Abyss Knight

Chapter 751

Without wasting too much sigh on the busy female scholars, kukas and they set foot at the vein entrance pointed by the ice corpse.

The walls around the ore vein channel are pockmarked. The walls that should have been inlaid with precious stones and materials have been thoroughly excavated, leaving only relatively common magic minerals. Of course, due to the short time or other reasons, the excavated gemstones and materials have not been recovered.

"This is it." after stepping into the mine, the ruby Sutra chanted the extremely ancient language. The power of magic came out of her hands, and the golden light centered on her expanded rapidly around her. Here, she felt the breath of the warrior and hundreds of professionals.

Although kukas did not have the secret method of urging, he could feel the residual breath more clearly and easily than the master under the perception of killing talent.

"Roar! Catch up and kill them." the reduced black dragon roared. His red eyes, ferocious head shook left and right, and disgusting saliva trickled from his huge mouth: "I\'ll eat their flesh and blood."

"Then you catch up and kill them." looking at the appearance of the black dragon, kukas grimly smiled: "I think the flesh and blood of the warrior is definitely more delicious than any creature you have eaten. If you eat him, maybe you will be stronger."

"Yes, if I eat him, I will be stronger. Then I can resist the control of the evil master." the black dragon roared, red eyes and subconsciously followed kukas\'s words.

He rushed to the front, and the endless dragon Qi was released from his body and evolved into a fuzzy thirteen awn star Dharma array around his body. The Dharma array turns and forcibly tears the forbidden brand hidden in the depths of the channel.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A series of explosions sounded. With the rapid running of the black dragon, the forbidden Dharma array left by Zhan tianzhe and his subordinates in the vein channel was torn apart.

For a time, thunder and fire rolled, space twisted, and countless fighting spirit and magic power were released. All these forces hit the black dragon, only the thirteen awn stars on the black dragon trembled, and there was a danger of jumping out at any time.

But even so, the black dragon still roared and charged ahead quickly.

Kukas stepped on the void and exerted his power of covering the earth. With each step, it spans tens of feet. The space under your feet is distorted, and the forces that are vented and released are suppressed and polished.

Behind him, the ruby master carried a scepter in one hand and a heavy book in the other. On her back, there are overlapping mountains and continuous temples, forming a virtual shadow of gold treasures, emitting countless golden light, shining on the whole vein channel.

Walking hundreds of feet along the vein, there is ore in front, which completely blocks the whole channel. The black dragon roared, waved his claws, tore the veins, and followed the breath of the warrior.

Along the way, even if they saw precious minerals, they would not pick them up, but they were on their way wholeheartedly.


The black dragon tore the last layer of ore and appeared in a huge underground space.


In this huge underground space, dozens of professionals are waiting with all kinds of weapons. When the black dragon first appeared here, those professionals attacked him.

"Kill!" kukas stepped into the underground space and saw that dozens of professionals were about to attack the black dragon, so he roared, stepped on the void, crossed hundreds of feet in an instant, and directly appeared in front of a caster who was just ready for magic.

The palm the size of a PU fan grabbed the caster\'s head with five fingers, flashed a gray blue light, and smashed his magic defense with a bang. The next moment, the powerful ash fighting spirit was released from his hands and went into the caster\'s head. In an instant, his head was blown to pieces, and even the soul contained in it was forcibly destroyed.

The magic that lost the master\'s control exploded by itself, and the powerful magic power was vented everywhere. It filled the whole underground space in an instant, bringing a little trouble to everyone.

"Kill!" the ruby was drilled out of the passage by the teacher. The gold treasure rolled behind her and followed her scepter. The golden iron horse roared out and hit several soldiers in an instant, forcibly smashing them into meat sauce.

The golden iron horse did not reduce and crashed into the crowd in the distance, but the shield guard roared and carried a huge shield with a height of more than one person to resist in front.

"Zhantian guard!" the shield guard pressed the huge shield down into the empty air, and a crystal wall spread around with the shield as the center.

"Zhantian guard!" several shield guards shouted at the same time, almost pressing their shields into the void at the same time.

Several crystal walls appeared at the same time, and then quickly linked together to wrap all their people.

The golden horse and iron horse crashed heavily on the connected crystal wall. The iron horse wailed and the chariot collapsed. Several virtual shadow fighters smashed the waved golden horse on the wall and were forcibly wiped out by the crystal wall.

"Your master has long expected your arrival. You are not the opponent of the master at all. I think you\'d better surrender." some of those professionals shouted, "if you surrender, you won\'t be appreciated by the master. You will be given some secret cultivation. Let you cross the world."

"Yes! If you don\'t take refuge in your master, wait for his anger to come!"

"I\'m going to eat you, roar, use your flesh and blood to let me step on the highest peak and make contributions!" the black dragon was ferocious, with red eyes roaring and jumped on the crystal wall.

The sharp dragon claws vaguely distorted the space, and endless dragon Qi wrapped around it. Longwen flew out of his mouth and fused with these dragon Qi, making a sad roar, trying to tear the crystal wall apart.

"Arrogant and ignorant reptile, you are just struggling under the power of the great master." the dozens of professionals scattered their attacks and combined into a complex six pointed star array in the crystal wall.

In the center of the Dharma array is a female caster. She waved her scepter and raised it high. With her words, fighting spirit and magic came out from dozens of professionals. These things were intertwined and turned into a crystal like hammer and hit the black dragon.

The Warhammer roared, distorted the space, and instantly crossed the space and appeared over the black dragon\'s head.