Abyss Knight

Chapter 750

In this case, it is a foregone conclusion that female scholars follow kukas to search for Zhan tianzhe. As for whether she will suffer casualties in the future struggle, neither kukas nor the ruby master will care.

After sorting out his personal belongings, kukas led the two women on the journey. Along the way, the female scholar blinked her big eyes and asked this and that curiously. She was very curious about everything she met.

The ruby master talked to her occasionally, but most of the time he closed his eyes and prepared for the coming struggle. As for kukas, he sat on the faucet and thought about something motionless.

The words of the ruby Sutra became less and less when it was getting closer and closer to the area where the warrior was located. In the end, only the female scholar was left to mutter something. However, at this time, the black dragon at the foot of kukas was interested. He kept talking with female scholars about kukas\'s ferocity, cruelty and killing.

"You must write down such a ferocious man and let future generations know his ferocity." black dragon repeated this content again and again. He never felt bored. In his opinion, as long as kukas was unhappy, he would be happy.

Along the way, there are more and more teams at the gate of heaven, and there are more traces of ice corpses. But both the ice corpse and the people at the gate of heaven left quickly after seeing kukas.

However, after flying hundreds of thousands of miles, ice corpses came up from a distance. The icy corpse brought kukas the exact location of the warfighter.

"He was lucky to find a god hiding place that had just fallen." kukas frowned slightly, because the emergence of God hiding place represented a large number of mineral veins of different sizes. At this moment, the warrior definitely entered the vein. He must choose the right vein to find each other.

"Knight, we know he has entered that vein, so we should find it soon." the ice corpse on one side said in a stiff voice, "there are more than 300 professionals around him. Do you need our help?"

"Not for the time being." kukas shook his head and said, "help me watch the God\'s hiding place, as long as he doesn\'t escape. If the warrior comes out from somewhere, send us a message."

"Yes, knight." the ice corpse nodded, then didn\'t go back and did what kukas told him. Of course, as for whether they are perfect or not, kukas is not sure. After all, some things still need to be handled by himself.

The new God\'s hiding place is a large area, bigger than the one kukas last saw. This God\'s hiding place has just fallen to the earth for a day, but it has begun to be covered with frost.

Some ice corpses are busy in this God\'s hiding place. Some of them search for special plants, while others pieced together those incomplete corpses, and then forcibly transformed them into ice corpses by secret methods, so as to increase the power of the race.

"It\'s really difficult for a newly born race." female scholars watched those ice corpses put together the incomplete limbs that could not be transformed into ice corpses in order to increase their members, and then spent a lot of power to make them their own kind. Such a scene makes female scholars sigh with emotion.

"In this endless void, the survival of any race is extremely difficult. There is nothing to regret." kukas snorted and quickly looked for the vein entrance pointed by the ice corpse.

"But this is the first time I have seen such a difficult race. I\'m afraid they are the only one in this endless void!" the female scholar whispered, "compared with other races, they are too weak."

"Maybe!" kukas thought of the ice corpse living in the mutated Rocky Mountains in his thematic world. Where the ice corpse will drop some crystals in the body after death, but the ice corpse here will not leave that strange crystal after death, just like ordinary creatures, leaving only the body.

It was for this reason that he recognized the judgment of the female scholar just now.

"There are endless planes in the endless void. No one can be sure that they are the only one here. Moreover, compared with those destroyed races, they are extremely lucky." the ruby master suddenly said: "In my main plane, every thousand years, a race completely disappears from the plane. There are too few races that can last for a long time."

The female scholar blinked, did not try to refute, but sighed. After hesitating for a moment, she suddenly said in a very serious tone: "I\'m sorry, I\'m afraid I can\'t follow you to explore the ore vein and search for the warrior. I want to study and record these ice corpses."

"It\'s up to you." kukas nodded, not surprised that the other party suddenly changed her mind. The ruby Sutra beside her seemed a little disappointed. However, she nodded to show her support for the female scholar.

"Perhaps you are the first to describe these ice corpses."

"I don\'t want me to be the last one." the female scholar blinked her big eyes and said with a smile: "I want many scholars to describe kukas\'s behavior, but few describe these ice corpses, so I decided to change my original intention. I don\'t want this race to be mentioned occasionally in other people\'s biographies after its demise."

"I think you\'ve made the right decision," kukas nodded. Without saying anything, he just turned and walked towards the entrance of the vein. However, when he was about to enter the entrance of the vein, he seemed to think of something. Instead, he turned around and carried dozens of killing spears and more than a dozen Jinge capable of killing level 9 to the female scholar.

Unexpectedly, she was given a gift by kukas, but the female scholars did not show much surprise. She just thanked each other for an ancient etiquette, and then found an ice corpse patching up the corpse.

The scroll she used to describe the ice corpse was the scroll that first described the deeds of kukas.

"Let\'s go!" kukas nodded to the ruby master, then stepped on the black dragon, let the black dragon shrink, and plunged into the vein entrance.

"Maybe her choice is right. A scholar should not describe a single person, but a race, or even a world." the ruby master suddenly sighed.

"Whether her choice is correct or not will be evaluated by future generations. We are not qualified to speak of her." kukas paused a little and answered the teacher\'s doubts in a deep voice.