Abyss Knight

Chapter 741

"Killing with rule projection is just a small problem?" kukas felt extremely speechless about the scholar\'s words. You know, it\'s almost 300 years since he was promoted to level 8, but he still hasn\'t stepped into the door of understanding rules, let alone attacking with rule projection.

"Yes, it\'s just a small problem. Well, the rule projection attack used by those fighters is not the means they master after understanding the rules, but the ability flowing in their blood. Therefore, there\'s no need to be frightened." the old scholar said with an indifferent face: "And their regular projection attacks are often only those means: space, gravity and time. Some people also master a projection rule called victory aura, which can greatly improve their overall strength."

"I suddenly found that those warriors were difficult to deal with." kukas touched his bald head and giggled. "But I like it. It\'s an honor to be able to kill such a powerful warrior."

"Those who fight heaven can only become gods, not legends."

"To tell you the truth, killing a warrior is not an honor. Not to mention the entire battlefield, but only the eternal plane. In the more than 40 years since I came here, more than 30 fighters have fallen, and at least millions of special professionals have died. Even three ember Knights have fallen."

"Three ash Knights fell?" kukas trembled when he heard the speech. "Doesn\'t it mean that I\'m the only ash knight in the whole abyss alliance?"

"Who said that? The abyss alliance controls hundreds of millions of high-level planes, and there are countless low-level planes. Do you think you will be the only ash knight? Yes, the transfer of the ash knight is extremely difficult, but you can become the ash knight, and others can also become the ash knight." The old scholar muttered with some dissatisfaction and was angry that kukas doubted his knowledge and information.

"What about the killing knight? Is there any news about the killing knight?" kukas frowned slightly. He could only bear the dissatisfaction of the old scholar silently. After all, the other party was a scholar, not a murderer. Otherwise, he wouldn\'t mind teaching the other party a lesson.

"Killing knight? I\'ve heard that there is one of these knights, and she hasn\'t fallen yet. But don\'t worry, that killing knight is not in this eternal plane. I heard that her battlefield is in the endless void." the old scholar thought for a while and quickly gave the answer: "To tell you the truth, if you were so arrogant in the endless void, the killing Knight would have come to the door and killed you."

The words of the old scholar reminded kukas of the killing Knights he met in the plane of knowledge. He felt that there was a tacit understanding between them. He believed that after meeting each other on the battlefield, they would become companions, not enemies.

Under the intentional guidance of kukas, the topic shifted from the killing knight to the warrior. The old scholar explained to kukas little by little about the warrior, so as to complete the agreement between them.

"Heaven fighters, heaven fighters, they are recognized by heaven and earth, but they shout against the sky. Although they are a little self righteous, their strength is extremely strong. Against them, it\'s best to kill them with one blow, otherwise they will have a chance to explode, and you may fall in the end."

"However, those warriors are not fools. They all have powerful plane defense treasures. If you want to kill an eighth order warrior, your attack must reach the power of full attack of the ninth order peak professional."

"Thank you!"

"Knight, you don\'t have to thank me, because we are trading, not free guidance." the old scholar whispered, "when will you have time? I heard that when the cold wave broke out in blue water, you were right there. It\'s best for you to lead our scholars to investigate."

"In a few days, the scribe who followed me was injured. I\'ll give you news when she recovers." kukas thought a little and made a decision soon.

"To tell you the truth, we scholars don\'t like waiting the most. Because it will disturb our mood, let us always think that something will disturb us later, which will make our hearts unable to calm down. Therefore, I hope you can give us a specific time." the old scholar whispered.

"Ten days later." kukas shrugged his shoulders. He couldn\'t be sure that the ruby master needed a few days to wake up, so he said it for such a long time.

"No problem." the old scholar nodded and whispered, "if necessary, I can help you find a doctor. You know, the doctor\'s treatment is still useful to the economist."

"She doesn\'t like doctors." kukas was helpless when he thought of the eccentricity of ruby Sutra: "she thinks Sutra and doctors should be hostile."

"It\'s a good saying. Many economists and doctors have said such words in history. Well, I want to write it down."

After talking to the old scholar again, kukas got up and left. After he left, the old scholar sighed, took out a scroll and wrote on it quickly.

What he writes is not important knowledge, but records about kukas. He is making a biography for kukas. Of course, he is not only a scholar who makes a biography for kukas like him.

"Thirty five years after the age of killing, kukas was promoted to the knight of ashes."

"In 111 of the killing age, kukas killed the demon ice corpse, which was in the center of the Arctic ice sheet."

"In 152 of the killing age, kukas killed the purple bishop of the dawn Church: the God destroyer: Gaddafi."

"In 261, kukas killed Phelps, the egg wing illusionist."

"In the 300 years of killing, kukas killed 48 people, including startling knights, non killing lurks, 100 bird casters and fire cloud casters."

"In the 320 years of the killing age, kukas captured the jade dragon, mated with the black dragon, and killed 13 dragon people of the dragon family at the gate of heaven. He also killed one crack earth skill hand and 300 other professionals."

"In the 379 year of the age of killing, kukas killed 35 of the ninth order star guards and their guards who were about to be promoted, and 359 of the Luan cloud priests, curse casters and undead casters. During this period, the ruby family scribes who followed him were injured."

"During this period, I came to our office to ask for the information of Zhan Tian and told them one by one. I just don\'t know when the Zhan Tian fell."

There are also many records on this scroll. The more later, the more people who died in kukas\'s hands in the same year.