Abyss Knight

Chapter 737

"Eternal abyss? Maybe! I\'m eager to see the endless abyss. If I can go there in advance, it\'s a good choice." kukas touched his bald head and grinned.

"Since you want to go somewhere, I wish you arrive there as soon as possible! I think many people would like you to go there." the black robed man\'s projection said in a low voice: "But here I still want to remind you that the warrior is not so easy to deal with. If you really want to deal with him, please collect his data! I think those data will dispel your stupid idea."

"No one can live after provoking me." kukas took a deep breath and didn\'t take the other party\'s persuasion to heart: "tell him I\'ll kill him: after he left the ice city."

"All right!" the black robed man\'s projection was a little silent, and finally whispered, "I hope you don\'t regret it."

"I never regret it."

"Even if you do something wrong?"

Silence; for a long time; kukas whispered, "yes, even if he did something wrong, he never regretted it."

"Good luck!"

"Thank you!"

The black robed man\'s projection crashed and disappeared from kukas\'s eyes in an instant. At this time, the attendant on one side recovered his consciousness. He looked around suspiciously. After he found no trace of others, he breathed a sigh.

"Go! Tell the warrior on the 12th floor that when he leaves the ice and snow city, he will fall completely." kukas was silent for a long time, and then he gave a voice to the attendant. Because he knew that the projection of the man in black would not tell the warrior his provocative words.

"Yes, everything follows your orders." the young attendant hurriedly made a courtesy, and then ran down with great excitement to pass the message.

He once received such news from his predecessor: "if the ash Knight kukas asks you to pass a word to someone and say you want to kill him, you should pass the word as soon as possible and wait for the news that the person was killed. Believe me, such news will not punish you, but will be taken care of by the ash knight."

"Of course, the premise is that the ash knight must survive. But don\'t worry, my predecessor and my predecessor\'s predecessor, they have served here and delivered such killing news for kukas. Without any accident, the final winner is the ash Knight kukas. And soon after they delivered the news, they escaped from the war , I returned to my hometown. Of course, it was entirely because of him that I was able to leave here so early. "

At the thought of this information, the young attendant couldn\'t restrain his excitement. He had brought enough of this place. He wanted to leave here, return to his hometown and stay away from the war.

He dreamed of returning to his hometown in the shortest time after completing kukas\'s entrustment. Where he could become an ordinary farmer, plant fields, marry a woman and have a lot of children. He might even become an aristocrat with his own territory and servants. At that time, he could become the founder of a family.

If this is true, he will find someone to write down his experience and make it into books, so that the people in his hometown and their future generations will never forget his legendary experience.

With this feeling, he came to the house of the warrior on the 12th floor. After he excitedly entered the room of the warrior, he came out with a grim smile.

He was just an ordinary person, but he released a trace of strong fighting spirit. Although these fighting spirits are not too pure, they are equal to an eighth level professional in quantity.

Kukas did not know the strange change of the young attendant, because after he sent the young attendant away, he himself went to the special place for storing mounts in the ice and snow city.

Where was the black dragon fostered? With him was an emerald dragon. Of course, the emerald dragon was a female, which kukas captured for the black dragon decades ago.

The emerald dragon did not belong to the dragon family in the abyss alliance, but to the dragon family at the gate of heaven. Therefore, kukas\'s behavior was no longer hostile to the Dragon members here.

When kukas appeared at the mount site, the black dragon was lying on the jade dragon and mating madly.

The two dragons cursed each other while mating. Of course, most of the people they cursed were about kukas. Because of kukas, they got to this point.

"Sooner or later, I will kill the devil."

"Damn it, get out of here, you bastard. I\'ll kill you."

The emerald dragon roared and complained about kukas and the black dragon on her back: "now the devil hasn\'t come to persecute you. Why do you do this?"

"Roar!" the black dragon roared, opened his big mouth on his ferocious head, and then tore off a large piece of flesh and blood on the jade dragon.

"Do you think I\'m willing to fuck you? The devil gave me a secret medicine. As long as I saw a female dragon, it would be like this. Damn, you ugly thing, do you think I like to fuck you?" the black dragon roared and showed an expression of enjoyment.

Although the jade dragon was extremely angry and dissatisfied, it had no way to resist because of the prohibition in the body. It had to passively accept the expedition of the black dragon.

"If my father knew this, he would tear you to pieces."

"Roar! I\'m afraid your father will come to the same end as me if he appears here." the black dragon roared, mocking the words and ideas of the emerald dragon.

Surrounded by some animal trainers, they looked at the two mating dragons in front of them, and then whispered about their movements and speed.

When kukas appeared here for a long time, the trainers were still addicted to the mating of the two dragons and didn\'t notice his arrival at all.

On the contrary, the black dragon felt his deliberately hidden breath when kukas appeared here. So he shrugged and moved harder to please kukas.

Of course, this does not mean that the black dragon has completely surrendered to him, but that the black dragon doesn\'t want to suffer those inhuman punishment and torture. For hundreds of years, some of his ideas have changed.

In his opinion, since he can\'t change the result of his enslavement now, he should try to get less punishment in the process of enslavement.