Abyss Knight

Chapter 760

"I only want freedom." the black dragon roared, and his fight with the fierce beast giant became more and more fierce.

Dragon Qi is vertical and horizontal, and the beam of magic and fighting Qi is rampant. The huge totem pole flew up and down, breaking space and spanning time.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of dull explosions sounded, and the struggle between the two creatures was nothing fancy. It was all a hard fight.

Giant, give the black dragon, black dragon, give the giant. Both sides only kill the space in which the divine light is broken, the earth collapses and the space is distorted.

Dragon blood was scattered. The silver gray blood was like a fountain. Almost half of the cracks on the ground were filled with their scattered blood.

But even so, the two creatures are still fighting madly.

Kukas stepped on the void with his feet, flipped his hands, and exerted his power of covering the ground one after another. However, under the endless fighting spirit and magic of the sky fighter, his power of covering the earth has no ability to envelop the giant and the sky fighter. Instead, he was forced to retreat by the fighting spirit and magic mixed together for unknown reasons.

The ruby Sutra teacher closed his eyes and suspended in the air. A long golden hair rose into the sky, and a red beam of light came out of the ruby on his forehead. These beams of light are woven into nine suns behind her. The sun rises and falls, releasing countless golden lights to shine on the whole space.

Under the golden light, even the boundless divine light emitted by hundreds of feet of divine material was forcibly suppressed by more than half.

The remaining dozens of professionals were bathed in the golden light, and their attack and defense increased several times. It is often destroyed after resisting the light beam of the war god for several times.

And their attack, hit the giant, and even can tear the giant\'s skin, let him flow out of silver gray blood.

"Zhantian should fall, because heaven and earth take care of you, but you use it to oppress the weak." the ruby master fiercely opened her eyes, and two golden lights gushed out of her eyes. She spoke strange words, but kukas and they could clearly know the meaning.

"Bullying the weak? I\'m helping the weak to have the ability to resist the strong. In my former territory, there were no nobles, dignitaries, and only ordinary civilians. They didn\'t have to pay high taxes, let alone serve heavy corvee. Is this still bullying the weak? If those dignitaries and nobles were also weak." After listening to the words of the ruby master, Zhan tianzhe was very excited: "on the contrary, you people, because of the relationship of interests, continue to support and increase the number of powerful people, so that they can exploit the weak civilians and obtain great benefits."

On one side, kukas just shook his head in disdain and bit up after listening to the strange voice of Zhan tianzhe and Ruby Sutra.

In his opinion, both dignitaries and civilians have a huge distance from themselves. Those people\'s affairs have nothing to do with him now. Of course, this gap is not what he wants to eliminate.

"It\'s crazy to say these useless words when fighting for life and death." kukas turned his mind and two killing spears emerged from his hands.

At the moment when the killing spear appeared in his hand, the ruby master drank softly, and the nine rounds of sun behind him hit the fierce beast giant like a meteor.

The golden ball of light rolled and crushed the space in an instant, like nine space torrents, ferociously hitting the giant and the fighter on his head.


Facing the attack of the ruby Sutra, the Zhan Tian didn\'t pay attention at all. He just drank a little painfully, and then gently knocked his Scepter on the giant\'s forehead under him.

The scepter struck on the giant\'s forehead, and the giant moaned. Then he saw that his body tens of feet tall had shrunk by half in an instant. The strong body bent up in an instant, and the black dragon\'s spear pierced into his body, and a big hole came out.

While the giant abnormally shrunk, dozens of professionals around the ruby Sutra burst out fighting spirit and magic at the same time.

Two different forces are extremely powerful, and each one is comparable to a normal eighth level professional.

And now such a powerful two forces collide and entangle in their bodies, and the whole person explodes in an instant.

If it\'s just a professional self explosion, no matter kukas or Ruby spar, they won\'t take it to heart, because those self explosions only embarrass them a little. But at this moment, dozens of professionals explode at the same time.

Dozens of professionals burst at the same time, and the violent magic power and fighting spirit instantly filled the entire tens of thousands of feet of underground space.

The space formed entirely by precious minerals began to collapse, and those forbidden Dharma arrays contained in the ore veins were destroyed in an instant. Some special minerals that can be immune to magic and fighting spirit have been forcibly erased by the outbreak of these powerful forces.

Dozens of professionals exploded and burst out a space vortex thousands of feet in place. The whirlpool turned and dragged the ruby Sutra into it in an instant.

The violent force raged, and the whole underground space stirred was about to collapse.

The turbulent flow mixed with fighting spirit and magic wandered disorderly, hit the earth, and instantly hit a hole thousands of feet deep.

Every turbulence mixed with fighting spirit and magic is equivalent to a full blow of a level 10 professional.

Two killing spears were thrown out by kukas. The killing spear radiated boundless divine power. The purpose was not to erase the turbulence around him, but to take the opportunity to hunt the warrior.

The warrior glanced at kukas wearily, and the scepter in his hand was empty in front of him. The next moment, dozens of black-and-white chains appeared from the void, directly wrapped around kukas and firmly locked him in place.

The fierce beast giant abandoned the black dragon and waved a huge totem pole to smash the two killing spears.

The lion\'s head shook and his four feet soared into the air, tearing the ore wall hard and preparing to leave here.

"Black dragon, kill him and you will be free." Zhan tianzhe turned his head and looked at the black dragon. In the eyes of Zhan tianzhe, a strange light directly shines on the soul of the black dragon, and immediately hooks the killing idea that the black dragon has been suppressing: "he is now banned by me, kill him with your strongest means. Only in this way can you be free."