Abyss Knight

Chapter 753

The broken space swallowed up the crystal spear. The spear expanded and wanted to tear the broken space apart.

Touch! With a dull sound, the broken space contracted fiercely, and then returned to calm. And the crystal spear disappeared.

At the same time, the killing spear hit the crystal wall hard. The spear was broken and the infinite divine light was released, shining on the whole underground space.

The divine light shrouded and released infinite pressure. Hundreds of millions of divine light pounded the crystal wall like a tide.

Zizi\'s voice sounded, and the divine light constantly eroded the crystal wall. The professionals in the crystal wall release more fighting spirit and magic to instill them to resist the erosion of divine light.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the ruby master gave a soft drink, raised his Scepter with both hands, and then beat it hard on the erect eyes behind him.


The eyes were broken, turned into infinite golden light, mixed in the divine light, like waves, fiercely pounding down the crystal wall.

Divine light and golden light are mixed and evolve into infinite waves, which are pounding wave after wave.

The professionals in the crystal wall supported hard. The female caster in the center waved a scepter, and the releaser hit the hammer again and again.

Kukas\'s body shook, his hands staggered, and the ground imprinted power was released one after another, one after another hitting the crystal Warhammer. Every collision smashed the hammer. For dozens of times in a row, kukas\'s gas fighting gloves were broken, but with his mind turning, the broken gloves recovered instantly.

The ancient and mysterious syllables sounded again from the mouth of the ruby Sutra, and a large number of divine light and golden light rolled back and drilled into the chain that almost condensed into a substance.

After absorbing a lot of golden light and divine light, those chains had strange changes.

Some golden words emerged from the chain. With the emergence of these words, the chain condensed into essence became virtual again and finally became translucent.

When no more words emerged from the chain, the ruby master drank it gently, and the contraction strength of the chain increased several times.

Bang! With a dull sound, the chain cracked and the crystal wall crashed. Among the dozens of professionals, more than ten people\'s bodies exploded in an instant, blood splashed and their souls shattered, but they disappeared permanently from the world.

"Kill!" kukas stepped on the void and appeared among the frightened professionals. The falling of big hands is like shooting watermelon, but in an instant, it broke the heads of seven or eight professionals in a row.

The brain burst and the soul was destroyed. Under kukas\'s attack, these professionals had no chance of reincarnation.

The ruby master drank lightly, turned and played with his fingers, manipulated the chain, woven it into a big net in the air, and shrouded the professionals from all directions.

The large net made of these translucent chains shrinks, instantly cutting the space, leaving a fragmented space, which is soon repaired by the eternal plane.

"Rush out, don\'t let them besiege us." the female caster in the center screamed, and fireballs the size of a washbasin gushed out of her staff like rain. The fireball turned and hit the chain net, making a violent explosion.

"We are the servants of the great warriors. We will never be hurt by these humble garbage. Kill them." another shield guard waved a huge shield, like a mountain falling, and turned into a meteor to hit kukas.

"Kill them, under the protection of the master, we will never die." another soldier shouted. His sword wrapped around his extreme fighting spirit, turned into tens of millions of fighting spirit, and chopped down at kukas and the ruby master.

Kukas\'s face armor is ferocious and his feet tread on the void. Where he goes, the space is distorted; The cloak shook behind him, cutting a space crack and swallowing some attacks.

"Bang!" slapped a shield guard who rushed up, smashed his shield in an instant, and then patted his whole body into meat sauce.

The blood mixed with gold and silver was stained on the fighting armor and could not slide down for a long time. A trace of blood evil breath was released from his body, wrapped around his body and evolved into a ferocious monster roaring with teeth and claws.

The ruby master sneered. Under her control, the chain cut all the attacks of those professionals. A large number of weapons emerged from the gold treasure behind her and turned into golden meteors to hit the professionals.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Every breath time, a professional falls. Under the killing of kukas and the ruby master, dozens of professionals, after only three or two breaths, only the female mage in the center is still alive.

The sorceress was suspended in the air, and she was limited by the ruby Sutra\'s chain in a space of three or five feet: "You evil and humble beings, my master will kill you sooner or later."

"Where did the warrior go?" kukas shook his big head, and the gold and silver blood stained on the armor fell to the ground, and then was swallowed by the seriously injured black dragon.

"The great master is killing evil. When he kills those evils, he will come back and erase you." as soon as the female caster said the warrior, the whole person\'s breath became excited: "no one can live under the master\'s power."

"Don\'t write with her, catch her? Or kill her directly?" the ruby master turned to ask kukas for advice.

On her face, I can\'t see those murderous breath. It seems that after the killing just now, her resentment has dissipated more than half.

"Kill it! Uprooting and staying is just adding trouble to us." kukas shook his head and didn\'t change his attention because of the other party\'s gender and embarrassed appearance: "draw out her soul. I want to see her memory of the war man."

"Everything is as you wish." the ruby master smiled in a low voice. With her mind turning, the chain cage began to shrink, while the trapped female mage screamed and spewed out the virtual shadow of the Dragon intertwined with fighting spirit and magic from her head. The Dragon roared and expanded its body to tear off the chain cage.

But the ruby Sutra\'s chain was too powerful. Under the chain that absorbed the divine light and golden light, the Dragon virtual shadow was hanged to pieces as soon as it appeared.

With a scream, the female mage was also cut by the chain in an instant, turned into dozens of meat pieces of different sizes and scattered on the ground.