Abyss Knight

Chapter 762

Ten killing spears were thrown by kukas at one time, and nearly a hundred killing spears hit the beast giant in a row. The powerful force blew up the beast giant, and even the huge totem pole in his hand was blown to pieces.

The soul of the ferocious beast giant was blown up and destroyed by infinite divine power in an instant.

The warrior, who was walking in the mine, lost the protection of the fierce beast giant and directly faced the killing spears.

The killing spear was thrown out crazily by kukas. Each spear has the power to instantly destroy an eighth level professional. At this moment, dozens of spears, nearly a hundred spears, hit down like raindrops, and instantly tore the surrounding ore veins and burst him out.

Fighting spirit and magic intertwined and turned into a black-and-white light curtain around him. However, under the impact of infinite divine power, although the fighter continues to instill fighting spirit and magic into it, the black-and-white light curtain is still trembling and in danger of breaking at any time.

As for the black dragon hidden in the fire cloud, it is even more embarrassed. In order to kill kukas, he urged one secret method after another. When several secret methods were applied, he was almost exhausted. If he had not been supported by the power in the cloud of fire and some secrets were still working, he would have been torn by the killing spear.

"Roar! Damn it, I forgot that this damned devil has thousands of killing spears. Roar! Damn zhantian, if it weren\'t for your words, I wouldn\'t be so impulsive. Roar! I\'m not reconciled." the black dragon shuttled through the nearly ten thousand foot fire cloud and roared reluctantly.

"Want me to die? Then I\'ll let you all bury me."

The black dragon roared and stretched out his claw to pierce his chest, and then tore his heart out. The ancient dragon language sounded in his mouth. The beating heart accompanied his dragon language, and illusory giant dragon shadows began to emerge on it.

With his heart as the center, these giant dragon virtual shadows began to circle. Where they went, they cut the space, forcibly extracted a large amount of space turbulence, and then fabricated a dragon nest.

The dragon\'s nest is nearly 100 feet in size, like an inverted bowl. Countless imaginary vines were woven into the shape of the dragon\'s nest. Through the gap, kukas saw a beating heart and a black dragon whose soul was still wrapped in golden chains in the center of the nest.

It turned out that when the Dragon Nest was formed, the black dragon drilled in. The body of more than a hundred feet was smashed, the flesh and blood were mud, the white bones were the frame, and the muscles and bones were woven into the altar and walls, which made the Dragon Nest more real in an instant.

The endless dragon Qi was released from the nearly hundred feet long dragon nest. The Dragon Qi was filled. In the newly cast Dragon Nest, there were endless dragon chants.

A giant dragon of tens or even tens of feet in size drilled out of the semi-circular Dragon Nest.

These giant dragons drilled out of the Dragon Nest are completely made of white bones, like bone dragons summoned by the necromancer.

Some of these giant Dragons of different sizes have nine heads, some have nine claws or three tails.

Their appearance is very strange, and their breath is also very strong.

"Who called me? Who is bullying the members of our dragon family?" Nine Dragons roared, and Bai Sensen\'s backbone gushed out of his nine heads.

These backbone spread and entangled, and hooked the infinite thunder and fire in the void. His breath alone is enough to tear the heaven and earth and shatter the sky.

The divine power generated by killing the spear surged to him and was instantly wiped out by his white bone breath and infinite pressure.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A series of vibrations rang in the underground space, the ore veins turned into magma rolled, and large pieces of ore fell down.

A strange threat ran through the earth and fell into the underground space in an instant.

"The forbidden secret of the dragon clan!" the extremely embarrassed zhantian who was bombed by the killing spear waved his Scepter madly and released a large number of fighting spirit and magic mixed black and white beams to resist the killing spears around. After seeing the Dragon nest made by the black dragon with his flesh and blood, the whole person suddenly became crazy.

"Ha ha! Stupid people! You\'re all going to die here, so I\'ll go first." Zhan Tian roared, violently crushed a black-and-white gem at the top of the scepter, then directly tore the mineral vein on his head and continued to escape.

I saw the fire clouds in the sky as if they were to cover the departure of the fighters, and the continuous clouds of nearly ten thousand feet were shrinking. But the breathing time changed into a red normal size figure.

The figure also carried a scepter in his hand, and his face was very similar to that of Zhan Tian. After he formed, he immediately turned into a red light, waved his scepter, broke through the chaotic void, and directly killed kukas.

Hundreds of killing spears were thrown out by kukas at one breath. All of these killing spears broke out near the vein crack torn by the warfighter.

The powerful power is not given to those dozens of professionals at all. To some extent, it is much stronger than those self exploding powers.

The powerful force directly tore the underground space and exposed the sky with continuous war. The man who fought the sky, with his black-and-white light curtain broken, swayed and flew towards the sky.

In that sky, black clouds sank, and countless thunder fires, hurricanes, meteorites and cold ice fell. Most of the targets were white bone dragons flying out of the Dragon Nest, and a few were hanged towards kukas.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The figure gathered by the fire cloud waved his Scepter like a mad dog and killed kukas crazily.

Waving the scepter, it cut through the space and shrouded kukas like a meteor.


Kukas roared in a low voice, but instead of fighting with the figure gathered by the clouds, he stepped on the void and went after the fighter who flew out.

Hundreds of skull dragons roared. Among them, a giant dragon hooked the dragon\'s nest with its tail, dragged the dragon\'s nest and flew out.

The bony dragon opened its mouth, spewed out black dragon breath and wound it around kukas.

"Humble creatures, pay the price for enslaving our members!"

"Go away!" kukas growled. The space under his feet was constantly twisted and collided with the dragon breath of the bone dragon.

The twisted space is just a moment to stop the dragon breath. The dragon breath tears the space and continues to wrap around kukas.

At this time, the dark clouds condensed in the sky become heavier and fall madly with various attacks. Each fall is like the full-strength attack of a ninth level professional.