Abyss Knight

Chapter 757

"Do you want to kill me? You don\'t have the qualification!" the fighter shouted. The light mixed with magic and fighting spirit intertwined under his feet and took him directly to the head of the fierce beast giant.

The scepter in his hand fell and hit the ferocious head of the fierce beast giant. When this Scepter was smashed down, countless lights burst and turned into tens of millions of silk threads to pierce into the head.

The end of the silk thread was wrapped around the warrior, integrating his lower body into the giant\'s head.

"Knight\'s secret!" kukas and the Templar who split the earth shouted at the same time when they saw that the body of the warrior was integrated into the fierce beast giant.

"Why? Just a little Knight\'s secret method surprised you? Ha ha! This is the greatness of the warrior. As long as you submit to me, I have the ability to make you have fighting spirit and magic at the same time, so that you can use not only the knight\'s secret method, but also the secret methods of other classes." A layer of holy light appeared on the handsome face of Zhan tianzhe: "follow me, Lai! Step on the peak of the world and meet all your wishes. Only I, Zhan tianzhe Lai, can give you these."

"Zhan Tian zhe Lai! Zhan Tian zhe Lai!" the professionals who followed Zhan Tian zhe shouted loudly. With their cries, fighting spirit and magic emerged on them at the same time. One by one, the eighth level killing secret method is displayed crazily, as if it doesn\'t care about the endurance of fighting spirit and meditation space at all.

Some professionals at the gate of heaven have trance eyes. They look at Zhan tianzhe Lai blankly. In their hearts, a voice constantly calls them to follow him!

Kukas also found abnormalities, but his mind was strong and was not guided by the other party. However, after discovering the abnormalities of ordinary professionals, he reminded the ruby master to let the other party erase the spiritual secret of the warrior.

Stepping on the void, the huge body appeared directly in front of the warrior on the head of the two headed giant. His hands were crossed and his power was released.

The two broken spaces were like a python swallowing the sky and rushed towards the zhantian.

"I said I was the winner, and I said no one could break my defense." the warrior whispered, and his Scepter pierced the forehead of the fierce beast giant. A light curtain of fighting spirit and magic appeared, which stubbornly blocked kukas\'s attack.


Accompanied by a dull explosion, two killing spears appeared directly in kukas\'s hands. Throw the spear and stab it down to the sky warrior.

"No one can hurt my master." the fierce beast giant roared, and the thrown totem pole returned to his hand in an instant.

The lion\'s lower body walks on the earth, tramples on the earth, disintegrates countless minerals and splashes them around. He waved a huge totem pole and instantly hit kukas\'s two killing spears.


With a dull sound, the divine power was vented, and the whole underground space contracted fiercely, and the endless divine light was stirred in chaos. The powerful power immediately wrapped the fierce beast giant and directly tore the space around him.

"Kill!" the ground breaker in the distance roared, and the blood smell condensed into a spear, and pierced the head of the fierce beast giant at the same time. And he himself, carrying a spear, urged the one legged black bull to kill the servants who followed Zhan Tian.

A series of strange words sounded from the two heads of the fierce beast giant at the same time, and the huge totem pole was hit on the earth in front of him one after another.

The thick totem pole hit the earth. With each impact, a large number of yellow halos burst out.

These yellow halos are condensed and twined in the air to form illusory totem pillars. These totem poles surrounded him to resist the hanging of the divine power released from the killing spear.

The power of the earth seal is exerted and slapped on an illusory totem pole. In a dull explosion, the strong rebound force tore kukas\'s fighting armor, and the illusory totem pole was only slightly reduced by a circle.

The divine power strangled, like the tide, kept pouring into those illusory totem poles. Although dozens of thick totem pillars were destroyed in an instant, with the action of fierce beast giants, more totem pillars emerged.

At this time, the warrior who inlaid his body on the giant\'s head recited the ancient mantra. A cloud of fire began to coalesce over his head.

As soon as a small part of the fire cloud condensed, the magic wave emitted from it brought great danger to kukas.

The rampant divine light in the space began to recover under the magic wave, and even some divine light was directly crushed into nothingness by the magic wave.

"Dong! Dong! Dong!"

A heartbeat sounded in the underground space. With the heartbeat, the minds of some professionals with weak willpower were forcibly crushed by the heartbeat. The whole person hugged his head and exploded with a bang.

The women who first stood behind the warrior Lai ah suddenly screamed and flew out exquisite magic props from them. These magic props are integrated into the fire cloud overhead, further accelerating the expansion speed of the fire cloud.

With the singing of the warrior Lai ah, the skin of the fierce beast giant began to crack, and the scarlet blood scattered out, and then rolled back into the fire clouds in the sky.

Strange words flew out of the giant\'s other head. Every time a word flew out, the giant\'s body shrank, and his momentum was weaker.

"He\'s using the secret method to extract the spirit and spirit of the fierce beast giant. Use the secret method. Come on, stop him." the ruby Sutra first noticed the abnormality of the warrior\'s secret method. With her reminder, the gold treasure under her feet shrunk fiercely, and then turned into a golden meteor and hit the double headed giant.

The golden meteor seemed to fall from the depths of the endless void, across the space, through the nothingness, broke the raging divine power and light, and directly hit the zhantian.

"Roar!" the fierce beast giant roared, and the huge totem pole slammed on the golden meteor transformed by the ruby master.

A pillar went down and smashed the golden meteor in an instant. The ruby master\'s soft body flew out, fell heavily on the ground and couldn\'t stand up.

The broken golden meteors let out endless golden light. Like a grinding plate, these golden lights not only polished the divine light and power around, but also suppressed the warriors on the head of the fierce beast giant.