Abyss Knight

Chapter 758

Among the gold treasures, mountains collapsed, temples were broken and turned into countless fragments, all of which were hanged by the emperor zhantian.

The fire cloud over the head of Zhan Tian was filled, and countless fireballs scattered like raindrops. Hit the ground, smashed the earth into several tens of meters of deep pits, broke in the air, and distorted the divine light of several tens of meters.

"I\'m the only one in heaven and earth!" the fighter smiled and waved his scepter. A light beam with fighting spirit and magic crossed from it and pierced directly at the fallen Ruby Sutra.

"Drink!" kukas found that the other party attacked the ruby master. Although he wanted to rescue, the fierce beast giant was too fierce. The totem pole in his hand fell and directly imprisoned the space. He was not allowed to leave at all.

Although the Templar who broke the earth not far away was aware of the danger of the ruby Sutra, he didn\'t go to the rescue at all. He was just hunting the followers of Zhan Tian.


At the moment when Zhan tianzhe\'s beam was about to hit the ruby, the ruby on the master\'s forehead flashed fiercely, a red light flashed, and then a noble woman\'s virtual shadow came out of the gem.

The woman has a beautiful face, wears a crown, wears rosy clouds and steps on the pattern of stars. Behind her, there are nine red suns.

The woman stretched out her hand and the Scriptures scattered on the ground fell directly into her hand: "Ke Mawu\'s will."

Several ancient syllables came out of her mouth, and the Scriptures in her hand were fiercely scattered, and then combined into a pair of exquisite armor, which directly shrouded the ruby Sutra.

As for the beam of light that came from the slaughter, the woman\'s virtual shadow just shook with her hand, and scattered the beam that twisted the space and tore the endless divine light.

"She is my daughter, and all living creatures must protect her." the woman opened her mouth slightly and continued to say in the ancient language: "no one can hurt her, because she is my daughter."

After saying this, the woman\'s virtual shadow dissipated, turned into a red light, and returned to the ruby master\'s forehead.

The ruby Sutra stood up from the ground with a low moan.

"Protect the master!" just as the ruby master stood up, whether they were the people of the gate of heaven or the servants of the warrior, they roared excitedly to protect the ruby spar.

At this moment, no one noticed this anomaly, because just after the image of the woman appeared, strange voices sounded in the depths of everyone\'s souls in the underground space.

Under the entanglement of those voices, almost everyone regarded the ruby master as a great master for whom they could pay their lives, and all subconsciously gathered around her to protect her.

This sound also appeared in kukas\'s soul. Under the entanglement of that sound, he almost took the ruby Sutra as his master, but under the action of killing talent, he still clearly sensed the great danger that the words brought to him.

Under the stimulation of killing talent, kukas woke up in an instant. Although he was sober, the words wrapped around his soul still did not dissipate.

The woman\'s unique soft words branded pieces of six pointed star array of different sizes on his soul. Every time he branded a Dharma array, his mind was confused.

"Damn it, even his own people can deal with it." kukas roared in a low voice. He mobilized his mind to return to his soul to resist those language marks, but as soon as his mind touched those six pointed star Dharma arrays, he was immediately absorbed and had no ability to clean up these things.

In a hurry, he couldn\'t care about anything, but fiercely urged the original power of the soul to burn.

The origin of the soul burns, and the incandescent flame rises up in the air, instantly wrapping his whole soul. The burning soul flame even penetrated the altar in the fighting space and directly ignited his fighting spirit.

However, in a short moment, kukas\'s whole fighting space was full of flames.

The fire burned, and the altar, chains, pillars, and even space burned.

The huge fighting space began to shrink and expand under the burning of the soul flame. Nothingness collapses in space, exposing large tracts of nothingness black holes.

When the mind turned, the fighting armor on the body immediately disappeared into the fighting space, and then jumped to the soul who climbed out of the altar and fiercely waved his fist to attack.

The soul flame instantly burned the fighting armor. Although the fighting armor had been quenched countless times, it was quickly damaged under the burning of the soul flame.

However, under the control of kukas\'s mind and will, it still waved its fist and hit the void above its soul.

The fist fell, wrapped around the endless soul fire, and hit the void.

With one punch, the soul flame filled in the fighting space and the ignited fighting spirit seemed to find a vent, gathered together in an instant, and poured into the broken void along with the fist of the fighting armor.

The soft words became confused, and the six pointed star array, which was constantly branded on the soul, began to blur and collapse under the burning of the soul flame.

A few moments later, the armor collapsed, countless flames were instilled into nothingness, and then exploded violently.

The power of the explosion instantly destroyed most of kukas\'s fighting space. Ancient words emerged from the broken space. As soon as they appeared, they were burned by the soul flame.

A few moments later, the words wrapped around the soul disappeared, and kukas quickly stopped the burning of the origin of the soul and stored the soul in the altar.

His soul consumed one percent of its source in the burning of just a few moments. Although this original power seems very rare, it has a very serious impact on him.

The loss of soul power is even more serious than the destruction of his fighting space.

He urged the secret method to extinguish the flame, and then mobilized the fighting spirit contained in the altar to evolve into a nine pointed star array to suppress the fighting spirit. After the space was stable, he quickly released his mind and observed the situation outside.

When his mind returned, he was stunned to find that the ruby master was wearing gorgeous armor and the whole person was suspended in mid air. Around him, a large number of professionals gathered there and were fighting with fierce beasts and giants.

On one side, the Templar ground breaker floated in the air and roared. It was obvious that he was also resisting the brand in the depths of his soul and unwilling to become a slave of the ruby Sutra. However, he was not too decisive and did not use the soul flame to burn those languages at all. Therefore, he was still struggling to get out of the control of the language.