Abyss Knight

Chapter 739

"What\'s the matter with you? How do I find you a little abnormal?" kukas realized that the abnormality of the ruby master was completely caused by the two golden clouds in her eyes, so he roared, condensed his mind, turned into a real spear and stabbed her eyes.

The spear condensed by the mind pierced the ruby Sutra. The Sutra didn\'t dodge at all. He repeatedly muttered chaotic words and repeated the concealment of gold treasures.

The spear pierced into her eyes and instantly tore the golden cloud. Then the ruby master shouted, turned over and fell to the ground in a coma.

Carefully put the teacher by the fire, and kukas sat beside her and waited silently. The breath on the master is constantly changing and wriggling, sometimes violent and sometimes soft. It feels very strange.

As time passed, the breath of the ruby master became more and more chaotic. Kukas had no way to solve this abnormal situation, so he had to seek the help of other teachers in the ice and snow city.

There are many sutras in the ice and snow city, but the number is thousands of times less than the professionals gathered here. Therefore, the status of those sutras here is very noble. They are scattered in all areas of the city and treat the injuries and mental problems in the meditation space for those professionals who return from the war. Under normal circumstances, they will not leave their residence.

But none of these teachers dared to refuse kukas\'s request. This is not only because of kukas\'s reputation, but also because of the ruby Sutra beside him.

It can be said that the sutras who stayed in the ice city for a long time have been helped by the ruby sutras. Although some help is only a small thing, it still keeps them in mind.

Now hearing kukas\'s call, they immediately realized that there was a problem with the ruby master. Therefore, in less than a hundred breathing hours, only more than 300 sutras gathered here.

When kukas told these sutras about the ruby sutras, all the sutras breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don\'t worry, Knight kukas, she\'s just broken down in her mental endurance. We\'ll help her recover after a period of time, and there won\'t be any sequelae." the master\'s voice was clear and laughed.

Most of these teachers are women. Of the more than 300 people, more than 200 are women. They talked in a low voice around the ruby master, and from time to time they released a bunch of golden light on her. With their help, the breath of ruby Sutra soon stabilized. But she was still in a coma.

However, according to these sutras, ruby sutras will wake up after more than ten days of coma.

Kukas was relieved when he learned that the ruby master would not be in danger.

He was able to kill those ninth level professionals who were about to break through on the Arctic ice sheet entirely because of the help of the master, otherwise he would never have the ability to kill each other in the escort of several or even dozens of professionals.

The worry about the ruby Sutra disappeared, and kukas\'s mind turned to the warrior.

When he told those sutras the name of Zhan tianzhe, none of the more than 300 sutras knew this profession.

"Knight, maybe you should go to those self righteous scholars. They know absolutely more than us." a female scribe took kukas by the arm and rubbed his plump body gently. There has been a physical relationship between them, so it is very normal to do this: "I\'ll wait for you at night."

"We\'ll stay with you." three or five female scribes gathered around without waiting for kukas to refuse, whispering: "you haven\'t been with us for more than three years. Are you so cruel that we are empty and lonely?"

"If you need men, you can go to them." kukas pointed to the man who watched the joke and smiled strangely: "I\'m really busy."

"What are you doing? Don\'t you have time all night? Be careful we\'ll squeeze you dry."

"I\'m not looking for them. They will only satisfy us with the power of magic. They have no real ability at all." a sutra smiled and stretched out his hand to draw on kukas\'s strong muscles: "there\'s no way to compare with you. Your body is the most fascinating."

"Damn it, other female professionals like us very much, but you have unique taste and only like muscle men." a male economist retorted loudly.

"Hehe! Aren\'t all the women looking for you muscle women?"

Hundreds of sutras laughed here. Although the room was relatively crowded, they still played and laughed.

On weekdays, their work is actually extremely busy. Like a mechanical puppet, they repeat the same thing every day: treating the injured, restoring magic and treating the injured. Often there is no time to sleep once a year.

Boring and mechanical work, let them have a chance to rest, then vent crazily once.

Of course, such work is not forced by the alliance, but they do it spontaneously. There are too many injured people because of the war. In order not to let those professionals die or become ordinary people because of the fragmentation of fighting spirit and meditation space, they have to work frantically.

More than three hundred sutras held an open and closed meeting in kukas\'s room. Except for the ruby Sutras in a coma, everyone else joined them.

The crazy catharsis day and night made the master feel much better. Leaving three or five relatively young female sutras to take care of ruby sutras, others left in a hurry.

Delaying one day and one night is their limit. In order to relax day and night, they will work nonstop for more than a year. Otherwise, they can\'t forgive countless professionals for their relaxation and rest.

After rubbing and pinching the plump land of several female sutras, kukas left his room and went to find scholars living in the ice and snow city.

He can call the sutras to help him heal Ruby sutras through the secret method, but he is not qualified to call those scholars to answer his doubts. Even if those scholars have no attack power.

With their profound knowledge, scholars far surpass kukas in their identity and status.