Abyss Knight

Chapter 738

The black dragon and the jade dragon have been tossing about for a long time, but the jade dragon has not given birth to offspring.

According to some scholars and animal trainers, the fertility rate of the dragon family is actually extremely low. Often hundreds of years of crazy mating may not be able to get pregnant.

However, through some obscure records in books, some scholars found that the glorious hand has drugs that can improve the pregnancy rate of the dragon family. It\'s a pity that those drugs can\'t be obtained by kukas. So they have been using this method, with the cooperation of animal trainers, to let the two dragons simply increase the number of mating, so as to complete some of kukas\'s ideas.

In view of the hard work of the black dragon, kukas did not come forward to toss each other habitually, but signaled the trainers to step up their efforts and leave here.

When he returned to his room, he saw the young attendant.

A great deal of fighting power leaked out of the young attendant.

"Knight, what can I do for you?" the young attendant greeted kukas as soon as he found him. He was alone in the hall.

"What\'s the matter with your fighting spirit?" kukas frowned slightly. He felt a strange emotion on the attendant in front of him. This emotion is neither disgust nor flattery, nor killing intention. But it bored him deep inside.

"Knight, this is a gift from the great master zhantian." the young servant approached kukas quickly. The fighting spirit emanating from him became more powerful and irritable.

"Zhan Tian zhe?" kukas shot a fierce light in his eyes, held his big hand falsely, and grabbed the head of the servant who was angry all over like lightning.

"So you must die." the young waiter showed crazy eyes and spewed infinite fighting spirit from his head. These fighting spirit turned into a spear on his head. The spear turned and twisted the surrounding space and made a loud noise.

When the big hand fell, the power of covering the ground seal only urged a small part and broke the spear in an instant.

The palm turned down like a sharp blade and half of it penetrated the chest of the young attendant. Five fingers barbed and tore his heart out of his chest.

Without a beating heart, if they are ordinary level 8 professionals, they will not die at all, but their own power operation is blocked. But for the young servant, if he lost his heart, he lost his life.

A fighting spirit comparable to the eighth order lost control in an instant and was vented irregularly from his body. A lot of fighting spirit was released from his body, tearing his fragile body and stripping his flesh and blood.

The madness in his eyes dissipated, and the young attendant looked at kukas suspiciously, and then at the heart in his hand.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he couldn\'t say anything. The violent and dynamic fighting spirit destroyed his body and gradually dissipated his consciousness.

"I also want to be an aristocrat, have my own territory and family, but why kill me? I have sent you a message!" the young attendant thought disorderly. At this moment, he remembered the words of his predecessors and his own dreams, but everything disappeared with the departure of his heart. "It\'s all deceptive."

"Bang!" the attendant\'s body exploded completely, and the invisible soul flew out of the body. The soul circled in the air, and then flew to the lower floor.

"Can even the soul be controlled?" looking at the soul that should have entered nothingness flying down, kukas turned his mind and guessed some terrorist means of the fighter. The ability to control the soul can only be achieved by legends and gods with the help of rules, but now it appears in an eighth order warrior, which makes him a little afraid in his heart.

"You can control his life, but you can\'t control his death." kukas smiled grimly, stretched out his hand and patted the servant\'s soul. The powerful force instantly tore the servant\'s soul, broke it into thousands of pieces and scattered it into the void.

These soul fragments are either completely integrated into the void and disappear, or captured by some planes, and then enter the planes to become a new creature. Or under the action of rules, they are directly dragged into the endless abyss and finally become a devil.

Of course, no matter where those soul fragments go, they will eventually lose their memory and become a new creature walking on the earth. Unless one day they can become legends or gods, they will never awaken the past life memory of their soul.

"Zhan tianzhe? Maybe we should have a good talk." kukas smiled in a low voice as he narrowed his eyes and watched the scattered flesh and blood on the ground.

During this period, some professionals passed here. They found the flesh and blood on the ground and the ferocious kukas, and left quickly. Because they all know that the only one who dares to kill in this ice and snow city is kukas, the evil ash knight. Of course, his killing is not unlimited. If no one provokes him, he will never kill here again.

These professionals didn\'t know that kukas dared to kill in the city, so someone followed the rules here and humiliated him verbally. Then, under the surprised gaze of the people, kukas killed the man without any punishment. Since then, they all know that kukas is the only person who dares to kill in this ice and snow city. Of course, others thought the rules here had changed, so they tried. The consequence of their attempts is not the fear of others, but that they are suppressed and spent thousands or even thousands of years in prisons deep in the earth before they can be released.

After killing the controlled young servant, kukas returned to his residence with the ruby master. Here, he saw the scribe, whose anger had not subsided, carrying a scepter and fidgeting around the room.

"I almost read the secret of the gold treasure, but those bastards stopped me. Damn it, they stopped me from controlling the secret of the gold treasure. I can\'t bear it. I want to teach them some lessons." In the past, the gentle and extremely low-key sutra was like an angry lion with a twisted roar.

"A hundred years of hard work is destroyed. A hundred years! How many hundred years are there in this eternal plane?"

Yes, if you put it in the past, the hard work of a hundred years was accidentally destroyed by people, level 8 professionals generally don\'t care. Because a hundred years is too short for them.

But it was during the war, a bloody and cruel all-out war. In this era, a hundred years is extremely precious to any intelligent creature, because you don\'t know whether there will be a second hundred years for you to waste.

"I need to remind you that those people are not here to stop you. They just happen to destroy your thinking." kukas frowned slightly. He felt that the ruby master was too abnormal.

"No, they definitely did it on purpose." the ruby master shook his head and muttered, "they must have noticed that I was deducing the secret cultivation method of gold treasure, so they came to stop me. Yes, it must be so."

"Kukas, you can\'t imagine the strength of the gold treasure. Damn it, your enemies must have found that you are about to obtain the cultivation secret of the gold treasure, so they use this despicable means to stop it."

"The so-called fighter must be the running dog of your enemies. They come to deal with you. They don\'t want you to be strong again."

Listening to the nervous words of the ruby master, kukas couldn\'t cry or laugh. He did not expect that an accidental accident made her think of so many speculations. And those speculations are extremely unreliable.

"Kill that warrior. Damn it, aren\'t you angry?"

"Angry, master, I found that you said more curses today than the sum of a hundred years." kukas touched his bald head and smiled.

"God! You can still laugh. Don\'t you know what benefits we will get if we crack the correct cultivation method of gold treasures?"

"The people of the gold family deceived all of us. Their gold treasure cultivation secret method is definitely the most powerful cultivation method. No wonder there was a golden age in ancient times. It turned out that everything was caused by the gold treasure cultivation secret method."

"Well, tell me, what secret did you find in the gold treasure?" kukas gently patted the ruby master on the shoulder, trying to calm her mood.

"The gold treasure can open the eternal talent." the ruby master took a deep breath, then stared at kukas\'s eyes and whispered, "the eternal talent, damn, is the eternal talent that legends and gods can\'t open. It can be opened by relying on the gold treasure. Isn\'t that enough?"

"Well, if these are not enough, I\'ll tell you: the self correct cultivation method in the golden family is actually wrong, otherwise they would have found the means to open the eternal talent and become strong."

"There is also a strange piece of information in the gold treasure. Unfortunately, I can deduce the correct method of this treasure with a little insight, so that I can feel the information contained in it. But they stopped me."

"If you kill them, you must kill the so-called heaven fighter. He is the enemy who comes to prevent us from obtaining the secret of the gold treasure." the ruby master twisted his face and roared, and two golden clouds appeared in her eyes. Those clouds wriggled and turned into cascading peaks and gorgeous pavilions, but they burst in an instant.