Abyss Knight

Chapter 755

The ugly giant, the ugly giant said by the warrior with the strange scepter, is a ferocious giant standing under the divine material hundreds of feet in size.

The lower body of the giant is a lion\'s body, and there is half of the giant\'s body at the position of the lion\'s head.

The lion\'s body exudes the smell of fierce animals, while the half of the giant\'s body exudes the unique smell of giants.

The fierce beast giant is only dozens of feet tall. The giant has two heads. One head has a kind face. It looks like a kind and loyal farmer. The other head looked ferocious, with fangs piercing out of his mouth, and his eyes showed ferocious light. A series of vicious curses came out of the head.

In the hand of the fierce beast giant, he carried a thick column, on which countless patterns were carved, and the structure is very similar to the totem column used by the beast people in some planes. But on that pillar, there was no unique smell of totem pillar, but mixed magic and fighting spirit.

"Who ordered you to destroy my deduction?" the ruby Sutra didn\'t seem to hear the words of the warrior. She continued to ask the topic with a serious face.

"Beautiful woman, I don\'t know what you\'re talking about. Maybe we should talk about other things instead of speaking so seriously in a language I don\'t understand."

"Who ordered you to destroy my deduction?" the ruby master asked again.

"Well, as a warrior, no one can instruct me to do things, only I can instruct others to do things. Do you understand what I mean?" the handsome warrior\'s eyes moved between kukas and the ruby master: "Maybe my men have sinned against you, but I feel their resentment around you. You killed my men. I think there is no need to entangle any misunderstanding between us. Now what we have to do is to kill the Templar land Ripper."

"If you want to kill me, I\'ll kill you first." kukas heard a trace of fear from Zhan Tian, because in the past, the Zhan Tian provoked him by leaving the ice city and wandering outside the ice city for several days, but now, after facing him, the other party said such words.

"Ha ha! Kukas, kill the warfighter first. He is controlling the giant." the earth breaker of the temple Knight pointed to the fierce beast giant under the divine material and roared, "if he controls the giant, he can kill the tenth order existence. Do you think we will live like this?"

"Control the giant?" kukas narrowed his eyes. He remembered the change of the young attendant in a short time.

And because of the Templar\'s reminder, his sight once again fell on the fierce beast giant near the divine material not far away.

After careful attention, he found that the smell emitted by the fierce beast giant was a little chaotic, and that kind of chaos was slowly weakening with the passage of time.

The ruby Sutra also noticed that there was something wrong. Under her secret perception, the soul of the fierce beast giant was being eroded by a strange power. She followed the strange power and found that the strange power penetrated the void and emanated from the power staff in the hand of the war god.

"Are you eroding his soul? Use him as a living puppet?" the ruby Master said in surprise: "don\'t you know that this means is more cruel than erasing the soul?"

"Ferocious? No, how could it?" after hearing the words of the earth breaker, Zhan tianzhe looked a little ugly. At this time, facing the doubt of the ruby master, he shook his head and said with a smile: "In order to make the alliance strong and kill more members of the gate of heaven, some means must be used. And I believe that the means I use are definitely hundreds of times more gentle than those of the alliance."

"I just let him feel my kindness from his stupidity and ignorance and let him know my greatness. Is there anything wrong? Without me, he is like a dog. He can never leave this God\'s hiding place and can only stay here forever until he is killed."

Kukas turned his mind, and the black dragon roared loudly under his feet. The huge wings waved and the wind rolled up, and suddenly hanged the man in heaven.

At the same time, the land cracker not far away waved his long gun and released his fighting spirit one after another. Those fighting spirit hit the ore below, and the ore cracked, releasing endless attraction from the huge crack and winding around the subordinates of Zhan Tian.

Only the warrior was surprised by the sudden attack. In his understanding, he believed that with his words, he would attract the other party\'s refutation. Through the verbal refutation, he could delay time and control the fierce beast giant. At that time, he was confident to kill the gate of heaven and kukas. But this sudden attack , completely broke his plan.

"Kukas, you and the people at the gate of heaven join hands to deal with me. This is challenging the majesty of the alliance, and you will definitely be punished by the alliance." the fighter waved his scepter, released staggered fighting spirit and magic from the scepter, and instantly tore the hurricane released by the black Dragon.

"Kill these rebels. Put their heads under my feet and let them regret their wrong decision."

"Kill! Kill them."

"Kill! Kill these madmen."

The people at the gate of heaven and the subordinates of zhantian fought at the same time. For a time, the fighting raged and the magic was vertical and horizontal.

The fierce struggle even crushed the immeasurable divine light emitted by the divine material hundreds of feet in size.

The mountains behind the ruby master are towering, and the temple appears: Golden goblins and iron horses emerge, and countless weapons such as sabres, spears, swords, shields and hammers hit the subordinates of Zhan tianzhe like raindrops.

Kukas shook his gun and axe, and ashes were released from the gun and axe. He hacked those professionals, tore their defense in an instant, and burned their bodies and souls to ashes at the same time.

The black dragon roared. Stimulated by the ash fighting spirit, his dragon spirit was wrapped with a layer of gray and cyan light fog. The light and fog spread and instantly eroded and melted the attacks of those professionals. Even the divine light was corroded into huge holes.

Zhan tianzhe\'s handsome face was a little distorted, but in a moment, more than 100 of his followers were killed. He had never thought of such a result before.

"I will kill you, you evil creatures! Accept the punishment of my great fighter!"