Abyss Knight

Chapter 752

The crystal Warhammer fell and collided with the thirteen awn star virtual shadow of the Dragon Qi illusion of the black dragon.

There was no earthshaking explosion or dazzling brilliance. There was only the sound of broken glass.

The crystal hammer fell and easily smashed the black dragon\'s defense. Fortunately, the black dragon dodged in time and avoided his head, but let the huge hammer hit his chest.

The dragon scale was broken and the dragon blood splashed. Under the crystal hammer, the black dragon was severely smashed and flew out and fell to the ground. The whole chest was broken, and the hard keel was also smashed, revealing the beating heart.

"Surrender, or die!" the female caster in the center of the Dharma array raised her scepter and scolded kukas: "don\'t you understand the greatness of your master? Only surrender to your master is your final destination. No one who opposes your master will come to a good end."

"Shut up!" the ruby master screamed, shook his body, and the gold treasure squirmed behind him, making a deafening roar. In the gold treasure, the mountains moved, the palace soared, a golden palace flew out of it, and then fell down on the crystal wall evolved by the professionals.

"Battle heaven strike!" the woman in the center of the Dharma array said the name again in noble language. The crystal Warhammer shook like a meteor and directly hit the ruby master\'s body. As for the golden palace that fell on them, they resisted it with crystal walls.

"Go back!" kukas roared, stepped on the void and instantly appeared over the ruby Sutra. His big hand turned up and greeted the crystal hammer like lifting a mountain.

"Boom!" with a loud noise, the crystal hammer smashed, and kukas flew out in an instant and hit the wall hard.

At the same time, the golden palace of the ruby master fell on the crystal wall. The palace spins and emits countless golden lights.

A series of thunder and explosions sounded between the palace and the crystal wall, and countless golden lights danced upstream of the crystal wall like poisonous snakes. Countless forbidden Dharma arrays emerged in the crystal wall, which resisted the power of the palace.

Several ancient syllables are spoken by the ruby Sutra. Every syllable she speaks, the breath in this huge underground space is heavy. When she finished those syllables, infinite authority emerged directly from the void and came to the world.

Inexplicable pressure came and directly pressed the badly injured black dragon onto the ground. The surrounding space was distorted, as if it could be broken at any time. The dozens of professionals under the protection of the crystal wall can\'t bear this pressure, so they frantically urge their magic and fighting spirit, release their breath, and gather together through the Dharma array composed of their bodies to resist the pressure penetrating the crystal wall.

"Kotwaze!" at the end of the syllables, an erect golden eye flew out of a palace among the gold treasures behind the ruby master.

The upright eyes opened a tiny gap. The next moment, a golden light flew out of the gap and shone on the palace.

With the support of the golden light, the golden palace suddenly soared around, and the bells hanging on the eaves of the palace jingled. Those voices were intertwined with each other, and then turned into looming chains, which spread from the palace and wound around the crystal wall.

The looming chains emerge, and the prestige in the space is better than three points. The chains were entangled, and there was a series of explosions where they touched the crystal wall. Golden light, crystal flying.

Dozens of professionals under the protection of the crystal wall roared loudly, and their strength was released madly. They were madly supplemented to the crystal wall through the Dharma array, so as to resist the winding suppression of chains and palaces.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

However, during the breathing time, the skin of the weakest of dozens of professionals burst and the blood of gold and silver splashed out. But the body couldn\'t resist the pressure and began to collapse.

"The heaven is supreme and the world is threatened!" several injured professionals shouted. Whether soldiers or spell casters, infinite fighting spirit and magic came out of their eyes at this moment. These magic and fighting spirit wound around them. After absorbing their blood, they evolved into strange words, branded on the crystal wall, and stubbornly resisted the infinite pressure, golden light and chains.

Fighting spirit and magic appeared on a professional at the same time. Although it was extremely shocking, no one was surprised that he was fighting for life and death at this time.

The ruby Sutra drank lightly and flipped her fingers. Pages flew out of her books and integrated into the palace. At the same time, she also spent a lot of magic and opened her talent: glory and golden light.

The golden light released from her was instantly powerful several times. These golden lights were instilled into the vertical eye behind her. The opening of the vertical eye was a little bigger. Although it was only a trace, it made those looming chains solidify at once.

For a time, the power brought by the palace was several times better, the chains were wound, the sound of dragons was heard, and the contraction was stepped up.

The chain trembled and even cut the space into cracks.

However, there are more professionals in the crystal wall. Their eyes emit fighting spirit and magic beams to constantly strengthen their defense. At the same time, the female caster standing in the center gave a soft drink, her face was angry, waved her staff, condensed a crystal spear and threw it at the ruby crystal.

A series of changes were only completed in the breathing time. At this time, kukas, who was shocked out, broke his skin, shed blood and resuspended in the air.

"Dozens of you collided with me alone. Even if you beat me out, I\'m not convinced. Today, I\'ll see if you have a strong joint force or I have a strong force."

The mind turned, and the gray and cyan fighting armor crossed the void and appeared on him in an instant.

The armor is near the body, and the gray cloak shakes, forcibly cutting the solid space. The next moment, kukas stepped on the void, his face armor was ferocious, and the whole man turned into a gray light beam and hit the crystal spear.

"Land seal!" his hands crossed, and the power of land seal was suppressed to the limit by him. The space in front of him was shattered, and endless thunder and fire burst out of it.

The broken space is like a python swallowing, quickly swallowing the crystal spear in front. At the same time, a killing spear flew out of the magic ring and hit the crystal wall like lightning.