Abyss Knight

Chapter 742

According to a rough estimate, at least thousands of special professionals with names were killed by kukas in more than 100 years. As for those who have not even been recorded, there are countless.

"I think if he can continue to live, even if he can\'t become a legend or a God, the deeds of the ash Knight kukas I described will be handed down. After all, his current achievements are too powerful in the polar ice field and even the whole eternal plane. I\'m afraid no one can surpass him, even the war God loved by all planes Outside. "

After writing this paragraph at the end, the old scholar carefully stored the scroll. If he can\'t write this scroll himself, he will deliver it to his valued disciples and let them continue to write his deeds.

Kukas did not know that someone began to write books for him. He said that after leaving the scholars\' castle, he went to the store and bought some trinkets to take back. Although these ornaments have no magic power, they are very exquisite. He plans to bring them to the sutras and let the female sutras use them.

As he expected, when he brought the ornaments to the scribes, the scribes cheered excitedly. They quickly took away the ornaments and intimately left some kiss marks on his face.

Ruby sutras are still in a coma. Several sutras check her every magic time. Prevent any special accidents.

As time goes by, ruby is still not awake, but according to the observation of some other sutras, it is found that her state is getting better and better.

During this period, the warrior led more than 300 of his subordinates to leave the ice and snow city. They circled outside the ice and snow city for three or five days before they marched towards the glory city of the gate of heaven.

When kukas learned the news, although he was unwilling, he and Ben didn\'t want to leave her alone when the ruby master was not awake. After all, he has too many enemies. It is not impossible for some people to risk assassinating in their homes.

If someone assassinates Ruby sutras, there is no way to resist them by relying on those female sutras alone. Therefore, kukas did not go to the city to kill at the first time when the warrior left the city.

This matter was also recorded by some scholars who paid attention to him.

Of course, although he didn\'t kill the warrior for the first time, it didn\'t affect kukas\'s name. Because all professionals know that his closest comrade in arms, the ruby master, has been in a coma, and there is no sign of waking up.

"Her consciousness is awake, but she is sleeping at this time, and we should go back." on the seventh day after kukas returned from the scholar castle, a female scribe told him the news: "maybe she is deducing something. If there is an accident, you can find us."

"Thank you!" kukas thanked the teachers for their help with a large number of killing spears. And his thank-you items also excited these sutras. Because every killing weapon represents a chance to save lives. Although they spend most of their time in the city, no one is sure that they are always safe. With killing props around, they will feel much safer.

"You have satisfied us these days. Do you need to thank us?" a female Sutra smiled softly, but she quickly took over the killing props handed by kukas.

After some frolic, the sutras left without any nostalgia. Their work is very busy. They have felt extremely satisfied to have a one-time rest for a few days. There is nothing worth asking for. After all, this is during the war. If they want a comfortable life, they can only become an ordinary person, otherwise they will never think of comfort.

After the masters left, kukas waited silently for the ruby master. On the tenth day, before the master woke up, he had to tell the old scholar that their agreement needed to be postponed for some days.

The old scholar was very dissatisfied with this result: "Knight kukas, ten days are up, and the scholar must meet you. When you start after the meeting, that\'s your business."

Seeing the stubborn expression of the old scholar, kukas had to agree. And it wasn\'t long before guests came to his room. Scholar, the scholar who followed him to investigate the species where the blue water cold wave broke out.

The scholar is a woman who looks very young. She is wrapped in a white fur cloak and only shows her little face which is red with cold. Even those hands were wearing thick fur gloves. The whole person looks very bloated and lovely.

When kukas saw the female scholar, he felt like a lovely Warcraft with incomplete changes for the first time.

"You look the same as before." the bloated female scholar blinked her big eyes and smiled at kukas who opened the door for her. "Why? Don\'t you welcome me?"

"We know?" kukas was extremely puzzled about the words of the female scholar: "but in my memory, there is no fluctuation of your breath."

"Well, that\'s normal, because when I met you, I was a child, and you didn\'t notice me at that time." the lovely female scholar pouted her small mouth and said in a clear voice, "why? Don\'t you welcome me in?"

"Of course you are welcome." kukas quickly sidled and invited the baby faced female scholar to the room: "but I really can\'t remember your figure."

"It\'s normal, just like I would never remember the breath of ordinary people. All our professionals have this problem." the female scholar nodded and whispered.

"It\'s not a problem, it\'s just a subconscious habit." kukas retorted in a low voice: "why go to investigate species? To be honest, it\'s not dangerous. If you invite others to protect you, I think you will be safe. But if I protect you, I\'m not sure whether you can come back alive."

"People always die, but sooner or later." the female scholar untied her roaring cloak and wore a tight white dress inside her. She wore a jewel belt around her waist, which made her huge * * look fuller and straighter: "is it a little childlike * * flavor? Hehe! Don\'t deny it, everyone says that about me."

"I\'m just curious about where you go and what you do. To be honest, there are no strange species." kukas shook his head. He felt very speechless to the young scholar in front of him: "we can talk about your future plans, not your body."