The power of earth covering seal collided with the golden dragon breath, and the broken space was wiped out by the rolling dragon breath in an instant. The golden dragon breath wiped out the power of the ground seal, but it didn\'t weaken half its power, and still killed kukas.

"Do you want to kill me? You are so naive." his eyes scanned back and forth between Zhan Tian and black dragon, and a ferocious expression appeared on his newly recovered face armor.

He took out a killing spear and threw it at the black dragon.

The dragon\'s breath curled. I don\'t know what secret method the black dragon used. It has greatly improved its strength. When the dragon breath rolled, it melted the killing spear in an instant.

"Interesting!" kukas smiled grimly, stepped on the void, and suddenly appeared thousands of feet away, avoiding to the other end of the huge space vortex formed by the self explosion of dozens of professionals.

As soon as he appeared at the other end of the space vortex, the fire cloud circling in the air was creeping, and a huge spear ran through in an instant, which was bound to erase kukas.

The black dragon roared in a low voice. After contacting the Zhan Tian who drilled into the ore vein, his body blurred directly. The next moment, he appeared directly in the fire cloud.

Travelling by dragon; Under the influence of the common secret method of Zhan tianzhe and the black dragon, the Dragon scales on the black dragon stand upside down, and the infinite fire clouds crazy follow the inverted dragon scales and drill into his body. For a moment, the size of the black dragon soared, but it changed into a giant dragon of 100 feet in an instant.

The black dragon exposed its claws in the fire cloud, and its huge wings shook, releasing the hurricane, winding the fire cloud and strangling it towards kukas. Kukas\'s cloak shook behind him, cutting the space and blocking it in front of the hurricane, but it was torn apart by the hurricane in an instant, and it didn\'t work at all.

"OK! OK! OK! I\'m here to see if your joint secret method is powerful or my kukas\' killing method is powerful."

See that the power of covering the earth seal can\'t stop the dragon breath, and other secret methods can\'t stop the strange fire cloud controlled by the fighter and the black dragon. At the same time, kukas found that the warrior had escaped from the body of the fierce beast giant and drilled into the ore vein alone to leave here.

The fire cloud in the sky became violent and moved with the departure of the fighter. I don\'t know whether it was the fighter or the black dragon\'s control: the fire cloud wriggled and pieces of lava fire hundreds of feet in size fell down. These magma fire masses drip on the ground and instantly melt into magma pools hundreds of feet in size.

For a time, a huge heat wave filled the underground space. The heat wave was raging. Although there was no infinite flame, the ore on the space wall began to melt under the flood of the heat wave.

Countless forbidden Dharma arrays hidden in the ore veins were wiped out by the heat wave. Large pieces of ore turned into metal liquid and began to flow on the earth. In an instant, they swallowed up those cracks and buried all the traces caused by the initial battle.

"Kill!" kukas roared, and dozens of killing spears were taken out by him. A small part was thrown at the roaring black dragon, but more were thrown at the zhantian who drilled into the ore vein.

Under the control of the warrior, the fierce beast giant waved a huge totem pole and beat the killing spear to resist the killing spear.

The killing spear collided with the totem pole one after another, the huge explosion sounded, the endless divine light was vented, and the surrounding space was broken in an instant.

The already unstable underground space became more turbulent after dozens of killing spears exploded and unleashed their infinite divine power.