Abyss Knight

Chapter 759

Although the fierce beast giant was fighting with the professionals who guarded the ruby Sutra, kukas found that he was stiff and just fighting at random.

The huge totem pole is waving indiscriminately, and there is no organization at all. However, the fighting spirit and magic wrapped around the totem pole became stronger and stronger.

The warrior who had half of his body integrated into the giant\'s head was sober earlier than kukas. He had a crown of fighting spirit and magic condensation on his head. He waved his scepter and ejected light beams one after another. Every attack must have a professional erased.

"What a powerful means." looking at the warrior with spirit on his face, kukas couldn\'t help admiring each other: "but no matter how strong you are, you are destined to fall into my hands today."

When his mind turned, he took out some medicine and put it into his mouth to stabilize the fighting space, he roared, stepped on the void, crossed the sky and appeared directly in front of the fierce beast giant.

Cover the ground!

Tens of feet of space distortion, countless thunder and fire hit the fierce beast giant like rain. The thunder and fire burst and hit the fierce beast giant, leaving only gray and cyan scars, but there was no other damage.

"I am the only one in heaven and earth! You people, under my power, are just fighting in a desperate corner. Surrender to me, I will lead you to the peak and become the Supreme God King." the fighter roared loudly and waved his scepter, erasing one professional after another.

The fierce beast giant roared, the totem pole in his hand waved indiscriminately, and forcibly smashed the power of overlaying the ground seal. The totem pole\'s power didn\'t decrease. It hit kukas hard and flew him out in an instant.

The huge body fell heavily to the ground, but he found that the black dragon was red in eyes and devoured the flesh and blood on the ground crazily.

When the black dragon saw that kukas\'s fighting armor was broken, his limbs were twisted, and the blood of gold and silver was sprayed out of his body, the evil thought that had always been suppressed burst out: "kill him, as long as I take the opportunity to kill him, I will be free, forever free."

The idea rose and grew madly in his mind.

"Great master, are you all right!" the black dragon bit the flesh and blood in his mouth and roared ferociously. "Great master, let\'s get out of here quickly! The fighter is too powerful. I have no ability to resist his attack, especially the strange giant with two heads."

"Can\'t resist their attack? Even if you can\'t resist it again, you have to resist it." kukas grimly smiled. The golden chain wrapped in the black dragon\'s body had already passed the black dragon\'s thoughts to him, but he didn\'t bother to pay attention to it now: "get up. If you kill the double headed giant, I\'ll give you freedom."

"Are you serious?" the red light in the black dragon\'s eyes dissipated in an instant, revealing a clear look: "kill that giant, I can be free? Do I get free immediately? Or do I need other conditions?"

"At the moment of the giant\'s death, you can get freedom. There are few opportunities to get freedom, and this is the case right now. Of course, if you can\'t do it, I think you don\'t mind waiting 300 years to look for opportunities again." kukas sneered and directly suspended into the air, but didn\'t step on the black dragon\'s head again: "Maybe you can try to take the opportunity to kill me. Maybe you will be free."

"Gaga! Then let me kill the giant to get freedom! Roar! I\'ve been waiting for this day for more than 300 years, roar! Freedom!" the black dragon roared, his dragon Qi flickered, and his seriously injured body recovered more than half in an instant. Then he waved his wings, opened his teeth and claws, ejected infinite dragon breath, and rolled over to the fighter and the giant under him.

A series of dragon words came out from the mouth of the black dragon. With him singing those dragon words, the space around the black dragon began to twist, and the infinite dragon Qi came directly to him across the endless void, and then condensed into ancient dragon words and branded on each dragon scale.

The black dragon, blessed with infinite dragon Qi, roared up to the sky and twisted the space while walking. A magic light was wrapped between his claws by the Dragon Wings, and then condensed into a shield and a spear.

The shield shook and collided with the totem pole of the fierce beast giant. The spear pierced the giant\'s skin for the first time and pierced into his body.

Silver gray blood flowed from the giant. Stimulated by the blood, the fierce beast giant became more crazy and irritable.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" a roar sounded from the giant\'s mouth. With this huge roar, the giant\'s two heads changed at the same time. Human characteristics disappeared and lion\'s head was replaced.

The lion\'s head roared and spewed out a tornado formed by the intersection of magic and fighting spirit from the huge mouth. The huge totem pole in his hand shook and directly broke the space where he went, and dozens of spaces were hooked from the broken space.

The huge totem pole instantly hit the chest of the black dragon, and the black dragon wailed. However, under the attack of the totem pole, his huge body just shook, and endless dragon Qi flew out of the Dragon scales on his chest. These dragon Qi entangled, and the collapsed chest was restored in an instant.

"Dirty giant, for the freedom of the great black dragon, you must give your life." the black dragon opened his mouth, spewed out dragon breath and hit the virtual shadow of some totem pillars. The virtual shadow of the totem column that even the kukas land cover India power can\'t break is abnormally dissipated and collapsed under the dragon breath of the black dragon.

The red light beam spurts, shoots and comes out of the black dragon\'s eyes. The two light beams cross the space and directly distort the space.

Two huge dragon wings waved, and countless hurricanes entangled the endless divine light and residual divine power, and evolved into spears, which pierced the giant like raindrops.

"Surrender to me! Or die." Zhan tianzhe was extremely surprised to see the suddenly exploding black dragon. Although he didn\'t care about the black dragon, he couldn\'t help but be surprised to find another creature in the underground space that was not enslaved by the ruby master. "I didn\'t expect that your strength is equal to that of the ash knight, or you are decisive and even surpass your master. Follow me! I will make you the king of the Dragon King, the leader of all dragons, and control all the Dragon families in the endless void. Your name will also be handed down to the world because of your correct choice. No one will forget it for generations."