Abyss Knight

Chapter 740

The scholars did not live in such a scattered place as the scribes. They gathered in a special castle, where they studied all kinds of knowledge and discussed with each other.

The whole castle is not impressive. It looks nothing special from ordinary castles, but here, dozens of legends and gods sit here for a long time. Their purpose is to protect those scholars after an accident so that they can evacuate calmly.

There are very few creatures who come to the castle to ask about things every day, so when kukas came here, he was soon warmly received by scholars. Although he could not accept such enthusiasm for a while, he stopped in a small conference room under the leadership of some scholars.

"Zhan tianzhe?"

When kukas said his intention and doubts, several scholars with old faces all frowned.

"What\'s the matter? What\'s the problem?" kukas looked at the scholars with some doubts, because he felt the hesitation from the scholars.

"No problem." an old scholar subconsciously pulled the beard on his chin and said softly, "do you want to know the general information of Zhan Tian or the details of Zhan Tian?"

"If there\'s any difference, I\'d like to know more about the warrior." kukas frowned slightly and was dissatisfied with the scholars\' answers. But he came to ask each other questions, so there was no need to look vicious.

"Well, very good." several old scholars looked at each other, and then someone said, "we can tell you the news about Zhan Tian, but you have to pay some price for it."

"What price?"

"Bring us some ice corpses and green skin. Live."

"No problem at all. How much is needed?" kukas touched his head. He really didn\'t pay attention to the requirements put forward by scholars.

"Just a hundred of them. Well, one of our scholars wants to investigate some species in the center of the Arctic ice sheet, so I hope you can protect her for some time."

"A few days?" kukas was dissatisfied with the requirements of protecting people, but he couldn\'t refuse at this moment: "I offended Zhan Tian and may conflict with him. Do you think it would be safe for your scholars to follow me?"

"The sky warrior may be very powerful, but this is the polar ice sheet, and anything can happen. It\'s too normal for a sky warrior to die here." a scholar said indifferently, "and our scholar must go there to investigate. She is ready to die, so there\'s no need to worry about anything."

"All right! Tell me the details of Zhan tianzhe! I think I need to know." kukas shook his head. Kukas didn\'t understand the ideas of these scholars. However, he did not intend to say anything, because the stubbornness of scholars is the most serious among all professionals.

"Wait a little while, I\'ll take out the data of Zhan tianzhe." a scholar closed his eyes and thought for a while, and finally shook his head.

The old scholar turned into a cloud of smoke in front of kukas and began to dissipate directly through extremely strange means. But before the smoke dissipated completely, a large mass of golden light burst out of the smoke again, and then the dissipated smoke condensed again to form the noumenon of the old scholar.

But at this time, the old scholar had a heavy book in his hand.

The book was three cubits long, two cubits wide and ten fingers thick.

The book cover is polished with an expensive magic dragon magic metal. Although it looks like copper plate, the magical power and strong firmness contained in it are not comparable to copper plate at all.

Hundreds of species of different sizes are carved on the book cover. These species are diverse, ranging from walking in the sky to walking on the earth and sea.

When kukas saw the book, he immediately felt a strong sense of mystery.

"OK! Let me have a look at the situation of Zhan Tian recorded here." the old scholar opened the heavy book and began to read it.

The paper in books is as thin as a cicada\'s wing, but those papers are characteristic and extremely tough. According to kukas\'s understanding and cognition, this paper can\'t be damaged even by professionals at the top of the seventh level. Such precious paper to record things clearly shows the importance of those knowledge.

The old scholar\'s thick fingers quickly crossed the directory and finally stayed in one position: "to tell the truth, few people remember the information of Zhan tianzhe, because there are too few people asking about this knowledge."

"OK, I found it." quickly turned the page, and the old scholar\'s fingers stopped.

A large number of words were recorded on the paper. Those words look very beautiful, like pieces of patterns. In the middle of the paper, there is also a warrior pattern with a half body cloak.

To kukas\' surprise, on the pattern of the soldier, he carried a knight\'s sword in one hand and a scepter in the other. In his eyes, there are flames representing fighting spirit and magic.

"Those who fight heaven can only appear in the offspring of those who cross the border."

"Well, I know you want to know about cross-border people, but what I want to tell you is that if you want to know about cross-border people, you need to pay a new price."

"Well, now our topic returns to the war god."

"In the ancient legend, the existence of Zhan Tian is actually the favorite of heaven and earth. They are taken care of by all aspects. Whether in cultivation or other aspects, they are hundreds of times more smooth than ordinary professionals."

"Those who fight heaven can practice fighting Qi and magic at the same time. These two different forces will not damage their bodies, but also make their strength stronger."

"In legend, the warrior is invincible at the same level. It\'s easy for them to kill the enemy at the higher level."

The words of the old scholar made kukas feel a little depressed. These things didn\'t have much effect on him. Of course, he was very surprised at the way that magic and fighting spirit could be cultivated at the same time.

"There\'s one more thing you need to pay attention to." the old scholar slid his finger to a third of the page and said in a deep voice: "The warriors of heaven will explode every time they are injured. Their explosive power is incomparable and often surpasses the current second-order power. Of course, their powerful attack can only last a few breaths, but I think that\'s enough. What do you think?"

"Maybe!" the words of the old scholar made kukas suspicious. He wanted to observe the things recorded on the page, but unfortunately he didn\'t know those words. Forced viewing would only burn his eyes and even the space for fighting.

Although he had doubts in his heart, he still remembered each other\'s words firmly.

"Well, these heavenly warriors can explode three or five times at most after being seriously injured. Remember, this is their body explosion, not a secret method. In this record, there is a heavenly warrior who was smashed by the enemy, leaving only one head and half body, but even so, he still erupted three times. After the explosion, the heavenly warrior killed one Half step legend. "

"What was the rank of the warrior?" kukas asked in a low voice.

"Ten steps!"

"The tenth level warrior, the legend of killing half a step higher than the first level? Doesn\'t it mean that he can only kill those who surpass the second level?"

"Everything is special enough. There is no way for the warriors to judge their existence with common sense. Any common sense will be broken on them. Even the records in this book are the same." the old scholar muttered a lot. He repeatedly mentioned the metamorphosis of the warriors.

"Well, let\'s go on." the old scholar repeated many words before he went on: "I think you will feel that this information is worth it."

After reading this, the old scholar licked his lips and whispered, "every zhantian has a special ability: they can easily let their subordinates quickly improve their strength. Even after completely controlling their subordinates\' mind, they can instantly promote them from an ordinary person to an existence at the same level as zhantian."

"I see." hearing this, kukas suddenly realized. He thought of the suddenly changed young attendant he saw.

"Have you ever met such a person? He\'s beside the warrior? Can you catch him for me? I\'ll exchange with you the news of the cross-border man." the old scholar noticed kukas\'s abnormality, so he quickly said: "you can even tell you any other news you want to know. Well, I guarantee that those news are definitely worth the money."

"He has exploded his body, and then I broke his soul."

"Well, it\'s normal that over the years, no one has ever been able to capture the creatures who followed the fighter. Because those creatures will explode their bodies at the last minute, and their souls will return to the fighter again." the old scholar muttered with some regret and some clarity: "It is said that those souls will be integrated into the souls of those who fight heaven, and improve the soul power of those who fight heaven without any side effects."

"Is there anything else to pay attention to?" kukas asked in a deep voice with his head tilted. "Is there any record of their killing methods?"

"There are many kinds of killing methods used by warriors, but most of them are no different from ordinary professionals. If there is anything strange, it is that most of these warriors can use rule projection to attack. Of course, this is just a small problem."