Abyss Knight

Chapter 743

"Don\'t you men like to talk about women\'s bodies? Well, except Warcraft and so on." the girl scholar shrugged her shoulders and said innocently, "there are many strange species in the ice."

"I can help you take out some of those ice layers and bring them back to you." kukas touched his bald head and said in silence, "it\'s no different from what you used to collect."

"No difference? Are you kidding? Where is the terrain trend and ice structure? There is no way to get detailed information by relying on a small piece of ice alone." the girl scholar pursed her small mouth and muttered: "I have to go and check it myself to get detailed data."

"All right! But we can\'t go anywhere until the master sobers up." kukas nodded and compromised.

"Your exclusive Sutra?" the sight of the girl scholar fell on the sleeping Ruby Sutra: "what\'s her name? I think I should have heard her name." when she said this, her eyes twinkled, and it was obvious that she was planning something in her heart.

Although kukas noticed her abnormality, he ignored it. He just shook his head and said, "it\'s my exclusive scribe, but I don\'t know her name."

"God! You don\'t even know the name of your own scribe? It\'s incredible. I heard that you have cooperated for more than 100 years. You shouldn\'t be cheating me!" the scholar said with an exaggerated face. She waved her arms and made an exaggerated gesture: "You can deceive others, but you must not deceive scholars. Don\'t you know this truth?"

"Well, it doesn\'t matter what the name is. The important thing is that she can help me and won\'t betray me." kukas shook his head and didn\'t pester too much about the ruby master\'s name. Now he just wants to sit down quietly and think about something.

However, the virgin scholar is not a stable person. In order to get the news she wants to know, she asked again and again about kukas\'s experience and the experience of ruby Sutra.

Finally, kukas couldn\'t stand the entanglement of the female scholar, so he began to tell the female scholar everything he had experienced. Of course, his story began in the world and hid all the things of his previous life.

He knows that in this world, he can\'t say anything about his previous life. If he says it, he will have some trouble.

As time went by, the lights went out and lit. For three or five days, kukas had been telling the young scholars about her past, while she took out her paper and pen and wrote down everything kukas dictated in strange words unique to scholars.

"I will write down all your experiences for future generations to watch. Maybe tens of thousands of years ago, bards would use my words as materials and compile a book for future generations to watch. At that time, they would say, \'my God, such a dark novel should also be printed? The protagonists in it are too crazy.\' what do you think?"

"Maybe! The writing you write today may not have spread tens of thousands of years later. Even at that time, it may be incomplete. At that time, people will add their own assumptions and completely change the content." kukas took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "As for how others comment on me, I can\'t control it. Everyone has his own life. When they don\'t like my life, I also don\'t like their life. It\'s nothing."

"Well, I admit that your words are reasonable, but I believe most people will make the right judgment."

"Everyone can make a correct judgment, but this judgment hurts the interests of others, so it is called wrong by others." when kukas said this, he thought of some things in his previous life, so he was a little depressed: "Countless biographies have been circulated in every aspect, but most people regard them as legends and written assumptions. One day, you will encounter the same outcome when you write about me."

"But I have at least written it down. Whether they believe it or not has nothing to do with me. I have done everything I should do. I don\'t want those powerful creatures to become unknown after death, or even be forgotten forever. It\'s better to be legend and imagination than to be completely forgotten." While recording kukas\'s words, the virgin scholar wrote on the beautiful and solid scroll. Her scroll is the best writing material she has ever had, which her mentor gave her a long time ago.

"I would rather be forgotten than be regarded as a legend." kukas shook his head and did not agree with the words of the virgin scholar.

"Why? It has been forgotten, and no one knows about you. Your powerful name at this time will never be mentioned again. Aren\'t you lonely?" the scholar wrote too much, and even wrote her own words.

"Lonely? I don\'t think so! I think there are many powerful beings in the ancient times. They use the plane as a weapon and walk in the endless void, just like we walk on the mainland or even on the island." kukas blurred his mind and said such words involuntarily.

"That\'s right." the young scholar put down the feather pen with a faint light in her hand, supported it with both hands and whispered: "According to my tutor, in ancient times, there was a supreme existence. His name was ISAG. But there was no record of him in all books. Even where he stayed in the legend, there was no trace of him."

"ISAG?" kukas cried out.

"What\'s the matter? Do you know anything about him? Well, now tell me something about him! I think his deeds must be very touching." the young scholar took out a book made of stone tablets from her arms. Those stone tablets were as thin as cicada wings and there was no fluctuation of magic power on them, but they brought a sense of extreme danger to kukas.

The abnormality of the stone books attracted his attention, and the girl scholar also found his abnormality, so he explained: "According to my tutor, this book is made of stones from a mountain. That mountain is the place where ISAG fell. But there is no trace of him. It is just an ordinary mountain."

"But this stone is very strange."

"Yes, the stone tablet is very strange. Unfortunately, no one knows whether it was collected at the place where ISAG fell in the legend." the girl scholar muttered a little depressed: "A long time ago, well, when the third-generation owner of this book, the plane of the mountain with the legendary ISAG fall has disappeared and disappeared by itself in the endless void."

"Well, tell me something about ISAG? Ha ha! I can\'t say I\'m the third scholar who can write on it." the young scholar felt some patterns on the stone books and muttered.

"What\'s written on it?" kukas asked, pointing to the black patterns. The black patterns were very strange, but he didn\'t know what was strange. He just felt that it was extremely strange.

"Honor sacrifice!" the scholar whispered with her fingers across the black pattern, "this is what my mentor told me, but I don\'t know if he is right."

"Honor sacrifice? What\'s written in it?" kukas asked subconsciously.

"ISAG was a priest at first, and finally fell completely in an era war." The female scholar turned to the first page, and there was only a twisted black pattern on the first page. The pattern looked like the pattern on the book cover, but kukas felt the powerful power hidden from it, but he could not feel the strange feeling. It was obvious that the writing was not the same person.

"I don\'t know this character either. It is said that the first person wrote this character. And the meaning of this character is what I just said." the scholar with a proud face pointed to the black pattern on it and said: "in this endless void, no one knows this character, never."

"Maybe it\'s the patterns painted by others." kukas shrugged his shoulders and said he didn\'t believe it. Of course, he only did so to let the female scholars tell more information.

"Randomly painted patterns? My God! This book is extremely wonderful! If you write a correct description of that issag on it, the words can stay on it, but if you write a wrong description, even the gods can\'t write any words on it." The scholar looked very excited. She waved the stone books in her hand and shouted.

"OK! Is there any description written by the second person?" kukas didn\'t want to entangle you, so he continued to ask.

"No more." the scholar angrily closed the book and planned to put it in his arms.

"But you just said that two people had written the description of ISAG on it. If you could write, it would be the third person." kukas narrowed his eyes and smiled strangely.

"Yes?" the female scholar blinked her big eyes, looked at kukas blankly and asked.

"Yes, there is." kukas replied seriously.

"OK! Yes." the female scholar turned her eyes, then reopened the thin slate book, turned to the second page, pointed to several twisted silver patterns on it and said, "this is the second description of ISAG. I\'ll only say it once, and then I won\'t say it."