Abyss Knight

Chapter 749

If you don\'t see the priest on the throne, you don\'t know what strange killing means the other party has. In this case, if he fights with the other party rashly, he will be greatly passive after the other party has mastered his killing methods.

"Although the knight\'s killing method is very simple, his fighting spirit is extremely pure, and the divine lights attached to it are too strange to resist those divine lights." the giant ice corpse seems to recall the scene when someone pierced his head with a long gun, and an ugly expression appears on his stiff face.

"The divine light emitted from the Throne made of divine materials? Interesting!" kukas touched his bald head and laughed, "forget it, I won\'t embarrass you. Let your people search for traces of the warrior and the priest on the throne right away."

While talking, kukas condensed the breath of the warrior and threw it to the giant ice corpse so that he could know what kind of person to look for.

"OK, I\'ll let them do it as soon as possible." although the giant ice corpse was not satisfied with kukas\'s tone, he had no ability to resist, so he had to promise.

Kukas didn\'t pay attention to the dissatisfaction of the giant soldiers. In his opinion, since the other party is not satisfied with himself, but does not resist, it means that he can not achieve great things at all, so there is no need to take it to heart.

Ruby spar snorted, turned and walked to the female scholar to see the scholar study the trend chart of ice and ice structure. In fact, she was not too interested in those things, but she had to do so in order to pass the time.

The female scholar spent more than ten days in the gathering place of ice corpses before completing her investigation task. After her task was completed, kukas did not hesitate to return her to the ice city as soon as possible.

After returning to the ice and snow city, the ice corpses still didn\'t send him the news about the warrior and the throne priest.

"We just stay here to practice the secret method in the gold treasure." when kukas planned to go outside to personally search for the traces of the warrior and the throne priest, the ruby master gave him such advice.

"Good! I need to practice the secret of soul." kukas made such a decision after a long silence.

"You should practice any kind of secret method. The power of the secret method of gold treasure is no less than your secret method of ash knight." the ruby master shook his head and smiled. She gave the complete secret method of gold treasure to kukas: "if you are not interested now, I think you will be interested in it in the future."

Kukas accepted this suggestion. After all, memorizing some secrets is not difficult for him.

Kukas could not wait to start practicing after he got the secret method of gold treasure given to him by the ruby master. The main direction of his cultivation is not the killing means, but about the soul.

He now urgently needs to increase his soul power, because he spent a lot of soul power in order to cultivate the special fighting armor of the ash knights. Although almost three hundred years have passed, the soul power consumed in that year has not recovered.

Moreover, he also believes that the lack of his soul power is an important reason why he can\'t understand the rules of heaven and earth. But more importantly, he wants to cultivate a second piece of fighting armor as soon as possible.

In that way, he can completely liberate his noumenon. So as to put the body or the special fighting armor into the zero order plane, and quickly increase the number of fighting armor in disguise through the passage of years. After all, his fighting spirit can not be cultivated actively, but can only increase passively with the passage of time. The number of fighting Qi increased with the passage of years is more than 100 times less than those who can actively practice.

The secret method of soul cultivation in the gold treasure is very complex. Kukas didn\'t gain much after studying it for dozens of days. The ruby master focused on cultivating killing methods. He entered the country quickly, but it was beyond everyone\'s imagination.

During this period, the female scholar came to their residence in kukas more than once, and even stayed here for the night. Of course, she didn\'t have a relationship with kukas. After all, they are high-level professionals, and proper desire control can still be achieved.

On this day, kukas had just studied the secret methods of soul cultivation. When he was trying to cultivate some secret methods of the ash knight, the magic communication between the ice corpse and him rang.

After seeing this, kukas did not hesitate to end this latent training.

"I\'ll go with you." when kukas and the ruby master were going to leave, the female scholar took a lot of scrolls and said such a request.

"I\'m not a nanny!" kukas glanced at each other impatiently. He didn\'t want to delay. He just wanted to find the warrior as soon as possible. On the one hand, he was angry for the ruby master, and on the other hand, he wanted to kill the powerful and strange warrior.

"Killing more than ten eighth level professionals is nothing to me." the female scholar threw the scroll in her arms on the ground for kukas to watch.

Those scrolls are all ninth level single magic scrolls, of which kukas can only recognize the magic sealed in a few scrolls. The power of those magic is extremely powerful. Even if it is sealed in the scroll, its power is far more than his power of covering the ground.

"Where did you get these things? If I remember correctly, these scrolls are on the Arctic ice sheet. No caster can make them, and even they don\'t master these powerful magic." kukas narrowed his eyes and looked at the female scholar strangely.

"Why? If you are allowed to be transferred to the ash Knight alone, I will not be allowed to find some special scrolls?" the female scholar blinked and said with a smile: "Don\'t worry. I\'m just watching the battle on the battlefield and recording your battle. Normally, they won\'t hurt me. And even if they hurt me, I can resist. I really can\'t. I have other things to protect my life. Don\'t worry. Don\'t try to kill and catch me unless it\'s more than half a legend."

"Let her go! Maybe she can find out about the weakness of the warrior." the ruby master suddenly spoke.

Since she studied the information kukas told her about the war god, she felt that the war god and his hand. Therefore, with some purpose in her arms, she agreed to the request of the female scholar.