Abyss Knight

Chapter 754

A purple black crystal ball was thrown out by the ruby master. The crystal ball turned and the mysterious magic power was released. A twisted shadow forms under the crystal ball and hovers over the shattered female caster\'s body.

The black dragon lay on the ground like a dog, licking the flesh and blood of the female caster, and glanced at kukas and the ruby Sutra with hatred and unwilling eyes from time to time. With the passage of time, more and more vicious thoughts accumulated.

Distorted shadows sing hymns, with the smell of holiness and resentment emanating from which shadows at the same time.

The soul of the female caster floats from the broken meat. Her soul is blankly suspended in the air, allowing the empty shadows full of resentment to sing hymns around her.

The purple black crystal ball trembled slightly, and the mysterious power was released from it and turned into a chain around the caster\'s soul.

The chain wound, dragging the caster\'s soul back into the purple black crystal ball.

As soon as the soul entered the crystal ball, it burst open. Countless words that only the master can understand were released from the broken soul and branded on the Amethyst crystal ball.

After a short time, the ruby master put away the purple black crystal ball and pointed it to a corner of the underground space.

"The warrior found a passage to the next floor here. In the space of the next floor, the God hiding place contains a ferocious double headed giant. The warrior is to kill the giant and get a magic prop contained in the giant\'s body."

"There are magic props in the giant\'s body?" kukas narrowed his eyes and was very surprised at what Ruby said. He has been fooling around in the Arctic ice field for nearly 300 years. This is the first time he heard that magic props were bred in a god hiding place.

Of course, perhaps in the past days, magic props were also bred, but there was no news.

"Maybe we should see what strange effect that magic prop has." kukas flicked his fingers: the green and gray gloves collided with each other and made a clear sound.

"I hope the warrior hasn\'t succeeded yet." the ruby master nodded, then urged the black dragon to stand up, began to attack the vein wall and open the channel to the next floor.

"Whether it succeeds or not, it must be ours." kukas took a deep breath, got up and trampled on the black dragon\'s head.

The fierce ash fighting spirit was instilled into the black dragon. The black dragon roared, the sharp dragon claws flew up and down, tore the vein wall quickly, and dug a wide passage.


With a dull sound, the black dragon\'s claws tore a solid ore, and a divine light shone into the channel from the front.

With the divine light shining, kukas\'s killing talent was instantly raised to the limit. In his perception, he found that at least 200 people were hovering in the underground space in front of him.

Fighting spirit collision, magic raging; In addition to the breath of more than 200 professionals, he also felt the breath of a fierce beast.

Rushing out of the passage full of divine light, kukas found an underground space tens of thousands of feet in front of him.

In this space, there is endless divine light. These lights are all emitted from a piece of God light hundreds of feet in the central area.

The two groups of people fought against each other in this underground space. Kukas\'s arrival made the two groups of people\'s eyes fall on them.

"Ha ha! Cinder Knight kukas, are you here to kill me or this madman?" kukas heard someone shouting his name as soon as he came out of the passage.

Following the voice, he saw a Templar riding a one legged black bull pointing at him with a knight\'s long gun.

"Ninth order Templar land breaker: Winter lock the door! I thought you had left the polar ice sheet, but I didn\'t expect you to stay here." kukas smiled grimly and shook his hand, but he came out with his own gun and axe.

"Leave here? I dare not leave here without the order of the gate of heaven." the temple Knight cleft the earth touched his long gun with some sigh. He felt extremely uncomfortable about kukas\'s appearance.

But at present, the other party has unexpectedly appeared here. Even if he is unwilling to face kukas, there is no way to avoid it.

"Do you mean that warrior is crazy?" kukas\'s eyes slowly swept through the underground space.

Although this space is full of endless divine light, he can still clearly see everyone\'s appearance and expression here.

"Are you talking about me?" before the Templar Ripper answered, a young man in warrior costume opposite him suddenly opened his mouth.

The young soldier didn\'t wear any armor. He carried a scepter in his hand.

Even though the scepter was filled with endless divine light, it still exuded a powerful breath. Endless magic and fighting light were released from above. These lights collided and wound with each other, evolved into silver light, scattered around and filled the tens of feet of young soldiers.

The young soldier looks beautiful. Kukas believes that if he changes into women\'s clothes, he can definitely be regarded as a great beauty.

Behind the young soldiers stood several women of different looks. These women have members of the feathered people with wings, humans, elves, and even members of a ruby family and an ice corpse family.

"If you think you\'re talking about you, you\'re talking about you." at this time, the ruby master also came out of the channel. She didn\'t ride, but the black dragon went through the passage, but stayed behind and made some arrangements, which slowed down a little and came out.

"Beautiful Sutra, your face is as beautiful as the stars in the sky; your face is even beyond the gorgeous plane treasures and the most exquisite magic props. Can I know your noble name?" the handsome Zhan Tian asked after seeing the ruby Sutra, his eyes lit up, and then he performed the etiquette gracefully.

"Did you still bother me? Who instructed you to do it to me? Tell me the name of the man behind you." the ruby master has always been brooding about the original thing. She always thinks that she was deliberately disturbed at the last moment when she deduced the gold treasure.

"No, beautiful woman, I don\'t know what you\'re talking about. Look! There are our enemies and ugly giants here. Maybe we can leave here and find a place with beautiful environment to talk about life. Maybe we should also discuss each other\'s physical structure." the handsome zhantian gracefully waved his scepter and put it on him, Exudes a mysterious and noble atmosphere.